MOCCA is an online assessment of inferential reading comprehension for students in 3rd through 6th grades. It can be used to identify good readers and, for struggling readers, identify those who overly rely on either a Paraphrasing process or an Elaborating process when their comprehension is incorrect. Here a propensity to over-rely on Paraphrasing or Elaborating is called a Process Propensity. MOCCA is diagnostic of reading comprehension difficulties, and it can be used as an outcome measure, as a formative assessment, or as a progress monitoring tool. To improve MOCCA diagnostic capabilities and minimize testing time, the test has been converted to a computerized adaptive testing (CAT) format. This report describes a series of monte-carlo simulation studies conducted to guide decisions about the design of MOCCA CAT. To improve MOCCA, we have adopted a sequential, variable-length CAT testing process. In Phase 1, students are administered MOCCA items to locate the student along the Reading Comprehension dimension. Based on the student's Reading Comprehension score, we decide if the student is a reader whose instruction could benefit from knowledge of the student's Process Propensity. Such readers are here defined as students with a score below the mean of our calibration sample (Davison et al., 2019). For above average readers, testing ends with Phase 1. For below average readers, testing proceeds to Phase 2, in which the student is administered additional items for purposes of determining whether the student has a Process Propensity and, if so, if it is a propensity toward the paraphrasing process or the elaborating process. Phase 1 In the simulation for the design of Phase 1, we studied three independent variables: stopping rule, upper limit of test length, and number of item options. There were four dependent variables: bias, root mean square error (RMSE), root mean square standard error of measurement (RMSSEM), and average test length (ATL) of the variable-length CAT. The first independent variable was a stopping rule with two levels: stop when the student's estimated standard error of measurement falls below 0.30 vs. when the student's estimated standard error falls below 0.35. Within the constraints of our item bank and feasible test lengths, the stricter stopping rule, SEM = 0.30, led to increased test length with little improvement in average bias, RMSE, or RMS-SEM. Therefore, we have adopted a stopping rule of SEM = 0.35. Our second independent variable was the maximum number of items for Phase 1, with three levels: 25, 30, and 40. Once most students had taken 25 items, additional items yielded diminishing returns in terms of improved bias, RMSE, and RMS-SEM. Therefore we have adopted an upper limit of 25 items in Phase 1. Our third independent variable was the number of item options: 3 vs. 5. Items with five options and a reduced probability of guessing resulted in better performance of the CAT, particularly with respect to the RMS-SEM and test length. Therefore, as we develop new items, we are including items with five options. Phase 2 For Phase 2, we investigated five independent variables: (1) administration of Phase 2 (administration to all students vs. administration to below average readers only), (2) two kinds of information statistics for selecting the next item in the CAT (Fisher information vs. weighted Fisher information), (3) three classification rules [confidence interval rule (CI), sequential probability ratio test (SPRT), and generalized likelihood ratio rule (GLR)], (4) width of indifference region for the GLR ([-0.25. 0.25], [-0.50, 0.50], and [-1.00, 1.00]), and (5) test length with two levels (25 items Phase 1, 15 items Phase 2 vs. 25 items Phase 1, 40 overall). There were two primary dependent variables: classification accuracy and test length. Administering Phase 2 only to below average readers led to a substantial reduction in test length for some simulees. It also improved classification accuracy. Therefore, the CAT will end after Phase I for those whose estimated Reading Comprehension is above the mean; only students whose Reading Comprehension scores are below the mean will proceed to Phase 2. As compared to Fisher information, our weighted Fisher information led to better classification accuracy and shorter test lengths, but primarily for simulees with true Reading Comprehension scores above the mean, few of whom will enter Phase 2. Because it led to some improvements, we decided to use weighted Fisher information in the CAT. In comparisons of classification rules, the GLR and SPRT rules had better classification rates and shorter test lengths than did the CI rule. Because the GLR displayed slightly better performance and has a stronger theoretical rationale, we decided to implement the GLR in CAT MOCCA. The width of the GLR indifference region did not yield differences that favored one width over the others across the dependent variables. The indifference region [-0.50, 0.50] offered a good compromise, and we are adopting it as the indifference region for MOCCA CAT. Finally, for the test length options (25/40 vs. 25+15), the 25/40 option resulted in slightly longer tests, but higher classification accuracy. In our view, the higher accuracy justifies the additional length, so we have adopted the 25/40 rule: a limit of 25 items for Phase 1 and a total test limit of 40 items. Our final CAT is a variable-length CAT with two phases. In Phase 1, students take MOCCA items to measure their Reading Comprehension. At each step of Phase 1, the item administered is the one with the highest Fisher information for the Reading Comprehension dimension from among the items not yet administered. Testing proceeds until the student's estimated standard error of measurement falls below 0.35 or the number of administered items reaches 25, whichever comes first. If the student's Phase 1 Reading Comprehension score is above the mean for our calibration sample, testing will end with Phase 1. If their Reading Comprehension score is below the mean, the student will proceed to Phase 2. At each step of Phase 2, the student's estimated Process Propensity score will be based on incorrect responses from Phase 1 and Phase 2 combined. At each step of Phase 2, the administered item is the one with the highest weighted Fisher information for the Process Propensity dimension from among those not yet administered. Testing stops when the student's comprehension process is classified as either Paraphrasing or Elaborating using the generalized likelihood ratio rule and an indifference region of [-0.50, 0.50] or the student has taken a total of 40 items in Phase 1 and Phase 2 combined. The student's score report will include a Reading Comprehension score and a Process Propensity classification, if the student has been classified in Phase 2, but they will not receive a numeric score for the Process Propensity dimension. The Process Propensity classification is designed to be a qualitative description useful in the design of future instruction for that student.