97 results on '"Mihoci, Iva"'
Search Results
52. Kako nadmorska visina i ekspozicija uvjetuju promjenu raznolikosti i biogeografije danjih leptira u planinskim ekosustavima? – primjer biokovskog masiva
- Author
Mihoci, Iva, Kučinić, Mladen, Vajdić, Mladen, Hršak, Vladimir, and Ksenija Protrka, Hrvoje Škrabić, Stipe Srzić
- Subjects
leptiri ,raznolikost ,nadmorska visina ,ekspozicija ,Biokovo - Abstract
Prikladno stanište i zadovoljavajući klimatski uvjeti osnovni su preduvjeti distribucije vrsta u planinskim ekosustavima (Storch et al., 2003). Na promjenu raznolikosti i distribucije vrsta utječe geografska izolacija planine, nadmorska visina, te značajke okoliša i staništa kao što su struktura, heterogenost i kvaliteta (e.g. Fleishman et al., 1998 ; Storch et al., 2003, Mihoci et al., 2011). Planinski ekosustavi, iako smatrani „jednostavnima“ zbog opadanja broja vrsta s nadmorskom visinom izuzetno su kompleksni (Haslett, 1997a). Raznolikost i veličina prikladnih staništa na različitim nadmorskim visinama utječu na prostornu distribuciju vrsta, njihovu brojnost, promjene u morfologiji, fiziologiji, značajkama životnog ciklusa kao i ponašanja (Haslett, 1997b). Raznolikost danjih leptira istraživana je u razdoblju od 1994. do 2004. na sjevernoj i južnoj ekspoziciji biokovskog masiva. Da bi se objasnili dobiveni rezultati statistički testovi primijenjeni su za izračune na nadmorskim visinama i ekspozicijama, odvojeno. Na području Biokova ukupno su utvrđene 102 vrste danjih leptira (od 195 u Hrvatskoj), od kojih je 13 ugroženo i zakonom zaštićeno, dva su endema i dvije su vrste izuzetno rijetke. Broj vrsta kao i Shannon i Simpson indeks raznolikosti viši su na sjevernoj nego na južnoj ekspoziciji, dok je sličnost po Sørensenu relativno visoka 78.57% (Mihoci et al., 2011). Obzirom na vertikalnu stratifikaciju najveća vrsna raznolikost zabilježena je u najnižem vertikalnom pojasu, dok je obzirom na ekspoziciju, na južnoj primijećena inverzija s najvećim brojem vrsta na vrhu planine, a najmanjim u srednjim visinama (Mihoci et al., 2011). Stopa promjene broja vrsta manja je na južnoj nego na sjevernoj ekspoziciji s time da na obje ekspozicije raste s nadmorskom visinom. Analiza varijance pokazala je da na promjenu sastava vrsta nadmorska visina ima dvostruki učinak od ekspozicije (Mihoci et al., 2011). Promjena sastava faune obzirom na porast nadmorske visine kroz prizmu biogeografije ukazuje da je ista ovisna o geografskom položaju, izoliranosti kao i klimatskim i stanišnim značajkama Biokova (Mihoci et al., 2011). Istraživanje na danjim leptirima ukazalo je kako se sastav i biogeografske značajke ove skupine kukaca značajno mijenjaju čak i na tako bliskom prostoru kao što su susjedne nadmorske visine/pojasevi ili ekspozicija planine. Te promjene reflektiraju raznolikost staništa, kao i promjene u klimi i geomorfologiji terena obzirom na promjenu nadmorske visine ili ekspozicije (Mihoci et al., 2011). Isto istraživanje, ali u praćenju kvalitativnog i kvantitativnog sastava faune provedeno je i na noćnim leptirima biokovskog masiva na 14 lokaliteta u cijelom visinskom rasponu u svim mjesecima u godini, s mjerenjem mnogih abiotičkih i biotičkih čimbenika. Rezultati će ukazati na principe u vertikalnoj stratifikaciji kao i montanoj ekologiji uopće. The suitability of habitat and climate are one of the main predictors in distribution of species in mountain ecosystems (Storch et al., 2003). Changes in species distribution and diversity are influenced by geographic position and isolation of the mountain, altitude and characteristics of landscape and habitat such as structure, heterogeneity and quality (e.g. Fleishman et al., 1998 ; Storch et al., 2003, Mihoci et al., 2011). Mountain ecosystems, although considered “simple” because the number of species decreases with altitude, are highly complex (Haslett, 1997a). The diversity and size of habitats at different altitudes affects spatial distribution, species richness, and defines shifts in morphology, physiology, life cycle features and behavioural patterns of species (Haslett, 1997b). Diversity of butterflies was studied from 1994 to 2004 on southern and northern aspects of Mt. Biokovo. To explain collected input data all statistical test were conducted for altitudes, altitude zones and aspects separately. On Mt. Biokovo a total of 102 species was recorded (out of 195 in Croatia) of which 13 are considered endangered and legally protected ; two are endemic and two particularly rare. Species richness, Shannon and Simpson diversity indices were higher on the northern aspect and Sørensen’s similarity between the two aspects relatively high (Mihoci et al., 2011). Considering vertical stratification, the highest species richness occurred in the lowest altitude zone. Considering aspect, the southern aspect displayed inversion with the highest number of species at the highest altitude zone and the lowest in mid-elevations (Mihoci et al., 2011). Species turnover rate was lowest on the southern than on the northern aspect of the Mt. Biokovo and generally increased with altitude. Variance decomposition analysis showed that altitude accounts 2-fold greater than the aspect on the variability in the species composition (Mihoci et al., 2011). The composition of the fauna revealed by biogeographic analysis displayed dependence to geographical position, isolation, climate and habitat features of Mt. Biokovo (Mihoci et al., 2011). The study indicated that the composition and biogeographic features of butterflies can vary significantly, even over a small area such as the southern and northern aspects, or nearby altitudes of one mountain. This variation reflects the diversity of habitats and the changes in climate and geomorphology with altitude and aspect (Mihoci et al., 2011). Additional research that included studying qualitative and quantitative faunistic composition of all moth families on 14 designated sites in the entire altitudinal range of the mountain throughout the year, along with measuring several abiotic and biotic parameters was recently conducted. These results will confirm or reject known patterns in vertical stratification and several rules in montane ecology.
- Published
- 2011
53. Colias caucasica balcanica Rebel, 1901 (Pieridae) in Croatia – the most western distribution point
- Author
Tvrtković, Nikola, Mihoci, Iva, and Šašić, Martina
- Subjects
Butterflies ,Pieridae ,Balkan clouded yellow ,Croatia ,Dinaric Alps - Abstract
The first data on the occurence of the species Colias caucasica balcanica in Croatia are presented. Findings of this species from Mt Dinara (Croatia) in 2010 and 2011 represent the westernmost distribution point. Unlike in the south-eastern Balkans, where the distribution of C. caucasica balcanica is mainly subalpine, in the Dinaric Alps published altitudinal stratification is mostly restricted to the montane belt between altitudes from 1, 000 to 1, 600 m a.s.l. in grasslands and forest clearings of beech forests. During the investigations the flight period at localities on Mt Dinara was from mid-June till mid-July. A newly found member of the Croatian fauna, C. caucasica balcanica is listed as the 195th butterfly species. With some unpublished data from several museum collections, a review of historical data for the whole of the Dinaric Alps is presented.
- Published
- 2011
54. Rare and threatened geometrid moth Erannis ankeraria in Croatia: historical review, dana analysis and perspectives
- Author
Mihoci, Iva: Franjević, Milivoj
- Subjects
monitoring ,Natura2000 ,occurrence ,winter moth - Abstract
A “winter moth” Erannis ankerariais one of the most threatened geometrid moths in Europe, listed on both Annex II and Annex IV of the EU Habitats Directive and assigned as strictly protected taxa in Croatia. There is a great lack regarding distribution, population trend parameters and conservation status of this moth in Croatia. According to historical data, an Angoran Umber occurred in Pula (Istria) and Kaštel Stari (Dalmatia), and current field research in potentially suitable habitats resulted without records. Therefore, future research should focus on an active involvement of lepidopterists and foresters in long-term monitoring of the species, where beside light trapping, more successful attracting methods as pheromone traps should be used. Obtained results could lead to management guidelines proposal on sites where the Angoran Umber occurs. Management guidelines or future species action plan should focus of maintaining structure and function of Angoran Umber habitat - light Pubescent Oak and Sessile Oak forests and forest edges, in order to fulfill ecological requirements and subsistence of the species.
- Published
- 2011
55. Distribution of Olive Bee Hawk moth, Hemaris croatica (Esper, 1800) (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae) in Croatia
- Author
Koren, Toni, Bjelić, Maja, Kučinić, Mladen, Perović, Franjo, Šašić, Martina, Mihoci, Iva, and Prof. Dr. Božena Barić, Prof. Dr. Boris Hrašovec, Prof. Dr. Mladen Kučinić, Dipl. ing. Vlatka Mičetić Stanković, Dr. Ana Previšić
- Subjects
Distribution ,Olive Bee Hawk moth ,Hemaris croatica ,Sphingidae ,Croatia - Abstract
Olive Bee Hawk moth, Hemaris croatica (Esper, 1800) is a day-flying moth described from Karlovac, Croatia, more than 200 years ago. To obtain a complete picture on the distribution of this species in Croatia, all literature and collection data from two largest Croatian museums were examined. Also, newly collected data were added to create the distribution map for this species. Altogether 90 records were collected, originating from 51 different localities. Although the species has been described in continental region, the majority of records in our study are from the Mediterranean part of the country. These records together with one from the mountainous parts of Croatia are probably the result of the migratory activity of this species.
- Published
- 2011
56. Geometrid moths of Croatia: diversity, biogeography and future activities
- Author
Mihoci, Iva, Hausmann, Axel, and Prof. Dr. Božena Barić, Prof. Dr. Boris Hrašovec, Prof. Dr. Mladen Kučinić, Dipl. ing. Vlatka Mičetić Stanković, Dr. Ana Previšić
- Subjects
Geometrid moths ,Croatia ,diversity ,biogeography - Abstract
A number of geometrids recorded in Croatia is nearly 450, representing about 45 % of the overall European geometrid fauna, on approximately 0.55 % of the total European territory. Data on diversity is gathered of records from published papers, data from collections of Croatian museums and unpublished field research data. The total number of geometrids of Croatia is not definitive because of a missing data from several museums and private collections across Europe. In addition, an exact distribution and conservation status of geometrids is insufficiently known because Croatia has not been equally and systematically surveyed. Biogeographical features of geometrids of Croatia and status of several species is discussed. Based only on inclusion on Annex II & IV of the EU Habitats Directive, just Erannis ankeraria (Staudinger, 1861) is legally protected in Croatia in the category of strictly protected taxa. Future activities regarding geometrids should focus on encouraging long-term geometrid moths’ research in Croatia and an active involvement in global activities focused on research of this species-rich family.
- Published
- 2011
57. Distribution of the Olive Bee Hawk Moth, Hemaris croatica (Esper, 1800) (Lepidoptera, Sphingidae) in Croatia
- Author
Koren, Toni, Bjelić, Maja, Perović, Franjo, Šašić, Martina, and Mihoci, Iva & Kučinić, Mladen
- Subjects
Hemaris croatica ,hawkmoths ,Sphingidae ,distribution - Abstract
The Olive Bee Hawk moth, Hemaris croatica (Esper, 1800) is a day-flying moth described from Karlovac, Croatia, more than 200 years ago. From that time, only scattered data about its distribution in Croatia were known, without any systematic overview of its total distribution. To obtain a complete picture on the distribution of this species, literature and collection data from the two largest Croatian museums were examined. Also, recently collected data were added to create the first detailed distribution map that included 90 records in total, originating from 51 different localities. The majority of records cover the Mediterranean part of the country ; regardless of this, the species has also been described from the continental region. We assume that records from the alpine and continental parts of the country can probably be assigned to the migratory activity of this species. It seems that its distribution is connected with the presence of one of its main larval host plants, of the genus Cephalaria, but further research is needed for confirmation.
- Published
- 2011
58. Lorkovićev cretni okaš i dalje leti
- Author
Delić, Antun, Mihoci, Iva, Mičetić-Stanković, Vlatka, Stanković, Igor, and Kučinić, Mladen
- Subjects
Coenonympha tullia lorkovici ,Ždralovac-Livanjsko polje ,Glamočko polje ,Bosna i Hercegovina - Abstract
U članku se opisuje potraga skupine znanstvenika za endemskom i reliktnom podvrstom leptira Coenonympha tullia lorkovici na Livanjskom i Glamočkom polju (Bosna i Hercegovina) tijekom ljeta 2008. godine.
- Published
- 2011
59. Vodenkosovi s izvora rijeke Lištice
- Author
Delić, Antun, Mihoci, Iva, and Kučinić, Mladen
- Subjects
Cinclus cinclus ,gniježđenje ,Bosna i Hercegovina - Abstract
U članku se opisuje gniježđenje rijetke i ugrožene ptičje vrste vodenkosa na izvoru rijeke Lištice kod Širokog Brijega u Hercegovini.
- Published
- 2011
60. Apolon s Ličke Plješivice
- Author
Delić, Antun, Mihoci, Iva, Vajdić, Mladen, and Kučinić, Mladen
- Subjects
Biodiverzitet ,Parnassius apollo ,Lička Plješivica ,Hrvatska - Abstract
U članku se opsiuje kratkotrajni ljetni posjet planini Ličkoj Plješivici i njezin raznoliki biljni i životinjski svijet. Osobita pozornost posvećena je životinjskom mikrokozmosu te jedom od naših najljepših i najugroženijih danjih leptira crvenookom parnasovcu ili apolonu.
- Published
- 2011
61. Larval description of Drusus bosnicus Klapálek 1899 (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae), with distributional, molecular and ecological features
- Author
KUČINIĆ, MLADEN, primary, PREVIŠIĆ, ANA, additional, GRAF, WOLFRAM, additional, MIHOCI, IVA, additional, ŠOUFEK, MARIN, additional, STANIĆ-KOŠTROMAN, SVJETLANA, additional, LELO, SUVAD, additional, VITECEK, SIMON, additional, and WARINGER, JOHANN, additional
- Published
- 2015
- Full Text
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62. Taj divni divlji svijet Velebita
- Author
Delić, Antun, Mihoci, Iva, Tonković, Ljiljana, and Vukušić, Mirko
- Subjects
Ptice ,sisavci ,bioraznolikost ,Sjeverni Velebit ,Hrvatska - Abstract
Zanimljivi susreti s pticama (šojka, tetrijeb) i sisavcima (sivi puh, divokoza, lisica i smeđi medvjed) nacionalnog parka Sjeverni Velebit tijekom proljeća i ljeta 2009. i 2010. g.
- Published
- 2010
63. Raznolikost i zaštita danjih leptira otoka Mljeta
- Author
Kučinić, Mladen, Mihoci, Iva, Šašić Kljajo, Martina, Popijač, Aleksandar, Tvrtković, Nikola, and Benović, Adam
- Subjects
raznolikost ,zaštita ,danji leptiri ,Mljet ,Hrvatska - Abstract
Na području otoka Mljeta nakon istraživanja zabilježeno je oko pedeset vrsta, što čini 25% broja zabilježenih vrsta u Hrvatskoj. Većina tih vrsta čini uobičajenu mediteransku faunu, te su i široko rasprostranjene na istraživanom području. Značajan je prvi nalaz zaštićene vrste kozlinčev plavac Glaucopsyche alexis, te ostalih zakonom zaštićenih vrsta kupusovog bijelca (Pieris brassicae), lastinog repa (Papilio machaon), uskršnjeg leptira (Zerynthia polyxena) i žednjakovog plavca (Scolitantides orion). Zanimljiv je i nalaz tropskog leptira selca Danaus chryssipus. Bit će dane i preporuke za zaštitu pojedinih važnih područja za opstanak nekih od ugroženih vrsta unutar Nacionalnog Parka Mljet ali i pojedinih područja na otoku.
- Published
- 2010
64. Butterflies of Croatia: status, threats and conservation
- Author
Šašić, Martina, Mihoci, Iva, and Prof. Dr. Božena Barić, Prof. Dr. Boris Hrašovec, Prof. Dr. Mladen Kučinić, Dipl. ing. Vlatka Mičetić Stanković, Dr. Ana Previšić
- Subjects
butterflies ,indicators ,status ,threats ,conservation ,Croatia - Abstract
Butterflies are considered valuable biodiversity indicators because they occur in a wide range of habitats and respond rapidly to changes in environment and management. The checklist of butterflies of Croatia is a result of our recent attempts to document the butterfly diversity and create a national database. The overall picture showed a total of 194 species. The history of studying butterflies in Croatia begun in 19th century and the level of knowledge has raised considerably from that time. Still, information on distribution and trend of species are poor because the majority of studies are focused on fauna on a small region/area. Problems of categorizing a poorly-documented fauna will be pointed. Some examples of recent changes in range and species diversity will be linked with the causes of change: habitat decline, loss and fragmentation. Recently we assessed the status of butterfly fauna of Croatia. In the absence of substantial historical information on abundance changes, we used the distribution change criteria of IUCN to create a list of threatened butterflies of Croatia and the Red book of threatened butterflies of Croatia which is under preparation. About 25% of Croatia’s butterfly fauna is of conservation concern including species of national and European concern. All threatened species are legally protected. The main causes for the declines are thought to be changes in rural land use, especially land abandonment or agricultural intensification.
- Published
- 2010
65. A Preliminary Checklist of the Geometridae of Croatia
- Author
Mihoci, Iva and Axel Hausmann & Charles V. Covell, Jr.
- Subjects
Geometridae ,diversity ,Croatia - Abstract
A preliminary checklist of geometrid moths of Croatia is presented. The preliminary checklist includes records from published faunistic papers, data from collections of Croatian museums and unpublished field research data. So far, almost 440 species in total is recorded, which represents about 45% of the overall European geometrid fauna. The total number of geometrids of Croatia is subject to change because of missing data from museums and private collections from Europe. Distribution and conservation status of geometrid moths is insufficiently known because Croatia has not been equally and systematically surveyed in each biogeografic region (continental, Alpine, Pannonian and Mediterranean) that it covers. Status of several geometrid species in Croatia is discussed, e.g. Holoterpna pruinosata (Staudinger, 1898), Rhodostrophia sieversi (Christoph, 1882), Scopula beckeraria (Lederer, 1853), Emmiltis pygmaearia (Hübner, 1809), Idaea leipnitzi Hausmann, 2004, Pseudobaptria bogumilaria (Rebel, 1904), Eupithecia riparia Herrich-Schäffer, 1851, Eumera regina Staudinger, 1892, Erannis ankeraria (Staudinger, 1861), Stegania dalmataria Guenée, 1858. Future activities should be focused on finalizing the checklist, creating a national web database, encouraging long-term geometrid moths’ research and active involvement in global activities focused on research of Geometridae.
- Published
- 2010
66. Relation between butterfly composition and spread of non-native plant species at a Ramsar site Lonjsko polje, Croatia
- Author
Mičetić, Vlatka, Mihoci, Iva, Stanković, Igor, Soldan, Tomas, Papaček, Miroslav, and Bohač, Jaroslav
- Subjects
Anthropogenic influence ,Butterflies ,Non-native plant species ,Ramsar site - Abstract
Lonjsko Polje Nature Park is one of Europe’ s largest remained intact wetland habitats with its mosaic distribution of vegetation, seasonal flooding and traditional way of living. Dialog between water and land makes Lonjsko polje specific with different habitat types for different potential species. On a significant part of the Park there are landmine lefts and therefore cessation of cattle breeding and agricultural activity occurs. It results with spreading of non-native plant species. Butterflies are highly sensitive to habitat quality, management and fragmentation, local climate and vegetation structure. The primary objectives were to determine relation between butterfly composition and spread of non-native plant species (Amorpha fruticosa L., Asclepias syriaca L. and Ambrosia artemisifolia L.) on ten researched localities. Additional objectives included determining anthropogenic pressures, and war damage on both butterfly richness and composition. Researched localities were: Repušnica, Čigoč Mužilovčica I, Mužilovčica II, Lonja, Trebež, Bukovica, Livada Orlinci, Jasenovac and Poganovo polje. Sampling and laboratory analysis were carried out in two seasons during the warm and dry period in 2006 and 2007. Any of the sites were distinct with respect to the type of characteristic vegetation, duration of periodical flooding, land treatment and pollution with landmine lefts. Land treatment at localities is classified as mowing, grazing or combined (grazing/mowing) and by the vicinity of agricultural fields. Owing to the highest floristic and vegetation characteristics, and habitat diversity, the highest butterfly richness and highest diversity index was found at the locality Trebež. Trebež is locality with mosaic structure of habitats, with different durations of flooding. On some parts of Trebež mowing and pasturing occurred. The present study confirmed that diversity of butterfly composition is higher at localities with native plant species than at localities with non-native plants A. fruticosa, A. artemisifolia and A. syriaca. Among localities with non-native plants, butterfly diversity is smaller at those with dominance of A. artemisifolia (Livada Orlinci) and both A. artemisifolia and A. fruticosa (Repušnica and Jasenovac). Butterfly diversity was higher at localities with only A. syriaca (Trebež and Lonja). Butterflies had plasticity with respect to host-plants, but adult butterflies could incorporate non-native flowering plants as a nectar source in their diet. Of all investigated sites, locality Poganovo polje was the most polluted one with landmine lefts. Therefore, on Poganovo polje was a significant overgrowth by non-native plant A. fruticosa what resulted with lowest butterfly diversity. Also, on locality Poganovo polje, which is flooded during the whole season, didn’ t occurr any kind of human land treatment so succession of grassland was significant. It was confirmed that butterfly composition and richness were strongly influenced by habitat diversity.
- Published
- 2009
67. Vretenci - bitka za očinstvo
- Author
Delić, Antun, Bučar, Matija, Mihoci, Iva, and Kučinić, Mladen
- Subjects
Calopteryx splendens i C. virgo - bitka za očinstvo - Abstract
Vretenci - bitka za očinstvo
- Published
- 2009
68. Kartiranje faune Dalmacije
- Author
Šašić Kljajo, Martina, Holcer, Draško, Grbac, Irena, Mihoci , Iva, Pavlinić, Igor, Štamol, Vesna, Tvrtković, Nikola, Vuković, Marijana, Radović, Dragan, and Dumbović, Vlatka
- Subjects
fauna ,Dalmacija - Abstract
Projekt COAST razvijen je uz potporu Programa Ujedinjenih naroda za razvoj (UNDP), u suradnji s Ministarstvom zaštite okoliša, prostornog uređenja i graditeljstva te drugim nadležnim ministarstvima, 4 dalmatinske županije te brojnim lokalnim udrugama, tvrtkama i pojedincima, a provodi se uz financijsku potporu Globalnog fonda za okoliš (GEF). Projekt obuhvaća obalno područje četiri dalmatinske županije: Zadarske, Šibensko- kninske, Splitsko-dalmatinske i Dubrovačko- neretvanske. Unutar tog područja prepoznata su i odabrana 4 demonstracijska područja zbog svoje iznimne biološke i krajobrazne vrijednosti. To su (1) Pelješac, Dubrovačko primorje, Malostonski zaljev i Mljet ; (2) Vis i viški akvatorij ; (3) šire područje ušća rijeke Krke ; te (4) otok Pag (jugoistočni dio u Zadarskoj županiji), područje uz Novigradsko i Karinsko more. Osnovni cilj projekta COAST je učinkovito utjecati na poduzetničke aktivnosti i prakse u turizmu, poljoprivredi, ribarstvu i marikulturi, izravno i kroz bankarski sektor, kako bi isti u svoje prakse uključili održivo korištenje i očuvanje biološke i krajobrazne raznolikosti.
- Published
- 2009
69. Na Dinari podno Troglava
- Author
Delić, Antun, Mihoci, Iva, Mihoci, David, and Kučinić, Mladen
- Subjects
Dinara ,Troglav ,bioraznolikost - Abstract
Na Dinari podno Troglava - bioraznolikost
- Published
- 2009
70. New data on the distribution of Cobitis elongatoides Bãcescu & Maier, 1969 in central Croatia with accompanying ichthyofauna
- Author
Delić, Antun, Bučar, Matija, Jugović, Dalibor, Mihoci, Iva, and Kučinić, Mladen
- Subjects
freshwater fishes ,loaches ,distribution ,Croatia - Abstract
Presented data brings data on ichthyofauna of four localities on Kupa, Orljava, Lonja and Glina Rivers of the Sava River basin (Danube drainage) in central Croatia. We have recorded one lamprey and 30 fish species, three of them not native for European fauna and eight threatened in Croatian fauna. We have found three species from the Cobitidae family, C. elongatoides, Misgurnus fossilis and Sabanajewia balcanica. Ecological characteristics of C. elongatoides distribution are discussed.
- Published
- 2009
71. Thermoregulation in syntopy ; fine – scale differences in island Podarcis populations
- Author
Grbac, Irena, Mihoci, Iva, Hellemans, Katelijne, Van Damme, Raoul, and Pafilis P., Kotsakiozi P. and E.D. Valakos
- Subjects
thermoregulation ,syntopy ,island ,Podarcis - Abstract
We studied the thermoregulatory behaviour and microhabitat use of the lacertid lizards Podarcis sicula and Podarcis melisellensis on the island Vrgada (East Adriatic, Croatia) during early spring. The sympatry of the two Podarcis species on Vrgada is exceptional in that most other small islands in the Adriatic harbour only one of the two species, likely as the result of competitive exclusion. It is thought that the dominant robust colonizing P. sicula replaces the more slender native P. melisellensis on those islands were it gets a foothold. We here test the hypothesis that on Vrgada, despite apparent syntopy on a macrohabitat scale, P. sicula occupies the better microhabitats and forces P. melisellensis into (thermally) less favourable ones. We measured field body temperatures of active lizards of both species, and compared them to operative temperatures and temperatures selected in laboratory conditions, to compare the accuracy and effectiveness of thermoregulation between the two species. We also estimated the thermal quality of the microhabitats occupied by the two species. In addition, we checked for possible differences in activity cycles and (thermoregulatory) behaviour.
- Published
- 2008
72. Species diversity, biogeography and conservation status of butterflies on the Velebit Mountain, Croatia
- Author
Mihoci, Iva, Šašić, Martina, WallisDeVries, Michiel, Wynhoff, Irma, and Van Swaay, Chris
- Subjects
butterflies ,diversity ,conservation ,Velebit ,Croatia - Abstract
During two year research period on the Velebit Mt, 106 butterfly species were recorded at 70 localities. With a length of 145 km, Velebit is the longest mountain of the Dinaric Alps, characterized with high indentedness, abrupt karstic slopes, high daily temperature variations, mixed climate regimes and a combination of central European and Mediterranean vegetation. Overall number of recorded species for the mountain is 137, representing 73% of Croatian butterfly fauna. Main factors influencing butterfly diversity on Velebit Mt. include habitat structure and quality including plant diversity. Biogeographical analysis shows the dominance of Eurosibirean (62%), Oriental (14%) and Mediterranean (13%) species. From 106 species detect on Velebit Mt., 13 are listed on The Red List of Croatian butterflies: Maculinea rebeli, Parnassius apollo, Apatura iris, Glaucopsyche alexis, Limenitis populi, Parnassius mnemosyne, Scolitantides orion, Erebia medusa, Euphydryas aurinia, Maculinea arion, Melitaea aurelia, Melitaea britomartis and Pseudophilotes vicrama. Human depopulation and no land use in this mountain area led to habitat succession, which is nowadays the major treat for butterfly diversity. Urgent practical conservation measures were proposed within three large protected areas like grazing or mowing for maintaining suitable habitats.
- Published
- 2008
73. Grbice (Lepidoptera, Geometroidea, Geometridae) zbirke Košćec
- Author
Mihoci, Iva, Bregović, Antica, and akademik Miroslav Šicel, Branko Spevec
- Subjects
grbice ,raznolikost ,zbirka Košćec - Abstract
Zbirka Košćec Entomološkog odjela Gradskog muzeja Varaždin najsveobuhvatnija je entomološka zbirka u Hrvatskoj, a grbice (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) te zbirke, jedna od najreprezentativnijih zbirki te porodice noćnih leptira nastale sustavnim prikupljanjem materijala na području sjeverozapadne Hrvatske. U svijetu je opisano preko 20000 vrsta grbica (Scoble, 1995), u fauni Europe zasad je utvrđeno preko 900 vrsta grbica (Hausmann, 2001), dok fauna grbica Hrvatske broji oko 450 vrsta. Jedinstvena značajka porodice su specijalizirani parni hondrotonalni organi, timpanalni organi smješteni na bazi zatka, koji imaju timpanalni držak tzv. ansu koja nedostaje kod svih ostalih porodica leptira (Scoble, 1995 ; Hausmann, 2001). Grbice su značajni bioindikatori, dakle, pokazatelji stanja, zdravlja okoliša odnosno stupnja degradacije staništa zbog svoje izuzetne osjetljivosti na takve promjene, relativno ograničene mobilnosti i definirane veličine mikrostaništa koje zauzimaju (Hausmann, 2001 ; Hilt, 2005). Pregledom grbica zbirke Košćec utvrđeno je 176 vrsta u 1227 primjeraka. Preko 95% primjeraka prikupljeno je na lokalitetima Varaždin, Ravna gora i Dugi vrh. Biogeografska analiza prema Hrubý (1964) ukazuje na dominaciju vrsta eurosibirske (66%) i orijentalne (21%) biogeografske pripadnosti. Faunistički su najzanimljiviji nalazi vrsta koje dosad nisu bile zabilježene na području kontinentalne Hrvatske: Pachycnemia hippocastanaria, Idaea camparia sodaliaria, Eupithecia pygmaeata i Eupithecia distinctaria.
- Published
- 2008
74. Utvrđivanje ekoloških značajki i zaštita hrvatskih endema tulara: Drusus croaticus Mar. i Rhyacophila dorsalis ssp. plitvicensis Kuč.&Mal. (Insecta: Trichoptera)
- Author
Kerovec, Mladen, Kučinić, Mladen, Previšić, Ana, Ivković, Marija, Mičetić, Vlatka, Mihoci, Iva, Stanković, Igor, Popijač, Aleksandar, Žganec, Krešimir, Kružić, Petar, Gottstein, Sanja, Mihaljević, Zlatko, and Jelenčić, Mirjana
- Subjects
Plitvička jezera ,Endemi ,Trichoptera - Abstract
U istraživanju provedenom na endemima tulara Plitvičkih jezera, pokušale su se utvrditi njihove ekološke značajke i brojnost te kolika je zaštita potrebna da bi se očuvale prisutne populacije na području Nacionalnog parka.
- Published
- 2007
75. First finding of the critically endangered butterfly Maculinea alcon (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) in the Pannonian part of Croatia
- Author
Mihoci, Iva, Delić, Antun, Gjurašin, Branimir, Bučar, Mato, and Kučinić, Mladen
- Subjects
Maculinea alcon ,Grubišnopoljska Bilogora ,distribution ,habitat ,protection measures - Abstract
Kritično ugrožena vrsta leptira Maculinea alcon pronađena je u kolovozu 2006. godine na lokalitetu Grubišnopoljska Bilogora. To je prvi nalaz ove vrste na prostoru panonske regije Hrvatske, odnosno drugi za Hrvatsku. U radu se raspravlja o biologiji vrste, nekim aspektima ekologije kao i potrebnim mjerama zaštite ovog kritično ugroženog leptira u fauni Hrvatske.
- Published
- 2007
76. Procjena ekološkog stanja akvatorija Plitvičkih jezera
- Author
Kerovec, Mladen, Žganec, Krešimir, Gottstein, Sanja, Previšić, Ana, Meštrov, Milan, Mihaljević, Zlatko, Ternjej, Ivančica, Kučinić, Mladen, Popijač, Aleksandar, Bošnjak, Ivana, Domazetović, Zrinka, Ivković, Marija, Mihoci, Iva, Slavikovski, Ana, Uzelac, J, Jelenčić, Mirjana, and Bartovsky, Vladimir
- Subjects
Plitvička jezera ,makrozoobentos ,ekološko stanje - Abstract
Uz pomoć makrozoobentosa procjenjivalo se stvarno ekološko stanje Plitvičkih jezera na nekoliko različitih jezera u baražnom sustavu.
- Published
- 2007
77. New findings of the Woodland Brown Lopinga achine (Scopoli, 1763)(Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Satyrinae) in Croatia
- Author
Šašić, Martina and Mihoci, Iva
- Subjects
Lopinga achine ,distribution ,habitat ,Croatia - Abstract
The Woodland Brown butterfly Lopinga achine (Scopoli, 1763) was found during several fieldtrips in summer 2000 and 2001 in continental Croatia and discovered for the first time in Istria. The discovery in Istria represents the western limit of the distribution range in Croatia. The Woodland Brown is considered rare in Croatia, according to previous findings. In this paper we discuss the distribution and possible threat status of this species in Croatian butterfly fauna .
- Published
- 2007
78. Tako se razmnožava močvarni plavac
- Author
Delić, Antun, Mihoci, Iva, Bučar, Mato, and Kučinić, Mladen
- Subjects
Močvarni plavac ,razmnožavanje ,grubišnopoljska Bilogora - Abstract
Močvarni plavac (Maculinea alcon) kritično je ugroženi leptir Hrvatske. Osim na Plitvičkim jezerima nađen je i u Panonskom dijelu Hrvatske (grubišnopoljska Bilogora).
- Published
- 2007
79. Morphological Comparison of Cobitis elongatoides Bacescu et Maier, 1969 Populations (Pisces, Cobitidae) from Croatia
- Author
Delić, Antun, Bučar, Mato, Kučinić, Mladen, Dolenec, Zdravko, Mihoci, Iva, Lukač, Marija, Mrakovčić, Milorad, Buj, Ivana, and Zanella, Linda
- Subjects
body pigmentation ,the scale from suborbital spine ,morphometric and meristic charachters - Abstract
A comparison of Cobitis elongatoides Bacescu et Maier, 1969 populations (genus Cobitis) from Croatia was carried out on the basis of morphological analyses. The samples were collected by electro fishing during the period 2003-2005 in the Croatien rivers: Petrinjčica, Kupa, channel Kupa - Kupa and ilova (Sava river basin, Danube basin). Body pigmentation, the scale form as well as form and size of suborbital spine were determined. Thirty morphometric and eleven meristic characters were measured. The variance analysis (ANOVA) was carried out. Statisticly significant differences were established on the four characters (lac, H, laco, Ha). Scheffe - test was used for the post hoc analysis. Difference coefficient (CD) indicates that these four populations can not be considered a subspecies.
- Published
- 2006
80. Contribution to the morphology and distribution of the Balkan loach Cobitis elongata Heckel et Kner, 1858
- Author
Delić, Antun, Kučinić, Mladen, Bučar, Mato, Dolenec, Zdravko, Mihoci, Iva, Mrakovčić, Milorad, Buj, Ivana, and Zanella, Linda
- Subjects
Body pigmentation ,the scale from suborbital spine ,morphometric and meristic charachters - Abstract
Cobitis elongata Heckel et Kner, 1858 in Croatia inhabits the Sava River basin including the Kupa, Petrinjčica and Ilova Rivers and the Buzeta and Utinja streams. We were interested to find if there are some differences in the morphological characters between two spatially isolated populations inhabiting two closely located streams, the Kupa River and its right tributary the Petrinjčica River. Sampling was carried out in June and july 2003 by electrofishing. Body pigmentation, under the lower lip ˝barbells˝ form as well as form and size of suborbital spine were determined for 18 fresh specimens of C. elongata from the Kupa River and 8 fresh specimens from the Petrinjčica River. Morphometric (28 characters) and meristic (11 characters) characters were taken the standard methods on 23 specimens from the Petrinjčica River and 22 from the Kupa River. Pearson´s correlation matrices wereused to determine the degree of correlation between fundamental morphometric measurements and stepwise multiple regression analysis in order to explain the total variation of Sl. ANOVA was used to test the differences in measurements between the Kupa River and Petrinjčica River. Coefficient of difference (CD) was used as a difference scale in morphological characteristics of analysed populations. Using the coefficient of difference we have determined differences between populations on the subspecies and species level (CD value of 1.28 has been admitted from many authors as the bottom margin for the subspecies determination). Direct measurements (mm) were used for calculating correlations and regression analysis. The SPSS 12.0 software was used for all statistical procedures. We found significant morphological differences between specimens inhabiting the Kupa River and those from its right tributary the Petrinjčica River. These differences are caused by the spatial isolation of these two populations due to artificial and natural barriers on the Petrinjčica River. Difference coefficient indicates that these two populations can not be considered a subspecies.
- Published
- 2006
81. New data on the distribution of the Chapman's Blue (Polyommatus thersites (Cantener, 1835)(Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae) in Croatia
- Author
Mihoci, Iva and Šašić, Martina
- Subjects
Chapman's Blue ,Polyommatus thersites ,distribution ,habitat ,Croatia - Abstract
Previously there were several known finding sites of Chapman's Blue (Polyommatus thersites (Cantener, 1835) in Croatia. In summer 2005 the Chapman's Blue was found on the Mt Kamešnica, southern Croatia. In this paper we disscuss the distribution and the biology of the species as well as the need for complete distribution and habitat characteristics determination.
- Published
- 2006
- Author
- Abstract
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- Published
- 2017
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- Abstract
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- Published
- 2017
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84. New finding of the butterfly Brenthis ino (Rottemburg, 1775) (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) in Croatia
- Author
Mihoci, Iva and Šašić, Martina
- Subjects
Brenthis ino ,distribution ,habitat ,Croatia - Abstract
During summer 2005 in Velebit Nature Park we came upon a butterfly Brenthis ino (Rottemburg, 1775) which is considered rare in Croatia according to previous finds. In this paper we discuss the distribution, habitat characteristics and possible threat status of the mentioned species in the Croatian butterfly fauna.
- Published
- 2005
85. Grecian Copper Lycaena ottomanus (Lefebvre, 1830) (Lepidoptera, Lycaenidae)- new species in the Croatian butterfly fauna
- Author
Mihoci, Iva, Tvrtković, Nikola, and Šašić, Martina
- Subjects
Lycaena ottomanus ,Lycaenidae ,fauna ,Croatia - Abstract
This article presents the first data about the presence of the species Grecian Copper Lycaena ottomanus (Lefebvre, 1830) (Lycaenidae, Lycaeninae) in Croatia. For the first time, the species was recorded on the Sniježnica Mountain (southeastern Croatia, southern Dalmatia), in the Kuna Konavoska village (720 a.s.l.) on June, 30th 2005. The first record of the species was proved once again on the next field trip on July, 13th 2005. Including L. ottomanus the Croatian butterfly fauna has 188 species at all.
- Published
- 2005
86. A review of research into butterflies (Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) in Blidinje nature park (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
- Author
Kučinić, Mladen, Stanić, Svjetlana, Durbešić, Paula, Mihoci, Iva, Landeka, Nediljko, and Delić, Antun
- Subjects
Rhopalocera ,Blidinje Nature Park ,Bosnia and Herzegovina - Abstract
We present the first list of butterflies of Blidinje Nature Park, comprising 91 estimated species. The estimated number of species constitutes about 90 % of the potential Rhopalocera fauna in this area.
- Published
- 2005
87. Fauna danjih leptira (Insecta: Lepidoptera: Rhopalocera) sjevernih obronaka Biokova
- Author
Mihoci, Iva
- Subjects
fauna ,danji leptiri ,rasprostranjenost ,Biokovo - Abstract
Fauna leptira na sjevernoj ekspoziciji Biokova istraživana je od lipnja 2002. godine do travnja 2005. godine. Leptiri su prikupljani u svim vegetacijskim razdobljima značajnim za emergenciju i prehranu imaga, a istraživanje je rezultiralo s 87 novozabilježenih vrsta na sjevernoj ekspoziciji Biokova. Dominiraju vrste eurosibirske, mediteranske i orijentalne zoogeografske pripadnosti, što je u skladu sa geomorfološkim, klimatskim i vegetacijskim značajkama istraživanog područja. U komparativnim analizama s drugim montanim područjima u Hrvatskoj na sjevernoj ekspoziciji Biokova očit je manjak zastupljenosti montanih Macrolepidoptera što se objašnjava nedostatkom planinskih travnjaka koji su staništa dotičnih vrsta. Faunistički su najzanimljiviji nalazi sedam vrsta koje se nalaze na Crvenom popisu danjih leptira Hrvatske.
- Published
- 2005
88. Harmonia axyridis (Pallas, 1773), Newly Recorded Invasive Species for Albania.
- Author
Ibrahimi, Halil, Mihoci, Iva, Stankovi, Vlatka Mičeti, Bukovec, Dragan, and Kučini, Mladen
- Subjects
- *
HARMONIA axyridis , *INTRODUCED insects , *BIOLOGICAL control of insects , *DISPERSAL of insects , *DECIDUOUS plants - Abstract
The biological control agent and alien invasive ladybird Harmonia axyridis (Pallas, 1773), once introduced for pest control in Europe, is now spreading very rapidly over the European continent, especially since 2002. In this paper we give the first documented record of H. axyridis from Albania, southeastern Europe. The species was recorded in three localities in Albania. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
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89. Butterfly diversity and biogeography on the Croatian karst mountain Biokovo: Vertical distribution and preference for altitude and aspect?
- Author
MIHOCI, Iva, primary, HRŠAK, Vladimir, additional, KUČINIĆ, Mladen, additional, MIČETIĆ STANKOVIĆ, Vlatka, additional, DELIĆ, Antun, additional, and TVRTKOVIĆ, Nikola, additional
- Published
- 2011
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- Author
- Subjects
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- Published
- 2015
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- Author
- Subjects
LEPIDOPTERA ,INSECT diversity ,SPECIES diversity ,NOCTUIDAE ,NATURE parks - Abstract
Copyright of Natura Croatica is the property of Natura Croatica and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2014
- Author
- Subjects
Copyright of Natura Croatica is the property of Natura Croatica and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2014
93. Using limited data to create a preliminary Red List of Serbian butterflies
- Author
Popović, Miloš, Šašić, Martina, Verovnik, Rudi, Šašić, Martina, Rota, Jadranka, and Mihoci, Iva
- Subjects
red list ,Serbia - Abstract
For the great majority of insect species population data are limited and Red Lists usually meet only the IUCN criterion B related to changes in distribution. Using this criterion with field records from Alciphron database and R statistical software, we assessed the National Red List status for 191 butterfly species of Serbia. 70, 031 field records from 2005–2016 were available for the analysis. EOO was calculated using Delaunay triangulation. AOO value was calculated by counting occupied 2×2 km squares and it was corrected since only 13% of these squares were surveyed (AOOCor). To obtain more precise estimates for species with limited data the Maxent ecological niche modelling procedure was also used (AOOMax). A total of 55 species (29%) have a threshold value of AOO/EOO under the B criterion, but only 24 species (12%) also meet additional criteria and could be classified as threatened (CR = 2, EN = 13, VU = 9). The remaining 28 species were Near Threatened and additional 3 were Data Deficient and one was not assessed. In comparison, the Red Data Book of Serbian Butterflies from 2003 lists 71 species (37%) as Endangered or Vulnerable (old IUCN categories) and includes 34 species (18%) in the final Red List, disregarding the assessed IUCN threat categories. A procedure for Red List assessment when only limited distributional data is available will be discussed. This could help to create more objective Red Lists and optimally allocate conservation efforts.
- Published
- 2017
94. Butterflies of Croatia: the state of knowledge
- Author
Šašić, Martina, Šašić, Martina, Rota, Jadranka, and Mihoci, Iva
- Subjects
EU Natura 2000 Integration Project ,monitoring, conservation - Abstract
In the last decade, our goal has been to create a national database of distributional records in Croatia and publish a national checklist of butterflies. At this point the records include published papers, collection data, as well as unpublished records (e.g. Lorković diaries, fieldwork data) from three centuries. Even though sampling has been sporadic and uneven, with some areas receiving more attention than others, we managed to assess the threat status of the butterfly fauna and this was published in the Red Book of threatened butterflies of Croatia. About 25% of Croatia’s butterfly fauna is of conservation concern. The main causes of the decline are thought to be changes in rural land use, especially land abandonment and agricultural intensification because of demographic changes and economic transition. The main objective of the Lepidoptera working group (formed as part of the EU Natura 2000 Integration Project – NIP) has been to gather new distributional data and use this information for establishing of future species monitoring schemes. The progress that the group has recently made resulted in much new insight. The level of knowledge has been increased considerably but information on trends in population dynamics of many species is still lacking. Future monitoring plans will help us to understand impact of the environmental change, particularly how climate change and habitat loss are affecting our wildlife.
- Published
- 2017
95. Conservation of the Lepidoptera species in Croatia following the obligations from the Habitats Directive
- Author
Katušić, Luka, Šašić, Martina, Šašić, Martina, Rota, Jadranka, and Mihoci, Iva
- Subjects
Natura 2000 ,butterflies ,moths ,species - Abstract
Within the European Union, the principal legal instrument for ensuring favourable conservation status of species and habitats are Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora (“Habitats Directive”) and Directive 2009/147/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 November 2009 on the conservation of wild birds (“Birds Directive”). Every member country of the EU is obligated to transpose the Directives into national laws, among others, by designating areas important for the conservation of species and habitats listed in Annex II of the Habitats Directive and Annex I of the Birds Directive as a part of EU Natura2000 ecological network. Altogether, 36.73% of land territory and 15.42% of coastal sea of Croatia is included in the NATURA2000 ecological network. Among that, 87 Sites of Community Importance are designated as important for the conservation of 11 Lepidoptera species: Euphydryas aurinia, Hypodryas maturna, Lycaena dispar, Phengaris (Maculinea) nausithous, P. teleius, Leptidea morsei, Nymphalis vaualbum, Coenonympha oedippus, Callimorpha quadripunctaria, Eriogaster catax. Also, following the obligation from the Article 17 of the Habitats Directive, system for monitoring of conservation status is being established for these 11 species listed on the Annex II of the Habitats Directive and additional eight species from the Annex IV, present in Croatia: Apatura metis, Lopinga achine, Papilio alexanor, Parnassius apollo, Parnassius mnemosyne, Maculinea arion, Proserpinus proserpina and Zerynthia polyxena.
- Published
- 2017
96. Book of abstracts of the 20th European Congress of Lepidopterology. April 24th - April 30th 2017, Podgora, Croatia
- Author
Šašić, Martina, Rota, Jadranka, and Mihoci, Iva
- Subjects
Book of abstracts, European Congress of Lepidopterology, Croatia - Abstract
The Book of abstracts from the 20th European Congress of Lepidopterology organized by the Societas Europaea Lepidopterologica (SEL) and Croatian Natural History Museum from Zagreb, took place in Podgora, Croatia from April 24th to April 30th 2017. Compiles abstracts from 71 lectures and 24 posters.
- Published
- 2017
97. The Balkan Green-veined White (Pieris napi balcana): did the barcoding approach resolve its taxonomic status?
- Author
Lovrenčić, Leona, Podnar, Martina, Besendorfer, Višnja, Šašić, Martina, Toth, V, Koren, Toni, Tvrtković, Nikola, Šašić, Martina, Rota, Jadranka, and Mihoci, Iva
- Subjects
balcana ,bryoniae ,napi ,hybrid - Abstract
To resolve taxonomic status and distribution of the enigmatic Pieris (napi) balcana Lorković, 1970 specimens from a P. napi aggregate were collected in the karst habitats of the western part of the Croatian Dinaric Alps. Wing pattern characters were studied on a large sample (n=323). Egg laying of balcana females on the larval host‐plant Arabis turrita was observed in spring at three localities, and butterflies have been reared on the same plant. DNA barcodes of 58 individuals (39 localities) were obtained and complemented by sequences of a fragment of the nuclear wingless (wg) gene. Tissue from fresh adult males was used for karyotyping (n=21). ‘Balcana’ shares the DNA barcode with the subalpine P. (napi) bryoniae, while balcana/bryoniae and napi haplotypes segregated into two distinct mitochondrial clusters. Barcoding results agree with the absence of reproductive isolation between balcana and bryoniae in former hybridisation studies, and both taxa have the same polymorphic karyotype, different from the napi karyotype. ‘Balcana’ and napi could not be distinguished by wg sequence data. At 26 localities, we found only bryoniae/balcana DNA barcodes, and P. (napi) napi was detected only in probably parapatric area. On Žumberak Mt. we discovered F1 hybrids with napi barcode and hybrid wing pattern.
- Published
- 2017
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