Equations for permeation through laminated composites (slabs) made by two components have been derived under the same conditions as in previous papers4, 5) in which the diffusion coefficient Di is constant and the equilibrium sorption Csi follows Henry's law in each component layer i.Both the concentration distribution in the various laminated composites and permeation rate through them are calculated, by substituting Di and Csi of p-nitroaniline in each component film (nylon 6, cellulose diacetate, cellulose triacetate) into the equations. Good agreement is obtained between the calculations and experiments for the permeation in such systems.Variations of over all diffusion coefficients (DPov, DLov) obtained by the permeation rate and time lag, respectively, are demonstrated against the volume fraction of a component in the composites. It is revealed that the DPov depends on only the volume fraction, whereas the DLov, depends on also the order of components in the composites.