A study of the fatty acid composition of milk fat, and of its variation due to geographical and seasonal effects is necessary to better understand rheological properties of milk fat (melting, spreadability, hardness), to facilitate detection of possible adulterations, and to give more information regarding the levels of butyric acid and conjugated linoleic acid C18:2, due to their nutritional importance. Milk samples were collected on a monthly basis during one year (from June 1998 to May 1999) at tank level in six dairy plants of the VIIIth, IXth and Xth regions. Fatty acids from cow’s milk were analysed as methylesters using gas-liquid chromatography. As sampling was done at tank level of dairy plants, emphasis was placed on seasonal and regional variations. For the analysis of seasonal and regional variations, the quantified fatty acids were classified according to their chain length: short chain (C4 – C10), intermediate chain (C12 – C16) and long chain (C18 – C18:2 conjugated). An effect of season was observed only in the case of short chain fatty acids, with an average value significantly (p < 0.05) lower in summer than in spring. Analysis with geographic area revealed significant differences (p < 0,05) for all fatty acids. The average values for the content of short chain fatty acids in milk from the IXth region were significantly (p < 0,05) lower (8,24%) than those in milk from the VIIIth and Xth regions; the intermediate chain fatty acids had an average value significantly (p < 0,05) higher (42,9%) in milk from the VIIIth region than those found in milk from the IXth and Xth regions; in contrast the long chain fatty acids within milk from the VIIIth region had a significantly (p < 0,05) lower value than those found in milk from the IXth and Xth region. Conjugated linoleic acid, which has been shown to inhibit carcinogenesis in test animals, was found in significantly (p < 0,05) higher concentration in samples from the IXth region, with an average value of 1,75 % in comparison with an average of 1,41 % in milk from the VIIIth region. At seasonal level, the highest value was found during the spring-summer period (1,75 %), while for the autumn-winter period the values (1,59 %) were lower. The factors of season and geographic area cause significant differences in the composition of fatty acids in cow milk fat.  , Un estudio de la composición de los ácidos grasos de la leche, sus diferentes proporciones y variaciones por efectos geográficos y estacionales es necesario, entre otras razones, para comprender mejor algunas propiedades reológicas (fundición, esparcimiento, dureza), de la grasa láctea y, facilitar la detección de posibles adulteraciones de la misma, además para conocer los niveles de ácido butírico y ácidos linoleicos conjugados C 18:2, por su importancia nutricional. Los ácidos grasos de leche de bovinos se analizaron como metil – ésteres por Cromatografía gas – líquido, las muestras de leche cruda fueron recolectadas mensualmente durante un año (junio 1998 a mayo 1999) a nivel de silos en seis plantas ubicadas en las regiones VIII, IX y X de Chile. Dado el nivel de muestreo (estanques de plantas lecheras) se enfatizaron las variaciones estacionales y regionales. Para analizar las variaciones estacionales y regionales, los ácidos grasos cuantificados se clasificaron en grupos por largo de cadena: cadenas cortas (C4 – C10), cadenas medias (C12 – C16) y cadenas largas (C18 – C18:2 conjugados). La estacionalidad se observó sólo en los ácidos grasos de cadena corta, siendo significativamente (p