78 results on '"Gharbaoui M."'
Search Results
52. Behavior-Based Policies for Preserving Confidentiality in PCE-based Multi-domain MPLS Networks.
- Author
Gharbaoui, M., Paolucci, F., Martini, B., Cugini, F., and Castoldi, P.
- Published
- 2011
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53. Configuration of network resources for Future Internet application services.
- Author
Callegati, F., Cerroni, W., Martini, B., Gharbaoui, M., Campi, A., and Castoldi, P.
- Published
- 2010
54. Experimental validation of a SIP-based platform for service oriented optical network.
- Author
Cerroni, W., Martini, B., Gharbaoui, M., Campi, A., Baroncelli, F., Castoldi, P., and Callegati, F.
- Published
- 2010
55. Preserving confidentiality in PCEP-based inter-domain path computation.
- Author
Paolucci, F., Cugini, F., Martini, B., Gharbaoui, M., Valcarenghi, L., and Castoldi, P.
- Published
- 2010
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56. 46th Medical Maghrebian Congress. November 9-10, 2018. Tunis
- Author
Alami Aroussi, A., Fouad, A., Omrane, A., Razzak, A., Aissa, A., Akkad, A., Amraoui, A., Aouam, A., Arfaoui, A., Belkouchi, A., Ben Chaaben, A., Ben Cheikh, A., Ben Khélifa, A., Ben Mabrouk, A., Benhima, A., Bezza, A., Bezzine, A., Bourrahouat, A., Chaieb, A., Chakib, A., Chetoui, A., Daoudi, A., Ech-Chenbouli, A., Gaaliche, A., Hassani, A., Kassimi, A., Khachane, A., Labidi, A., Lalaoui, A., Masrar, A., Mchachi, A., Nakhli, A., Ouakaa, A., Siati, A., Toumi, A., Zaouali, A., Condé, A. Y., Haggui, A., Belaguid, A., abdelkader jalil el hangouche, Gharbi, A., Mahfoudh, A., Bouzouita, A., Aissaoui, A., Ben Hamouda, A., Hedhli, A., Ammous, A., Bahlous, A., Ben Halima, A., Belhadj, A., Blel, A., Brahem, A., Banasr, A., Meherzi, A., Saadi, A., Sellami, A., Turki, A., Ben Miled, A., Ben Slama, A., Daib, A., Zommiti, A., Chadly, A., Jmaa, A., Mtiraoui, A., Ksentini, A., Methnani, A., Zehani, A., Kessantini, A., Farah, A., Mankai, A., Mellouli, A., Touil, A., Hssine, A., Ben Safta, A., Derouiche, A., Jmal, A., Ferjani, A., Djobbi, A., Dridi, A., Aridhi, A., Bahdoudi, A., Ben Amara, A., Benzarti, A., Ben Slama, A. Y., Oueslati, A., Soltani, A., Chadli, A., Aloui, A., Belghuith Sriha, A., Bouden, A., Laabidi, A., Mensi, A., Sabbek, A., Zribi, A., Green, A., Ben Nasr, A., Azaiez, A., Yeades, A., Belhaj, A., Mediouni, A., Sammoud, A., Slim, A., Amine, B., Chelly, B., Jatik, B., Lmimouni, B., Daouahi, B., Ben Khelifa, B., Louzir, B., Dorra, A., Dhahri, B., Ben Nasrallah, C., Chefchaouni, C., Konzi, C., Loussaief, C., Makni, C., Dziri, C., Bouguerra, C., Kays, C., Zedini, C., Dhouha, C., Mohamed, C., Aichaouia, C., Dhieb, C., Fofana, D., Gargouri, D., Chebil, D., Issaoui, D., Gouiaa, D., Brahim, D., Essid, D., Jarraya, D., Trad, D., Ben Hmida, E., Sboui, E., Ben Brahim, E., Baati, E., Talbi, E., Chaari, E., Hammami, E., Ghazouani, E., Ayari, F., Ben Hariz, F., Bennaoui, F., Chebbi, F., Chigr, F., Guemira, F., Harrar, F., Benmoula, F. Z., Ouali, F. Z., Maoulainine, F. M. R., Bouden, F., Fdhila, F., Améziani, F., Bouhaouala, F., Charfi, F., Chermiti Ben Abdallah, F., Hammemi, F., Jarraya, F., Khanchel, F., Ourda, F., Sellami, F., Trabelsi, F., Yangui, F., Fekih Romdhane, F., Mellouli, F., Nacef Jomli, F., Mghaieth, F., Draiss, G., Elamine, G., Kablouti, G., Touzani, G., Manzeki, G. B., Garali, G., Drissi, G., Besbes, G., Abaza, H., Azzouz, H., Said Latiri, H., Rejeb, H., Ben Ammar, H., Ben Brahim, H., Ben Jeddi, H., Ben Mahjouba, H., Besbes, H., Dabbebi, H., Douik, H., El Haoury, H., Elannaz, H., Elloumi, H., Hachim, H., Iraqi, H., Kalboussi, H., Khadhraoui, H., Khouni, H., Mamad, H., Metjaouel, H., Naoui, H., Zargouni, H., Elmalki, H. O., Feki, H., Haouala, H., Jaafoura, H., Drissa, H., Mizouni, H., Kamoun, H., Ouerda, H., Zaibi, H., Chiha, H., Saibi, H., Skhiri, H., Boussaffa, H., Majed, H., Blibech, H., Daami, H., Harzallah, H., Rkain, H., Ben Massoud, H., Jaziri, H., Ben Said, H., Ayed, H., Harrabi, H., Chaabouni, H., Ladida Debbache, H., Harbi, H., Yacoub, H., Abroug, H., Ghali, H., Kchir, H., Msaad, H., Manai, H., Riahi, H., Bousselmi, H., Limem, H., Aouina, H., Jerraya, H., Ben Ayed, H., Chahed, H., Snéne, H., Lahlou Amine, I., Nouiser, I., Ait Sab, I., Chelly, I., Elboukhani, I., Ghanmi, I., Kallala, I., Kooli, I., Bouasker, I., Fetni, I., Bachouch, I., Bouguecha, I., Chaabani, I., Gazzeh, I., Samaali, I., Youssef, I., Zemni, I., Bachouche, I., Bouannene, I., Kasraoui, I., Laouini, I., Mahjoubi, I., Maoudoud, I., Riahi, I., Selmi, I., Tka, I., Hadj Khalifa, I., Mejri, I., Béjia, I., Bellagha, J., Boubaker, J., Daghfous, J., Dammak, J., Hleli, J., Ben Amar, J., Jedidi, J., Marrakchi, J., Kaoutar, K., Arjouni, K., Ben Helel, K., Benouhoud, K., Rjeb, K., Imene, K., Samoud, K., El Jeri, K., Abid, K., Chaker, K., Bouzghaîa, K., Kamoun, K., Zitouna, K., Oughlani, K., Lassoued, K., Letaif, K., Hakim, K., Cherif Alami, L., Benhmidoune, L., Boumhil, L., Bouzgarrou, L., Dhidah, L., Ifrine, L., Kallel, L., Merzougui, L., Errguig, L., Mouelhi, L., Sahli, L., Maoua, M., Rejeb, M., Ben Rejeb, M., Bouchrik, M., Bouhoula, M., Bourrous, M., Bouskraoui, M., El Belhadji, M., Essakhi, M., Essid, M., Gharbaoui, M., Haboub, M., Iken, M., Krifa, M., Lagrine, M., Leboyer, M., Najimi, M., Rahoui, M., Sabbah, M., Sbihi, M., Zouine, M., Chefchaouni, M. C., Gharbi, M. H., El Fakiri, M. M., Tagajdid, M. R., Shimi, M., Touaibia, M., Jguirim, M., Barsaoui, M., Belghith, M., Ben Jmaa, M., Koubaa, M., Tbini, M., Boughdir, M., Ben Salah, M., Ben Fraj, M., Ben Halima, M., Ben Khalifa, M., Bousleh, M., Limam, M., Mabrouk, M., Mallouli, M., Rebeii, M., Ayari, M., Belhadj, M., Ben Hmida, M., Boughattas, M., Drissa, M., El Ghardallou, M., Fejjeri, M., Hamza, M., Jaidane, M., Jrad, M., Kacem, M., Mersni, M., Mjid, M., Serghini, M., Triki, M., Ben Abbes, M., Boussaid, M., Gharbi, M., Hafi, M., Slama, M., Trigui, M., Taoueb, M., Chakroun, M., Ben Cheikh, M., Chebbi, M., Hadj Taieb, M., Ben Khelil, M., Hammami, M., Khalfallah, M., Ksiaa, M., Mechri, M., Mrad, M., Sboui, M., Bani, M., Hajri, M., Mellouli, M., Allouche, M., Mesrati, M. A., Mseddi, M. A., Amri, M., Bejaoui, M., Bellali, M., Ben Amor, M., Ben Dhieb, M., Ben Moussa, M., Chebil, M., Cherif, M., Fourati, M., Kahloul, M., Khaled, M., Machghoul, M., Mansour, M., Abdesslem, M. M., Ben Chehida, M. A., Chaouch, M. A., Essid, M. A., Meddeb, M. A., Gharbi, M. C., Elleuch, M. H., Loueslati, M. H., Sboui, M. M., Mhiri, M. N., Kilani, M. O., Ben Slama, M. R., Charfi, M. R., Nakhli, M. S., Mourali, M. S., El Asli, M. S., Lamouchi, M. T., Cherti, M., Khadhraoui, M., Bibi, M., Hamdoun, M., Kassis, M., Touzi, M., Ben Khaled, M., Fekih, M., Khemiri, M., Ouederni, M., Hchicha, M., Ben Attia, M., Yahyaoui, M., Ben Azaiez, M., Bousnina, M., Ben Jemaa, M., Ben Yahia, M., Daghfous, M., Haj Slimen, M., Assidi, M., Belhadj, N., Ben Mustapha, N., El Idrissislitine, N., Hikki, N., Kchir, N., Mars, N., Meddeb, N., Ouni, N., Rada, N., Rezg, N., Trabelsi, N., Bouafia, N., Haloui, N., Benfenatki, N., Bergaoui, N., Yomn, N., Maamouri, N., Mehiri, N., Siala, N., Beltaief, N., Aridhi, N., Sidaoui, N., Walid, N., Mechergui, N., Mnif, N., Ben Chekaya, N., Bellil, N., Dhouib, N., Achour, N., Kaabar, N., Mrizak, N., Chaouech, N., Hasni, N., Issaoui, N., Ati, N., Balloumi, N., Haj Salem, N., Ladhari, N., Akif, N., Liani, N., Hajji, N., Trad, N., Elleuch, N., Marzouki, N. E. H., Larbi, N., M Barek, N., Rebai, N., Bibani, N., Ben Salah, N., Belmaachi, O., Elmaalel, O., Jlassi, O., Mihoub, O., Ben Zaid, O., Bouallègue, O., Bousnina, O., Bouyahia, O., El Maalel, O., Fendri, O., Azzabi, O., Borgi, O., Ghdes, O., Ben Rejeb, O., Rachid, R., Abi, R., Bahiri, R., Boulma, R., Elkhayat, R., Habbal, R., Tamouza, R., Jomli, R., Ben Abdallah, R., Smaoui, R., Debbeche, R., Fakhfakh, R., El Kamel, R., Gargouri, R., Jouini, R., Nouira, R., Fessi, R., Bannour, R., Ben Rabeh, R., Kacem, R., Khmakhem, R., Ben Younes, R., Karray, R., Cheikh, R., Ben Malek, R., Ben Slama, R., Kouki, R., Baati, R., Bechraoui, R., Fradi, R., Lahiani, R., Ridha, R., Zainine, R., Kallel, R., Rostom, S., Ben Abdallah, S., Ben Hammamia, S., Benchérifa, S., Benkirane, S., Chatti, S., El Guedri, S., El Oussaoui, S., Elkochri, S., Elmoussaoui, S., Enbili, S., Gara, S., Haouet, S., Khammeri, S., Khefecha, S., Khtrouche, S., Macheghoul, S., Mallouli, S., Rharrit, S., Skouri, S., Helali, S., Boulehmi, S., Abid, S., Naouar, S., Zelfani, S., Ben Amar, S., Ajmi, S., Braiek, S., Yahiaoui, S., Ghezaiel, S., Ben Toumia, S., Thabeti, S., Daboussi, S., Ben Abderahman, S., Rhaiem, S., Ben Rhouma, S., Rekaya, S., Haddad, S., Kammoun, S., Merai, S., Mhamdi, S., Ben Ali, R., Gaaloul, S., Ouali, S., Taleb, S., Zrour, S., Hamdi, S., Zaghdoudi, S., Ammari, S., Ben Abderrahim, S., Karaa, S., Maazaoui, S., Saidani, S., Stambouli, S., Mokadem, S., Boudiche, S., Zaghbib, S., Ayedi, S., Jardek, S., Bouselmi, S., Chtourou, S., Manoubi, S., Bahri, S., Halioui, S., Jrad, S., Mazigh, S., Ouerghi, S., Toujani, S., Fenniche, S., Aboudrar, S., Meriem Amari, S., Karouia, S., Bourgou, S., Halayem, S., Rammeh, S., Yaïch, S., Ben Nasrallah, S., Chouchane, S., Ftini, S., Makni, S., Miri, S., Saadi, S., Manoubi, S. A., Khalfallah, T., Mechergui, T., Dakka, T., Barhoumi, T., M Rad, T. E. B., Ajmi, T., Dorra, T., Ouali, U., Hannachi, W., Ferjaoui, W., Aissi, W., Dahmani, W., Dhouib, W., Koubaa, W., Zhir, W., Gheriani, W., Arfa, W., Dougaz, W., Sahnoun, W., Naija, W., Sami, Y., Bouteraa, Y., Elhamdaoui, Y., Hama, Y., Ouahchi, Y., Guebsi, Y., Nouira, Y., Daly, Y., Mahjoubi, Y., Mejdoub, Y., Mosbahi, Y., Said, Y., Zaimi, Y., Zgueb, Y., Dridi, Y., Mesbahi, Y., Gharbi, Y., Hellal, Y., Hechmi, Z., Zid, Z., Elmouatassim, Z., Ghorbel, Z., Habbadi, Z., Marrakchi, Z., Hidouri, Z., Abbes, Z., Ouhachi, Z., Khessairi, Z., Khlayfia, Z., Mahjoubi, Z., and Moatemri, Z.
57. Medico-legal aspects related to telemedicine in tunisia in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic,Aspects médico-légaux relatifs à la télémédecine en tunisie dans le contexte de la pandémie du COVID-19
- Author
Salem, N. H., Ouelha, D., Gharbaoui, M., Saadi, S., and Mehdi Ben Khelil
58. Guaranteeing confidentiality in multi-domain networks: The PCE Anomaly Detector (PAD)
- Author
Gharbaoui, M., Paolucci, F., Alessio GIORGETTI, Castoldi, P., and Martini, B.
59. Preserving Confidentiality in PCE-based Multi-domain Networks.
- Author
Paolucci, F., Gharbaoui, M., Giorgetti, A., Cugini, F., Martini, B., Valcarenghi, L., and Castoldi, P.
- Abstract
The path computation element (PCE) architecture has been proposed to effectively enable multi-domain traffic engineering (TE) in generalized multiprotocol label switching (GMPLS) networks while providing an adequate level of confidentiality among domains. However, a malicious utilization of the procedures defined within the PCE architecture might affect the confidentiality of network domain information in a multi-domain multi-carrier network scenario. This paper discusses the critical issues of the PCE architecture in terms of confidentiality. A two-step authorization scheme, named the behavior-based PCE authorization policy (BPAP), is proposed. The BPAP includes a novel add-on PCE component and a central authorization policy server to protect against confidentiality breaking. The scheme is based on the PCE protocol (PCEP) client behavior analysis and includes attack pattern detection procedures and possible partial information filtering of the reply message. The applicability of the BPAP scheme is validated in wavelength switched optical networks (WSONs) through simulations focusing on the exchange of a restricted set of available resources. Finally, a BPAP implementation is experimentally evaluated, showing the efficiency of the two-step scheme in terms of scalability, capability to limit the discovery of critical information, and reactivity to confidential attacks. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]
- Published
- 2011
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60. Integrated signaling framework for joint reservation of application and network resources for the Future Internet
- Author
Aldo Campi, Piero Castoldi, Franco Callegati, Barbara Martini, Walter Cerroni, Molka Gharbaoui, Martini B., Cerroni W., Gharbaoui M., Campi A., Castoldi P., and Callegati F.
- Subjects
Service (systems architecture) ,Computer science ,business.industry ,Distributed computing ,Scalability ,Next-generation network ,Reservation ,Resource allocation ,The Internet ,business ,INTERNET ,Computer network - Abstract
This work presents a signaling framework for the Future Internet capable of enabling unified network and IT resource allocation. The proposed signaling scheme is based on existing technologies and carried out through extensions to protocols already operated in current Internet, i.e., SIP, and by resorting to source-initiated GMPLS signaling without introducing network technology- dependent mechanisms. The experimental validation presented in this work has been carried out on a real test-bed. Performance of the service set-up procedure are reported taking into account the response time of real life devices such as commercial routers and protocols. The results provided show that the architecture proposed is compliant with conventional performance levels such as those set by the ITU- T. Finally, scalability performance have been verified by stressing the system with increasing rate of simultaneous service requests.
- Published
- 2011
61. Police arrest-related death: about four cases and review of the literature.
- Author
Zaara MA, Belhaj A, Gharbaoui M, Bellali M, and Khelil MB
- Abstract
Unexpected deaths may occur in individuals during a police arrest. These individuals usually have had both physical and emotional exertion, associated or not with agitation and restraint by police. Further investigations in these cases often show an impregnation with drugs. Autopsy findings may raise medico-legal problems in these cases.We report four cases of deaths during police arrest in which multiple factors contributed to the death. In the first two cases, there was a combination of emotional and physical stress due to police pursuit and, the presence of mechanical asphyxia. We noticed the presence of cannabis and amphetamine; however, we couldn't relate the death to a drug intoxication. In the third case, the deceased lost consciousness when he was arrested by the police with no link to the intervention of law enforcement authorities. Death in this case was due to sepsis complicating endocarditis. The fourth case reports a rare cause of asphyxia that can occur in a police arrest related to a drug package. Death was due to upper airway obstruction in this case.The forensic pathologist should take into consideration every factor when explaining these deaths. Thorough autopsy and investigations are critical to understand the cause and circumstances of death., (© 2024. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.)
- Published
- 2024
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62. Death in detention in the Northern part of Tunisia: a 15-year study (2005-2019).
- Author
Zaara MA, Ben Khelil M, Bellali M, Gharbaoui M, Kort I, Banasr A, Zhioua M, and Hamdoun M
- Abstract
Purpose: This study aims to analyze the pattern of deaths in detention in Northern Tunisia as well as the causes of death., Design/methodology/approach: The authors conducted a cross-sectional retrospective study including all the casualties of death in detention examined in the legal medicine Department in the main teaching hospital from 2005 to 2019. The department covers 10 out of the 11 governorates of Northern Tunisia and 13 prisons., Findings: Of a total of 197 casualties, only 2 were females. The mean age was 45.39 ± 14.43 years. A known medical history was reported in 63.5%, mainly cardiovascular disease, mental health disorders and diabetes. Half of the deaths occurred at the hospital. A total of 53 victims spent less than one year in custody before their death. Most deaths occurred due to disease-related causes (78.7%; n = 155); among these, 69 victims died from cardiovascular disease. Suicide accounted for 3.6% of the casualties and homicides for four cases., Research Limitations/implications: Several missing data regarding the details of the detention circumstances as well as the absence in some cases of the toxicological and histopathology analysis results, which could bias the study findings., Practical Implications: Death in detention in Northern Tunisia involved mainly males between their 30s and their 50s who died mainly from cardiovascular or pulmonary disease. These results underscore the importance of empowering the penitentiary health system., Originality/value: To the best of the authors' knowledge, this study is one of largest studies with regard to the number of decedents and the number of prisons from the Arab countries allowing to draw a pattern of casualties of death in prison., (© Emerald Publishing Limited.)
- Published
- 2023
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63. A comparative study of the injury pattern between suicidal and accidental falls from height in Northern Tunisia.
- Author
Kort I, Hmandi O, Grayaa M, Bellali M, Kouada R, Gharbaoui M, Zhioua M, and Allouche M
- Subjects
- Humans, Male, Adult, Middle Aged, Retrospective Studies, Tunisia epidemiology, Cross-Sectional Studies, Accidental Falls, Suicidal Ideation
- Abstract
Background: Falls from height are a common cause of marbidity and mortality. The aim of this study is to examine the characteristics of the victims, the circumstances of the fall and distribution of the injuries of accidental and suicidal falls from height., Materials and Methods: It was a retrospective cross-sectional study, based on autopsies performed over 16 years (January 2005 to December 2020). The recorded variables included demographic data of the victim, height of fall, death scene findings, length of hospital stay, autopsy findings, and toxicological results., Results: Of the 753 victims of fall from height, 607 were fallers and 146 were jumpers. We found that male victims were predominant in the accidental group (86.8% vs. 69.2%). The mean age at death was 43.6 ± 17.9 years. Suicidal falls occurred in a private house in the majority of cases (70.5%), while accidental falls occurred most frequently at workplace (43.8%). Suicidal falls were higher than accidental falls (10.4 ± 7.3 m vs. 7.1 ± 5.7 m). Injuries in the thorax, abdomen, pelvis, upper and lower extremities were more frequentl in the suicidal falls group. Pelvic fractures were 2.1 times more likely to occur in the suicidal falls. Head injuries were more frequent in the accidental falls group. The survival delay was shorter in the suicidal falls group., Conclusions: our study highlights the differences in the profile of the victims and in the pattern of injuries caused by falls from height, depending on the victim's intention to fall., Competing Interests: Declaration of competing interest The authors declare that they have no competing interests., (Copyright © 2023 Elsevier Ltd and Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Yacoub A, Ayadi A, Ayed W, Ayari S, Chebbi S, Magroun I, Ben Afia L, Mersni M, Mechergui N, Brahim D, Ben Said H, Bahri G, Youssef I, Ladhari N, Mziou N, Grassa A, M'rad M, Khessairi N, Krir A, Chihaoui M, Mahjoub S, Bahlous A, Jridi M, Cherif Y, Derbal S, Chebbi D, Hentati O, Ben Dahmen F, Abdallah M, Hamdi I, Sahli F, Ouerdani Y, Mnekbi Y, Abaza H, Ajmi M, Guedria A, Randaline A, Ben Abid H, Gaddour N, Maatouk A, Zemni I, Gara A, Kacem M, Maatouk I, Ben Fredj M, Abroug H, Ben Nasrallah C, Dhouib W, Bouanene I, Sriha A, Mahmoudi M, Gharbi G, Khsiba A, Azouz M, Ben Mohamed A, Yakoubi M, Medhioub M, Hamzaoui L, Azouz M, Ben Attig Y, Hamdi S, Essid R, Ben Jemia E, Rezgui B, Boudaya MS, Hassine H, Dabbabi H, Fradi Y, Cherif D, Lassoued I, Yacoub H, Kchir H, Maamouri N, Khairi W, Ben Ammar H, Abaza H, Chelbi E, Merhaben S, Neffati W, Ajmi M, Tarchalla S, Boughzala S, Gazzeh M, Gara S, Labidi A, Touati H, Nefzi AM, Ben Mustpha N, Fekih M, Serghini M, Boubaker J, Zouiten L, Driss A, Meddeb N, Driss I, Walha S, Ben Said H, Bel Hadj Mabrouk E, Zaimi Y, Mensi A, Trad N, Ayadi S, Said Y, Mouelhi L, Dabbèche R, Belfkih H, Bani M, Moussa A, Souissi S, Trabelsi Werchfeni B, Chelly S, Ezzi O, Ammar A, Besbes M, Njah M, Mahjoub M, Ghali H, Neffati A, Bhiri S, Bannour R, Ayadi S, Khouya FE, Kamel A, Hariz E, Aidani S, Kefacha S, Ben Cheikh A, Said H, Dogui S, Atig A, Gara A, Ezzar S, Ben Fradj M, Bouanène I, M'kadmi H, Farhati M, Dakhli N, Nalouti K, Chanoufi MB, Abouda SH, Louati C, Zaaimi Y, Dabbeche R, Hermi A, Saadi A, Mokaddem S, Boussaffa H, Bellali M, Zaghbib S, Ayed H, Bouzouita A, Derouiche A, Allouche M, Chakroun M, Ben Slama R, Gannoun N, Kacem I, Tlili G, Kahloul M, Belhadj Chabbah N, Douma F, Bouhoula M, Chouchene A, Aloui A, Maoua M, Brahem A, Kalboussi H, El Maalel O, Chatti S, Jaidane M, Naija W, Mrizek N, Sellami I, Feki A, Hrairi A, Kotti N, Baklouti S, Jmal Hammami K, Masmoudi ML, Hajjaji M, Naaroura A, Ben Amar J, Ouertani H, Ben Moussa O, Zaibi H, Aouina H, Ben Jemaa S, Gassara Z, Ezzeddine M, Kallel MH, Fourati H, Akrout R, Kallel H, Ayari M, Chehaider A, Souli F, Abdelaali I, Ziedi H, Boughzala C, Haouari W, Chelli M, Soltani M, Trabelsi H, Sahli H, Hamdaoui R, Masmoudi Y, Halouani A, Triki A, Ben Amor A, Makni C, Eloillaf M, Riahi S, Tlili R, Jmal L, Belhaj Ammar L, Nsibi S, Jmal A, Boukhzar R, Somai M, Daoud F, Rachdi I, Ben Dhaou B, Aydi Z, Boussema F, Frikha H, Hammami R, Ben Cheikh S, Chourabi S, Bokri E, Elloumi D, Hasni N, Hamza S, Berriche O, Dalhoum M, Jamoussi H, Kallel L, Mtira A, Sghaier Z, Ghezal MA, Fitouri S, Rhimi S, Omri N, Rouiss S, Soua A, Ben Slimene D, Mjendel I, Ferchichi I, Zmerli R, Belhadj Mabrouk E, Debbeche R, Makhloufi M, Chouchane A, Sridi C, Chelly F, Gaddour A, Kacem I, Chatti S, Mrizak N, Elloumi H, Debbabi H, Ben Azouz S, Marouani R, Cheikh I, Ben Said M, Kallel M, Amdouni A, Rejaibi N, Aouadi L, Zaouche K, Khouya FE, Aidani S, Khefacha S, Jelleli N, Sakly A, Zakhama W, Binous MY, Ben Said H, Bouallegue E, Jemmali S, Abcha S, Wahab H, Hmida A, Mabrouk I, Mabrouk M, Elleuch M, Mrad M, Ben Safta N, Medhioub A, Ghanem M, Boughoula K, Ben Slimane B, Ben Abdallah H, Bouali R, Bizid S, Abdelli MN, Ben Nejma Y, Bellakhal S, Antit S, Bourguiba R, Zakhama L, Douggui MH, Bahloul E, Dhouib F, Turki H, Sabbah M, Baghdadi S, Trad D, Bellil N, Bibani N, Elloumi H, Gargouri D, Ben Said M, Hamdaoui R, Chokri R, Kacem M, Ben Rejeb M, Miladi A, Kooli J, Touati S, Trabelsi S, Klila M, Rejeb H, Kammoun H, Akrout I, Greb D, Ben Abdelghaffar H, Hassene H, Fekih L, Smadhi H, Megdiche MA, Ksouri J, Kasdalli H, Hayder A, Gattoussi M, Chérif L, Ben Saida F, Gueldich M, Ben Jemaa H, Dammak A, Frikha I, Saidani A, Ben Amar J, Aissi W, Chatti AB, Naceur I, Ben Achour T, Said F, Khanfir M, Lamloum M, Ben Ghorbel I, Houman M, Cherif T, Ben Mansour A, Daghfous H, Slim A, Ben Saad S, Tritar F, Naffeti W, Abdellatif J, Ben Fredj M, Selmi M, Kbir GH, Maatouk M, Jedidi L, Taamallah F, Ben Moussa M, Halouani L, Rejeb S, Khalffalah N, Ben Ammar J, Hedhli S, Azouz MM, Chatti S, Athimni Z, Bouhoula M, Elmaalel O, Mrizak N, Maalej M, Kammoun R, Gargouri F, Sallemi S, Haddar A, Masmoudi K, Oussaifi A, Sahli A, Bhouri M, Hmaissi R, Friha M, Cherif H, Baya C, Triki M, Yangui F, Charfi MR, Ben Hamida HY, Karoui S, Aouini F, Hajlaoui A, Jlassi H, Sabbah M, Fendri MN, Kammoun N, Fehri S, Nouagui H, Harzalli A, Snène H, Belakhal S, Ben Hassine L, Labbene I, Jouini M, Kalboussi S, Ayedi Y, Harizi C, Skhiri A, Fakhfakh R, Jelleli B, Belkahla A, Fejjeri M, Zeddini M, Mahjoub S, Nouira M, Frih N, Debiche S, Blibech H, Belhaj S, Mehiri N, Ben Salah N, Louzir B, Kooli J, Bahri R, Chaka A, Abdenneji S, Majdoub Fehri S, Hammadi J, Dorgham D, Hriz N, Kwas H, Issaoui N, Jaafoura S, Bellali H, Shimi M, Belhaj Mabrouk E, Sellami R, Ketata I, Medi W, Mahjoub M, Ben Yacoub S, Ben Chaabene A, Touil E, Ben Ayed H, Ben Miled S, El Zine E, Khouni H, Ben Kadhi S, Maatoug J, Boulma R, Rezgui R, Boudokhane M, Jomni T, Chamekh S, Aissa S, Touhiri E, Jlaiel N, Oueslati B, Maaroufi N, Aouadi S, Belkhir S, Daghfous H, Merhaben S, Dhaouadi N, Ounaes Y, Chaker K, Yaich S, Marrak M, Bibi M, Mrad Dali K, Sellami A, Nouira Y, Sellami S, Anane I, Trabelsi H, Ennaifer R, Benzarti Z, Bouchabou B, Hemdani N, Nakhli A, Cherif Y, Abdelkef M, Derbel K, Barkous B, Yahiaoui A, Sayhi A, Guezguez F, Rouatbi S, Racil H, Ksouri C, Znegui T, Maazaoui S, Touil A, Habibech S, Chaouech N, Ben Hmid O, Ismail S, Chouaieb H, Chatti M, Guediri N, Belhadj Mohamed M, Bennasrallah C, Bouzid Y, Zaouali F, Toumia M, El Khemiri N, El Khemiri A, Sfar H, Farhati S, Ben Chehida F, Yamoun R, Braham N, Hamdi Y, Ben Mansour A, Mtir M, Ayari M, Toumia M, Rouis S, Sakly H, Nakhli R, Ben Garouia H, Chebil D, Hannachi H, Merzougui L, Samet S, Hrairi A, Mnif I, Hentati O, Bouzgarrou L, Souissi D, Boujdaria R, Kadoussi R, Rejeb H, Ben Limem I, Ben Salah I, Greb D, Ben Abdelghaffar H, Smadhi H, Laatiri H, Manoubi SA, Gharbaoui M, Hmandi O, Zhioua M, Taboubi F, Hamza Y, Hannach W, Jaziri H, Gharbi R, Hammami A, Dahmani W, Ben Ameur W, Ksiaa M, Ben Slama A, Brahem A, Elleuch N, Jmaa A, Kort I, Jlass S, Benabderrahim S, Turki E, Belhaj A, Kebsi D, Ben Khelil M, Rmadi N, Gamaoun H, Alaya Youzbechi F, Brahim T, Boujnah S, Abid N, Gader N, Kalboussi S, Ben Sassi S, Loukil M, Ghrairi H, Ben Said N, Mrad O, Ferjaoui M, Hedhli L, Ben Kaab B, Berriche A, Charfi R, Mourali O, Smichi I, Bel Haj Kacem L, Ksentini M, Aloui R, Ferchichi L, Nasraoui H, Maoua M, Chérif F, Belil Y, Ayed MA, Alloulou Y, Belhadj S, Daghfous J, Mehiri N, Louzir B, Abbes A, Ghrab A, Chermiti A, Akacha A, Mejri O, Debbiche A, Yahiaoui C, Binous M, Tissaoui A, Mekni K, El Fekih C, Said MA, Chtioui S, Mestiri S, Smaoui H, Ben Hamida S, Haddar A, Mrizek N, Gares N, Zaibi A, Bouazizi N, Gallas S, Lachhab A, Belhadj M, Hadj Salem N, Garrouch A, Mezgar Z, Khrouf M, Abbassi H, Souissi D, Hamra I, Ben Mustapha N, Abessi I, Boubaker F, Bouchareb S, ElOmma Mrabet H, Touil I, Boussoffara L, Knani J, Boudawara N, Alaya W, Sfar MH, Fekih S, Snène H, Boudawara N, Gargouri I, Benzarti W, Knaz A, Abdelghani A, Aissa S, Hayouni A, Mejri I, Kacem M, Mhamdi S, Daboussi S, Aichaouia C, Moatemri Z, Chaachou A, Fsili R, Ben Ghezala H, Ben Jazia A, and Brahmi N
- Published
- 2023
65. Lichtenberg Figures: How a Cutaneous Sign Can Solve Suspicious Death Cases.
- Author
Manoubi SA, Shimi M, Gharbaoui M, and Allouche M
- Subjects
- Humans, Skin, Autopsy, Seasons, Lightning Injuries, Lightning
- Abstract
Lightning is a natural weather phenomenon that occurs most commonly during the summer months in the afternoon or early evening. Lightning strikes can cause accidental deaths. In developed countries, lightning fatalities occur almost exclusively outdoors. Deaths from lightning may be in remote places with no witnesses. Forensic pathologists may not be able to reach the scene of death because it is too hazardous or inaccessible. Bodies may have neither evidence of skin burns nor torn areas on their clothes. The presumption of accidental death may be difficult to prove. We present 3 cases in which neither the examination of the death scene nor the examination of the bodies by those who attested to the death were performed. The bodies were transported to the morgue for a forensic autopsy because the deaths were considered suspicious. Physicians who attest to death in open spaces during weather that could produce lightning should actively search for Lichtenberg figures, which are considered irrefutable proof of fatal lightning in such settings. They should also photograph them and submit them as evidence. Nevertheless, physicians should keep in mind that Lichtenberg figures are not considered pathognomonic of lightning because some skin manifestations may mimic them., (Copyright © 2022 Wilderness Medical Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2022
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66. A 13-Year Study of Fatal Falls From Height in Northern Tunisia.
- Author
Kort I, Belhaj A, Kebsi D, Gharbaoui M, Bellali M, and Allouche M
- Subjects
- Male, Humans, Female, Retrospective Studies, Tunisia epidemiology, Autopsy, Homicide, Wounds and Injuries
- Abstract
Introduction: Falls from height are a major cause of unintentional injury death, resulting in high disability and mortality. We investigated the characteristics of fatal falls and their relationship with intentionality, injury patterns, and death on impact., Materials and Methods: In this retrospective study, we examined 545 cases of fatal falls from height that underwent autopsy in the forensic department of the Charles Nicolle hospital of Tunis (Tunisia) between January 2008 and December 2020. Cases were reviewed in terms of demographics, fall characteristics, and autopsy findings., Results: The population was predominately male (86.6%). Four hundred twenty-one (77.3%) originated from accidents, 120 (22%) were found to be suicidal, with 4 homicide cases. A notable decline in cases was noticed following the Jasmine revolution, 2011 (R squared = 0.8). The mean height of falls was 8 m. Higher falls were associated with a set of organ-specific injuries. Organ injury pattern did not differ based on intentionality. Female victims were 2.4 times more likely to sustain pelvic injuries than males. The majority of victims deceased before reaching health care structures. Death on impact was strongly associated with higher falls, cranial impact, and organ-specific injuries, including cardiac, pulmonary, and skull injuries.Falls from height are in many cases preventable. A clearly defined fall safety policy, strict implementation of evidence-based interventions, efficient allocation of resources, and raising safety awareness must to be urgently implemented., Conclusion: Understanding patterns of injury and the factors that influence death on impact may be of further interest in the prevention and management of survivors in the acute period., Competing Interests: The authors report no conflict of interest., (Copyright © 2022 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2022
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67. Patterns of Unnatural Deaths Among Children and Adolescents: Autopsy Study (2011-2018).
- Author
Ben Abderrahim S, Belhaj A, Bellali M, Hmandi O, Gharbaoui M, Harzallah H, Naceur Y, Ben Khelil M, and Allouche M
- Subjects
- Adult, Child, Adolescent, Male, Humans, Female, Infant, Child, Preschool, Cause of Death, Retrospective Studies, Research Design, Suicide
- Abstract
Background and Aims: The problem of unnatural death in children is still relevant because of their vulnerability. This work aimed to describe the epidemiological profile and patterns of these medicolegal deaths in children and adolescents in northern Tunisia., Methods: We conducted a retrospective study from January 2011 to December 2018, within the Forensic Department of Charles Nicolle Hospital in Tunis. All children who died of unnatural causes were included (767 cases)., Results: An overall male predominance was observed (sex ratio = 2.4). Accidental deaths represent the most common manner of death (81.4%) involving most frequently domestic accidents occurring in children aged between 1 and 4 years. In cases of suicide, the highest risk profile was a female child aged between 15 and 18 years. The suicide occurred most often in the victim's home with hanging representing the common means of suicide. For the criminal form, the most common means in those cases were stabbing and blunt injuries., Conclusion: Our study delivered a broad picture of unnatural deaths among children in Tunisia. These deaths, largely absent from child survival initiatives presently on the global agenda, can be prevented if they are addressed strategically, as their injury prevention strategies differ from adults.
- Published
- 2022
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68. Sudden death related to the gastrointestinal system in Tunisia: A 13 year autopsy study.
- Author
Ben Abderrahim S, Gharbaoui M, Békir O, Hamdoun M, and Allouche M
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, Autopsy, Cause of Death, Child, Death, Sudden, Cardiac etiology, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Retrospective Studies, Tunisia epidemiology, Death, Sudden epidemiology, Death, Sudden etiology, Gastrointestinal Tract
- Abstract
Sudden gastrointestinal (GI) death is an unexpected death due to digestive system causes mainly found after autopsy. The literature is rich in articles that studied sudden death due to cardiac causes while sudden GI deaths remain less well-documented. We retrospectively investigated all cases of gastrointestinal death at the Department of Forensic Medicine in Tunis, over 13 years (January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2018). Two hundred and eight cases were collected. The mean age of our series was 51.06 ± 20.99 years. No history of digestive disorders was reported in 78.4%, and no family history of sudden death was found in any cases. A male predominance was found in most epidemiological characteristics of the sample with a significant statistical rate in some features. Non-specific abdominal pain was the most described symptom (n = 92). Perforation of GI tract was the common mechanism involved in the death of 55 cases, of which 44 were related to ulcer perforation. These ulcer perforations were statistically more reported in smokers and people suffering from schizophrenia. Intestinal obstruction was the second commonest cause of death, mainly found in the elderly. Sudden death in children was most frequently caused by acute intussusception. This study highlights that systematic study of sudden death due to GI causes might provide opportunities to identify avenues for overall health improvement., (© 2021 American Academy of Forensic Sciences.)
- Published
- 2022
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69. [Forensic evaluation of initial medical certificates within health facilities in Northern Tunisia].
- Author
Makni C, Gorgi M, Gharbaoui M, Abderrahim SB, Zaara MA, Belhaj A, Hamdoun M, and Allouche M
- Subjects
- Female, Health Facilities, Humans, Male, Retrospective Studies, Tunisia, Forensic Medicine, General Practitioners
- Abstract
Initial medical certificate is a descriptive medical and legal document whose purpose is to prove the existence of a damage and to enable the victim to access his or her right. The purpose of our study was to study the content and to evaluate the writing quality of initial medical certificates. We conducted a retrospective and descriptive study over an 18-month period, from January 2017 to June 2018. We collected data from 450 initial medical certificates at the Forensic Medicine Department of the Charles Nicolle University Hospital in Tunis. The quality of the initial medical certificates was assessed using a template that allowed to assign them a score out of 30. A mean score was mainly assigned to initial medical certificates Template scores ranged between 9.5 and 27.5/30 with an mean of 18.59/30. General practitioners and specialist physicians, such as ophthalmologists, neurosurgeons and doctors using the support provided by the Ministry of Health wrote better certificates. Similarly, we noted better quality of writing when certificates dealt with intentional assaults and injuries. Our study shows that the majority of initial medical certificates does not conform to editorial guidelines. These shortcomings are probably related to the fact that doctors have never received adequate medical-legal training., Competing Interests: Les auteurs ne déclarent aucun conflit d'intérêts., (Copyright: Chahnez Makni et al.)
- Published
- 2021
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70. Fatal coronary ectasia: An autopsy case report and review of literature.
- Author
Ben Abderrahim S, Gharbaoui M, Zaara MA, Rammeh-Rommani S, Hamdoun M, and Ben Khelil M
- Subjects
- Adult, Collagen metabolism, Coronary Thrombosis pathology, Humans, Male, Myocardium pathology, Pulmonary Edema pathology, Tunica Media metabolism, Tunica Media pathology, Coronary Vessels pathology, Death, Sudden, Cardiac etiology, Dilatation, Pathologic pathology
- Abstract
Coronary ectasia is a rare vessel defect that represents a pathological and incidental finding in routine coronary angiography performed for other coronary syndromes. This defect exposes to the risk of intra-coronary thrombosis by blood stasis due to the turbulent blood flow in those dilated areas that can lead to sudden death. We report an autopsy case of a male subject suddenly deceased. A medico-legal autopsy concluded an ischemic heart failure due to a vascular thrombosis by a blood clot in a coronary ectasia. Our case report aimed to discuss the mechanisms of sudden death attributed to coronary artery ectasia., (Copyright © 2021 Elsevier Ltd and Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2021
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71. A fatal case of cannabis body-packing: About an autopsy case report.
- Author
Ben Abderrahim S, Gharbaoui M, Zaara MA, Harzallah H, and Allouche M
- Subjects
- Colon, Sigmoid injuries, Colon, Sigmoid pathology, Humans, Intestinal Perforation etiology, Male, Middle Aged, Peritonitis etiology, Rectum injuries, Rectum pathology, Body Packing, Cannabis, Drug Trafficking, Foreign Bodies complications, Intestinal Perforation pathology, Peritonitis pathology
- Abstract
The body packing represents an illegal drug trafficking practice across the borders of certain countries. It has experienced enormous growth in recent years. The medical literature is rich in publications interested in body packaging of cocaine or heroin with sometimes lethal consequences. However, reported cases of cannabis body packing appear to be rare, sometimes underestimated, despite the notoriety of cannabis in the illegal drug market and its wide consumption around the world. We report in this work a forensic case of a cannabis body packer deceased due toa stercoral peritonitis secondary to a double perforation of thesigmoid and rectal colon., (Copyright © 2020 Elsevier Ltd and Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2020
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72. Medico-legal aspects related to Telemedicine in Tunisia in the context of the covid-19 pandemic.
- Author
Haj Salem N, Ouelha D, Gharbaoui M, Saadi S, and Ben Khelil M
- Subjects
- History, 21st Century, Humans, Jurisprudence history, SARS-CoV-2 physiology, Telemedicine history, Telemedicine methods, Telemedicine trends, Tunisia epidemiology, COVID-19 epidemiology, Pandemics, Telemedicine legislation & jurisprudence
- Abstract
Telemedicine has become a privileged mode of medical practice providing medical care while reducing the transmission of Covid-19 among patients, families, and clinicians. The law established in 2018 settled a legal framework for telemedicine in Tunisia. However, thelatterremains not sufficient in itself, as legal issues remain especially delimiting the precise conditions for this exercise and to expose the limits of responsibility of each party involved among its organizers, its health service providers, and its users. Several medico-legal issues may be generated by the practice of telemedicine in Tunisia. Our paper aimed to discuss these medico-legal issues relating to telemedicine in anticipation of its legislation.
- Published
- 2020
73. Workplace Homicides in Northern Tunisia: A 15-Year Study (2003-2017).
- Author
Ben Khelil M, Belghith M, Chraiti A, Gharbaoui M, Laadhari N, and Hamdoun M
- Subjects
- Adult, Age Distribution, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Crime Victims statistics & numerical data, Cross-Sectional Studies, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Motivation, Occupations statistics & numerical data, Retrospective Studies, Sex Distribution, Tunisia epidemiology, Wounds, Nonpenetrating mortality, Wounds, Stab mortality, Young Adult, Homicide statistics & numerical data, Workplace Violence statistics & numerical data
- Abstract
Background: Death in workplaces remains a public health issue. However, data regarding workplace homicides are scarce in most of regions, especially in the Arab world. The aim of our study was to analyze the epidemiological features of workplace homicides in northern Tunisia., Materials and Methods: This is a descriptive study with retrospective data collection over a 15-year period (January 2003 to December 2017)., Results: We recorded 50 workplace homicide cases. Sex ratio was 49:1 (male/female). The mean age was 41.6 ± 15.13 years. Occupations the most at risk were security guards (odds ratio, 8.25; 95% confidence interval, 4.28-15.91; P < 0.0001) and taxi drivers (odds ratio, 5.61; 95% confidence interval, 2.39-13.18; P < 0.00001). The motive of the aggression was either interpersonal conflict or robbery (47.9% and 43.8%, respectively). Victims working as security guards or taxi drivers were most frequently assaulted by an unknown perpetrator, the motive being robbery. Death was most frequently secondary to blunt trauma (n = 20) or stab wounds (n = 15)., Conclusions: Workplace homicides represent a substantial phenomenon in Tunisia. The application of prevention measures is required based on improving environmental measures targeting, in priority, security guards and taxi drivers.
- Published
- 2019
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74. Pattern of suicide by self-poisoning in Northern Tunisia: An eleven-year study (2005-2015).
- Author
Gharbaoui M, Ben Khelil M, Harzallah H, Benzarti A, Zhioua M, and Hamdoun M
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Age Distribution, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Butanes poisoning, Caustics poisoning, Cross-Sectional Studies, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Pesticides poisoning, Prevalence, Retrospective Studies, Sex Distribution, Tunisia epidemiology, Unemployment statistics & numerical data, Young Adult, Poisoning mortality, Suicide statistics & numerical data
- Abstract
Objective: The aim of our study was to discuss the epidemiological features of self-poisoning suicide in Northern Tunisia., Methods: We conducted a retrospective, descriptive and cross-sectional study, including all the cases of fatal self-poisoning suicide occurring between January 2005 and December 2015., Results: In the study period, 204 cases of self-poisoning suicide occurred in northern Tunisia, with a prevalence of 0.44 cases/100 000 inhabitants/year. Among these cases, 59% were females (the sex ratio was 0.69). The mean age was 34 ± 15.3 years-old. The most common age group of the victims (28.4%) was between 20 and 29 years old. Victims were unemployed in 45% of cases and single at the time of suicide in 52%. None of the victims left a suicide note. Self-poisonings were due to the ingestion of drugs (52.5%), pesticides (42.6%), caustic products (5.5%) and Butane gas (1 case)., Conclusions: Fatal casualties of self-poisoning in Tunisia are frequently young, single, unemployed women. This pattern would allow planning of targeted preventive measures., (Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd and Faculty of Forensic and Legal Medicine. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2019
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75. 46th Medical Maghrebian Congress. November 9-10, 2018. Tunis.
- Author
Alami Aroussi A, Fouad A, Omrane A, Razzak A, Aissa A, Akkad A, Amraoui A, Aouam A, Arfaoui A, Belkouchi A, Ben Chaaben A, Ben Cheikh A, Ben Khélifa A, Ben Mabrouk A, Benhima A, Bezza A, Bezzine A, Bourrahouat A, Chaieb A, Chakib A, Chetoui A, Daoudi A, Ech-Chenbouli A, Gaaliche A, Hassani A, Kassimi A, Khachane A, Labidi A, Lalaoui A, Masrar A, McHachi A, Nakhli A, Ouakaa A, Siati A, Toumi A, Zaouali A, Condé AY, Haggui A, Belaguid A, El Hangouche AJ, Gharbi A, Mahfoudh A, Bouzouita A, Aissaoui A, Ben Hamouda A, Hedhli A, Ammous A, Bahlous A, Ben Halima A, Belhadj A, Bezzine A, Blel A, Brahem A, Banasr A, Meherzi A, Saadi A, Sellami A, Turki A, Ben Miled A, Ben Slama A, Daib A, Zommiti A, Chadly A, Jmaa A, Mtiraoui A, Ksentini A, Methnani A, Zehani A, Kessantini A, Farah A, Mankai A, Mellouli A, Zaouali A, Touil A, Hssine A, Ben Safta A, Derouiche A, Jmal A, Ferjani A, Djobbi A, Dridi A, Aridhi A, Bahdoudi A, Ben Amara A, Benzarti A, Ben Slama AY, Oueslati A, Soltani A, Chadli A, Aloui A, Belghuith Sriha A, Bouden A, Laabidi A, Mensi A, Ouakaa A, Sabbek A, Zribi A, Green A, Ben Nasr A, Azaiez A, Yeades A, Belhaj A, Mediouni A, Sammoud A, Slim A, Amine B, Chelly B, Jatik B, Lmimouni B, Daouahi B, Ben Khelifa B, Louzir B, Dorra A, Dhahri B, Ben Nasrallah C, Chefchaouni C, Konzi C, Loussaief C, Makni C, Dziri C, Bouguerra C, Kays C, Zedini C, Dhouha C, Mohamed C, Aichaouia C, Dhieb C, Fofana D, Gargouri D, Chebil D, Issaoui D, Gouiaa D, Brahim D, Essid D, Jarraya D, Trad D, Ben Hmida E, Sboui E, Ben Brahim E, Baati E, Talbi E, Chaari E, Hammami E, Ghazouani E, Ayari F, Ben Hariz F, Bennaoui F, Chebbi F, Chigr F, Guemira F, Harrar F, Benmoula FZ, Ouali FZ, Maoulainine FMR, Bouden F, Fdhila F, Améziani F, Bouhaouala F, Charfi F, Chermiti Ben Abdallah F, Hammemi F, Jarraya F, Khanchel F, Ourda F, Sellami F, Trabelsi F, Yangui F, Fekih Romdhane F, Mellouli F, Nacef Jomli F, Mghaieth F, Draiss G, Elamine G, Kablouti G, Touzani G, Manzeki GB, Garali G, Drissi G, Besbes G, Abaza H, Azzouz H, Said Latiri H, Rejeb H, Ben Ammar H, Ben Brahim H, Ben Jeddi H, Ben Mahjouba H, Besbes H, Dabbebi H, Douik H, El Haoury H, Elannaz H, Elloumi H, Hachim H, Iraqi H, Kalboussi H, Khadhraoui H, Khouni H, Mamad H, Metjaouel H, Naoui H, Zargouni H, Elmalki HO, Feki H, Haouala H, Jaafoura H, Drissa H, Mizouni H, Kamoun H, Ouerda H, Zaibi H, Chiha H, Kamoun H, Saibi H, Skhiri H, Boussaffa H, Majed H, Blibech H, Daami H, Harzallah H, Rkain H, Ben Massoud H, Jaziri H, Ben Said H, Ayed H, Harrabi H, Chaabouni H, Ladida Debbache H, Harbi H, Yacoub H, Abroug H, Ghali H, Kchir H, Msaad H, Ghali H, Manai H, Riahi H, Bousselmi H, Limem H, Aouina H, Jerraya H, Ben Ayed H, Chahed H, Snéne H, Lahlou Amine I, Nouiser I, Ait Sab I, Chelly I, Elboukhani I, Ghanmi I, Kallala I, Kooli I, Bouasker I, Fetni I, Bachouch I, Bouguecha I, Chaabani I, Gazzeh I, Samaali I, Youssef I, Zemni I, Bachouche I, Youssef I, Bouannene I, Kasraoui I, Laouini I, Mahjoubi I, Maoudoud I, Riahi I, Selmi I, Tka I, Hadj Khalifa I, Mejri I, Béjia I, Bellagha J, Boubaker J, Daghfous J, Dammak J, Hleli J, Ben Amar J, Jedidi J, Marrakchi J, Kaoutar K, Arjouni K, Ben Helel K, Benouhoud K, Rjeb K, Imene K, Samoud K, El Jeri K, Abid K, Chaker K, Abid K, Bouzghaîa K, Kamoun K, Zitouna K, Oughlani K, Lassoued K, Letaif K, Hakim K, Cherif Alami L, Benhmidoune L, Boumhil L, Bouzgarrou L, Dhidah L, Ifrine L, Kallel L, Merzougui L, Errguig L, Mouelhi L, Sahli L, Maoua M, Rejeb M, Ben Rejeb M, Bouchrik M, Bouhoula M, Bourrous M, Bouskraoui M, El Belhadji M, El Belhadji M, Essakhi M, Essid M, Gharbaoui M, Haboub M, Iken M, Krifa M, Lagrine M, Leboyer M, Najimi M, Rahoui M, Sabbah M, Sbihi M, Zouine M, Chefchaouni MC, Gharbi MH, El Fakiri MM, Tagajdid MR, Shimi M, Touaibia M, Jguirim M, Barsaoui M, Belghith M, Ben Jmaa M, Koubaa M, Tbini M, Boughdir M, Ben Salah M, Ben Fraj M, Ben Halima M, Ben Khalifa M, Bousleh M, Limam M, Mabrouk M, Mallouli M, Rebeii M, Ayari M, Belhadj M, Ben Hmida M, Boughattas M, Drissa M, El Ghardallou M, Fejjeri M, Hamza M, Jaidane M, Jrad M, Kacem M, Mersni M, Mjid M, Sabbah M, Serghini M, Triki M, Ben Abbes M, Boussaid M, Gharbi M, Hafi M, Slama M, Trigui M, Taoueb M, Chakroun M, Ben Cheikh M, Chebbi M, Hadj Taieb M, Kacem M, Ben Khelil M, Hammami M, Khalfallah M, Ksiaa M, Mechri M, Mrad M, Sboui M, Bani M, Hajri M, Mellouli M, Allouche M, Mesrati MA, Mseddi MA, Amri M, Bejaoui M, Bellali M, Ben Amor M, Ben Dhieb M, Ben Moussa M, Chebil M, Cherif M, Fourati M, Kahloul M, Khaled M, Machghoul M, Mansour M, Abdesslem MM, Ben Chehida MA, Chaouch MA, Essid MA, Meddeb MA, Gharbi MC, Elleuch MH, Loueslati MH, Sboui MM, Mhiri MN, Kilani MO, Ben Slama MR, Charfi MR, Nakhli MS, Mourali MS, El Asli MS, Lamouchi MT, Cherti M, Khadhraoui M, Bibi M, Hamdoun M, Kassis M, Touzi M, Ben Khaled M, Fekih M, Khemiri M, Ouederni M, Hchicha M, Kassis M, Ben Attia M, Yahyaoui M, Ben Azaiez M, Bousnina M, Ben Jemaa M, Ben Yahia M, Daghfous M, Haj Slimen M, Assidi M, Belhadj N, Ben Mustapha N, El Idrissislitine N, Hikki N, Kchir N, Mars N, Meddeb N, Ouni N, Rada N, Rezg N, Trabelsi N, Bouafia N, Haloui N, Benfenatki N, Bergaoui N, Yomn N, Ben Mustapha N, Maamouri N, Mehiri N, Siala N, Beltaief N, Aridhi N, Sidaoui N, Walid N, Mechergui N, Mnif N, Ben Chekaya N, Bellil N, Dhouib N, Achour N, Kaabar N, Mrizak N, Mnif N, Chaouech N, Hasni N, Issaoui N, Ati N, Balloumi N, Haj Salem N, Ladhari N, Akif N, Liani N, Hajji N, Trad N, Elleuch N, Marzouki NEH, Larbi N, M'barek N, Rebai N, Bibani N, Ben Salah N, Belmaachi O, Elmaalel O, Jlassi O, Mihoub O, Ben Zaid O, Bouallègue O, Bousnina O, Bouyahia O, El Maalel O, Fendri O, Azzabi O, Borgi O, Ghdes O, Ben Rejeb O, Rachid R, Abi R, Bahiri R, Boulma R, Elkhayat R, Habbal R, Rachid R, Tamouza R, Jomli R, Ben Abdallah R, Smaoui R, Debbeche R, Fakhfakh R, El Kamel R, Gargouri R, Jouini R, Nouira R, Fessi R, Bannour R, Ben Rabeh R, Kacem R, Khmakhem R, Ben Younes R, Karray R, Cheikh R, Ben Malek R, Ben Slama R, Kouki R, Baati R, Bechraoui R, Fakhfakh R, Fradi R, Lahiani R, Ridha R, Zainine R, Kallel R, Rostom S, Ben Abdallah S, Ben Hammamia S, Benchérifa S, Benkirane S, Chatti S, El Guedri S, El Oussaoui S, Elkochri S, Elmoussaoui S, Enbili S, Gara S, Haouet S, Khammeri S, Khefecha S, Khtrouche S, Macheghoul S, Mallouli S, Rharrit S, Skouri S, Helali S, Boulehmi S, Abid S, Naouar S, Zelfani S, Ben Amar S, Ajmi S, Braiek S, Yahiaoui S, Ghezaiel S, Ben Toumia S, Thabeti S, Daboussi S, Ben Abderahman S, Rhaiem S, Ben Rhouma S, Rekaya S, Haddad S, Kammoun S, Merai S, Mhamdi S, Ben Ali R, Gaaloul S, Ouali S, Taleb S, Zrour S, Hamdi S, Zaghdoudi S, Ammari S, Ben Abderrahim S, Karaa S, Maazaoui S, Saidani S, Stambouli S, Mokadem S, Boudiche S, Zaghbib S, Ayedi S, Jardek S, Bouselmi S, Chtourou S, Manoubi S, Bahri S, Halioui S, Jrad S, Mazigh S, Ouerghi S, Toujani S, Fenniche S, Aboudrar S, Meriem Amari S, Karouia S, Bourgou S, Halayem S, Rammeh S, Yaïch S, Ben Nasrallah S, Chouchane S, Ftini S, Makni S, Manoubi S, Miri S, Saadi S, Manoubi SA, Khalfallah T, Mechergui T, Dakka T, Barhoumi T, M'rad TEB, Ajmi T, Dorra T, Ouali U, Hannachi W, Ferjaoui W, Aissi W, Dahmani W, Dhouib W, Koubaa W, Zhir W, Gheriani W, Arfa W, Dougaz W, Sahnoun W, Naija W, Sami Y, Bouteraa Y, Elhamdaoui Y, Hama Y, Ouahchi Y, Guebsi Y, Nouira Y, Daly Y, Mahjoubi Y, Mejdoub Y, Mosbahi Y, Said Y, Zaimi Y, Zgueb Y, Dridi Y, Mesbahi Y, Gharbi Y, Hellal Y, Hechmi Z, Zid Z, Elmouatassim Z, Ghorbel Z, Habbadi Z, Marrakchi Z, Hidouri Z, Abbes Z, Ouhachi Z, Khessairi Z, Khlayfia Z, Mahjoubi Z, and Moatemri Z
- Subjects
- Africa, Northern epidemiology, Anatomy education, Education, Medical history, Education, Medical methods, Education, Medical organization & administration, History, 21st Century, Humans, Internship and Residency standards, Internship and Residency trends, Job Satisfaction, Pathology, Clinical education, Tunisia epidemiology, Education, Medical trends, Medicine methods, Medicine organization & administration, Medicine trends
- Published
- 2019
76. Patterns of homicide in North Tunisia: a 10-year study (2005-2014).
- Author
Ben Khelil M, Farhani F, Harzallah H, Allouche M, Gharbaoui M, Banasr A, Benzarti A, and Hamdoun M
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Age Distribution, Cause of Death, Employment, Epidemiological Monitoring, Female, Humans, Male, Marital Status, Middle Aged, Retrospective Studies, Sex Distribution, Tunisia epidemiology, Young Adult, Homicide statistics & numerical data, Wounds and Injuries mortality
- Abstract
Background: In Tunisia and in the Arab world, few data are available about homicide patterns. The aim of our study was to analyse the victims' profiles and the general pattern., Methods: 636 homicide victims were autopsied at the Legal Medicine Department of Charles Nicolle Hospital in Tunis, over a period of 10 years (2005-2014)., Results: Victims were males in 79.7% with a male-to-female ratio of 3.93 and the average age was 37.7 years. The victim was generally from an urban area (66.7%), single (55.7%) and semiskilled (50.2%). The most common methods of homicide were sharp force (51.7%) and blunt trauma (24.8%)., Conclusions: This study suggests applying urgent preventive measures targeting essentially young males and the importance of a national 'Violence Repository'., Competing Interests: Competing interests: None declared., (Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to http://www.bmj.com/company/products-services/rights-and-licensing/.)
- Published
- 2018
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77. Impact of the Tunisian Revolution on homicide and suicide rates in Tunisia.
- Author
Ben Khelil M, Gharbaoui M, Farhani F, Zaafrane M, Harzallah H, Allouche M, Zhioua M, and Hamdoun M
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Age Distribution, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Cross-Sectional Studies, Female, Humans, Male, Mental Disorders epidemiology, Middle Aged, Residence Characteristics statistics & numerical data, Retrospective Studies, Sex Distribution, Socioeconomic Factors, Tunisia epidemiology, Young Adult, Homicide statistics & numerical data, Suicide statistics & numerical data, Warfare
- Abstract
Objectives: To analyze the impact of the Tunisian Revolution on suicide and homicide patterns in Tunisia., Methods: It is a retrospective, cross-sectional study, including all the cases of homicides and suicides that occurred during an 8-year period (2007-2014) in Northern Tunisia. We compared data before and after the revolution., Results: After the revolution, the number of suicides rose 1.7 times, with a prevalence rising from 1.8 to 3.12 suicides per 100,000 persons per year. Homicides rose 1.3 times after the revolution. For both manner of death, victims were mostly males, aged between 20 and 39 years, living in urban areas. Hanging and self-immolation rose, respectively, 1.8 and 3 times after 2011. We observed suicide cases most frequently occurred in public places and in front of public administration after 2011. Homicide victims' profile and circumstances showed a single variation which is an increase in number of cases happening in rural areas., Conclusions: Our results proved a short-term impact of the transition period on homicides and suicides. Urgent preventive measures are needed especially to decrease the suicide rates.
- Published
- 2016
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78. Suicide by self-immolation in Tunisia: A 10 year study (2005-2014).
- Author
Ben Khelil M, Zgarni A, Zaafrane M, Chkribane Y, Gharbaoui M, Harzallah H, Banasr A, and Hamdoun M
- Subjects
- Adolescent, Adult, Age Distribution, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Depressive Disorder epidemiology, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Paranoid Disorders epidemiology, Retrospective Studies, Risk Factors, Schizophrenia epidemiology, Sex Distribution, Suicide, Attempted statistics & numerical data, Tunisia epidemiology, Young Adult, Burns, Fires, Mental Disorders epidemiology, Suicide statistics & numerical data, Unemployment statistics & numerical data
- Abstract
Introduction: In Tunisia, few data are available about self-immolation epidemiology especially in the absence of official statistics on suicides. The aim of our study was to analyze the trends of suicide by self-immolation over a period of ten years (2005-2014)., Methods: We conducted a descriptive, retrospective study including all the cases of self-immolation suicides that occurred over a period of 10 years (2005-2014) and autopsied in the Department of Legal Medicine of the Charles Nicolle Hospital of Tunis, including self-immolation occurring in Northern Tunisia as well as those committed in remaining governorates and transferred before death to the central intensive care unit of burnt in Tunis receiving patients from all over Tunisia (about 80% of cases occurring in Tunisia)., Results: 235 cases of self-immolation were collected. The average age at death was 34.1±12.43 years (range 14-83 years). Gender ratio was of 3.27. Psychiatric history was mentioned in 32.8% of cases, represented by schizophrenia in 17.9% and depression in 12.3% of cases. 12.3% had a history of suicide attempts, and 7.3% presented a history of suicidal threats. The number of casualties of suicide by self-immolation tripled after 2011 with a rising trend during the next three years and slight drop in 2014. The most reported reason in our study was decompensation of a psychiatric illness (24.7%). Self-immolation occurred most frequently in a private home (34.5%) or a public place (30.2)., Conclusion: Our study showed that self-immolation affects essentially, young men, who are unemployed and mostly having mental diseases., (Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2016
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