This document –which title is: “An approximation to the life and work of Don Joaquín García Icazbalceta, writer, historian, and bibliographer, (1825-1894)”-- is only an approximation to the life and work of such connotated personage such as Don Joaquín García Icazbalceta. It is a research paper for the subject “Reference 4” of the 7th Semester of the Undergraduate Program in Library and Information Science at the School of Philosophy and Letters at the Nuevo Leon Autonomous University, in San Nicolas de los Garza, Nuevo Leon, Mexico submitted to the lecturer Maria del Rosario Banda Martinez. The theme of this essay was chosen in function of the syllabus of this subject, Reference 4, and in this context should be considered its scope. I do not pretend to make new discoveries or to include everything about my character's life or work, for I am sure that I would fill up several books. Instead, what I try is to approximate to the most significant about him. And that is nothing but the fact that it was he one of the pioneers to rescue the most valuable of both our pre-hispanic and colonial past and to place with fairness the good that the colonization brought to Mexico. Being approached this keeping at bay any historical or current anti-Spaniard aboriginalist-driven prejudices, shamanisms, fatalisms, or any other mediocre reasonings. Talking about his life, I divided it as follows: descent; first infancy; exile to Spain; return to México and its intelectual influences; development and maturity and death. And if to his life I dedicated only a few pages, and more to his work, it was because the life of Don Joaquín García Icazbalceta is his work. As for his life section. I have divided in several subdivisions, each one correspond to the bibliographic sources from where I extracted records of my character or that in one way or the other talk about him. The main source (only from the ones that I consulted) will always be the Dictionary of Mexican Writers (Diccionario de escritores mexicanos) of Aurora M. Ocampo and Ernesto Prado Velázquez, and in second place the Encyclopaedic Dictionary of Mexico (Diccionario Enciclopédico de México), but only because the largest number of titles of his work are cited there, and besides of being also well classified, arranged (specially the Dictionary of Mexican Writers). However those 2 works are not the most representative regarding to a more thorough and profound analytical and hermeneutic analysis as the works of Luis González, Agustín Millares Carlo and Carlos Pagaza, and also some how the work of Federico Gómez de Orozco.