2,823 results on '"Carlos Hernández"'
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52. Conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas relacionadas con las infecciones intrahospitalarias en Nicaragua
- Author
Carlos Hernández Faure, Armando González Treasure, Iván González Rodríguez, and Rafael de la Cruz Vázquez
- Subjects
infecciones asociadas ,atención de salud ,lavado de las manos ,capacitación ,Medicine - Abstract
Introducción:las infecciones asociadas a la asistencia sanitaria constituyen un grave problema de la salud pública a nivel mundial por su frecuencia y elevada mortalidad.Objetivo:identificar el nivel de conocimientos, actitudes y prácticas para controlar las infecciones intrahospitalarias del personal asistencial.Método:se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, en el Hospital Santiago de Jinotepe en Carazo, Nicaragua, periodo enero-junio 2017.El universo lo constituyeron 345 trabajadores del hospital incluyendo a los internos de la carrera de Medicina y la muestra intencional o por conveniencia, de 53 proveedores. Las variables utilizadas:clasificación ocupacional, nivel de conocimiento sobre la definiciónde infecciones asociadas a la atención en salud(IAAS)y sobreefecto del lavado de las manos con agua y el jabón para remover bacilos Gram negativos, así como la evaluación de prácticas y actitudes relacionados con la prevención de las IAAS.Resultados:se evidenció déficit cognitivo sobre las infecciones asociadas a la atención en salud y en las actitudes y prácticas correctas en el personal asistencial para su prevención.Conclusiones: existe falta de conocimiento sobre las infecciones asociadas a la atención en salud, así como en el ejercicio de actitudes y prácticas correctas destinadas a su prevención, para esto se deberá diseñar un programa de capacitación en este nivel de atención para tratar de disminuir lasIAAS.
- Published
- 2019
53. A Novel Green Logistics Technique for Planning Merchandise Deliveries: A Case Study
- Author
Carlos Hernández-Mejía, Delia Torres-Muñoz, Everardo Inzunza-González, Carlos Sánchez-López, and Enrique Efrén García-Guerrero
- Subjects
logistics ,green logistics ,RGPPM algorithm ,path planning ,Transportation and communication ,K4011-4343 ,Management. Industrial management ,HD28-70 ,Transportation and communications ,HE1-9990 - Abstract
Background: The health crisis due to COVID-19 has changed the habits of social coexistence and therefore has had a significant impact on several economic sectors, including logistics. Nowadays, this sector faces one of the most difficult challenges in history and hence has carried out innovative strategies to adjust to the new normal and guarantee the permanence of the supply chain. In this paper, a novel green logistics technique for planning merchandise deliveries is introduced herein. Methods: This technique is based on a modified version of the Resistive Grid Path Planning Methodology (RGPPM) to establish a path through georeferential locations for delivering merchandise to customers. To do this, multi-connected resistive grids are based at customer locations for searching the path connecting the positions through electronic circuit analysis techniques. Results: Experimental results reveal that the proposed method can find a minimum spanning tree that connects all hand-over points by a continuous path. This finding has represented a reduction of around 45% in the length of the path with respect to the longest path. Conclusions: Finally, this technique is capable of addressing different optimization strategies, locating a merchandise distribution center and exploring environmental standards to reduce fuel consumption.
- Published
- 2022
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54. Stable Matching of Users in a Ridesharing Model
- Author
Daniel Fajardo-Delgado, Carlos Hernández-Bernal, María Guadalupe Sánchez-Cervantes, Joel Antonio Trejo-Sánchez, Ismael Edrein Espinosa-Curiel, and Jesús Ezequiel Molinar-Solis
- Subjects
ridesharing ,ride-matching ,stable matching ,sustainable transportation ,Technology ,Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) ,TA1-2040 ,Biology (General) ,QH301-705.5 ,Physics ,QC1-999 ,Chemistry ,QD1-999 - Abstract
A ridesharing system is a transport mode where two or more users share the same vehicle and divide the trip’s expenses based on similar routes and itineraries. Popular ridesharing systems, such as Uber, Flinc, and Lyft, define a matching among users based only on the coincidence of routes. However, these systems do not guarantee a stable matching (i.e., a matching in which no user prefers another different from the assigned one). In this work, a new ridesharing system model is proposed, including three types of trips: identical, inclusive, and partial. This model is used to introduce a new algorithm to address the stable matching problem for ridesharing systems. Finally, a set of experimental simulations of the proposed algorithm is conducted. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm always produces a stable matching.
- Published
- 2022
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55. Robotics Navigation System for Mapping Underground Hydraulic Networks
- Author
Carlos Hernández-Santos, Ernesto Rincon, Yasser A. Davizón, Adriana Vargas-Martínez, and Alejandro R. Said
- Subjects
mobile robots ,navigation system ,Underground topography ,Stewart system ,Mechanical engineering and machinery ,TJ1-1570 - Abstract
This paper presents the model, design, and simulation for a navigation system developed for a group of mobile robots dedicated to the production of maps for underground hydraulic infrastructure. The system can operate internally in unknown pipeline networks without GPS support, integrating Tarry’s principles of deep search, Pledge modify discrimination, and topographic orientation transfer, in the temporary construction of a reference network independent of peripheral inertial navigation. The acquisition of topographic objectives for mapping is done by laser collimation and radio frequency synchronization with an angular and longitudinal precision of sigma II range. The maps produced contain the polygonal axes of the network pipelines.
- Published
- 2022
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56. 'Deseo trabajo estable y buen sueldo'. Historias de vida sobre la continuidad educativa de la población gitana cántabra
- Author
Carlos Hernández Borja and Carmen Álvarez-Álvarez
- Subjects
población gitana ,minoría étnica ,continuidad educativa ,historias de vida. ,Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology ,GN301-674 - Abstract
La continuidad educativa de la población gitana puede influir en su mejora sociocultural, sin embargo, es necesario continuar investigando sobre las razones que más contribuyen a la misma. En este trabajo nos preguntamos por qué algunos gitanos continúan estudiando y qué factores han contribuido y entorpecido esta decisión, desarrollando el trabajo de campo en una comunidad en la que no hay estudios previos, Cantabria. Hemos contactado con diferentes personas de la comunidad gitana y hemos escuchado sus historias de vida. Los resultados muestran doce factores que dificultan la continuidad educativa como el racismo existente en la escuela, las formas académicas memorísticas y el temor al fracaso. También hemos identificado doce factores que favorecen la continuidad educativa del pueblo gitano, destacando la determinación personal a estudiar, el orgullo de perseguir con ahínco y lograr una meta profesional o la situación actual del mercado laboral y la crisis. Es posible concluir que el pueblo gitano está en una fase de tránsito entre tradición y modernidad y que hay una alta probabilidad de que las nuevas generaciones apuesten por su continuidad educativa.
- Published
- 2021
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57. Un acercamiento a las relaciones sociales de explotación en dos enclaves globales agroexportadores en el noroeste mexicano
- Author
Laura Velasco Ortiz and Carlos Hernández Campos
- Subjects
enclave agroexportador ,relaciones sociales de producción ,explotación laboral precaria ,control de la movilidad ,control residencial ,segregación y discriminación étnica ,producción de desigualdades ,agro-export enclave ,social relations of production ,precarious labor exploitation ,control of mobility ,control of residency ,ethnic segregation and discrimination ,production of inequalities ,Social Sciences ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
Objetivo: analizar las bases sociales del enclave agroexportador a través del estudio de las relaciones sociales de producción en dos regiones agroexportadoras de Baja California Sur, donde convergen capitales globales y regionales con el traslado de trabajadores para sostener el proceso productivo. Metodología: consiste de dos encuestas representativas realizadas entre 2014 y 2015 en campamentos de trabajadores jornaleros agrícolas en el valle de Vizcaíno y el valle de Santo Domingo. Los datos se analizaron mediante estadística descriptiva y un modelo de regresión logística binaria. Resultados: las relaciones sociales de producción van más allá del espacio laboral, con formas de explotación precaria, y abarcan el control de la movilidad y de la residencia. Limitaciones: el alcance de la generalización del estudio dadas las conexiones tan específicas que confluyen en las regiones estudiadas. Valor: el aporte a la discusión sobre las escasas conexiones regionales de los capitales globales y su efecto en la producción y reproducción de las desigualdades a escala regional. Conclusiones: las relaciones de explotación en regiones globales, como las estudiadas, se sustentan en el control de la residencia y la intensificación del trabajo, lo cual tiene efectos en la reducción de las expectativas de vida de los trabajadores y pone en peligro la reproducción social de los trabajadores y sus familias.
- Published
- 2021
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58. ¿Podemos vivir con el gigante? La máquina epistemológica universitaria: reflexiones y propuestas sobre la tecnología académica
- Author
Carlos Hernández Mercado
- Subjects
Creación de subjetividades ,crisis de publicación ,dicotonegación ,tecnologías de publicación ,enfoque feminista hacia la academia ,máquina epistemológica universitaria ,Philosophy (General) ,B1-5802 - Abstract
En la actualidad, hay un profundo y extendido malestar entre la comunidad académica por la presión psicológica y laboral que las universidades ejercen sobre los investigadores al exigir la publicación ininterrumpida de artículos de investigación. En este artículo presento varios indicios de esta crisis, la cual afecta en particular a quienes habitan ecologías académicas. En primer lugar, argumento la necesidad de entender la situación como expresión de tecnologías y dispositivos moldeados por ideologías que generan subjetividades, mecanismos de exclusión, estigmatización y remplazo. En segundo, examino dos respuestas ante la crisis de la publicación académica enmarcadas en el movimiento de des- aceleración (Slow). Por último, después de explicitar algunos de los supuestos de la máquina epistemológica universitaria, propongo completar el proyecto de Ulmer y el equipo de Mountz con dos sugerencias. Por un lado, extiendo una invitación a reflexionar sobre y con los estudiantes, como medida para reconducir la teleología universitaria. Por el otro, sugiero adoptar la ontogogía como dispositivo de resistencia ante el embate de las exigencias de la máquina. El punto de partida del texto es antidicotonegativo pues explora un enfoque sumativo, más que una perspectiva agónica. En otras palabras, propongo dos herramientas adicionales que se pueden poner a prueba para contribuir en la solución de la crisis universitaria.
- Published
- 2020
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59. Sistema de Reconocimiento de Señalamientos en Entornos Abiertos para la Orientación de Personas con Discapacidad Visual
- Author
Yesenia González, Alejandro Millán, Yuli Sánchez, Claudia Ortiz, Miguel Alemán, and Carlos Hernández
- Subjects
Señalamientos ,Algoritmo SLIC ,Redes neuronales convolucionales ,Ordenador de placa reducida ,GPS ,Personas con discapacidad visual ,Technology ,Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) ,TA1-2040 - Abstract
En este trabajo se presenta el desarrollo de un prototipo que permite identificar señalamientos específicos a través de técnicas de visión artificial. Utiliza una etapa de segmentación de imagen basada en el algoritmo de superpíxeles SLIC, seguida de una etapa de reconocimiento y clasificación de señalamientos basada en redes neuronales convolucionales que se ha implementado en un ordenador de placa reducida (SBC). El prototipo informa al usuario de la identificación de estos señalamientos a través de un mensaje de audio enviado a un auricular, cuenta con un módulo GPS que obtiene la ubicación donde se reconoció el señalamiento y se almacena para ofrecer al usuario notificaciones sobre señalamientos cercanos. Las pruebas fueron realizadas con señalamientos a escala 1:2 en entornos abiertos, con luz de día. El prototipo pretende ser un apoyo para que personas con discapacidad visual puedan desplazarse en entornos abiertos urbanos. Tiempos de procesamiento y desempeño del prototipo son reportados. Si bien la implementación en el ordenador de placa reducida seleccionado hace inviable su uso por los tiempos de operación, se demuestra la funcionalidad del sistema.
- Published
- 2020
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60. Utility of entomological indices for predicting transmission of dengue virus: secondary analysis of data from the Camino Verde trial in Mexico and Nicaragua.
- Author
Arcadio Morales-Pérez, Elizabeth Nava-Aguilera, Carlos Hernández-Alvarez, Víctor Manuel Alvarado-Castro, Jorge Arosteguí, José Legorreta-Soberanis, Miguel Flores-Moreno, Liliana Morales-Nava, Eva Harris, Robert J Ledogar, Neil Andersson, and Anne Cockcroft
- Subjects
Arctic medicine. Tropical medicine ,RC955-962 ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
Dengue vector entomological indices are widely used to monitor vector density and disease control activities. But the value of these indices as predictors of dengue infection is not established. We used data from the impact assessment of a trial of community mobilization for dengue prevention (Camino Verde) to examine the associations between vector indices and evidence of dengue infection and their value for predicting dengue infection levels. In 150 clusters in Mexico and Nicaragua, two entomological surveys, three months apart, allowed calculation of the mean Container Index, Breteau index, Pupae per Household Index, and Pupae per Container Index across the two surveys. We measured recent dengue virus infection in children, indicated by a doubling of dengue antibodies in paired saliva samples over the three-month period. We examined the associations between each of the vector indices and evidence of dengue infection at household level and at cluster level, accounting for trial intervention status. To examine the predictive value for dengue infection, we constructed receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves at household and cluster level, considering the four vector indices as continuous variables, and calculated the positive and negative likelihood ratios for different levels of the indices. None of the vector indices was associated with recent dengue infection at household level. The Breteau Index was associated with recent infection at cluster level (Odds ratio 1.36, 95% confidence interval 1.14-1.61). The ROC curve confirmed the weak predictive value for dengue infection of the Breteau Index at cluster level. Other indices showed no predictive value. Conventional vector indices were not useful in predicting dengue infection in Mexico and Nicaragua. The findings are compatible with the idea of sources of infection outside the household which were tackled by community action in the Camino Verde trial.
- Published
- 2020
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61. Paradigma pragmático-funcional en la rehabilitación de la afasia
- Author
Carlos Hernández Sacristán and Vicent Rosell Clari
- Subjects
Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 - Abstract
Durante las últimas dos décadas, la investigación sobre la rehabilitación de la afasia ha desarrollado una visión pragmática y funcional del lenguaje, lo que ha llevado a una orientación cada vez más multifacética del trabajo terapéutico. En este enfoque de la rehabilitación de la afasia convergen diferentes programas concebidos de forma independiente, centrando la terapia en la dimensión relacional del lenguaje, que incluye: las interrelaciones funcionales entre los componentes del sistema lingüístico; la función comunicativa y el uso del lenguaje en contextos naturales como en las conversaciones cotidianas; las interrelaciones entre el comportamiento verbal y otros medios semióticos como la gestualidad; y las interrelaciones entre el lenguaje y otras habilidades cognitivas. Estos precedentes pueden ser considerados en conjunto para esbozar un nuevo paradigma para la rehabilitación de la afasia.
- Published
- 2020
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- Author
Carlos Hernández López
- Subjects
administración pública ,competencia discrecional ,derechos de autor ,creación intelectual ,registro de derechos de autor ,Law - Abstract
La Ley Federal del Derecho de Autor prevé los supuestos mínimos de protección para los autores y sus obras, y dispone que dichas creaciones pueden ser inscritas en el Registro Público del Derecho de Autor del Instituto Nacional del Derecho de Autor. A este respecto la autoridad administrativa en materia de derechos de autor realiza el registro o niega la inscripción de las creaciones que se le presentan en ejercicio de una competencia discrecional, en virtud que, si bien tiene competencia y atribuciones para hacerlo la legislación no prevé bajo que conceptos y características una creación corresponde a una de las ramas reconocidas por el derecho de autor de las que se enuncian en el artículo 13 de la Ley Federal del Derecho de Autor, el perfil que debe tener quien realiza la evaluación de las obras literarias y artísticas para determinar la procedencia o improcedencia de la inscripción y el procedimiento de dictamen de las creaciones intelectuales.
- Published
- 2020
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63. Traffic Flow Prediction for Smart Traffic Lights Using Machine Learning Algorithms
- Author
Alfonso Navarro-Espinoza, Oscar Roberto López-Bonilla, Enrique Efrén García-Guerrero, Esteban Tlelo-Cuautle, Didier López-Mancilla, Carlos Hernández-Mejía, and Everardo Inzunza-González
- Subjects
intelligent transportation system ,smart city ,traffic flow prediction ,traffic light ,machine-learning ,deep-learning ,Technology - Abstract
Nowadays, many cities have problems with traffic congestion at certain peak hours, which produces more pollution, noise and stress for citizens. Neural networks (NN) and machine-learning (ML) approaches are increasingly used to solve real-world problems, overcoming analytical and statistical methods, due to their ability to deal with dynamic behavior over time and with a large number of parameters in massive data. In this paper, machine-learning (ML) and deep-learning (DL) algorithms are proposed for predicting traffic flow at an intersection, thus laying the groundwork for adaptive traffic control, either by remote control of traffic lights or by applying an algorithm that adjusts the timing according to the predicted flow. Therefore, this work only focuses on traffic flow prediction. Two public datasets are used to train, validate and test the proposed ML and DL models. The first one contains the number of vehicles sampled every five minutes at six intersections for 56 days using different sensors. For this research, four of the six intersections are used to train the ML and DL models. The Multilayer Perceptron Neural Network (MLP-NN) obtained better results (R-Squared and EV score of 0.93) and took less training time, followed closely by Gradient Boosting then Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), with good metrics results but the longer training time, and finally Random Forest, Linear Regression and Stochastic Gradient. All ML and DL algorithms scored good performance metrics, indicating that they are feasible for implementation on smart traffic light controllers.
- Published
- 2022
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64. Activity enhancement of cobalt catalysts by tuning metal-support interactions
- Author
Carlos Hernández Mejía, Tom W. van Deelen, and Krijn P. de Jong
- Subjects
Science - Abstract
Tuning metal-support interaction can strongly influence the performance of a catalyst, and is thus essential for catalyst design. Here, the authors investigate reduction-oxidation-reduction treatments as a method to affect metal-support interactions of cobalt-based catalysts in Fischer-Tropsch synthesis.
- Published
- 2018
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65. Cuando los suburbios dejaron de ser periferia. La lucha por el control de la calle en el Madrid de los años 1930
- Author
Carlos Hernández Quero and Luis de la Cruz Salanova
- Subjects
suburbios ,cultura política ,Madrid ,fascismo ,anarquismo ,Modern history, 1453- ,D204-475 - Abstract
Durante el período de entreguerras los suburbios de las grandes ciudades occidentales se convirtieron en el espacio por excelencia de la política de masas. Este artículo propone un análisis a ras de suelo de la lucha política en los barrios madrileños de Cuatro Caminos y Tetuán. En un primer momento se realiza una aproximación a la vida social de sendos suburbios y se subraya su situación de abandono por las distintas administraciones liberales. A continuación, se estudian dos de los principales conflictos que tuvieron lugar en sus calles en los años treinta. Por un lado, se analizan los enfrentamientos derivados de la propaganda fascista en un medio que las organizaciones revolucionarias consideraban propio. Por otro, se abordan los actos de boicot que los anarquistas, fuertes en los suburbios, llevaron a cabo contra los socialistas. En el texto se sostiene que ambos conflictos se entienden mejor a la luz de la cultura política forjada en los suburbios durante décadas.
- Published
- 2019
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66. Infecciones asociadas a la atención en salud del Hospital Santiago de Jinotepe, Nicaragua
- Author
Carlos Hernández Faure, Gustavo Sánchez Fernández, Idania Reyes Matos, Iván Gutiérrez Sanchez, and Gretell Heredia Conde
- Subjects
infecciones ,atención de salud ,tasa ,Medicine - Abstract
Introducción: las infecciones intrahospitalarias son complicaciones en las que se conjugan diversos factores de riesgo, que en su mayoría pueden ser susceptibles de prevención y control. Objetivo: caracterizar las infecciones asociadas a la atención de salud en el Hospital Regional Santiago de Jinotepe en Carazo, Nicaragua, durante el período enero a diciembre de 2016. Método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. El universo se constituyó por las 153 infecciones reportadas en dicho hospital. Las variables estudiadas fueron grupo de edades, sexo, servicio de hospitalización y tipo de Infección. Los resultados se organizaron en tablas de frecuencias, las variables se expresaron en números y porcientos. Resultados: la tasa de infección fue de 1,02 x cada 100 egresos. Las pacientes del sexo femenino reportaron el mayor número de infecciones con 115 para un 75 %, las edades de mayor incidencia fueron las incluidas en los grupos 15–30 años y 31-45 años con 66 (43 %) y 30 (20 %) respectivamente. El 77,1 % de las infecciones se identificó en los servicios quirúrgicos. Según tipo de infección, la sepsis de las heridas quirúrgicas con 76 casos para un 50 % seguida las episiorrafias sépticas con 35 y un 23 % ocuparon los lugares cimeros. Conclusiones: la tasa de infección es más baja que la media mundial. Las tres cuartas partes de los pacientes afectados fueron mujeres. Los servicios quirúrgicos exhibieron el mayor número de casos sépticos y las infecciones de las heridas quirúrgicas fueron las más frecuentes.
- Published
- 2018
67. The vote of custom. Political cultures and urban crisis in Madrid at the beginning of 20th century
- Author
- Subjects
cultura política ,historia urbana ,microhistoria ,historia desde abajo ,costumbre ,crisis de la Restauración. ,Modern history, 1453- ,D204-475 - Abstract
During the last decades political historians have renewed their methodologycal approaches to the past in order to provide wider explanations of the political identity of the historical subjects. In this intellectual frame, the concept of political culture has raised as one of the most used tools by both spanish and international scholars. However, the important advances political culture has brought up in the study of ideas and representations have not had their counterpart in the realm of practices or actions from below and regardless of parties and institutions. In this article we try to incorporate those forgotten elements adopting an anthropological, practical and contextual approach to the concept of political culture. The majority of the article lies on a microhistorical exercise in which we make use of our definition of political culture with the aim of measuring the weight of custom and community in the political attitudes of Madrid citizenship in a particular period: the conjuncture of social change, urban transformation and cultural crisis that defined the last years of the Spanish Restoration.
- Published
- 2018
68. The Effects of COVID-19 on Healthcare Workers and Non-Healthcare Workers in Mexico: 14 Months into the Pandemic
- Author
César Esquivel-Chirino, Yolanda Valero-Princet, Luis Alberto Gaitán-Cepeda, Carlos Hernández-Hernández, Alejandro Macías Hernández, Hugo Laparra-Escareño, José Luis Ventura-Gallegos, Delina Montes-Sánchez, Ambar Lopéz-Macay, Fernando Hernández-Sánchez, William Alves de Oliveira, José Antonio Morales-González, Daniela Carmona-Ruiz, Karol Rosen-Esquivel, and Alejandro Zentella-Dehesa
- Subjects
COVID-19 ,cases ,deaths ,healthcare workers ,physician ,nurses ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 - Abstract
Background and Objectives: Healthcare workers (HCWs) play important roles in mitigating the COVID-19 pandemic and are more likely to become infected with COVID-19. Mexico, among other countries, had a high incidence and prevalence of cases and deaths from this disease. Material and Methods: This retrospective study evaluated the clinical characteristics as well as the geographical distribution of cases, deaths, and active cases of COVID-19 in HCWs and non-HCWs using official information from the Ministry of Health of Mexico. Results: A total of 235,343 cases of COVID-19 were reported in healthcare workers, and 2,094,191 cases were reported in non-healthcare workers. A total of 76.0% of cases in healthcare workers occurred in those who were between 25 and 50 years of age, and 71.4% of deaths occurred in those who were 50 to 69 years of age. Among healthcare workers, the most frequent comorbidities were obesity (15.2%), hypertension (10.9%), and diabetes (6.8%). Nurses were the group with the most cases (39.7%), followed by other healthcare workers (30.6%), physicians (26%), and dentists (1.6%). Physicians were the group with the most deaths (46%), followed by other professionals (30%), nurses (19%), and dentists (3%). Conclusion: These findings are likely the result of healthcare workers in Mexico being at a greater risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2.
- Published
- 2021
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69. The preparation of the teaching unit for the address of the labor investigating formation in the pedagogic races
- Author
Carlos Hernández-Estrada, Jacinto Ferrales-González, and Irma Junco-Rodríguez
- Subjects
Formación Laboral Investigativa ,Secundaria Básica ,carreras pedagógicas ,Education (General) ,L7-991 ,Special aspects of education ,LC8-6691 - Abstract
Present it his purpose in the preparation of the teaching unit for the implementation of the principal integrative discipline centers experience: Labor Investigating integrated formation to the pedagogic process of The Basic secondary school. Once the parallelism between the formative processes that develop in these centers, was given pedagogic propitious scene for the complete development of technical training does not fail to come out as expected; for which actions of overcoming of the cloister are proposed and organizational of the school that they contribute to solving the presented problems. The results reveal the potentialities of work metodológico in the formation and development of the professional pedagogic abilities, as well as the potentialities of the principal integrative discipline in the overcoming of the cloister; that they revert in the elevation of the quality of the graduate and best results in the school's process.
- Published
- 2017
70. Awareness in robotics: An early perspective from the viewpoint of the EIC Pathfinder Challenge 'Awareness Inside'
- Author
Della Santina, Cosimo, Corbato, Carlos Hernandez, Sisman, Burak, Leiva, Luis A., Arapakis, Ioannis, Vakalellis, Michalis, Vanderdonckt, Jean, D'Haro, Luis Fernando, Manzi, Guido, Becchio, Cristina, Elamrani, Aïda, Alirezaei, Mohsen, Castellano, Ginevra, Dimarogonas, Dimos V., Ghosh, Arabinda, Haesaert, Sofie, Soudjani, Sadegh, Stroeve, Sybert, Verschure, Paul, Bacciu, Davide, Deroy, Ophelia, Bahrami, Bahador, Gallicchio, Claudio, Hauert, Sabine, Sanz, Ricardo, Lanillos, Pablo, Iacca, Giovanni, Sigg, Stephan, Gasulla, Manel, Steels, Luc, and Sierra, Carles
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Computer Science - Robotics - Abstract
Consciousness has been historically a heavily debated topic in engineering, science, and philosophy. On the contrary, awareness had less success in raising the interest of scholars in the past. However, things are changing as more and more researchers are getting interested in answering questions concerning what awareness is and how it can be artificially generated. The landscape is rapidly evolving, with multiple voices and interpretations of the concept being conceived and techniques being developed. The goal of this paper is to summarize and discuss the ones among these voices connected with projects funded by the EIC Pathfinder Challenge called ``Awareness Inside'', a nonrecurring call for proposals within Horizon Europe designed specifically for fostering research on natural and synthetic awareness. In this perspective, we dedicate special attention to challenges and promises of applying synthetic awareness in robotics, as the development of mature techniques in this new field is expected to have a special impact on generating more capable and trustworthy embodied systems.
- Published
- 2024
71. Runtime Architecture and Task Plan Co-Adaptation for Autonomous Robots with Metaplan
- Author
Zwanepol, Jeroen M., Silva, Gustavo Rezende, and Corbato, Carlos Hernández
- Subjects
Computer Science - Robotics - Abstract
Autonomous robots need to be able to handle uncertainties when deployed in the real world. For the robot to be able to robustly work in such an environment, it needs to be able to adapt both its architecture as well as its task plan. Architecture adaptation and task plan adaptation are mutually dependent, and therefore require the system to apply runtime architecture and task plan co-adaptation. This work presents Metaplan, which makes use of models of the robot and its environment, together with a PDDL planner to apply runtime architecture and task plan co-adaptation. Metaplan is designed to be easily reusable across different domains. Metaplan is shown to successfully perform runtime architecture and task plan co-adaptation with a self-adaptive unmanned underwater vehicle exemplar, and its reusability is demonstrated by applying it to an unmanned ground vehicle.
- Published
- 2023
72. Multi-Modal MPPI and Active Inference for Reactive Task and Motion Planning
- Author
Zhang, Yuezhe, Pezzato, Corrado, Trevisan, Elia, Salmi, Chadi, Corbato, Carlos Hernández, and Alonso-Mora, Javier
- Subjects
Computer Science - Robotics - Abstract
Task and Motion Planning (TAMP) has made strides in complex manipulation tasks, yet the execution robustness of the planned solutions remains overlooked. In this work, we propose a method for reactive TAMP to cope with runtime uncertainties and disturbances. We combine an Active Inference planner (AIP) for adaptive high-level action selection and a novel Multi-Modal Model Predictive Path Integral controller (M3P2I) for low-level control. This results in a scheme that simultaneously adapts both high-level actions and low-level motions. The AIP generates alternative symbolic plans, each linked to a cost function for M3P2I. The latter employs a physics simulator for diverse trajectory rollouts, deriving optimal control by weighing the different samples according to their cost. This idea enables blending different robot skills for fluid and reactive plan execution, accommodating plan adjustments at both the high and low levels to cope, for instance, with dynamic obstacles or disturbances that invalidate the current plan. We have tested our approach in simulations and real-world scenarios., Comment: Accepted for IEEE RA-L, June 2024. Project's website: https://autonomousrobots.nl/paper_websites/m3p2i-aip
- Published
- 2023
73. The Camino Verde intervention in Nicaragua, 2004–2012
- Author
Jorge Arosteguí, Robert J. Ledogar, Josefina Coloma, Carlos Hernández-Alvarez, Harold Suazo-Laguna, Alvaro Cárcamo, Rosa María Reyes, Alejandro Belli, Neil Andersson, and Eva Harris
- Subjects
Dengue ,Aedes aegypti ,Brigadista ,Community mobilisation ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
Abstract Camino Verde (the Green Way) is an evidence-based community mobilisation tool for prevention of dengue and other mosquito-borne viral diseases. Its effectiveness was demonstrated in a cluster-randomised controlled trial conducted in 2010–2013 in Nicaragua and Mexico. The Nicaraguan arm of the trial was preceded, from 2004 to 2008, by a feasibility study that provided valuable lessons and trained facilitators for the trial itself. Here, guided by the Template for Intervention Description and Replication (TIDieR), we describe the Camino Verde intervention in Nicaragua, presenting its rationale, its time and location, activities, materials used, the main actors, modes of delivery, how it was tailored to encourage community engagement, modifications made from the feasibility study to the trial itself, and how fidelity to the process originally designed was maintained. We also present information on costs and discuss the place of this study within the literature on implementation science. Trial registration ISRCTN27581154 .
- Published
- 2017
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74. Mobilising communities for Aedes aegypti control: the SEPA approach
- Author
Robert J. Ledogar, Jorge Arosteguí, Carlos Hernández-Alvarez, Arcadio Morales-Perez, Elizabeth Nava-Aguilera, José Legorreta-Soberanis, Harold Suazo-Laguna, Alejandro Belli, Jorge Laucirica, Josefina Coloma, Eva Harris, and Neil Andersson
- Subjects
Sepa ,Community ,Community ownership ,Dengue ,Aedes aegypti ,Complex interventions ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
Abstract Camino Verde (the Green Way) is an evidence-based community mobilisation tool for prevention of dengue and other mosquito-borne viral diseases. Its effectiveness was demonstrated in a cluster-randomised controlled trial conducted in 2010–2013 in Nicaragua and Mexico. The common approach that brought functional consistency to the Camino Verde intervention in both Mexico and Nicaragua is Socialisation of Evidence for Participatory Action (SEPA). In this article, we explain the SEPA concept and its theoretical origins, giving examples of its previous application in different countries and contexts. We describe how the approach was used in the Camino Verde intervention, with details that show commonalities and differences in the application of the approach in Mexico and Nicaragua. We discuss issues of cost, replicability and sustainability, and comment on which components of the intervention were most important to its success. In complex interventions, multiple components act in synergy to produce change. Among key factors in the success of Camino Verde were the use of community volunteers called brigadistas, the house-to-house visits they conducted, the use of evidence derived from the communities themselves, and community ownership of the undertaking. Communities received the intervention by random assignment; dengue was not necessarily their greatest concern. The very nature of the dengue threat dictated many of the actions that needed to be taken at household and neighbourhood levels to control it. But within these parameters, communities exercised a large degree of control over the intervention and displayed considerable ingenuity in the process. Trial registration ISRCTN27581154 .
- Published
- 2017
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75. When communities are really in control: ethical issues surrounding community mobilisation for dengue prevention in Mexico and Nicaragua
- Author
Robert J. Ledogar, Carlos Hernández-Alvarez, Amy C. Morrison, Jorge Arosteguí, Arcadio Morales-Perez, Elizabeth Nava-Aguilera, José Legorreta-Soberanis, Dawn Caldwell, Josefina Coloma, Eva Harris, and Neil Andersson
- Subjects
Camino verde ,Socialisation of evidence ,Community intervention research ,Community mobilisation ,Autonomy ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
Abstract We discuss two ethical issues raised by Camino Verde, a 2011–2012 cluster-randomised controlled trial in Mexico and Nicaragua, that reduced dengue risk though community mobilisation. The issues arise from the approach adopted by the intervention, one called Socialisation of Evidence for Participatory Action. Community volunteer teams informed householders of evidence about dengue, its costs and the life-cycle of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, while showing them the mosquito larvae in their own water receptacles, without prescribing solutions. Each community responded in an informed manner but on its own terms. The approach involves partnerships with communities, presenting evidence in a way that brings conflicting views and interests to the surface and encourages communities themselves to deal with the resulting tensions. One such tension is that between individual and community rights. This tension can be resolved creatively in concrete day-to-day circumstances provided those seeking to persuade their neighbours to join in efforts to benefit community health do so in an atmosphere of dialogue and with respect for personal autonomy. A second tension arises between researchers’ responsibilities for ethical conduct of research and community autonomy in the conduct of an intervention. An ethic of respect for individual and community autonomy must infuse community intervention research from its inception, because as researchers succeed in fostering community self-determination their direct influence in ethical matters diminishes. Trial registration: ISRCTN 27581154
- Published
- 2017
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76. Beyond efficacy in water containers: Temephos and household entomological indices in six studies between 2005 and 2013 in Managua, Nicaragua
- Author
Jorge Arosteguí, Josefina Coloma, Carlos Hernández-Alvarez, Harold Suazo-Laguna, Angel Balmaseda, Eva Harris, Neil Andersson, and Robert J Ledogar
- Subjects
Temephos ,Clusters ,Aedes aegypti ,Camino Verde ,Dengue prevention ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
Abstract Background A cluster-randomized controlled trial of community mobilisation for dengue prevention in Mexico and Nicaragua reported, as a secondary finding, a higher risk of dengue virus infection in households where inspectors found temephos in water containers. Data from control sites in the preceding pilot study and the Nicaragua trial arm provided six time points (2005, 2006, 2007 and 2011, 2012, 2013) to examine potentially protective effects of temephos on entomological indices under every day conditions of the national vector control programme. Methods Three household entomological indicators for Aedes aegypti breeding were Household Index, Households with pupae, and Pupae per Person. The primary exposure indicator at the six time points was temephos identified physically during the entomological inspection. A stricter criterion for exposure at four time points included households reporting temephos application during the last 30 days and temephos found on inspection. Using generalized linear mixed modelling with cluster as a random effect and temephos as a potential fixed effect, at each time point we examined possible determinants of lower entomological indicators. Results Between 2005 and 2013, temephos exposure was not significantly associated with a reduction in any of the three entomological indices, whether or not the exposure indicator included timing of temephos application. In six of 18 multivariate models at the six time points, temephos exposure was associated with higher entomological indices; in these models, we could exclude any protective effect of temephos with 95% confidence. Conclusion Our failure to demonstrate a significant protective association between temephos and entomological indices might be explained by several factors. These include ecological adaptability of the vector, resistance of Aedes to the pesticide, operational deficiencies of vector control programme, or a decrease in preventive actions by households resulting from a false sense of protection fostered by the centralized government programme using chemical agents. Whatever the explanation, the implication is that temephos affords less protection under routine field conditions than expected from its efficacy under experimental conditions. Trial registration ISRCTN 27581154 .
- Published
- 2017
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77. Rehabilitación de la anomia desde una perspectiva pragmática-funcional: un estudio de caso
- Author
Vicent Rosell-Clari and Carlos Hernández-Sacristán
- Subjects
Anomia rehabilitation ,Aphasia rehabilitation ,Conversation-based techniques ,Metacognitive abilities ,Pragmatic-functional paradigm. ,Language and Literature ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 ,Otorhinolaryngology ,RF1-547 - Abstract
The aim of this paper is to examine the effects of a therapeutic programme based on a pragmatic-functional paradigm. Elements of the therapeutic programme have been selected from the heuristic plan established in this paradigm by taking into consideration the particular profile of the individual case under study: a case of anomic aphasia. The phases of the therapeutic programme, administration criteria and the intensity of the therapy have been illustrated and reasoned for this particular case. Two tests have been selected to assess linguistic abilities, administered before and after the therapeutic intervention. One of them is the well-known BDAE (Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination) in its Spanish version (Goodglass & Kaplan, 1998), which enables a conventional, standardised assessment of linguistic skills to be carried out. The other is the MetAphAs (Metalanguage in Aphasia Assessment) test (Hernández-Sacristán, Rosell-Clari, Serra-Alegre & Quiles-Climent, 2012; Rosell-Clari & Hernández-Sacristán, 2014), which has been designed to assess natural metalinguistic abilities as representative of the metacognitive dimension of verbal behaviour. After treatment, the patient made progress in all language areas, although retaining mild anomia. The diagnosis changed from motor-mixed aphasia to anomic aphasia according BDAE after 8 months of treatment. The patient also demonstrated meaningful advances in performing different kinds of metalinguistic tasks as measured with the MetAphAs test. The patient’s own reports and reports from family members confirm recovery of a practically autonomous way of life after treatment.
- Published
- 2017
78. Exposiciones Excelentes en Málaga
- Author
Carlos Hernández Pezzi
- Subjects
Fine Arts ,History of the arts ,NX440-632 - Abstract
Extraña Varsovia. Centro Cultural MVA. Del 10 de mayo al 22 de junio de 2018. Pa(i)saje, Rogelio López Cuenca en colaboración con Elo Vega. Casa Invisible. Mayo-junio de 2018. Paco Aguilar. Mímesis & Diégesis. Escuela de Arte de San Telmo. Del 1 al 29 de junio de 2018.
- Published
- 2018
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- Author
Carlos Hernández López
- Subjects
Law - Abstract
Recensión sobre el libro “Originalidad, creatividad y registro del derecho de autor” de Jesús Parets Gómez.
- Published
- 2019
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80. Mitocondrial COI and 16S rDNA sequences support morphological identification and biogeography of deep-sea red crabs of the genus Chaceon (Crustacea, Decapoda, Geryonidae) in the Eastern Central and South Atlantic Ocean.
- Author
Mariano Hernández, M Virginia Martín, Pedro M Herrador-Gómez, Sebastián Jiménez, Carlos Hernández-González, Santiago Barreiro, Roberto Sarralde, Barend Johannes van Zyl, Johny Charles Gamatham, Teresa Almeida, and Luis J López-Abellán
- Subjects
Medicine ,Science - Abstract
The geographical spreading of new fishing activities and the increasingly deeper locations of these activities have shown the worldwide distribution of gerionid crabs and new descriptions of Chaceon taxa. However, incomplete penetrance, variable expressivity, and phenotypic overlap make the morphometric identification of these species difficult. In this study, partial sequences of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 (COI) and 16S mitochondrial ribosomal RNA (16S rRNA) genes have been analyzed in Chaceon species from the Eastern Central and South Atlantic and compared with sequences of species from Western Atlantic. Our results corroborate the proposed morphological species and highlight the significant separation of the Eastern Atlantic species and those from Atlantic coasts of South America for both markers (97% Bayesian posterior probability, BPP / 83% Bootstrap replicates, BT). Interestingly, Chaceon sanctaehelenae shows a closer relationship with the species of the American coast than with those from the Eastern Atlantic. On the other hand, while COI marker clearly separates Chaceon atopus and Chaceon erytheiae species (99 BPP / 91% BT), these species share haplotypes for the 16S rRNA marker, pointing to a recent speciation process. Moreover, a close relationship was observed between Chaceon maritae and Chaceon affinis (94% BPP / 77% BT). The topologies of the trees obtained indicate that the ancestor of this genus was closer related to those species from South America than to those from the Eastern Atlantic.
- Published
- 2019
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81. Development of a Wearable Finger Exoskeleton for Rehabilitation
- Author
Carlos Hernández-Santos, Yasser A. Davizón, Alejandro R. Said, Rogelio Soto, L.C. Félix-Herrán, and Adriana Vargas-Martínez
- Subjects
additive manufacturing ,finger exoskeleton ,rehabilitation robotics ,robot design and simulation ,wearable device ,Technology ,Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) ,TA1-2040 ,Biology (General) ,QH301-705.5 ,Physics ,QC1-999 ,Chemistry ,QD1-999 - Abstract
This research work shows a new architecture of a novel wearable finger exoskeleton for rehabilitation; the proposed design consists of a one degree of freedom mechanism that generates the flexion and extension movement for the proximal, medial and distal phalange of the fingers to assist patients during the rehabilitation process, after neurological trauma, such as a stroke. The anatomy and anthropometric measures for the hand were used to define the design of the mechanism. In the analytic part, the representative equations for the forward and inverse kinematic analysis of the fingers are obtained, also a dynamic analysis is presented. The position and displacement continued for the structural analysis, were developed by following a static analysis, to know the deformation that the structure links show when an external load is applied in the mechanism. As result, a prototype was manufactured with acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) using an additive manufacturing machine.
- Published
- 2021
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82. A Grape Juice Supplemented with Natural Grape Extracts Is Well Accepted by Consumers and Reduces Brain Oxidative Stress
- Author
Miriam Bobadilla, Carlos Hernández, María Ayala, Ixone Alonso, Ana Iglesias, Josune García-Sanmartín, Eduardo Mirpuri, José Ignacio Barriobero, and Alfredo Martínez
- Subjects
acute oxidative stress ,neurodegenerative diseases ,red grape polyphenol extract ,MecobalActive® ,restraint stress ,Therapeutics. Pharmacology ,RM1-950 - Abstract
Neurodegenerative diseases pose a major health problem for developed countries. Stress, which induces oxidation in the brain, has been identified as the main risk factor for these disorders. We have developed an antioxidant-enriched drink and have examined its protective properties against acute oxidative stress. We found that addition of red grape polyphenols and MecobalActive® to grape juice did not provoke changes in juice organoleptic characteristics, and that the pasteurization process did not greatly affect the levels of flavonoids and vitamin B12. Out of all combinations, grape juice with red grape polyphenols was selected by expert judges (28.6% selected it as their first choice). In vivo, oral administration of grape juice supplemented with red grape polyphenols exerted an antioxidant effect in the brain of stressed mice reducing two-fold the expression of genes involved in inflammation and oxidation mechanisms and increasing three-fold the expression of genes related to protection against oxidative stress. In addition, we found that this drink augmented antioxidant enzyme activity (17.8 vs. 8.2 nmol/mg), and prevented lipid peroxidation in the brain (49.7 vs. 96.5 nmol/mg). Therefore, we propose supporting the use of this drink by the general population as a new and global strategy for the prevention of neurodegeneration.
- Published
- 2021
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83. Easier Said Than Done: The Failure of Top-Level Cybersecurity Advice for Consumer IoT Devices
- Author
van Harten, Veerle, Gañán, Carlos Hernández, van Eeten, Michel, and Parkin, Simon
- Subjects
Computer Science - Cryptography and Security - Abstract
Consumer IoT devices are generally assumed to lack adequate default security, thus requiring user action. However, it may not be immediately clear to users what action to take and how. This uncertainty begs the question of what the minimum is that the user-base can reliably be asked to do as a prompt to secure their devices. To explore this question, we analyze security actions advocated at a national level and how these connect to user materials for a range of specific devices. We identify four pieces of converging advice across three nation-level initiatives. We then assess the extent to which these pieces of advice are aligned with instruction materials for 40 different IoT devices across five device classes (including device manuals and manufacturer websites). We expose a disconnect between the advice and the device materials. A stunning finding is that there is not a single assessed device to which all four top pieces of converging advice can be applied. At best, the supporting materials for 36 of the 40 devices provide sufficient information to apply just two of the four pieces of advice, typically the installation and enabling of (auto)updates. As something of a contradiction, it is necessary for a non-expert user to assess whether expert advice applies to a device. This risks additional user burden and proxy changes being made without the proposed security benefits. We propose recommendations, including that governments and researchers alike should declare their own working models of IoT devices when considering the user view., Comment: 27 pages, 1 figure, 6 tables
- Published
- 2023
84. Investigating HLB control strategies using Genetic Algorithms: A two-orchard model approach with ACP Dispersal
- Author
Hernández, Andrés Anzo, Mujica, Uvencio José Giménez, Gracidas, Carlos Hernández, and Oliveros, José Jacobo Oliveros
- Subjects
Mathematics - Dynamical Systems ,Computer Science - Neural and Evolutionary Computing - Abstract
This study focuses on the use of genetic algorithms to optimize control parameters in two potential strategies called mechanical and chemical control, for mitigating the spread of Huanglongbing (HLB) in citrus orchards. By developing a two-orchard model that incorporates the dispersal of the Asian Citrus Psyllid (ACP), the cost functions and objective function are explored to assess the effectiveness of the proposed control strategies. The mobility of ACP is also taken into account to capture the disease dynamics more realistically. Additionally, a mathematical expression for the global reproduction number ($R_{0}$) is derived, allowing for sensitivity analysis of the model parameters when ACP mobility is present. Furthermore, we mathematically express the cost function and efficiency of the strategy in terms of the final size and individual $R_{0}$ of each patch (i.e., when ACP mobility is absent). The results obtained through the genetic algorithms reveal optimal parameters for each control strategy, providing valuable insights for decision-making in implementing effective control measures against HLB in citrus orchards. This study highlights the importance of optimizing control parameters in disease management in agriculture and provides a solid foundation for future research in developing disease control strategies based on genetic algorithms.
- Published
- 2023
85. Functional Self-Awareness and Metacontrol for Underwater Robot Autonomy
- Author
Esther Aguado, Zorana Milosevic, Carlos Hernández, Ricardo Sanz, Mario Garzon, Darko Bozhinoski, and Claudio Rossi
- Subjects
autonomy ,resilience ,self-awareness ,metacontrol ,rendundancy ,ontology ,Chemical technology ,TP1-1185 - Abstract
Autonomous systems are expected to maintain a dependable operation without human intervention. They are intended to fulfill the mission for which they were deployed, properly handling the disturbances that may affect them. Underwater robots, such as the UX-1 mine explorer developed in the UNEXMIN project, are paradigmatic examples of this need. Underwater robots are affected by both external and internal disturbances that hamper their capability for autonomous operation. Long-term autonomy requires not only the capability of perceiving and properly acting in open environments but also a sufficient degree of robustness and resilience so as to maintain and recover the operational functionality of the system when disturbed by unexpected events. In this article, we analyze the operational conditions for autonomous underwater robots with a special emphasis on the UX-1 miner explorer. We then describe a knowledge-based self-awareness and metacontrol subsystem that enables the autonomous reconfiguration of the robot subsystems to keep mission-oriented capability. This resilience augmenting solution is based on the deep modeling of the functional architecture of the autonomous robot in combination with ontological reasoning to allow self-diagnosis and reconfiguration during operation. This mechanism can transparently use robot functional redundancy to ensure mission satisfaction, even in the presence of faults.
- Published
- 2021
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86. Ultrafast sub-nanometer matter-wave temporal Talbot effect
- Author
Ana García-Cabrera, Carlos Hernández-García, and Luis Plaja
- Subjects
attophysics ,low-dimensional solids ,high harmonic generation ,matter-wave optics ,Talbot imaging ,intense fields ,Science ,Physics ,QC1-999 - Abstract
The coherent manipulation of the electron wavefunction at the atomic spatial and temporal scales is the fundamental breakthrough underlying far-reaching ultrafast phenomena as high-order harmonic radiation and attosecond pulse generation. In this work, we present a next step in the coherent control of matter waves by translating the concept of Talbot interferometry to the subnanomenter–femtosecond realm. We study the high-harmonic emission from a periodic system irradiated by an intense mid-infrared laser beam at grazing incidence. Our calculations show that Bloch electrons, once ionized, follow a sequence of ultrafast (femtosecond) revivals associated with the temporal Talbot effect. We demonstrate that these revivals leave a distinct signature in the high-frequency harmonic spectrum, in the form of structures extending beyond the main spectral cutoff, toward the x-rays. The reinterpretation of the process of high-order harmonic generation as the temporal realization of a Talbot–Lau interferometer suggests high-harmonic spectroscopy as an appropriate scheme to develop subnanometer ultrafast Talbot interferometry.
- Published
- 2021
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87. Case Study: Body Composition Changes Resulting from a Nutritional Intervention on a Professional Vegan Powerlifter
- Author
Carlos Hernández-Martínez, Lars Fernández-Rodríguez, Marcos Antonio Soriano, and José Miguel Martínez-Sanz
- Subjects
vegan ,powerlifting ,body composition ,anthropometry ,Technology ,Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) ,TA1-2040 ,Biology (General) ,QH301-705.5 ,Physics ,QC1-999 ,Chemistry ,QD1-999 - Abstract
Powerlifting is a weight-class strength sport where achieving low fat mass (FM) and high fat-free mass (FFM) is desirable to improve performance. Recent studies have evaluated the nutritional considerations of different eating patterns, such as vegan diets (VD), in athlete populations. VD are a challenge for athletes who want to attain body composition changes. The aim of this case study is to report on the body composition changes and subjective feelings of a male professional vegan powerlifter following VD for six weeks. The body mass of the powerlifter decreased from 79.3 to 77.4 kg (2.39%). Along with this, FM decreased from 15.0 to 11.4 kg (24%). Conversely, FFM increased from 64.3 to 66.0 kg (2.64%). Moreover, the powerlifter communicated no subjective feelings of low energy availability during training sessions. The VD might compromise adherence in a nutritional intervention which aims to improve body composition due to the nutritional requirements for fat loss. Therefore, more appropriate health assessments, including blood and psychological tests, are required for professional athletes. This short-term VD intervention was satisfactory for improving body composition and no adverse outcomes were reported.
- Published
- 2020
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88. Profiles of high-frequency users of primary care services and associations with depressive anxiety disorders in Cali, Colombia
- Author
Mérida Rodriguez-Lopez, Marcela Arrivillaga, Jorge Holguín, Hoover León, Alfonso Ávila, Carlos Hernández, and Hernán G. Rincón-Hoyos
- Subjects
servicios de salud ,utilización ,ansiedad ,depresión ,atención primaria de la salud ,Medicine ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 - Abstract
Objectives. To determine the profiles of highly frequent users of primary care services and the associations of these profiles with depressive anxiety disorders in Cali, Colombia. Materials and Methods. A case-control study, high-frequency cases were defined as those involving patients with a percentile 75 with regard to the frequency of spontaneous use of outpatient facilities in the last 12 months; controls were defined as those with a percentile 25. A multiple correspondence analysis was used to describe patient profiles, and the influences of depression and anxiety on frequent attendance was determined via logistic regression. Results. Among the 780 participating patients, differences in the profiles among frequent users and controls were related to predisposing factors such as sex, age, and education, capacity factors such as the time required to visit the institution and the means of transport used, and need factors such as health perceptions, social support, family function, and the presence of anxiety or depressive disorders. A depression or anxiety disorder was found to associate positively with frequent attendance (adjusted odds ratio [aOR]: 1.99, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.19–3.31) and a referral system (aOR: 1.61, 95% CI: 1.01–2.76), but negatively with mild or no family dysfunction (aOR: 0.79; 95% CI: 0.48–0.88) after adjusting for age, sex, ethnicity, and health service-providing institutions. Conclusions. The profiles of high-frequency patients differ from control patients with respect to factors related to capacity, need, and willingness; in particular, the latter were independently associated with frequent attendance. Notably, the presence of an anxious or depressive disorder doubled the risk of highfrequency attendance at a primary care facility.
- Published
- 2016
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89. Evaluación de la frecuencia cardíaca y su relación con el remodelado ventricular en respuesta al ejercicio dinámico como indicador de función autonómica en atletas, pesistas y maratonistas
- Author
Tibayre Pulido, José H. Donis, Diego F. Dávila, Carlos Hernández, and Rodolfo Odreman
- Subjects
Medicine (General) ,R5-920 - Abstract
Se estudiaron 113 sujetos (atletas maratonistas, atletas pesistas y controles sedentarios sanos) a los que se les realizó una prueba de esfuerzo en banda sin fin, para evaluar la reserva vagal, definida por la aceleración de la frecuencia cardiaca (FC) a los 10 segundos de iniciado el ejercicio, como la recuperación de la FC al primer minuto y el segundo minuto después de la realización del ejercicio dinámico, Δ1 y Δ2 respectivamente. Se realizó ecocardiograma transtoraxico para evaluar los índices de volúmenes ventriculares y la función diastólica, para determinar los patrones de llenado ventricular. La muestra se dividió en tres grupos: Grupo I: Control de Sedentarios Sanos, Grupo II: Maratonistas, Grupo III: Pesistas. Se observó que el Grupo II mostro mayor recuperación de la FC con un Δ1 de m=36±14 lat/min y Δ2 de m=58±15 lat/min, con mayor predominio vagal; asociado con un patrón geométrico ventricular izquierdo (VI) de mayores volúmenes indexados del VI de m= 63±82 mm con una p 0,0001 con relación a los del Grupo I y Grupo III. El Grupo III mostró menor recuperación de la FC con respecto a los demás grupos y mayor índice de la relación E/e’ (m=8±3), p 0,0001. Por lo tanto, este estudio nos permite concluir que los atletas mostraron un tono vagal aumentado y una menor rigidez VI con respecto a atletas estáticos y plantea los posibles mecanismos que explican este fenómeno.
- Published
- 2016
- Author
Norma Patricia Salinas Martínez, Carlos Hernández-Nieto, Eliud Quintero, Xavier Sánchez, and Eduardo González-Mendívil
- Subjects
Drawing. Design. Illustration ,NC1-1940 ,Electronic computers. Computer science ,QA75.5-76.95 - Abstract
Augmented Reality, Visualization, Educational TechnologyIn order to take advantage of the didactic potential that AugmentedReality (AR) provides we present an educational resource meant to help to transform the teaching and learning of Mathematics, through the creation of graphical representations for mathematical reasoning. The spatial visualization skill is a cross-curriculum content that has been taken for granted, the challenge then is to improve its development. With the design of this AR application we want to help students with this task. The application covers content that belongs to conventional courses of calculus I, II and III at college.
- Published
- 2016
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91. Dimensión metacognitiva de las construcciones sintácticas suspendidas: Estudio descriptivo con pacientes afásicos españoles
- Author
Carlos Hernández-Sacristán and Enrique Serra-Alegre
- Subjects
Conversation Analysis ,Executive Functioning ,Metalinguistic Abilities ,Syntax. ,Language and Literature ,Philology. Linguistics ,P1-1091 ,Otorhinolaryngology ,RF1-547 - Abstract
By taking into consideration conversational outputs from aphasic Spanish speakers, a functional characterisation of suspended syntactic constructions will be provided here. Suspensions of syntactic constructions may be initially thought of as attributed to a language processing deficit in people with aphasia, which is, in fact, only partly the case. An examination of conversational data demonstrates, however, that a comprehensive explanation of syntactic suspensions requires a re-assessment of this phenomenon in the realm of meta-cognitive processes associated with language behaviour. Five general types of procedures and contexts for suspended syntactic constructions will be proposed and discussed in this paper. They differentially involve a series of metacognitive processes such as monitoring for anticipation and prevention of foreseeable mistakes, intersemiotic control of language production and communication by the use of gesturing, motivational and intentional aspects associated with language use, collaborative tasks in language production and theory of mind phenomena.
- Published
- 2016
92. Ewen, Shane: What is Urban History?, Cambridge, Polity Press, 2016. 173 pp.
- Author
Carlos Hernández Quero
- Subjects
History of Spain ,DP1-402 ,Europe (General) ,D900-2009 - Published
- 2017
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93. La salud sexual y reproductiva como reflejo de inequidad en mujeres indígenas de la Región de la Montaña de Guerrero, México
- Author
Malú A Reyna-Álvarez, Jhony A De La Cruz-Vargas, Martha Teliz-Sánchez, Nubia O Blanco-García, Agustín Santiago-Moreno, and Carlos Hernández-Girón
- Subjects
Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
Señor editor: Las transformaciones sociales que en décadas recientes se han registrado en América Latina han impactado en las condiciones de vida de la población y, en especial, en la salud de las mujeres, incluyendo la salud sexual y reproductiva. Según el Fondo de Desarrollo de las Naciones Unidas para la Mujer, el Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas, la Comisión Económica para América Latina, la Organización Mundial de la Salud y otros, los problemas relacionados con la salud reproductiva siguen siendo la principal causa de morbimortalidad de las mujeres en edad reproductiva en todo el mundo.
- Published
- 2017
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94. New Mononuclear Complex of Europium(III) and Benzoic Acid: From Synthesis and Crystal Structure Solution to Luminescence Emission
- Author
Carlos Hernández-Fuentes, Rosario Ruiz-Guerrero, Angel de Jesús Morales-Ramírez, Paulina Molina-Maldonado, and Dulce Y. Medina-Velazquez
- Subjects
mononuclear compound ,europium(III) carboxylate ,benzoic acid ,Crystallography ,QD901-999 - Abstract
This study presents a general method which can be used for the synthesis of mononuclear complexes with europium(III) and organic ligands with carboxylic groups. It describes the procedure for preparing a new mononuclear coordination complex with europium(III) and carboxylate ligands sourced from benzoic acid. The construction of mononuclear complexes with a coordination sphere saturated in carboxylic ligands must go through the preparation and purification of a europium(III) intermediate complex that presents a coordination sphere with anions that will be later exchanged for carboxylic groups and finally precipitated as a solvent-free or anion-free complex within the coordination sphere. The detailed synthesis procedure for powders of a new complex, as well as studies of its structural composition at each phase and luminescent properties, are detailed in this study. Analytical and spectroscopic data reveal the formation of a new mononuclear complex of the general formula [Eu(OOCC6H5)3·(HOOCC6H5)2]. The crystal structure of the Eu(III) complex was solved using X-ray powder diffraction data and EXPO2014 software, and the crystal structure result was deposited in the CCDC service with number 19771999.
- Published
- 2020
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95. Spectral signature of back reaction in correlated electron dynamics in intense electromagnetic fields
- Author
Alba de las Heras, Carlos Hernández-García, and Luis Plaja
- Subjects
Physics ,QC1-999 - Abstract
Few-electron atoms interacting with electromagnetic fields provide for privileged scenarios for disentangling elemental correlation mechanisms. We demonstrate that high-order harmonic generation (HHG) from neutral helium presents a distinctive trace of correlation back reaction in the electron dynamics prior to ionization. We identify a mechanism in which the field interacts with one of the electrons, while the second is excited to a Rydberg level through the Coulomb interaction. As back response to this correlated excitation, the first electron is knocked down to a lower level, from which it ionizes to generate high-order harmonics. Unlike other multielectron phenomena, where the electron-field interaction is modified by cross correlations with the rest of the interacting electrons, back reaction is a mechanism of autocorrelation. Our numerical simulations reveal back reaction as a relevant aspect in HHG from correlated two-electron systems, and paves the way to disentangle valence electron-electron correlation dynamics using high-harmonic spectroscopy.
- Published
- 2020
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96. Robust qLPV Tracking Fault-Tolerant Control of a 3 DOF Mechanical Crane
- Author
Francisco-Ronay López-Estrada, Oscar Santos-Estudillo, Guillermo Valencia-Palomo, Samuel Gómez-Peñate, and Carlos Hernández-Gutiérrez
- Subjects
3 DOF crane ,convex systems ,fault-tolerant control ,robust control ,qLPV systems ,Takagi–Sugeno systems ,Applied mathematics. Quantitative methods ,T57-57.97 ,Mathematics ,QA1-939 ,Electronic computers. Computer science ,QA75.5-76.95 - Abstract
The main aim of this paper is to propose a robust fault-tolerant control for a three degree of freedom (DOF) mechanical crane by using a convex quasi-Linear Parameter Varying (qLPV) approach for modeling the crane and a passive fault-tolerant scheme. The control objective is to minimize the load oscillations while the desired path is tracked. The convex qLPV model is obtained by considering the nonlinear sector approach, which can represent exactly the nonlinear system under the bounded nonlinear terms. To improve the system safety, tolerance to partial actuator faults is considered. Performance requirements of the tracking control system are specified in an H∞ criteria that guarantees robustness against measurement noise, and partial faults. As a result, a set of Linear Matrix Inequalities is derived to compute the controller gains. Numerical experiments on a realistic 3 DOF crane model confirm the applicability of the control scheme.
- Published
- 2020
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97. Study of the Effect of Activated Carbon Cathode Configuration on the Performance of a Membrane-Less Microbial Fuel Cell
- Author
M. L. Jiménez González, Carlos Hernández Benítez, Zabdiel Abisai Juarez, Evelyn Zamudio Pérez, Víctor Ángel Ramírez Coutiño, Irma Robles, Luis A. Godínez, and Francisco J. Rodríguez-Valadez
- Subjects
membrane-less microbial fuel cell ,passive aeration ,cathodic arrangement ,activated carbon cathode ,wetland ,oxygenation tower ,Chemical technology ,TP1-1185 ,Chemistry ,QD1-999 - Abstract
In this paper, the effect of cathode configuration on the performance of a membrane-less microbial fuel cell (MFC) was evaluated using three different arrangements: an activated carbon bed exposed to air (MFCE), a wetland immersed in an activated carbon bed (MFCW) and a cathode connected to an aeration tower featuring a water recirculation device (MFCT). To evaluate the MFC performance, the efficiency of the organic matter removal, the generated voltage, the power density and the internal resistance of the systems were properly assessed. The experimental results showed that while the COD removal efficiency was in all cases over 60% (after 40 days), the MFCT arrangement showed the best performance since the average removal value was 82%, compared to close to 70% for MFCE and MFCW. Statistical analysis of the COD removal efficiency confirmed that the performance of MCFT is substantially better than that of MFCE and MFCW. In regard to the other parameters surveyed, no significant influence of the different cathode arrangements explored could be found.
- Published
- 2020
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98. Diminished Vitamin D Receptor Protein Levels in Crohn’s Disease Fibroblasts: Effects of Vitamin D
- Author
Laura Gisbert-Ferrándiz, Jesús Cosín-Roger, Carlos Hernández, Dulce C. Macias-Ceja, Dolores Ortiz-Masiá, Pedro Salvador, Juan V. Esplugues, Joaquín Hinojosa, Francisco Navarro, Sara Calatayud, and María D. Barrachina
- Subjects
Crohn’s disease ,vitamin D ,vitamin D receptor (VDR) ,fibroblasts ,fibrosis ,Nutrition. Foods and food supply ,TX341-641 - Abstract
Vitamin D (VD) deficiency has been associated to Crohn’s disease (CD) pathogenesis, and the exogenous administration of VD improves the course of the disease, but the mechanistic basis of these observations remains unknown. Vitamin D receptor (VDR) mediates most of the biological functions of this hormone, and we aim to analyze here the expression of VDR in intestinal tissue, epithelial cells, and fibroblasts from CD patients. The effects of VD on a fibroblast wound healing assay and murine intestinal fibrosis are also analyzed. Our data show diminished VDR protein levels in surgical resections and epithelial cells from CD patients. In intestinal fibroblasts isolated from damaged tissue of CD patients, we detected enhanced migration and decreased VDR expression compared with both fibroblasts from non-damaged tissue of the same CD patient or control fibroblasts. Treatment with VD increased VDR protein levels, avoided the accelerated migration in CD fibroblasts, and prevented murine intestinal fibrosis induced by the heterotopic transplant model. In conclusion, our study demonstrates diminished VDR protein levels associated with enhanced migration in intestinal fibroblasts from damaged tissue of CD patients. In these cells, VD accumulates VDR and normalizes migration, which supports that CD patients would benefit from the VD anti-fibrotic therapeutic value that we demonstrate in a murine experimental model.
- Published
- 2020
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99. Site-specific tunnel-ionization in high harmonic generation in molecules
- Author
Laura Rego, Carlos Hernández-García, Antonio Picón, and Luis Plaja
- Subjects
high-harmonic spectroscopy ,tunnel ionization ,high harmonic generation in molecules ,strong field approximation ,ultrafast lasers ,attosecond laser pulses ,Science ,Physics ,QC1-999 - Abstract
We demonstrate that the standard picture of strong-field tunnel-ionization from molecules should be reformulated. The extended nature of the molecular potential implies the separation of some of the molecular sites from the edge of the ionization barrier. We show that the dependence of the tunnel probability with the distance to the barrier is translated into the ionized wavepacket, modifying substantially the high-order harmonic emission. The introduction of the dependence of tunnel ionization with the molecular site significantly improves the theoretical description of high-order harmonic generation in molecules, which is used as a cornerstone in high-harmonic spectroscopy and attosecond imaging.
- Published
- 2020
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100. Testing the Kundera Hypothesis: Does Every Woman (But Not Every Man) Prefer Her Child to Her Mate?
- Author
Carlos Hernández Blasi and Laura Mondéjar
- Subjects
Psychology ,BF1-990 - Abstract
The context of a famous novel by Milan Kundera ( Immortality ) suggests that when faced with a life-or-death situation, every woman would prefer to save her child than her husband, left hanging whether every man would do the same. We labeled this as the Kundera hypothesis , and the purpose of this study was to test it empirically as we believe it raises a thought-provoking question in evolutionary terms. Specifically, 197 college students (92 women) were presented a questionnaire where they had to make different decisions about four dilemmas about who to save (their mate or their offspring) in two hypothetical life-or-death situations: a home fire and a car crash. These dilemmas involved two different mate ages (a 25- or a 40-year-old mate) and two offspring ages (1- or a 6-year-old child). For comparative purposes, we also included complementary life-or-death dilemmas on both a sibling and an offspring, and a sibling and a cousin. The results generally supported the Kundera hypothesis: Although the majority of men and women made the decision to save their offspring instead of their mate, about 18% of men on average (unlike the 5% of women) consistently decided to save their mate across the four dilemmas in the two life-or-death situations. These data were interpreted with reference to Hamilton’s inclusive fitness theory, the preferential role of women as kin keepers, and the evolution of altruism toward friends and mates.
- Published
- 2018
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