382 results on '"Bankruptcy models"'
Search Results
- Author
- Subjects
Finance ,Actuarial science ,Rehabilitation ,rehabilitation of bankruptcy proceedings ,HF5001-6182 ,business.industry ,medicine.medical_treatment ,saving the business ,bankruptcy models ,concept of bankruptcy rehabilitation ,Economic feasibility ,Debtor ,efficiency of bankruptcy procedures ,the value of business ,Bankruptcy ,medicine ,Business ,General Economics, Econometrics and Finance - Abstract
Author analyzed efficiency of bankruptcy procedures in Russia for the period from 2003 to 2015 and studied the bankruptcy models. It is defined, that the efficiency of bankruptcy procedures is to maintain the business of debtor with the change of ownership regardless of the liquidation of the debtor as a legal entity. Author offered measures to improve the effectiveness of rehabilitation potential bankruptcy procedures: developing of instruments of financial and economic feasibility of decisions and changes in the concept of rehabilitation of bankruptcy procedures.
- Published
- 2017
53. Competitiveness and economic profit analysis of Kazakhstan’s poultry companies
- Author
Zhanar Oralbaeva, Adilya Baidildina, Petr Hájek, Gulnar Zhunissova, and Aknur Zhidebekkyzy
- Subjects
Economics and Econometrics ,Market economy ,competitiveness ,EVA ,bankruptcy models ,Political Science and International Relations ,lcsh:International relations ,Business ,score models ,INFA ,lcsh:JZ2-6530 ,performance evaluation - Published
- 2019
54. Analysis of Brewery Management
- Author
- Subjects
poměrové ukazatele ,financial analysis ,ratio indicators ,finanční analýza ,nefinanční analýza ,bankrotní modely ,bankruptcy models ,bonitní modely ,non-financial analysis ,creditworthy models - Abstract
The thesis deals with the analysis of the management of the Dalešice brewery. The thesis is focused on the financial aspect of the company, which is analyzed by using financial analysis tools and the non-financial factors that influence the existence of the brewery. The results of the financial indicators are compared with the results of the whole brewing industry. Based on the analyzes, solutions are proposed to eliminate possible inefficiencies and recommendations for the future development of the brewery.
- Published
- 2019
55. Prediction of the future condition of the company by indicators of financial health
- Author
- Subjects
bankrotní modely ,bonitní modely ,regresní analýza ,regression analysis ,platební index ,bankruptcy models ,engineering ,creditworthy models ,payment index ,strojírenství - Abstract
The aim of the thesis is to assess the predictive ability of financial health indicators to predict future business development. Analyze the weaknesses and strengths of individual components of aggregate indicators. The thesis examines the possibilities of prediction in the engineering sector. It evaluates existing creditworthy and bankruptcy models, examines their reliability, specificity and sensitivity. Furthermore, it analyzes individual components of prediction indices. The thesis also creates own multi-criteria prediction models.
- Published
- 2019
56. Konkursfördelning och Modellering för Svenska Företag Genom Användning av Logistisk Regression
- Author
Ewertzh, Jacob
- Subjects
Finansiell matematik ,Prognos och riskmått ,Financial mathematics ,bankruptcy models ,Forecasting and risk measures ,Statistics ,Logistic regression ,Tillämpad matematik ,Applied mathematics ,konkursmodeller ,Logistisk regression ,konkursfördelning ,Statistik ,Sannolikhetsteori och statistik ,bankruptcy distribution ,Probability Theory and Statistics - Abstract
This thesis discusses the concept of bankruptcy, or default, for Swedish companies. The actual distribution over time is considered both on aggregate level and within different industries. Several models are constructed to best possible describe the default frequency. Mainly logistic regression models are designed for this purpose, but various other models are considered. Some of these are constructed for comparison and for the ambition to produce the most accurate model possible. A large data set of nearly 30 million quarterly observations is used in the analysis. Taking into account micro and macro economic data. The derived models cover different time periods, considering different variables and display varying levels of accuracy. The most exact model is a logistic regression model considering both micro and macro data. It is tested both in sample and out of sample and perform very well in both areas. This model is estimated on first a subset of the data set to be able to compare with a real scenario. Then an equivalent model is constructed from the whole data set to best possibly describe future scenarios. Here Vector Auto-Regressive (VAR) models, and empirical models constructed by OLS regression estimating the firm values, are used in combination with the logistic regression model to predict the future. All three models are used to describe the most likely scenarios, as well as the worst case scenarios. From the worst case scenarios risk measures, such as the empirical value at risk, can be derived. From all this analysis the most significant results are compiled. Namely, that the Logistic regression model performs remarkably well both in-sample and out-of-sample, if macro variables are taken into account. Further, the future results are harder to interpret. Yet, the analysis has arguments for prediction accuracy and interesting results of a continued low default frequency within the next year. Den här uppsatsen avhandlar konceptet konkurs, för svenska företag. Den faktiska konkursfördelningen över tid analyseras, både på en sammanlagd nivå och inom olika industrier. Flera modeller konstrueras i syfte att bäst beskriva konkursfördelningen. Huvudsakligen är logistiska regressions modeller utformade för detta syfte, men andra typer av modeller är inkluderade i analysen. Några av dessa modeller är skapade för jämförelse, men också för att kunna producera en så exakt modell som möjligt. Ett stort data set med nästan 30 miljoner kvartalsvisa observationer används i analysen. Mikro- och makroekonomiska faktorer är inkluderade i detta data set. De framtagna modellerna omfattar olika tidsperioder mellan 1990–2018, tar in olika faktorer i analysen och visar på olika nivåer av noggrannhet. Modellen som har högst förklaringsgrad är en logistisk regressionsmodell som tar hänsyn till både mikro- och makroekonomiska faktorer. Denna modell analyseras både i och utanför sitt samplingsintervall, och visar på goda resultat i båda områdena. Modellen är först skattad på en delmängd av tidsperioden, för att kunna jämföra den förutspådda fördelningen med en faktisk fördelning. Sedan är en ekvivalent modell skattad på hela intervallet, för att bäst möjligt förutspå framtida scenarion. För detta syfte är Logistiska regressionsmodellen kombinerad med Vektor Autoregressiva (VAR)-modeller som förutspår makroekonomiska faktorer, och empiriska regressionsmodeller som förutspår mikroekonomiska faktorer. Alla tre modelltyper används för att kunna beskriva det mest sannolika scenariot, samt de värsta tänkbara scenariona. Från de värsta tänkbara scenariona kan riskmått, så som empiriska Value at Risk, tas fram. All analys producerar resultat och de viktigaste sammanställs. Dessa är att den logistiska regression modell som tar hänsyn till makroekonomiska faktorer ger bra resultat både i och utanför samplingsintervallet. Vidare är de framtida simulerade resultaten svårare att tolka, men den genomförda analysen har argument för exakthet i förutsägelserna. Därmed presenteras ett troligt framtida scenario med fortsatt låg konkurs frekvens inom det närmaste året.
- Published
- 2019
57. Bankruptcy models and selected indicators predict the entry of a business corporation into liquidation or insolvency
- Author
- Subjects
bankrotní modely ,Liquidation ,Accounting statements ,Insolvency proceeding ,Bankruptcy models ,controlling ,insolvence ,Financial indicators ,Controlling ,likvidace ,Finanční ukazatele ,účetní výkazy - Abstract
The work is focused on using bankruptcy models and appropriate selected indicators on the data set used, and it identifies how crucial it can be for an enterprise to use an inappropriate model or indicators to decide whether to enter into liquidation or insolvency, and how these business aid indicators can prevent larger business damages that would occur if the risk was ignored. It adds value to controlling activities and can influence the possible prediction of the development of financial problems in the enterprise. Selected models and indicators are tested on a database of companies, which is divided into two groups - bankruptcy and non-bankruptcy. It compares the results of the model evaluation by including the gray zone intervals in the calculation with the results when these intervals are removed. The individual models' reliability is tested both on individual groups and in individual years 2013 to 2017. Selected indicators are tested on the bankruptcy group, which best correlates with reality and confirms the correct selection of indicators for possible prediction of bankruptcy
- Published
- 2019
58. Financial analysis of a chosen company
- Author
- Subjects
horizontální a vertikální analýza ,horizontal and vertical analysis ,financial situation ,finanční situace podniku ,absolute and ratio indicators ,poměrové ukazatele ,bankrotní modely ,bankruptcy models - Abstract
The aim of this work is to evaluate the financial situation of a chosen company based on the data from the financial statements. The theoretical part is focused on an over-view of professional literature in the field of financial analysis and its methods. The practical part deals with the analysis of financial statement data by vertical and horizontal analysis of the selected company, analysis of ratio indicators and bankruptcy models. It also compares some of the indicators' values with competitors in the sector.
- Published
- 2019
59. Financial analysis of a chosen company
- Author
- Subjects
poměrové ukazatele ,horizontal analysis ,financial situation ,absolutní a relativní ukazatele ,bankrotní modely ,bankruptcy models ,ratios ,absolute and relative indicators ,horizontální analýza ,finanční situace - Abstract
The main purpose of this bachelor thesis is to find out the financial situation of the company Centropen, a. s. based in Dačice and engaged in the production of writing and office supplies. The theoretical part is focused on familiarization with used methods, mainly horizontal analysis of absolute and relative indicators (ratios of profitability, activity, costs, liquidity and debt). Creditworthiness and bankruptcy models were used to assess financial health, mainly the IN05 index and the Taffler model. The practical part focuses on the company Centropen, its financial situation identified using selected methods. Furthermore, the company Centropen is compared with competing companies Faber-Castell, KOH-I-NOOR and Stabilo, and finally the results are evaluated.
- Published
- 2019
60. Аналіз ефективності методів оцінки ризиків банкрутства підприємств на прикладі ПАТ «ЗАЗ»
- Author
Гречко, Алла Володимирівна; НТУУ "КПІ ім. І. Сікорського", Нечипорук, Ірина Володимирівна, Гречко, Алла Володимирівна; НТУУ "КПІ ім. І. Сікорського", and Нечипорук, Ірина Володимирівна
- Abstract
У статті розглянуто сутність та основні аспекти банкрутства на прикладі підприємства ПАТ «ЗАЗ». Автором розглянуто та запропоновано чотири основні методи аналізу банкрутства та за допомогою фінансової звітності підприємства розраховані фактори, які відповідно впливають на рівень банкрутства. Визначено, що для різних типів підприємства необхідно керуватись різними моделями банкрутства відповідно до специфіки самого підприємства. Доведено, що для підприємства ПАТ «ЗАЗ» необхідно використовувати декілька методів аналізу одночасно, оскільки всі наведені автором моделі не в повному обсязі можуть відобразити ситуацію на підприємстві. Необхідно зазначити, що три з чотирьох методів відобразили фінансову кризу на підприємстві, яка розпочалась ще у 2013 році. Тому для продовження аналізу кризи на підприємстві слід використовувати такі моделі: Альтмана, Терещенко та Матвійчука. Криза, яка виникла на досліджуваному підприємстві розвивалась поступово, про це свідчать всі аналізовані моделі. Відповідно до цього можна зазначити, що дані моделі дають можливість передбачити кризу, а не лише констатувати факти вже присутності її на підприємстві. Також автором наведений ряд рекомендацій, щодо діагностики ймовірності банкрутства на підприємстві на основі аналізу вищезазначених моделей та перечисленні фактори впливу по кожній., В статье рассмотрены сущность и основные аспекты банкротства на примере ЗАО «ЗАЗ». Автором рассмотрены и предложенных лишь четыре основных метода анализа банкротства и с помощью финансовой отчетности предприятия рассчитаны факторы, которые в соответствии влияют на уровень банкротства. Определено, что для разных типов предприятия необходимо руководствоваться различными моделями банкротства в соответствии с спецификой самого предприятия. Доказано, что для предприятия ПАО «ЗАЗ» необходимо использовать несколько методов анализа одновременно, поскольку все приведенные автором модели не в полном объеме могут отразить ситуацию на предприятии. Необходимо отметить, что три из четырех методов отразили финансовый кризис на предприятии, которая началась еще в 2013 году. Поэтому для продолжения анализа кризиса на предприятии следует использовать такие модели: Альтмана, Терещенко и Матвийчука. Кризис, который возник на исследуемом предприятии развивалась постепенно, об этом свидетельствуют все рассматриваемые модели. В соответствии с этим можно отметить, что данные модели позволяют предсказать кризис, а не только констатировать факты уже присутствии ее на предприятии. Также автором наведённый ряд рекомендаций, по диагностике вероятности банкротства на предприятии на основе анализа вышеупомянутых моделей и перечислены факторы воздействия по каждой., The essence and main aspects of bankruptcy are considered in the article on the example of PJSC «ZAZ» enterprise. The author examines and proposes four basic methods of bankruptcy analysis and, with the help of the financial reporting of the enterprise, factors are considered which respectively affect the level of bankruptcy. It is determined that different types of enterprises need to be guided by different models of bankruptcy in accordance with the specifics of the enterprise itself. It is proved that for the enterprise of PJSC «ZAZ» it is necessary to use several methods of analysis simultaneously, since all the models given by the author do not fully reflect the situation at the enterprise. It should be noted that three out of four methodologies reflected the financial crisis in the company, which began in 2013. Therefore, the following models should be used to continue analysis of the crisis at the enterprise: Altman, Tereshchenko and Matviychuk. The crisis that arose on the investigated enterprise was gradually evolving, as evidenced by all the models analyzed. Accordingly, it can be noted that these models provide an opportunity to predict the crisis, and not only to establish the facts of its presence in the enterprise. Also, the author has a number of recommendations for diagnosing the probability of bankruptcy in the enterprise based on the analysis of the above models and listing the factors of influence on each.
- Published
- 2018
61. Logistická regrese a její využití pro posouzení finančního zdraví podniku
- Author
Zapletal, David, Heckenbergerová, Jana, Hofmanová, Monika, Zapletal, David, Heckenbergerová, Jana, and Hofmanová, Monika
- Abstract
Cílem práce je popis a funkce logistické regrese jako takové a ukázka aplikace této metody při posuzování finančního zdraví podniku. Model logistické regrese je vytvářen na základě údajů o finančním zdraví podniků, které jsou dostupné v databázi Magnus. Ke konstrukci modelu logistické regrese a ověření jeho vhodnosti je použit statistický software Statistica., The aim of the thesis is a description and a function of the logistic regression and a sample of the application of this method for a review of the financial condition of the company. A lo-gistic regression model is created from the data of the financial condition of the company that are available in the Magnus database. The statistical software Statistica is used to construct the logistic regression model and verify its suitability., Fakulta ekonomicko-správní, Studentka zpracovala diplomovou práci na téma Logistická regrese a její využití pro posouzení finančního zdraví podniku. Cílem práce byl popis a funkce logistické regrese jako takové a ukázka aplikace této metody při posuzování finančního zdraví podniku. Po obhájení práce byly studentce položeny otázky vedoucího práce a oponenta: 1) Uveďte výhody (případně nevýhody) bankrotních modelů využívajících logistickou regresi oproti modelům založeným na diskriminační analýze. 2) Jak hodně se změní parametry logistického modelu při jiné počáteční volbě bonitních podniků? Odpovědi na otázky vedoucího práce, oponenta i komise byly dostačující.
- Published
- 2018
62. Schopnost identifikace skrytých znaků úpadku podniku bankrotními modely
- Author
Kuběnka, Michal, Zdílnová, Eva, Kuběnka, Michal, and Zdílnová, Eva
- Abstract
Cílem práce je zjistit predikční sílu vybraných bankrotních modelů v případě posuzování finanční stability podniků, které nevykazují zjevné znaky úpadku. Teoretická část popisuje historický vývoj a problematiku bankrotních modelů a dále jsou vybrané modely popsány včetně jejich výpočtu a způsobu vyhodnocení. V praktické části je pak testována přesnost tří modelů na vybraném vzorku podniků, a jak se tato přesnost sníží v případě, že ze vzorku vyloučíme ty podniky, které v nějakém směru jisté znaky úpadku nesou., The main intension of this thesis is to find out the prediction force of selected bankruptcy models in case of assessing the financial stability of enterprises that do not show obvious features of company decline. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the historical development and problems of bankruptcy models following by their description including their calculation and evaluation method. The practical part tests the accuracy of three models on selected sample of enterprises and how will be this accuracy changed if we exclude from the sample those enterprises that carry some features of company decline., Fakulta ekonomicko-správní, Studentka zpracovala bakalářskou práci na téma Schopnost identifikace skrytých znaků úpadku podniku bankrotními modely. Cílem práce bylo zjistit predikční sílu vybraných bankrotních modelů v případě posuzování finanční stability podniků, které nevykazují zjevné znaky úpadku. Záměrem je posoudit, nakolik se stávající přesnost modelů sníží v případě, že v testovaném vzorku podniku vyloučíme ty, které v nějakém směru již jisté znaky úpadku nesou. Po obhájení práce byly studentce položeny otázky vedoucího práce: 1) Čím si vysvětlujete takovou rozdílnost predikčních schopností modelů po eliminaci zjevných znaků úpadku? 2) V práci jste se zaměřila na schopnost modelů předpovídat bankrot (chyba I. řádu). Jakými způsoby se vykazuje celková přesnost modelů při započtení chyby II. řádu? Odpovědi na otázky vedoucího práce i komise byly dostačující.
- Published
- 2018
63. Bankruptcy or Success? The Effective Prediction of a Company’s Financial Development Using LSTM
- Author
Petr Suler, Marek Vochozka, and Jaromír Vrbka
- Subjects
neural networks (NN) ,Computer science ,bankruptcy models ,020209 energy ,Geography, Planning and Development ,TJ807-830 ,02 engineering and technology ,Audit ,Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law ,TD194-195 ,Renewable energy sources ,Field (computer science) ,0202 electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering ,GE1-350 ,success ,Environmental effects of industries and plants ,Artificial neural network ,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment ,business.industry ,long short-term memory (LSTM) ,Deep learning ,prediction ,company ,Industrial engineering ,Environmental sciences ,Identification (information) ,Bankruptcy ,Position (finance) ,020201 artificial intelligence & image processing ,Artificial intelligence ,business - Abstract
There is no doubt that the issue of making a good prediction about a company&rsquo, s possible failure is very important, as well as complicated. A number of models have been created for this very purpose, of which one, the long short-term memory (LSTM) model, holds a unique position in that it generates very good results. The objective of this contribution is to create a methodology for the identification of a company failure (bankruptcy) using artificial neural networks (hereinafter referred to as &ldquo, NN&rdquo, ) with at least one long short-term memory (LSTM) layer. A bankruptcy model was created using deep learning, for which at least one layer of LSTM was used for the construction of the NN. For the purposes of this contribution, Wolfram&rsquo, s Mathematica 13 (Wolfram Research, Champaign, Illinois) software was used. The research results show that LSTM NN can be used as a tool for predicting company failure. The objective of the contribution was achieved, since the model of a NN was developed, which is able to predict the future development of a company operating in the manufacturing sector in the Czech Republic. It can be applied to small, medium-sized and manufacturing companies alike, as well as used by financial institutions, investors, or auditors as an alternative for evaluating the financial health of companies in a given field. The model is flexible and can therefore be trained according to a different dataset or environment.
- Published
- 2020
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64. Kazalniki uspešnosti managerskih prevzemov z uporabo metode analitičnega hierarhičnega procesa
- Author
Grah, Petra, Čančer, Vesna, and Bratina, Borut
- Subjects
udc:005.9 ,financial and non-financial indicators ,bankruptcy models ,prevzemi podjetij ,stečajni modeli ,management buy-outs ,prevzemi ,managerski prevzemi ,uspešnost ,finančni in nefinančni kazalniki ,analitični hierarhični proces ,the analytic hierarchy process ,kazalniki ,management ,analize - Abstract
Background and Purpose: In Slovenia, few management buyout (MBO) studies have been carried out. The focus was mostly on the motives for acquisition of companies and the success rate of the acquisitions. This paper aims to analyse the indicators which suggest an impending bankruptcy or financial restructuring of companies and explore how these indicators are different for successful and unsuccessful MBOs. Methodology: In the survey, we included 23 selected MBOs in Slovenia between 2005 and 2008, using the following financial and non-financial indicators: profitability, performance, solvency and liquidity, using the analytic hierarchy process method. The key aim of the survey was to use financial and non-financial indicators to study if target companies where bankruptcy or financial restructuring has not yet been initiated prevalently have higher aggregate values compared to those in which bankruptcy or financial restructuring procedures have already begun. Thus, we used the selected indicators to demonstrate one of the possible methods to predict the success of a particular MBO. Results: We found that in most examples of unsuccessful MBOs, target companies have poorer results in terms of performance, solvency and liquidity, when compared to successful MBOs. Based on the selected areas, we divided the results into four quarters. We found that most target companies where MBOs had been unsuccessful are ranked in a lower quarter than most of the target companies where the MBOs had been successful. Conclusion: The papers main contribution is the finding that the selected financial and non-financial indicators differ in cases of successful and unsuccessful MBOs. This knowledge helps us to find ways of avoiding these situations in the future. Ozadje in namen:. Na področju managerskih prevzemov (MBO) je bilo v Sloveniji opravljenih malo raziskav. Raziskave so se osredotočale predvsem na motive prevzemov družb ter stopnjo uspešnosti prevzemov. Namen prispevka je analizirati indikatorje, ki napovedujejo stečaj ali finančno prestrukturiranje družb, ter preveriti, kako se le-ti razlikujejo pri uspešnih in neuspešnih družbah. Metodologija: V raziskavo smo vključili 23 MBO v Sloveniji v obdobju od 2005 do 2008, uporabili pa smo sledeče finančne in nefinančne indikatorje: dobičkonosnosti, poslovanja, plačilne sposobnosti in likvidnosti, pri čemer smo uporabili metodo analitičnega hierarhičnega procesa. Glavni cilj raziskave je s pomočjo izbranih finančnih in nefinančnih indikatorjev raziskati, ali imajo ciljne družbe, kjer se stečaj ali finančno prestrukturirane nista pričela, v večini primerov višje agregirane vrednosti, kot tiste, nad katerimi se je pričel stečaj ali finančno prestrukturiranje. Tako smo s pomočjo izbranih indikatorjev prikazali enega izmed možnih načinov, kako ugotoviti, da bo posamezen MBO uspešen oz. neuspešen. Rezultati: Ugotovili smo, da se slabši rezultati večinoma pojavljajo pri ciljnih družbah na področjih dobičkonosnosti, poslovanja, plačilne sposobnosti in likvidnosti, kadar gre za neuspešne MBO, kakor pa v primerih uspešnih MBO. Nadalje smo glede na izbrane indikatorje rezultate razdelili v štiri kvartale. Ugotovili smo, da je večina ciljnih družb, kjer so bili MBO neuspešni, uvrščena v slabši kvartal od večine ciljnih družb, kjer so bili MBO uspešni. Zaključek: Glavni prispevek je v ugotovitvi, da se izbrani finančni in nefinančni kazalniki razlikujejo, kadar gre za uspešne in neuspešne MBO. To znanje bo pripomoglo k preprečevanju podobnih dogodkov v prihodnosti.
- Published
- 2018
65. Modele ryzyka upadłości polskich MŚP – ujęcie regionalne
- Author
Aneta Ptak-Chmielewska and Warsaw School of Economics, Institute of Statistics and Demography
- Subjects
Estimation ,lcsh:Marketing. Distribution of products ,credit risk ,Computer science ,bankruptcy models ,logistic regression ,Financial ratio ,Sample (statistics) ,Statistical model ,General Medicine ,Logistic regression ,regresja logistyczna ,Level of measurement ,C52 ,Enterprise risk management ,lcsh:Finance ,lcsh:HG1-9999 ,Econometrics ,lcsh:HF5410-5417.5 ,C58 ,G33 ,modele upadłości ,ryzyko kredytowe ,Credit risk - Abstract
Credit risk management is a key element in bank management. For credit risk management, statistical models are used, the so‑called scoring and rating models. For enterprise risk assessment, rating models are used. Rating models consist of quantitative models (based on financial ratios) and qualitative models (based on a questionnaire). For estimation of quantitative models, econometric and statistical models are used, mainly logistic regression models. In this paper, statistical models for quantitative assessment are presented, including an empirical example based on the sample of data for SMEs made available by one of Polish banks. A logistic regression model with a nominal variable – the region of activity, including territorial differences, was used. The construction of rating model was presented, including the sector and region of activity. Zarządzanie ryzykiem kredytowym stanowi kluczowy element w zarządzaniu bankiem. Do zarządzania ryzykiem kredytowym wykorzystywane są modele statystyczne tzw. Modele scoringowe i ratingowe. Do oceny ryzyka kredytowego przedsiębiorstw wykorzystuje się modele ratingowe. Składową modeli ratingowych są modele ilościowe (oparte na wskaźnikach finansowych) oraz modele jakościowe (oparte na ankiecie jakościowej). Do budowy modeli ilościowych wykorzystuje się modele statystyczne i ekonometryczne, głównie modele regresji logistycznej. W artykule omówione zostały modele statystyczne do oceny ilościowej wraz z przykładem empirycznym opartym na danych dla próby MŚP udostępnionej przez jeden z polskich banków. Wykorzystano model regresji logistycznej ze zmienną nominalną – region działalności, uwzględniający zróżnicowanie terytorialne. Pokazana została konstrukcja modelu uwzględniającego zarówno branże działalności, jak i region działalności.
- Published
- 2018
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66. Key performance indicators within Corporate Performance Management (CPM)
- Author
- Subjects
ratio indicator ,poměrové ukazatele ,bonitní modely ,CPM ,EVA ,bankrotní modely ,bankruptcy models ,creditworthy models - Abstract
The aim of this diploma thesis is to evaluate individual approaches to performance measurement connected to historical development with emphasis on Value Management and Corporate Performance Management (CPM). Last but not least, it is necessary to analyse the performance of the company, including proposing measures for its growth. The practical part evaluates individual performance indicators and points to software tools supporting CPM in the enterprise.
- Published
- 2018
67. Evaluating the Financial Health of Agricultural Enterprises in the Conditions of the Slovak Republic Using Bankruptcy Models.
- Author
Vavrek, Roman, Kravčáková Vozárová, Ivana, Kotulič, Rastislav, Timpanaro, Giuseppe, and Pappalardo, Gioacchino
- Subjects
AGRICULTURAL industries ,ECONOMIC indicators ,BANKRUPTCY ,ECONOMIC change ,COOPERATIVE agriculture - Abstract
Under the influence of the change in the overall economic environment, the problem of measuring the performance of a company and its financial health is also changing. At present, every agricultural company is exposed to a number of internal as well as external risks, the failure of which can lead to potential bankruptcy. It is a known fact that the risks in agriculture are significantly greater than those in other sectors of the national economy. Proper diagnosis of critical aspects and measuring the development of individual financial indicators of agricultural holdings are basic prerequisites for eliminating these risks and maintaining, as well as increasing, their competitiveness. Among the key tools for measuring the financial situation of a company are bankruptcy models, three of which have been used (Altman model, Taffler model, and Bonity index). The aim of this study was to identify the comprehensive financial health of 469 agricultural enterprises in the Slovak Republic using the three above-mentioned bankruptcy models in 2016. The obtained results were verified using the Kruskal–Wallis test, Levene test, or Moran index. Altman's model indicated potential future problems of businesses and agricultural cooperatives. Using the Bonity index, the neutral situation was assessed (the financial health could be regarded as neither insufficient nor optimal). Taffler model offered contradicted results and does not expect the occurrence of problems soon. In the study, we also verified the assumption of the dependence of financial health of companies on the legal form and territorial division, which was confirmed to be insignificant. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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68. Could the Coefficients Re-Estimation Solve the Industry or Time Specific Issues?
- Abstract
The aim of this paper is to examine discrimination performance of three bankruptcy prediction models in environments and periods different from the ones utilized by deriving the models. We compared selected models’ accuracy in the original setting and present conditions. Secondary aim was to examine a way of possible increasing of the discrimination performance of models by the recalculation of the classification functions. Discrimination performance of the models and financial ratios was tested on companies operating in manufacturing business. Results conclusively demonstrate that the discrimination accuracy of bankruptcy models deteriorates significantly in different environments. The classification function of each model was recalculated using the data from Czech manufacturing companies. For the adjustment of models’ coefficients the same methods, as used originally by theirs authors, were applied, i.e. the probit method, the linear discrimination analysis and the logit method. The results shown, that the re-estimation of model coefficient could lead to its higher classification accuracy in alternative conditions. We can dedicate that recalculating of the classification rules is one of the ways to increase discrimination performance of the bankruptcy prediction models in different environment.
- Published
- 2017
69. Could the Coefficients Re-Estimation Solve the Industry or Time Specific Issues?
- Abstract
The aim of this paper is to examine discrimination performance of three bankruptcy prediction models in environments and periods different from the ones utilized by deriving the models. We compared selected models’ accuracy in the original setting and present conditions. Secondary aim was to examine a way of possible increasing of the discrimination performance of models by the recalculation of the classification functions. Discrimination performance of the models and financial ratios was tested on companies operating in manufacturing business. Results conclusively demonstrate that the discrimination accuracy of bankruptcy models deteriorates significantly in different environments. The classification function of each model was recalculated using the data from Czech manufacturing companies. For the adjustment of models’ coefficients the same methods, as used originally by theirs authors, were applied, i.e. the probit method, the linear discrimination analysis and the logit method. The results shown, that the re-estimation of model coefficient could lead to its higher classification accuracy in alternative conditions. We can dedicate that recalculating of the classification rules is one of the ways to increase discrimination performance of the bankruptcy prediction models in different environment.
- Published
- 2017
70. Could the Coefficients Re-Estimation Solve the Industry or Time Specific Issues?
- Abstract
The aim of this paper is to examine discrimination performance of three bankruptcy prediction models in environments and periods different from the ones utilized by deriving the models. We compared selected models’ accuracy in the original setting and present conditions. Secondary aim was to examine a way of possible increasing of the discrimination performance of models by the recalculation of the classification functions. Discrimination performance of the models and financial ratios was tested on companies operating in manufacturing business. Results conclusively demonstrate that the discrimination accuracy of bankruptcy models deteriorates significantly in different environments. The classification function of each model was recalculated using the data from Czech manufacturing companies. For the adjustment of models’ coefficients the same methods, as used originally by theirs authors, were applied, i.e. the probit method, the linear discrimination analysis and the logit method. The results shown, that the re-estimation of model coefficient could lead to its higher classification accuracy in alternative conditions. We can dedicate that recalculating of the classification rules is one of the ways to increase discrimination performance of the bankruptcy prediction models in different environment.
- Published
- 2017
71. Could the Coefficients Re-Estimation Solve the Industry or Time Specific Issues?
- Author
Karas, Michal, Režňáková, Mária, Karas, Michal, and Režňáková, Mária
- Abstract
The aim of this paper is to examine discrimination performance of three bankruptcy prediction models in environments and periods different from the ones utilized by deriving the models. We compared selected models’ accuracy in the original setting and present conditions. Secondary aim was to examine a way of possible increasing of the discrimination performance of models by the recalculation of the classification functions. Discrimination performance of the models and financial ratios was tested on companies operating in manufacturing business. Results conclusively demonstrate that the discrimination accuracy of bankruptcy models deteriorates significantly in different environments. The classification function of each model was recalculated using the data from Czech manufacturing companies. For the adjustment of models’ coefficients the same methods, as used originally by theirs authors, were applied, i.e. the probit method, the linear discrimination analysis and the logit method. The results shown, that the re-estimation of model coefficient could lead to its higher classification accuracy in alternative conditions. We can dedicate that recalculating of the classification rules is one of the ways to increase discrimination performance of the bankruptcy prediction models in different environment.
- Published
- 2017
72. Could the Coefficients Re-Estimation Solve the Industry or Time Specific Issues?
- Author
Michal Karas and Mária Režňáková
- Subjects
Financial ratios ,Manufacturing ,Linear discrimination analysis ,Discrimination capability ,AUC value ,Bankruptcy models ,Probit and Logit method ,Model robustness - Abstract
The aim of this paper is to examine discrimination performance of three bankruptcy prediction models in environments and periods different from the ones utilized by deriving the models. We compared selected models’ accuracy in the original setting and present conditions. Secondary aim was to examine a way of possible increasing of the discrimination performance of models by the recalculation of the classification functions. Discrimination performance of the models and financial ratios was tested on companies operating in manufacturing business. Results conclusively demonstrate that the discrimination accuracy of bankruptcy models deteriorates significantly in different environments. The classification function of each model was recalculated using the data from Czech manufacturing companies. For the adjustment of models’ coefficients the same methods, as used originally by theirs authors, were applied, i.e. the probit method, the linear discrimination analysis and the logit method. The results shown, that the re-estimation of model coefficient could lead to its higher classification accuracy in alternative conditions. We can dedicate that recalculating of the classification rules is one of the ways to increase discrimination performance of the bankruptcy prediction models in different environment.
- Published
- 2017
73. Financial analysis of REFIL, s.r.o
- Author
Schmiegerová, Jitka, Holečková, Jaroslava, and Staňková, Anna
- Subjects
poměrové ukazatele ,financial analysis ,horizontal and vertical analysis ,vertikální a horizontální analýza ,finanční analýza ,bankrotní modely ,bankruptcy models ,creditworthy models ,bonitní modely ,REFIL s.r.o ,main ratio analysis - Abstract
The aim of this bachelor thesis is focused on financial analysis of the company REFIL s.r.o. for the monitored period 2011-2015. The thesis is divided into 2 fundamental parts, methodical and practical. In methodical part is described the subject and importance of financial analysis, its users and the main ratio analysis and also complex models assessing financial health of the company, which are creditworthy and bankruptcy models. Practical part is focusing on company REFIL s.r.o., especially on history and development. Then is executed practical part of financial analysis based on the main ratio analysis. In the end there will be evaluation of financial health with complex models.
- Published
- 2017
74. Financial analysis of Tescoma, s. r. o
- Author
Denisova, Iuliia, Holečková, Jaroslava, and Staňková, Anna
- Subjects
Tescoma s. r. o ,absolutní ukazatele ,Financial analysis ,horizontal analysis ,Finanční analýza ,poměrové ukazatele ,vertikální analýza ,bankruptcy models ,financial ratios ,horizontální analýza ,credit scoring models ,bankrotní a bonitní modely ,vertical analysis - Abstract
This bachelor thesis is focused on financial analysis of the company Tescoma, s. r. o. for the period from 2013 to 2015. The thesis is divided into two main parts: theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part introduce the company Tescoma s. r. o. and also its financial analyses based on the specific indicators.
- Published
- 2017
75. Financial analysis of MARLENKA international, s. r. o
- Author
Kolmykova, Elizaveta, Holečková, Jaroslava, and Staňková, Anna
- Subjects
bankrotní modely ,financial analysis ,poměrové ukazatele ,vertical analysis ,finanční analýza ,vertikální analýza ,bankruptcy models ,bonitní modely ,MARLENKA international, s. r. o ,financial ratios ,horizontal analysis ,horizontální analýza ,credit scoring models - Abstract
This bachelor thesis focuses on the financial analysis of the company MARLENKA international, s. r. o. from 2011 to 2015. The thesis is divided into theoretical and practical parts. The first part is focused on a description of horizontal and vertical analysis, ratios, bankruptcy and credit scoring models. The second part contains a presentation of the analyzed company and then a perfomance of the financial analysis, where were used the indicators calculated from the theoretical part according to data from the annual reports of the company. In conclusion, there is a final evaluation of the financial state of the selected company by means of bankruptcy and credit scoring models.
- Published
- 2017
76. Finanční analýza vybraného podniku
- Author
- Subjects
poměrové ukazatele ,Financial analysis ,horizontal analysis ,Finanční analýza ,finanční zdraví ,vertikální analýza ,bankruptcy models ,financial statements ,účetní výkazy ,vertical analysis ,financial ratios ,horizontální analýza ,bankrotní a bonitní modely ,solvency models ,financial health - Abstract
This disertation is focused on financial analysis of economic activities of joint-stock company MAVE Jičín for accounting period 2011 - 2015. The goal of the financial analysis is an assessment of the company financial state. The disertation incorporates overview of financial analysis methods and describes financial statements, which are a source of informations for analysis. Selected elementary methods of financial analysis are used in the practical part of analysis. These are particularly horizontal analysis and vertical analysis, Net working capital, profitability ratios, liquidity, activity and leverage ratios, Du Pont equation, Altman Z-score, bankruptcy model IN95, the IN99 index and Rudolf Doucha Balance analysis II. The financial analysis results give an overview of developments in the financial situation of the joint-stock company MAVE Jičín and thereby provide information for company financial management.
- Published
- 2017
77. Evaluation of the economic position of Sportisimo, Ltd
- Author
Šindelář, Jakub, Boukal, Petr, and Lukášek, Libor
- Subjects
Bankrotní modely ,Financial analysis ,Budoucí predikce ,Future prediction ,EVA ,Finanční analýza ,Bankruptcy models - Abstract
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate economic position of company Sportisimo, Ltd for the period from 2012 to 2015 and forecast of future years. This thesis is divided into theoretical and practical part. Theoretical part deals with selected methods of financial analysis and practical part applies them on a concrete example. Outcomes of this thesis are to evaluate economic position and its future development. Conclusion summarizes the results from practical part defining strengths and weaknesses.
- Published
- 2017
78. Financial analysis of Letňany Lagoon, s. r. o
- Author
Mikyska, Martin, Staňková, Anna, and Tuzar, Tomáš
- Subjects
bankrotní modely ,financial analysis ,horizontal analysis ,finanční analýza ,poměrové ukazatele ,Letňany Lagoon ,vertikální analýza ,bankruptcy models ,bonitní modely ,financial ratios ,horizontální analýza ,credit scoring models ,vertical analysis - Abstract
The topic of this bachelor thesis is financial analysis of Letňany Lagoon, s. r. o. The thesis is divided into the theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part is focused on individual components of financial analysis, where vertical and horizontal analysis, difference indicators, ratios of profitability, debt, activity and liquidity, and credit and bankruptcy models as Altman's Z-Score, Kralicek Quick Test, and Index of Credit are presented. In the practical part of the thesis these indicators and models are applied and their values are compared with the values of the competing company Plavecký bazén, s. r. o. At the end of the thesis are summarized the acquired knowledge, supplemented by recommendations for optimization.
- Published
- 2017
79. Financial analysis of Avon Cosmetics, s. r. o
- Author
Zemková, Kateřina, Staňková, Anna, and Obhlídal, Jiří
- Subjects
poměrové ukazatele ,financial analysis ,finanční analýza ,bankrotní modely ,bankruptcy models ,horizontal and vertical analysis ,horizontální a vertikální analýza ,financial ratios ,bonitní modely ,Avon ,credit scoring models - Abstract
The aim of this bachelor thesis is financial analysis of Avon Cosmetics, s. r. o. for the period 2011-2015. The work is divided into two main parts: theoretical and practical. The first one is focused on the theory of financial analysis. It describes the subject of financial analysis, users, resources and methodology used by the financial analysis. The subject of the second part is the presentation of the selected company and the financial analysis itself. The first is the horizontal and vertical analysis, the ratios are calculated and the conclusion is the forecast of financial distress. Keywords: Avon, financial analysis, horizonal and vertical analysis, financial ratios, bankruptcy models, credit scoring models
- Published
- 2017
80. Identification and Measurement of the Company´s Market Position Based on Financial and Non-financial Indicators
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- Subjects
comparison ,bankrotní modely ,komparace ,market position ,bankruptcy models ,tržní pozice - Abstract
The aim of the diploma thesis is to introduce suitable instruments for measuring the market position of the company based on multi-criteria decision-making. To introduce regular rankings of companies in professional journals and on the Internet. The main aim was to make comparison of five companies in the Czech Republic and build their resulting ranking based on financial and non-financial indicators. Selected companies have the same subject of business, form and size. For comparison there was set a model which included four financial and two non-financial indicators. Financial indicators have been selected from the area of profitability, liquidity, aktivity and indebtedness. Afterwards, the market positions of companies were calculated by mathematical-static method. The financial situation was identified also by profit and bankruptcy models.
- Published
- 2017
81. Financial analysis of the company Porsche Inter Auto CZ spol. s r. o
- Author
Chykhun, Bohdan, Holečková, Jaroslava, and Staňková, Anna
- Subjects
poměrové ukazatele ,financial analysis ,vertical analysis ,external financial analysis ,finanční analýza ,bankrotové modely ,externí finanční analýza ,finanční zdraví firmy ,vertikální analýza ,bankruptcy models ,bonitní modely ,Porsche Inter Auto CZ, spol. s r. o ,financial health ,financial ratios ,horizontal analysis ,horizontální analýza ,poměrové ukazovatele ,credit scoring models - Abstract
This bachelor thesis aims to evaluate the financial health of a business activity and financial health of the company Porsche Inter Auto CZ spol. s r. o. for the years from 2010 to 2015 using the methods of financial analysis. The content of this thesis is divided into two parts, that are depended on each other. The first of them will explain the procedure and evaluation methods, together with an important theoretical basis. The second part is focused on mentioned company, its current financial status is going to be evaluated, and compares Porsche Inter Auto CZ with the sector of the automotive industry in the Czech Republic where it will be useful. In conclusion, there are summarized results of the analysis, and a formulated SWOT analysis for Porsche Inter Auto CZ spol. s r. o. in which were emphasized new opportunities and economic threats for the enterprise.
- Published
- 2017
82. Indicators of Financial Distress Prediction
- Author
- Subjects
bankrotní modely ,bonitní modely ,finanční tíseň ,finanční analýza ,financial distress ,bankruptcy models ,financial analysis ,creditworthy models ,crisis ,krize - Abstract
The thesis is on indicators of financial distress prediction. The first part explains important terms, such as financial distress or crisis, the company and its phases. Then the financial analysis is briefly described and lastly bancruptcy and creditworthy models are described too. The practical part deals with application of selected bankruptcy and creditworthy models for two water companies. Based on the results, the explanatory power of these indicators for selected companies is evaluated. The power is then compared with the explanatory power in conducted professional studies.
- Published
- 2017
83. Аналіз ефективності методів оцінки ризиків банкрутства підприємств на прикладі ПАТ «ЗАЗ»
- Subjects
уровень банкротства ,банкротство ,рівень банкротства ,моделі банкротства ,bankruptcy ,модели банкротства ,bankruptcy models ,005.59 : 621 G 33 [005.334] - Abstract
У статті розглянуто сутність та основні аспекти банкрутства на прикладі підприємства ПАТ «ЗАЗ». Автором розглянуто та запропоновано чотири основні методи аналізу банкрутства та за допомогою фінансової звітності підприємства розраховані фактори, які відповідно впливають на рівень банкрутства. Визначено, що для різних типів підприємства необхідно керуватись різними моделями банкрутства відповідно до специфіки самого підприємства. Доведено, що для підприємства ПАТ «ЗАЗ» необхідно використовувати декілька методів аналізу одночасно, оскільки всі наведені автором моделі не в повному обсязі можуть відобразити ситуацію на підприємстві. Необхідно зазначити, що три з чотирьох методів відобразили фінансову кризу на підприємстві, яка розпочалась ще у 2013 році. Тому для продовження аналізу кризи на підприємстві слід використовувати такі моделі: Альтмана, Терещенко та Матвійчука. Криза, яка виникла на досліджуваному підприємстві розвивалась поступово, про це свідчать всі аналізовані моделі. Відповідно до цього можна зазначити, що дані моделі дають можливість передбачити кризу, а не лише констатувати факти вже присутності її на підприємстві. Також автором наведений ряд рекомендацій, щодо діагностики ймовірності банкрутства на підприємстві на основі аналізу вищезазначених моделей та перечисленні фактори впливу по кожній. The essence and main aspects of bankruptcy are considered in the article on the example of PJSC «ZAZ» enterprise. The author examines and proposes four basic methods of bankruptcy analysis and, with the help of the financial reporting of the enterprise, factors are considered which respectively affect the level of bankruptcy. It is determined that different types of enterprises need to be guided by different models of bankruptcy in accordance with the specifics of the enterprise itself. It is proved that for the enterprise of PJSC «ZAZ» it is necessary to use several methods of analysis simultaneously, since all the models given by the author do not fully reflect the situation at the enterprise. It should be noted that three out of four methodologies reflected the financial crisis in the company, which began in 2013. Therefore, the following models should be used to continue analysis of the crisis at the enterprise: Altman, Tereshchenko and Matviychuk. The crisis that arose on the investigated enterprise was gradually evolving, as evidenced by all the models analyzed. Accordingly, it can be noted that these models provide an opportunity to predict the crisis, and not only to establish the facts of its presence in the enterprise. Also, the author has a number of recommendations for diagnosing the probability of bankruptcy in the enterprise based on the analysis of the above models and listing the factors of influence on each. В статье рассмотрены сущность и основные аспекты банкротства на примере ЗАО «ЗАЗ». Автором рассмотрены и предложенных лишь четыре основных метода анализа банкротства и с помощью финансовой отчетности предприятия рассчитаны факторы, которые в соответствии влияют на уровень банкротства. Определено, что для разных типов предприятия необходимо руководствоваться различными моделями банкротства в соответствии с спецификой самого предприятия. Доказано, что для предприятия ПАО «ЗАЗ» необходимо использовать несколько методов анализа одновременно, поскольку все приведенные автором модели не в полном объеме могут отразить ситуацию на предприятии. Необходимо отметить, что три из четырех методов отразили финансовый кризис на предприятии, которая началась еще в 2013 году. Поэтому для продолжения анализа кризиса на предприятии следует использовать такие модели: Альтмана, Терещенко и Матвийчука. Кризис, который возник на исследуемом предприятии развивалась постепенно, об этом свидетельствуют все рассматриваемые модели. В соответствии с этим можно отметить, что данные модели позволяют предсказать кризис, а не только констатировать факты уже присутствии ее на предприятии. Также автором наведённый ряд рекомендаций, по диагностике вероятности банкротства на предприятии на основе анализа вышеупомянутых моделей и перечислены факторы воздействия по каждой.
- Published
- 2017
84. Financial analysis and the forecasts of the future development of the company ROSSMANN, spol. s r. o
- Author
Gorbushina, Lidiia, Škerlíková, Tatiana, and Dvořák, Jan
- Subjects
finanční plánování ,financial analysis ,TETA drogerie a lékárny ČR ,horizontal analysis ,ratio indicators ,finanční analýza ,poměrové ukazatelé ,vertikální analýza ,financial planning ,bankruptcy models ,ROSSMANN ,horizontální analýza ,dm drogerie markt ,bankrotní modély ,vertical analysis - Abstract
This bachelor thesis focuses on an assessment of the financial health of ROSSMANN, spol. s r. o. in the years 2010-2015. Its aim is to conduct a comprehensive financial analysis, evaluate financial situation and prepare forecasts of future development of the company. After a short introduction to company's history, I describe specifics of performance of the company and its main competitors on the Czech market: dm drogerie mark, spol. s r. o. and TETA drogerie a lékárny ČR, spol. s r. o. According to the results of analysis I can judge that the financial health of the company is not significantly threatened. My suggestion is to improve the liquidity ratios and indebtedness indexes, as they have the biggest impact on the company's financial situation. In addition to the analysis a short-term plan for the year 2016 is created, where the company's profit for the next year is estimated at 23,178 thousand CZK.
- Published
- 2017
85. Classifying Manufacturing Firms in Lebanon: An Application of Altman's Model
- Author
El Khoury Rim and Al Beaïno Roy
- Subjects
Actuarial science ,business.industry ,emerging country ,classification ,barometer ,Loan ,Manufacturing ,manufacturing firms ,Manufacturing firms ,Bankruptcy models ,General Materials Science ,Marketing ,business ,Valuation (finance) - Abstract
This study analyzes whether Altman Z-score can accurately classify manufacturing companies operating in Lebanon. The empirical analysis examines eleven manufacturing companies over a period of 3 years from 2009 till 2011. Firms are classified according to Altman Z-score models and then compared to their actual classification. The study found that the Altman Z’ Score (1983) can serve as a barometer for classifying Lebanese manufacturing companies within the same sub-business sector. This finding can be used by banks for classifying their clients, by companies for evaluating their performance, and by investors for selecting stocks. First, small banks that cannot afford buying those expensive rating systems can employ the Z’ score to quantify the risk of the customers applying for a loan. Second, companies can set up for a manufacturing industry benchmark, make self- evaluation to track their ranking, and take necessary corrective actions ahead of time. Third, investors can employ the Z’ Score as a valuation tool to compare different companies.
- Published
- 2014
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86. Bankruptcy or Success? The Effective Prediction of a Company's Financial Development Using LSTM.
- Author
Vochozka, Marek, Vrbka, Jaromir, and Suler, Petr
- Abstract
There is no doubt that the issue of making a good prediction about a company's possible failure is very important, as well as complicated. A number of models have been created for this very purpose, of which one, the long short-term memory (LSTM) model, holds a unique position in that it generates very good results. The objective of this contribution is to create a methodology for the identification of a company failure (bankruptcy) using artificial neural networks (hereinafter referred to as "NN") with at least one long short-term memory (LSTM) layer. A bankruptcy model was created using deep learning, for which at least one layer of LSTM was used for the construction of the NN. For the purposes of this contribution, Wolfram's Mathematica 13 (Wolfram Research, Champaign, Illinois) software was used. The research results show that LSTM NN can be used as a tool for predicting company failure. The objective of the contribution was achieved, since the model of a NN was developed, which is able to predict the future development of a company operating in the manufacturing sector in the Czech Republic. It can be applied to small, medium-sized and manufacturing companies alike, as well as used by financial institutions, investors, or auditors as an alternative for evaluating the financial health of companies in a given field. The model is flexible and can therefore be trained according to a different dataset or environment. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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87. Explanatory power of the indicators of financial health
- Author
CHÝNA, Radek
- Subjects
explanatory power ,bankrotní modely ,bonitní modely ,finanční analýza ,vypovídací schopnost ,finanční zdraví ,bankruptcy models ,financial analysis ,financial health ,credibility models - Abstract
This diploma thesis deals with credibility models and bankruptcy models as tools for evaluating financial health of company. The aim of this work is an evaluation of credibility models and bankruptcy models. The evaluation is focused on suitability, reliability and predictive ability for use the models in Czech environment. The main body of work constitutes a case study containing an application of eight models on Czech engineering company.The case study is supplemented with professional studies evaluating explanatory power of some models. On the basis of studies' results, the comparison of models was done and were identified their strengths and weaknesses.
- Published
- 2016
88. Construction industry and payment discipline in the Czech Republic
- Author
Pavlína Hejduková and Lucie Kureková
- Subjects
Czech ,Index (economics) ,media_common.quotation_subject ,M21 ,Accounting ,0502 economics and business ,ddc:650 ,G31 ,G32 ,Payment discipline ,G33 ,050207 economics ,Payment service provider ,media_common ,Finance ,business.industry ,L74 ,05 social sciences ,Payment index ,Payment ,Construction industry ,language.human_language ,language ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDSOCIETY ,Bankruptcy models ,Business ,Building industry ,Companies ,050203 business & management - Abstract
The paper deals with payment discipline in the building industry in the Czech Republic. The aim of this paper is to identify, compare and evaluate the financial situation of building companies with different payment practices in the Czech Republic in the period 2010 - 2014. The paper uses enterprise and statistical methods. The payment discipline of companies is expressed by a payment index, which is constructed by Bisnode. The results are based on analysis of 1374 companies which are operated in the building industry. The analysis shows that payment habits increase with higher index IN05, Taffler's model, index IN99 and with larger size of the firms. Payment habits of building companies are very good. However, about 2 % of solvent companies have poor payments habits.
- Published
- 2016
89. The implications of bankruptcy and creditworthy business models for sports clubs
- Author
Petrák, Pavel, Štědroň, Bohumír, and Ruda, Tomáš
- Subjects
bankrotní modely ,bonitní modely ,football clubs ,fotbalový klub ,bankruptcy models ,aplikace modelů ,creditworthy models ,implications of the models - Abstract
Title: The implications of bankruptcy and creditworthy business models for sports clubs Goals: On the basis of bankruptcy and creditworthy business models to determine from the two following football clubs AC Sparta Prague Football, Inc. and FC Viktoria Pilsen, Inc. the danger of bankruptcy or teak creditworthiness and to prove or disprove whether the poor financial structuring of the clubs affects its results in league standings. In the case of a looming bankruptcy or of weak creditworthiness to suggest workable solutions to reverse these effects. Methods: For the prediction of a possible bankruptcy, three bankruptcy models were used - the Altman Model, the Taffler Model and the Springate Model. For determining the financial status of the business, concretely its creditworthiness, two creditworthy business models were used - the Kralick quick test and the Index of creditworthiness. Suggestions for these proposed solutions to the problems are presented in the technical literature. Results: The implications of using the bankruptcy models demonstrated that AC Sparta Prague Football, Inc. is threatened by a bankruptcy as opposed to FC Victoria Pilsen, Inc. which is rated as a stable business. Creditworthy models proved the results of the bankruptcy models, when they determined that AC Sparta Prague...
- Published
- 2016
90. The evaluation of finantial health of selected group of czech companies
- Author
- Subjects
bankrotní modely ,Financial analysis ,shluková analýza ,finanční zdraví podniku ,finanční analýza ,Bankruptcy models ,Financial health ,cluster analysis - Abstract
The main aim of this study was to evaluate the financial health of a selected group of compa-nies from the construction sector in 2014. The evaluation was conducted on a sample of 500 companies. This sample was initially evaluated through selected bankruptcy models. Followed by a comprehensive evaluation of the sample with using the factor and cluster analysis. Its out-come was the distribution of a sample of companies in the recommended number of clusters on the basis of similarities. For individual clusters of firms they were then created their character-istics and their assistance as well as an overall assessment of a sample of companies.
- Published
- 2016
91. Financial analysis of Petrof, spol. s. r. o
- Author
Belančatová, Denisa, Holečková, Jaroslava, and Staňková, Anna
- Subjects
bankrotní modely ,financial analysis ,poměrové ukazatele ,horizontal analysis ,finanční analýza ,vertikální analýza ,bankruptcy models ,bonitní modely ,financial ratios ,Petrof, spol. s. r. o ,horizontální analýza ,vertikal analysis ,credit scoring models - Abstract
The subject of this bachelor thesis is financial analysis of the company Petrof, spol. s.r.o. The main aim of thesis is to evaluate economic performance and financial health of the company in years 2011-2014. The thesis is devided into two main parts- theoretical part and a practical part. The theoretical part focuses on the methods and financial ratios used by financial analysis. In the practical part of the thesis, the analysed company is introduced and financial analysis is carried out by application of the financial ratios described in the theoretical part. In conclusion there are summarized findings and presents final evaluation of the company.
- Published
- 2016
92. Design of a specific model for predicting micro-entities failure
- Author
Blanco Oliver, Antonio Jesús, Irimia Diéguez, Ana Isabel, Vázquez Cueto, María José, Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Economía Financiera y Dirección de Operaciones, and Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Economía Aplicada III
- Subjects
Micro-entities ,Decision trees ,Nonparametric methods ,Métodos híbridos ,Métodos no paramétricos ,Modelos de quiebra ,Bankruptcy models ,Hybrid methods ,Árboles de decisión - Abstract
La importancia de las micro-entities como generadoras de empleo y propulsoras de la actividad económica conlleva, unida a sus mayores tasas de quiebra y a su dificultad para acceder a las fuentes de financiación, la necesidad de dise~nar métodos apropiados que anticipen sus quiebras. Con este fin, en este trabajo se desarrolla un modelo híbrido mediante la combinación de enfoques paramétricos y no paramétricos para la detección de sus quiebras. Para ello, se seleccionan las variables con mayor poder predictivo para detectar la quiebra mediante un modelo híbrido de regresión logística (LR) y árboles de regresión y clasificación (CART). Nuestros resultados muestran que este modelo híbrido obtiene una mejor performance que aquellos modelos implementados de forma aislada, además de tener una más fácil interpretación y una convergencia más rápida. Por otra parte, se constata la conveniencia de la introducció de variables no financieras y macroeconómicas que complementen a la información proporcionada por los ratios financieros para la predicción de la quiebra de las micro-entities, lo cual está en línea con las características propias e idiosincrasia de este tama~no empresarial recientemente definido por la Comisión Europea. The importance of micro-entities due to their generation of employment and propelling economic activity, together with the fact of their particularities, implies the need to design appropriate methods that anticipate their bankruptcies. For that purpose, a hybrid model by combining parametric and nonparametric approaches is developed in this paper. First, the variables with the highest predictive power to detect bankruptcy are selected using logistic regression (LR). Subsequently, a non-parametric method, namely regression trees and classification (CART), is then applied to companies classified as \bankruptcy" or \non-bankruptcy". Our results show that this model provides a better result than when it is implemented in isolation, which joins its easier interpretation and faster convergence. Moreover, we demonstrate that the introduction of non-financial and macroeconomic variables complement the financial ratios for bankruptcy prediction. Findings are based on a data set of micro-entities (MEs), as recently defined by the European Union.
- Published
- 2016
93. Testing of financial standing a bankruptcy models on example of companies AutoGuard and BlockBandit
- Author
Krejčí, Jan, Staňková, Anna, and Marek, Petr
- Subjects
Bankrotní modely ,Financial analysis ,Financial standing models ,Finanční analýza ,Bankruptcy models ,Bonitní modely - Abstract
The aim of this bachelor´s thesis is in phase one to test which of the well-established financial standing or bankruptcy models is able to predict most reliably insolvency for firms safeguarding vehicles. Secondary task is to apply chosen models onto data from company, that doesn´t show signs of financial crisis at glance.
- Published
- 2016
94. Diseño de un modelo específico para la predicción de la quiebra de micro-entities // Design of a Specific Model for Predicting Micro-Entities Failure
- Author
Blanco Oliver, Antonio J., Irimia Diéguez, Ana I., and Vázquez Cueto, María José
- Subjects
decision trees ,métodos no paramétricos ,árboles de decisión ,micro-entities ,bankruptcy models ,hybrid methods ,nonparametric methods ,lcsh:T57-57.97 ,lcsh:Mathematics ,lcsh:Business ,lcsh:QA1-939 ,métodos híbridos ,modelos de quiebra ,lcsh:Applied mathematics. Quantitative methods ,lcsh:HF5001-6182 - Abstract
La importancia de las micro-entities como generadoras de empleo y propulsoras de la actividad económica conlleva, unida a sus mayores tasas de quiebra y a su dificultad para acceder a las fuentes de financiación, la necesidad de diseñar métodos apropiados que anticipen sus quiebras. Con este fin, en este trabajo se desarrolla un modelo híbrido mediante la combinación de enfoques paramétricos y no paramétricos para la detección de sus quiebras. Para ello, se seleccionan las variables con mayor poder predictivo para detectar la quiebra mediante un modelo híbrido de regresión logística (LR) y árboles de regresión y clasificación (CART). Nuestros resultados muestran que este modelo híbrido obtiene una mejor performance que aquellos modelos implementados de forma aislada, además de tener una más fácil interpretación y una convergencia más rápida. Por otra parte, se constata la conveniencia de la introducción de variables no financieras y macroeconómicas que complementen a la información proporcionada por los ratios financieros para la predicción de la quiebra de las micro-entities, lo cual está en línea con las características propias e idiosincrasia de este tamaño empresarial recientemente definido por la Comisión Europea.------------------------------------The importance of micro-entities due to their generation of employment and propelling economic activity, together with the fact of their particularities, implies the need to design appropriate methods that anticipate their bankruptcies. For that purpose, a hybrid model by combining parametric and nonparametric approaches is developed in this paper. First, the variables with the highest predictive power to detect bankruptcy are selected using logistic regression (LR). Subsequently, a non-parametric method, namely regression trees and classification (CART), is then applied to companies classified as "bankruptcy" or "non-bankruptcy". Our results show that this model provides a better result than when it is implemented in isolation, which joins its easier interpretation and faster convergence. Moreover, we demonstrate that the introduction of non-financial and macroeconomic variables complement the financial ratios for bankruptcy prediction. Findings are based on a data set of micro-entities (MEs), as recently defined by the European Union., Artículo revisado por pares
- Published
- 2016
95. Hybrid model using logit and nonparametric methods for predicting micro-entity failure
- Author
Blanco Oliver, Antonio Jesús, Irimia Diéguez, Ana Isabel, Oliver Alfonso, María Dolores, Vázquez Cueto, María José, Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Economía Financiera y Dirección de Operaciones, and Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Economía Aplicada III
- Subjects
Combining forecasts ,Bankruptcy models ,Small firms ,Decision making ,Data mining ,Hybrid models - Abstract
Following the calls from literature on bankruptcy, a parsimonious hybrid bankruptcy model is developed in this paper by combining parametric and non-parametric approaches.To this end, the variables with the highest predictive power to detect bankruptcy are selected using logistic regression (LR). Subsequently, alternative non-parametric methods (Multilayer Perceptron, Rough Set, and Classification-Regression Trees) are applied, in turn, to firms classified as either “bankrupt” or “not bankrupt”. Our findings show that hybrid models, particularly those combining LR and Multilayer Perceptron, offer better accuracy performance and interpretability and converge faster than each method implemented in isolation. Moreover, the authors demonstrate that the introduction of non-financial and macroeconomic variables complement financial ratios for bankruptcy prediction.
- Published
- 2016
96. Applications credibility and bankruptcy models to compare the financial health of breweries
- Author
Varkalová, Světlana, Holečková, Jaroslava, and Staňková, Anna
- Subjects
predikce bankrotu ,bankruptcy prediction ,bankrotní modely ,bonitní modely ,Finanční tíseň ,Financial distress ,bankruptcy models ,credibility models - Abstract
This thesis deals with selected credit scoring and bankruptcy models and their ability to pre-dict financial problems in a company. Among the models included in the paper are the Altman bankruptcy model Z - Score, Index of credibility of the Neumaier (IN95, IN05) Taffler mod-el, Kralicek Quick test, Grünwald creditworthiness model. The methodological part focuses on the detailed description of each individual model. The practical part includes a customised application of the models on the selected breweries and subsequent assessment of the ability of the models to predict financial distress.
- Published
- 2016
97. Hybrid model using logit and nonparametric methods for predicting micro-entity failure
- Author
Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Economía Financiera y Dirección de Operaciones, Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Economía Aplicada III, Blanco Oliver, Antonio Jesús, Irimia Diéguez, Ana Isabel, Oliver Alfonso, María Dolores, Vázquez Cueto, María José, Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Economía Financiera y Dirección de Operaciones, Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Economía Aplicada III, Blanco Oliver, Antonio Jesús, Irimia Diéguez, Ana Isabel, Oliver Alfonso, María Dolores, and Vázquez Cueto, María José
- Abstract
Following the calls from literature on bankruptcy, a parsimonious hybrid bankruptcy model is developed in this paper by combining parametric and non-parametric approaches.To this end, the variables with the highest predictive power to detect bankruptcy are selected using logistic regression (LR). Subsequently, alternative non-parametric methods (Multilayer Perceptron, Rough Set, and Classification-Regression Trees) are applied, in turn, to firms classified as either “bankrupt” or “not bankrupt”. Our findings show that hybrid models, particularly those combining LR and Multilayer Perceptron, offer better accuracy performance and interpretability and converge faster than each method implemented in isolation. Moreover, the authors demonstrate that the introduction of non-financial and macroeconomic variables complement financial ratios for bankruptcy prediction.
- Published
- 2016
98. Diseño de un modelo específico para la predicción de la quiebra de micro-entities
- Author
Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Economía Financiera y Dirección de Operaciones, Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Economía Aplicada III, Blanco Oliver, Antonio Jesús, Irimia Diéguez, Ana Isabel, Vázquez Cueto, María José, Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Economía Financiera y Dirección de Operaciones, Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Economía Aplicada III, Blanco Oliver, Antonio Jesús, Irimia Diéguez, Ana Isabel, and Vázquez Cueto, María José
- Abstract
La importancia de las micro-entities como generadoras de empleo y propulsoras de la actividad económica conlleva, unida a sus mayores tasas de quiebra y a su dificultad para acceder a las fuentes de financiación, la necesidad de dise~nar métodos apropiados que anticipen sus quiebras. Con este fin, en este trabajo se desarrolla un modelo híbrido mediante la combinación de enfoques paramétricos y no paramétricos para la detección de sus quiebras. Para ello, se seleccionan las variables con mayor poder predictivo para detectar la quiebra mediante un modelo híbrido de regresión logística (LR) y árboles de regresión y clasificación (CART). Nuestros resultados muestran que este modelo híbrido obtiene una mejor performance que aquellos modelos implementados de forma aislada, además de tener una más fácil interpretación y una convergencia más rápida. Por otra parte, se constata la conveniencia de la introducció de variables no financieras y macroeconómicas que complementen a la información proporcionada por los ratios financieros para la predicción de la quiebra de las micro-entities, lo cual está en línea con las características propias e idiosincrasia de este tama~no empresarial recientemente definido por la Comisión Europea., The importance of micro-entities due to their generation of employment and propelling economic activity, together with the fact of their particularities, implies the need to design appropriate methods that anticipate their bankruptcies. For that purpose, a hybrid model by combining parametric and nonparametric approaches is developed in this paper. First, the variables with the highest predictive power to detect bankruptcy are selected using logistic regression (LR). Subsequently, a non-parametric method, namely regression trees and classification (CART), is then applied to companies classified as \bankruptcy" or \non-bankruptcy". Our results show that this model provides a better result than when it is implemented in isolation, which joins its easier interpretation and faster convergence. Moreover, we demonstrate that the introduction of non-financial and macroeconomic variables complement the financial ratios for bankruptcy prediction. Findings are based on a data set of micro-entities (MEs), as recently defined by the European Union.
- Published
- 2016
99. The ice- hockey teams comparison
- Author
Rakušan, Vojtěch, Štědroň, Bohumír, and Ruda, Tomáš
- Subjects
ELH ,bonitní modely ,lední hokej ,bankrotní modely ,bankruptcy models ,creditworthy models ,komparace ,comparison ,ice hockey - Abstract
Title: The ice- hockey teams financial comparison Targets: The aim of this thesis is to compare the financial results of the Czech ice-hockey professional clubs during time period. Methods There were applied the basic financial and analytical tools - bankruptcy and credibility models which are able to show the current financial power of the monitored clubs. Results: Results of the used bankruptcy and credibility models shows that a lot of the top Czech ice-hockey professional clubs are facing the serious financial issues, even some of them are threatened of the bankruptcy. Key words: comparison, ice hockey, ELH, bankruptcy models, creditworthy models
- Published
- 2015
100. Finanční analýza na příkladu Audi Group
- Author
Maltseva, Anna, Holečková, Jaroslava, and Staňková, Anna
- Subjects
Bankrotní modely ,Financial analysis ,Finanční analýza ,Bankruptcy models ,Financial statements ,Audi Group - Abstract
The aim of this master thesis is a financial analysis of Audi Group. Audi is one of the most popular brand of premium car manufacturers, which has a long history and which is a part of one of the biggest world groups in automotive industry -- Volkswagen Group. In this paper we will look into its financial reports in order to analyze its financial performance and make the conclusion in the end -- is Audi Group successful?
- Published
- 2015
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