Yurika Ishizuka, Masahiro Uenishi, Alim Erdem, Kazuo Matsumoto, Nobuyuki Komiyama, Ebru Golcuk, Shigeyuki Nishimura, Zekeriya Küçükdurmaz, Ritsushi Kato, Takeshi Tobiume, Hitoshi Ishida, Motoki Hara, Sivas Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi, and [Kucukdurmaz, Zokeriya -- Kato, Ritsushi -- Hara, Motoki -- Tobiume, Takeshi -- Ishida, Hitoshi -- Uenishi, Masahiro -- Ishizuka, Yurika -- Komiyama, Nobuyuki -- Nishimura, Shigeyuki -- Matsumoto, Kazuo] Saitama Med Univ, Int Med Ctr, Dept Cardiol, Hidaka, Saitama 3501298, Japan -- [Golcuk, Ebru] Sivas Cumhuriyet Univ, Fac Med, Dept Cardiol, Sivas, Turkey -- [Erdem, Alim] Istanbul Univ, Dept Cardiol, Istanbul Fac Med, Istanbul, Turkey
WOS: 000298576700010, PubMed ID: 22088859, Objective: The difference of the conduction velocity (CV) around the tricuspid valve annulus between the counter-clockwise (CCW) atrial flutter and the clockwise (CW) atrial flutter has not been well clarified. This study was undertaken to evaluate the CV and the conducting area (CA) per millisecond around the tricuspid valve annulus using the electroanatomical mapping. Methods: The electroanatomical mapping was performed during the tachycardia for 30 consecutive patients (mean age: 61 16 years) with isthmus-dependent atrial flutter (CCW, 25; CW, 5). We measured the CV and the CA of five divided areas of the right atrium, that is, upper septum (US), lower septum (LS), isthmus (I), upper lateral wall (UL) and lower lateral wall (LL) using the novel measurement method in the isochronal map. Statistical differences of these data between the two groups were assessed by the Student's t-test and one-way analysis of variance methods. Results: In total, the CV of the LS was significantly slower than other areas (m/sec: US, 0.57 +/- 0.18; LS, 0.43 +/- 0.18; UL, 0.60 +/- 0.26; LL, 0.53 +/- 0.20; I, 0.50 +/- 0.17; p