The paper, the opening address to the Conference on Management Training for Scientists and Technologists held at Manchester in July 1986, deals with the problems which must be solved by UK industry if it is to survive in the industrial jungle of the next century. The author sees the most serious cause for concern as being the poor communication between top managements and technologists, originating in and aggravated by historically based cultural and social divisions inside UK society. The first and essential step towards a solution is for top managements to accept that technological change is inevitable and that it will affect their own operations. They must therefore accept the need to continuously review and undertake the replacement of the firm's process, product and management technologies, along with a parallel review and refurbishment of workforce skills. This implies re-education both of the firm's technical arm, including its R&D personnel and, most importantly, of the non-R&D functions which commission R&D and use its results. The author sees functional demarcation lines as a particular evil. He also deplores the preference of UK financial institutions for short-term financial returns to all investment, which reduces its capability to support innovative activities with a long lead-time. He contends that the solution to the UK's long-standing economic problems demands at least that technology and its proper management be placed at the very top of top management's agenda. He concludes the paper by challenging the technological community to play its part in bridging the gap between top managements and technology. Achieving acceptance of this challenge is the most important current task of those engaged in developing the management capabilities of scientists and technologists. The invitation to give an opening address, with no restrictions other than a loose relationship to the subject to be discussed, to a conference of this kind is one which is very difficult to refuse. Few of us can resist the chance of a platform on which to ride a few hobby-horses, display a few personal prejudices which can be legitimately exposed, and on which some wild generalisations can be made, which I would not make did I not think them worth further consideration. In this opening few minutes of your conference, I have no intention of examining any single aspect of the comprehensive coverage which will be the feature of the next three days, but I would like to deal personally with a few of the aspects of this most challenging of subjects of which I have had some personal experience. The subject is of crucial importance, not just in the operational sense of how we make the best of what we have, but in helping to formulate better the industrial strategies which the UK must adopt if it is to survive in the industrial jungle of the 21st century.