Submitted by Sara Ribeiro ( on 2018-11-12T19:00:01Z No. of bitstreams: 1 FabioOliveiraCamposDissertacaoParcial2013.pdf: 585292 bytes, checksum: 8dd972a0eadcec02bb9a1556659280be (MD5) Approved for entry into archive by Sara Ribeiro ( on 2018-11-12T19:01:45Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 FabioOliveiraCamposDissertacaoParcial2013.pdf: 585292 bytes, checksum: 8dd972a0eadcec02bb9a1556659280be (MD5) Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-12T19:01:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FabioOliveiraCamposDissertacaoParcial2013.pdf: 585292 bytes, checksum: 8dd972a0eadcec02bb9a1556659280be (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-07-24 Communication always occurs mediated by languages, such as conventional signs, or body, or fashion, or music, or verbal, among others. Social institutions have specific languages. In this study, the judiciary language was investigated: the rite, the code of behavior, ceremonial, hierarchy, speech and writing. The research aims to identify and demonstrate the function and purposes of the language adopted by professional jurists with their customers. Therefore, the focus was on the judiciary verbal language (speaking and writing) used in communication interactions between lawyers and their customers. Faced with the natural language used by other social groups, a comparative analysis was promoted and the reactions of non-lawyers citizens in their relationships with the legal segment were studied in order to verify how this specific communicational process occurs. The research and analysis were guided and supported by the Semiotic Theory of Culture of the School of Tartu-Moscow (led by Yuri Lotman) and by the Pragmatic Theory of Human Communication of the School of Palo Alto (developed by Paul Watzlawick). The empirical research was needed to test the premises, and it was done with the group of individuals that were directly involved in the communication process using hypothetical-deductive methods, documents analysis and half-open interviews. To complement the theoretical and empirical analysis and to guarantee the validity of the conclusions, the characteristics of the identity and image of the judiciary were considered in this research, as well as the practices of power exercised by law professionals. Grouped thus, the constitutive elements of the social imaginary about the judiciary and the behavior of its members in communication interactions can be internalized within and beyond the mere role of acknowledging and pursuit of common sense, extending the communication process to reach a symbolic and ritual dimension, essential for the security of the law professionals and of those who demand their services. A comunica????o ocorre sempre mediada pelas linguagens, tais como: dos sinais convencionais, do corpo, da moda, da m??sica e verbal, dentre outras. Institui????es sociais possuem linguagens espec??ficas. Neste estudo, investigou-se a linguagem do judici??rio: o rito, o protocolo, o cerimonial, a hierarquia, a fala e a escrita. A pesquisa teve por objetivo conhecer e demonstrar a fun????o e as finalidades dessa linguagem adotada profissionalmente pelos operadores do Direito com seus clientes. Portanto, o foco foi a linguagem verbal jur??dica (fala e escrita) utilizada nas rela????es comunicacionais entre advogados e clientes. Confrontada com a l??ngua natural utilizada pelos demais grupos sociais, promoveu-se uma an??lise comparativa e pesquisou-se o comportamento dos cidad??os n??o-advogados em suas rela????es com o segmento jur??dico para verificar como ocorre esse processo comunicacional espec??fico. As pesquisas e as an??lises foram conduzidas e amparadas pela teoria Semi??tica da Cultura da Escola de T??rtu-Moscou (liderada por Iuri L??tman) e pela teoria Pragm??tica da Comunica????o Humana da Escola de Palo Alto (organizada por Paul Watzlawick). A pesquisa emp??rica tornou-se necess??ria para testar as hip??teses e foi realizada com p??blicos diretamente envolvidos no processo comunicacional, utilizando-se os m??todos hipot??tico-dedutivo, an??lise documental e entrevista semiaberta. Para complementar as an??lises te??rica e emp??rica e assegurar a validade das conclus??es, foram trazidas para este estudo as caracter??sticas da identidade e da imagem do judici??rio, bem como as pr??ticas de poder exercidas pelos profissionais do Direito. Desse modo reunidos, os elementos constituintes do imagin??rio social a respeito do judici??rio e do comportamento de seus integrantes nas rela????es comunicacionais podem ser compreendidos aqu??m e al??m da mera fun????o do entendimento e da busca do comum, ampliando o processo da comunica????o para uma dimens??o simb??lica e ritual, imprescind??vel ?? seguran??a dos profissionais operadores do Direito e daqueles que demandam seus servi??os.