632 results on '"Palkó A"'
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602. Gerics Pál orvos, állatorvos, georgikoni tanár jelentései gróf Festetics Lászlónak és a Directiónak (1821-1824)
- Author
György, Kurucz, Krász Lilla, Fellegi Zsófia, and Palkó Gábor
- Abstract
Gerics Pál orvos, állatorvos, georgikoni tanár jelentései gróf Festetics Lászlónak és a Directiónak (1821-1824) / The reports of GERICS Pál, physician, veterinarian, and teacher of the Georgikon to Count FESTETICS László and the Directio (1821–1824) - Angliai levelek, 1821. július 4. - 1823. március 3. / Letters from England to Count FESTETICS László, 4 July 1821 - 3 March 1823 (Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár Országos Levéltára, Festetics Levéltár P 274 Központi Birtokigazgatás és Gazdálkodás 3. d. jelentések 5. Gerics Pál jelentései külföldi útjáról 1820−1825) Az utazása előtt kézhez vett instrukció szerint Gericsnek rendszeresen tájékoztatnia kellett megbízóját, valamint a központi birtokigazgatás irányító testületét, a Directiót. A gróf Festetics László számára küldött beszámolóknak nem volt kötelező tartalmi előírása, viszont a Directiónak küldött jelentésekben bizonyos kérdésekre mindig ki kellett térnie, vagyis milyen útvonalat követett, kivel találkozott, milyen intézményeket keresett fel, milyen szakkönyveket olvasott, illetve vásárolt meg, továbbá milyen útvonalon kíván továbbhaladni, illetve a rendelkezésére bocsátott pénzeszközöket hogyan használta fel. - Franciaországi jelentések, 1823. november 10 - 1824. január 6. / Reports from France to the Directio, 10 November 1823 - 6 January 1824 (Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár Országos Levéltára, Festetics Levéltár P 274 Központi Birtokigazgatás és Gazdálkodás 3. d. jelentések 5. Gerics Pál jelentései külföldi útjáról 1820−1825) Az utazása előtt kézhez vett instrukció szerint Gericsnek rendszeresen tájékoztatnia kellett megbízóját, valamint a központi birtokigazgatás irányító testületét, a Directiót. A gróf Festetics László számára küldött beszámolóknak nem volt kötelező tartalmi előírása, viszont a Directiónak küldött jelentésekben bizonyos kérdésekre mindig ki kellett térnie, vagyis milyen útvonalat követett, kivel találkozott, milyen intézményeket keresett fel, milyen szakkönyveket olvasott, illetve vásárolt meg, továbbá milyen útvonalon kíván továbbhaladni, illetve a rendelkezésére bocsátott pénzeszközöket hogyan használta fel., {"references":["Gerics Pál orvos, állatorvos, georgikoni tanár jelentései gróf Festetics Lászlónak és a Directiónak (1821-1824) / The reports of GERICS Pál, physician, veterinarian, and teacher of the Georgikon to Count FESTETICS László and the Directio (1821–1824). S. a. r., és jegyz. / ed.: Kurucz György. 10.5281/zenodo.7594105. In Balogh Piroska – Bodnár-Király Tibor – Gurka Dezső – Krász Lilla – Kurucz György – Sz. Kristóf Ildikó: A tudományos tudásáramlás mintázatai a Magyar Királyságban, 1770–1830: digitális forrásantológia. / The patterns of the circulation of scientific knowledge in the Kingdom of Hungary, 1770–1830: digital source anthology. Budapest, 2022. Tudásáramlás – wikibase-docker (elte-dh.hu)"]}
- Published
- 2022
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603. Gróf Festetics László utazási instrukciója Gerics Pál orvos, állatorvos, georgikoni tanár számára (1820)
- Author
György, Kurucz, Krász Lilla, Fellegi Zsófia, and Palkó Gábor
- Abstract
Gróf Festetics László utazási instrukciója Gerics Pál orvos, állatorvos, georgikoni tanár számára (Bécs, 1820. március 17.) / The travel instructions of Count FESTETICS László to GERICS Pál, physician, veterinarian, and teacher of the Georgikon (1820) (Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár Országos Levéltára, P 274 Központi Birtokigazgatás és Gazdálkodás 3. d. jelentések 5. Gerics Pál jelentései külföldi útjáról 1820−1825. fol. 552−562.) Gróf Festetics László (1785−1846), az 1797-ben Keszthelyen alapított felsőfokú mezőgazdasági tanintézet, a Georgikon fenntartója 1820-ban két fiatal georgikoni tanárt bocsátott öt évig tartó nyugat-európai tanulmányútra. Gerics Pál (1792−1868) orvos, állatorvos, valamint Lehrmann József (1791−1845) kertészeti, borászati szakember az intézmény fenntartójának szándékai szerint meghatározott útvonalon haladva főúri mintagazdaságokat, felsőoktatási intézményeket, a kor kiemelkedő tudós személyiségeit keresték fel. A Gerics számára kiadott német nyelvű utazási instrukció azonban nemcsak mezőgazdasági gyakorlati, technológiai eljárások megfigyelését, a Georgikon kapcsolatrendszerének bővítését, a tapasztalatok írásos közvetítését szabta meg, hanem a Festetics birtokok gyapjújának értékesítése érdekében piackutató tevékenységet is előírt. A fő és alpontokból álló német nyelvű utasítás szerint Gericsnek magyar nyelven kellett összeállítania rendszeres jelentéseit a megbízó, valamint a Festetics birtokok központi irányítási szerve, a Directio számára, továbbá szintén magyar nyelven utazási naplót is kellett vezetnie., {"references":["Gróf Festetics László utazási instrukciója Gerics Pál orvos, állatorvos, georgikoni tanár számára (Bécs, 1820. március 17.) / The travel instructions of Count FESTETICS László to GERICS Pál, physician, veterinarian, and teacher of the Georgikon (1820). S. a. r., és jegyz. / ed.: Kurucz György. 10.5281/zenodo.7594049. In Balogh Piroska – Bodnár-Király Tibor – Gurka Dezső – Krász Lilla – Kurucz György – Sz. Kristóf Ildikó: A tudományos tudásáramlás mintázatai a Magyar Királyságban, 1770–1830: digitális forrásantológia. / The patterns of the circulation of scientific knowledge in the Kingdom of Hungary, 1770–1830: digital source anthology. Budapest, 2022. Tudásáramlás – wikibase-docker (elte-dh.hu)"]}
- Published
- 2022
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604. Vetsei Pataki István geográfiája, részlet (1757)
- Author
Sz. Kristóf Ildikó, Krász Lilla, Fellegi Zsófia, and Palkó Gábor
- Abstract
Vetsei P. István: Magyar Geografia, Az az: ez egész világ nagy részeinek…rendes és rövid le-írása , Nagy-Károly: Bíró Mihály, 1757. 429-430. / VETSEI PATAKI István’s geography, excerpt (1757) Vetsei Pataki István, Magyar Geografiája (1757) a mindeddig ismert leggazdagabb tárháza a brazíliai őslakosság démonizálásának. Nem említi ugyan konkrétan a tupinambá indiánokat, de az idézett részletben tettenérhető vizualitás, ördögi reprezentáció a Theodor de Bry (1528-1598) által Hans Staden (1525-1576) 1557. évi brazíliai útibeszámolójának illusztrálásához készült metszeteket idézi. Az indiánok démonizálása, kannibalizálása sűrűn átszövi a Brazíliáról szóló részletet, a szó szoros értelmében szemmel látható jellegzetessége annak. Kutatásaink szerint Staden sötét, kannibalisztikus beszámolójából már Frölich Dávid késmárki/bártfai tudós kalendáriuma (Schreib-Kalender) hosszabb német nyelvű kivonatot közölt az 1640-ik évben. Az ördögimádáson túl a lajhár és az oposszum megjelenése Vetsei művében ugyancsak a korabeli vizuális ábrázolások hatását mutatja: a két állat a legkorábbi vizuális Amerika-szimbólumok közé tartozik., {"references":["Vetsei Pataki István geográfiája, részlet (1757). / VETSEI PATAKI István's geography, excerpt (1757). S. a. r., és jegyz. / ed.: Sz. Kristóf Ildikó. 10.5281/zenodo.7590288. In Balogh Piroska – Bodnár-Király Tibor – Gurka Dezső – Krász Lilla – Kurucz György – Sz. Kristóf Ildikó: A tudományos tudásáramlás mintázatai a Magyar Királyságban, 1770–1830: digitális forrásantológia. / The patterns of the circulation of scientific knowledge in the Kingdom of Hungary, 1770–1830: digital source anthology. Budapest, 2022. Tudásáramlás – wikibase-docker (elte-dh.hu)"]}
- Published
- 2022
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605. Comparison of the Effects of Semi-Occlusive Polyurethane Dressings and Hydrocolloid Dressings on Dermal Repair: 1. Cellular Changes
- Author
Phillips, Tania, Colbert, David, Palko, Michael J, and Bhawan, Jag
- Published
- 1992
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606. Real-time “single beat” non-invasive recording of the cardiac conduction system activity
- Author
Palko, Tadeusz, Wajszczuk, Waldemar J., Bauld, Thomas J., and Rubenfire, Melvyn
- Published
- 1982
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607. The effect of combined cometabolism and gamma irradiation treatment on the biodegradability of diclofenac and sulfamethoxazole.
- Author
Bezsenyi, Anikó, Sági, Gyuri, Makó, Magdolna, Palkó, György, Tóth, Tünde, Wojnárovits, László, and Takács, Erzsébet
- Subjects
- *
IONIZING radiation , *WASTEWATER treatment , *IRRADIATION , *BACTERIAL diversity , *ETHYLENE glycol , *MICROPOLLUTANTS , *ACETIC acid , *TRICLOCARBAN - Abstract
Diclofenac and sulfamethoxazole are poorly degradable when using activated sludge or biofilm biomass in biological wastewater treatment. However, a biological phenomenon called cometabolism can improve the removal efficiency, especially in activated sludge treatment. In the case of cometabolism an easily degradable substrate is added to the wastewater under treatment. Such easily degradable molecules (e.g. methanol, acetic acid, ethylene glycol) also form in the anaerobic wastewater treatment steps and are utilized as substrates. The rate of oxidative biodegradation of pharmaceuticals (measured by using oxygen uptake rate) was shown to greatly increase in the presence of easily degradable substrates in activated sludge treatment. However, in biofilm treatment the rate of cometabolism remained low, because biofim biomass has much narrower bacterial diversity than activated sludge. The oxidation rate on biofilm was found to increase considerably by using an advanced oxidation process, ionizing radiation treatment, before cometabolism. This combined treatment, irradiation and cometabolism is recommended for the degradation of recalcitrant organic compounds on biofilm. • In activated sludge treatment cometabolism increases the biodegradation rate. • The efficiency of cometabolism depends on the type of co-substrate. • The biodegradability of SMX and DCF was enhanced by irradiation. • The efficiency of the cometabolism can be enhanced by 0.5 kGy irradiation. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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608. Angiomyofibroblastoma in a male patient – a case report on a rare paratesticular lesion and review of the literature
- Author
Kakuja F, Palásti P, Oroszi M, Kuthi L, Király IE, Kincses ZT, Palkó A, and Fejes Z
- Subjects
- Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Scrotum diagnostic imaging, Ultrasonography, Soft Tissue Neoplasms, Testicular Neoplasms diagnosis
- Abstract
Összefoglaló. A scrotum képalkotó vizsgálóeljárásai közül elsőnek választandó az ultrahang, mivel könnyen hozzáférhető, szenzitivitása és specificitása magas. Szerepe kiemelendő mind az intratesticularis eltérések differenciáldiagnózisában, mind pedig a kevésbé ismert paratesticularis eltérések esetében. Az urológiai ambulancián egy 56 éves férfi jelentkezett kivizsgálásra tapintható terime miatt. Ultrahangvizsgálattal paratesticularis elváltozás látszódott, mely a vizsgálat során az inguinalis csatorna irányába többször elmozdult. A laesio dignitása nem volt meghatározható, ezért műtéti eltávolításra került sor. A szövettani vizsgálat a férfiak körében ritkán előforduló angiomyofibroblastoma diagnózisát véleményezte. A paratesticularis elváltozások ugyan ritkán fordulnak elő, de a gyakoribb entitások és azok ultrahangos sajátosságainak ismerete elengedhetetlen a terápia tervezése szempontjából. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(34): 1376-1382. Summary. Ultrasonography is the basic imaging technique for the evaluation of testicular structures because it is easily accessible and has high sensitivity and specificity. It plays a significant role in the differential diagnosis of intratesticular changes, in addition, its role should be emphasised in rare paratesticular abnormalities. A 56-year-old male presented in the urology department complaining of a palpable inguinal mass and was referred to ultrasonography for further evaluation. A scrotal ultrasound was performed, and it described a mobile paratesticular mass without any specific characterizations. Therefore the lesion was removed, and the histological analysis established the diagnosis of angiomyofibroblastoma. Paratesticular lesions are rare, but it is essential to know the frequent abnormalities and the corresponding ultrasound findings for planning of treatment. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(34): 1376-1382.
- Published
- 2021
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609. “Gap in the shield” – imaging of the thyroid gland from the multidisciplinary perspective
- Author
Palásti P, Zombori T, Kaiser L, Magony S, Kakuja F, Vörös A, Morvay Z, Kincses ZT, Palkó A, and Fejes Z
- Subjects
- Biopsy, Fine-Needle, Humans, Ultrasonography, Unnecessary Procedures, Thyroid Diseases diagnostic imaging, Thyroid Gland diagnostic imaging
- Abstract
Összefoglaló. A pajzsmirigy az első szervek közé tartozik, melyek megjelenítésében, betegségeinek felfedezésében az ultrahang-diagnosztikának fontos szerepe van. A pajzsmirigybetegségek a lakosság jelentős részét érintik, és a technika fejlődésével egyre több pajzsmirigyeltérés, göb kerül felfedezésre. A pajzsmirigy rosszindulatú folyamatainak nincs egy bizonyos specifikus jele, viszont az ultrahangkép alapján meghatározhatók a malignitásra gyanús eltérések. Erre az elmúlt években több összefoglaló rendszer is született. Jelen összefoglaló tanulmányunknak az a célja, hogy bemutassuk a pajzsmirigy ultrahangdiagnosztikájának fejlődését; összehasonlítsuk az egyes leletezési rendszereket, úgymint TIRADS, EU-TIRADS, K-TIRADS, melyek célja a feltehetőleg rosszindulatú göbök kiszűrése, azonosítása a mindennapi rutinmunka során; vizsgáljuk a különböző rendszerek kapcsolatát a patológia által használt Bethesda-pontrendszerrel. Az ultrahangvizsgálat megfelelő értékelése, a pontrendszerek ismerete segíthet a pajzsmirigygöb differenciáldiagnózisában, a követési frekvencia meghatározásában, csökkentheti az aspirációs citológiák számát, ezzel támogatva a klinikai döntéshozatalt. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(14): 530-541. Summary. The thyroid gland was one of the first organs, the ultrasound (US) examination of which has played an important role. The thyroid diseases affect a large part of the population, and with the development of imaging technology, more and more thyroid abnormalities, nodules and malignant lesions are being discovered. There are no specific signs of thyroid cancer, but the suspicious signs could be determined by US. In recent years, several systems have been developed. The aim of our review is to demonstrate the development of US diagnostics of the thyroid gland; to compare the different reporting systems, such as TIRADS, EU-TIRADS, K-TIRADS, which should help to identify the questionable lesions in the daily routine work. We examine the relationship between the different US systems and the Bethesda point score used by pathologists. The literature review shows that the US examination supports the clinical decisions, helps to select, who should have a fine-needle biopsy, and allows to determine the frequency of follow-up. The number of unnecessary fine-needle biopsies could be reduced, too. Our paper is part of a bigger research, the ethical license number is 23/2020, University of Szeged. Orv Hetil. 2021; 162(14): 530-541.
- Published
- 2021
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610. Testicular adrenal rest tumor in the background of congenital adrenal hyperplasia
- Author
Brzózka Á, Kuthi L, Hajdú E, Magony S, Király IE, Kincses ZT, Szatmári A, Szalma E, Palkó A, and Fejes Z
- Subjects
- Adrenal Rest Tumor therapy, Humans, Male, Testicular Neoplasms therapy, Adrenal Hyperplasia, Congenital epidemiology, Adrenal Rest Tumor diagnosis, Testicular Neoplasms diagnosis
- Abstract
The prevalence of testicular adrenal rest tumours varies in different forms of congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Patients with 21-hydroxilase deficiency usually have bilateral and palpable testicular nodules. Although adrenal rest tumours are well documented in the literature, the diagnosis and management require a multidisciplinary approach: the cooperative work of endocrinologists, urologists, pathologists and radiologists is essential. In the case of an early diagnosis, appropriately increased corticosteroid treatment may reduce the tumour mass. In advanced stages, tumours can lead to irreversible parenchymal damage causing infertility. The importance of an early and accurate diagnosis cannot be emphasized enough, since the therapy differs significantly from other benign or malignant testicular neoplasia. A case of a testicular adrenal rest tumour is presented along with the multidisciplinary perspectives of the diagnosis and management of these lesions. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(16): 623–631., (© Szerző(k)/The Author(s))
- Published
- 2020
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611. Complex treatment of colorectal liver metastases Consensus Conference, Budapest, 5th April 2019
- Author
András C, Bartek P, Battyáni I, Bezsilla J, Bodoky G, Bogner B, Bursics A, Csőszi T, Damjanovich L, Dank M, Dankovics Z, Deák PÁ, Dede K, Doros A, Dudás I, Györke T, Hahn O, Hartmann E, Hitre E, Horváth Z, Imre M, Kalmár Nagy K, Káposztás Z, Kóbori L, Kupcsulik P, Landherr L, Lóderer Z, Mangel L, Máthé Z, Mersich T, Mezei K, Mohos E, Oláh A, Pajor P, Palkó A, Pápai Z, Papp A, Patyánik M, Petri A, Révész J, Ruzsa Á, Schlachter K, Sikorszki L, Sipőcz I, Székely E, Szijártó A, Torday L, Tóth LB, Dósa E, Harsányi L, István G, Landherr L, Lázár G, Lövey J, Schaff Z, Szűcs Á, and Vereczkei A
- Published
- 2019
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612. [Differential diagnostic challenges of abdominal wall endometriosis from the radiologist's point of view].
- Author
Csorba C, Pásztor N, Szalma E, Kovács G, Palkó A, and Fejes Z
- Subjects
- Abdominal Wall pathology, Adult, Aged, Biopsy, Endometriosis pathology, Female, Humans, Hungary, Middle Aged, Radiologists, Retrospective Studies, Ultrasonography, Abdominal Wall diagnostic imaging, Endometriosis diagnostic imaging
- Abstract
The incidence of endometriosis, including atypical forms of the disease, has been continuously growing, thus increasingly challenging for the imaging specialists as well. We conducted a retrospective study to analyze the results of ultrasound-guided interventions between 2016 and 2018. All interventions were performed in female patients due to uncertain abdominal wall lesions at the University of Szeged, Hungary. The abdominal wall lesions were incidentally detected, one by CT, the others by ultrasound examinations. We identified 12 cases during the study period. The average age of the patients was 59 years (29-79), 8 of them had abdominal surgery in their medical history. The mean diameter of the masses was 34.4 mm (20-49 mm). Since the indication of imaging examinations was the evaluation of a known or suspected malignancy, four patients had undergone an MRI prior to the biopsy. In addition, ultrasound-guided biopsy was not performed in another two patients, and the diagnosis was established by histological examination of the surgically removed specimens. The histological examination revealed malignant primary serous epithelial tumor in one case, metastases in six cases, endometriosis in six patients and abdominal wall abscess was found in one patient. Endometriosis was more frequent in the younger patients. The likelihood of endometriosis as a cause of abdominal wall lesions of younger, premenopausal female patients is rather high, especially with obstetrical or gynaecological operations in the medical history. Ultrasound plays a primary role in the detection and therapy planning of these lesions. Orv Hetil. 2019; 160(35): 1395-1403.
- Published
- 2019
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613. [Initial experiences with 99m Tc-PSMA-SPECT/CT in patients with prostate cancer].
- Author
Farkas I, Besenyi Z, Maráz A, Bajory Z, Palkó A, Sipka G, and Pávics L
- Subjects
- Adenocarcinoma blood, Antigens, Surface blood, Glutamate Carboxypeptidase II blood, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Prostatic Neoplasms blood, Radiopharmaceuticals administration & dosage, Adenocarcinoma diagnostic imaging, Prostatic Neoplasms diagnostic imaging, Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography Computed Tomography
- Abstract
Introduction: The prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) is a transmembrane protein, that is highly expressed on the surface of prostate cancer cells. In the last few years, several PSMA-specific ligands have been developed, that can be successfully used to detect primary prostate cancer, tumor recurrences and metastases as well., Aim: The goal of our work was to examine the clinical application of a
99m technetium-labeled PSMA-radiopharmaceutical as part of the routine diagnostics of prostate cancer., Method: We examined 15 male patients with verified prostate adenocarcinoma with suspicion of progression or recurrence of the disease. We performed whole-body PSMA-SPECT/CTs and multiparametric MRIs of the prostate and the pelvic regions within a week. We used99m Tc-mas3-y-nal-k(Sub-KuE) for the PSMA-SPECT scans. The images were visually evaluated by independent observers. The results were compared with the follow-up bone scintigraphies as well., Results: Twenty-two PSMA-positive lesions were found. Nine of them were localized outside, 13 were within the MRI's field of view. From these 13 lesions, 7 matched with the SPECT/CT results and in 5 cases the MRI images showed no abnormalities. In one case, bone metastasis was suspected on the MRI scan but there was no corresponding pathological tracer uptake on the SPECT images. In two patients, none of the examinations showed signs of prostate malignancy. Four patients had PSMA-positive bone metastases. One of them had a matching PSMA/SPECT and bone scintigraphy result and in one case the PSMA examination showed metastasis in contrast to the negative bone scintigraphy., Conclusion: PSMA-SPECT/CT with99m Tc-mas3-y-nal-k(Sub-KuE) is a promising diagnostic tool. This technique is capable of visualizing bone metastases and it can detect local recurrences and visceral metastases as well. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(35): 1433-1440.- Published
- 2018
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614. [The role of ultrasonography in the investigation of male infertility].
- Author
Fejes Z, Pásztor N, Karczagi L, Brzózka Á, Király I, Morvay Z, and Palkó A
- Subjects
- Humans, Male, Testis diagnostic imaging, Elasticity Imaging Techniques methods, Infertility, Male diagnostic imaging, Ultrasonography methods
- Abstract
Unintended childlessness affects approximately 9-15% of couples in the reproductive age. It is known that a remarkable proportion of infertility is caused by the disorders of the male reproductive functions. Diagnostic imaging methods and especially ultrasonography play a crucial role in the infertility work-up, the ultrasound examination has become the method of choice for imaging in diseases affecting the testis. With the development of high resolution transducers and technology using colour Doppler, pulsed Doppler, share wave elastography and strain elastography, it is now possible to make accurate diagnoses. However, the place of the new imaging methods in the algorithm of infertility check-up should be clearly defined. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(21): 815-822.
- Published
- 2018
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615. [The role of MRI in measuring the effectivity of disease modifying treatments II].
- Author
Kincses Z, Tóth E, Fricska-Nagy Z, Füvesi J, Rajda C, Bencsik K, Vörös E, Csomor A, Palkó A, and Vécsei L
- Subjects
- Humans, Practice Guidelines as Topic, Magnetic Resonance Imaging methods, Multiple Sclerosis diagnostic imaging, Multiple Sclerosis therapy
- Abstract
The paraclinical examinations, principally the MRI have an increasing significance in the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. However, MRI markers also have a prominent role in monitoring of the disease-course and activity, and also in the planning of possible therapeutic changes. In accordance with previously published international guidelines, in this article we propose a protocol for the monitoring the treatment efficacy in multiple sclerosis. This could be the basis of a consensus based guideline to be implemented in Hungary.
- Published
- 2018
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616. [The role of MRI in measuring the effectivity of disease modifying treatments I].
- Author
Tóth E, Bencsik K, Vörös E, Fricska-Nagy Z, Füvesi J, Rajda C, Csomor A, Palkó A, Vécsei L, and Kincses ZT
- Subjects
- Humans, Practice Guidelines as Topic, Magnetic Resonance Imaging methods, Multiple Sclerosis diagnostic imaging, Multiple Sclerosis therapy
- Abstract
MRI has a significant role in the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. The newer and newer treatment options of the disease make it necessary to monitor the effectiveness of the therapy. Besides the clinical signs (clinical relapses and progression), the different MRI parameters can also reflect the disease activity. In our current article we summarize those MRI markers, which best predict the long-term disability, based on the international standards.
- Published
- 2018
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617. [Modern imaging of liver and pancreatic neoplasms].
- Author
Mátéka I, Bikhazi Z, Bartha É, and Palkó A
- Subjects
- Adenocarcinoma diagnosis, Cystadenoma, Mucinous diagnosis, Humans, Liver Neoplasms pathology, Neuroendocrine Tumors diagnosis, Pancreatic Neoplasms pathology, Liver Neoplasms diagnosis, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Multimodal Imaging methods, Pancreatic Neoplasms diagnosis, Tomography, Emission-Computed, Single-Photon, Tomography, X-Ray Computed
- Abstract
Modern imaging modalities play an outstanding role in the detection, characterization, staging, therapy planning, treatment outcome evaluation and follow-up of patients with liver and pancreatic neoplasms. Diagnostic performance and accuracy of the available modalities are continuously improving therefore, it is necessary to overview from time to time the diagnostic protocols and algorithms.
- Published
- 2015
618. [Diagnostic imaging in lung cancer].
- Author
Palkó A
- Subjects
- Humans, Lung Neoplasms diagnostic imaging, Mass Screening methods, Neoplasm Staging, Lung Neoplasms diagnosis, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Positron-Emission Tomography, Tomography, X-Ray Computed
- Abstract
Lung cancer is one of the major causes of death as one of the most frequent malignant diseases in Hungary. Imaging examinations, especially computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and positron emission computed tomography (PET-CT) play eminent role in the detection, differential diagnosis, staging and follow-up of the disease. The purpose of this article is to review the role and efficacy of the available modalities and to define the diagnostic algorithm appropriate in different periods of the disease.
- Published
- 2006
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619. [MR diagnosis of focal liver lesions].
- Author
Palkó A
- Subjects
- Adenoma diagnosis, Carcinoma, Hepatocellular diagnosis, Diagnosis, Differential, Focal Nodular Hyperplasia diagnosis, Hemangioma diagnosis, Humans, Liver Neoplasms pathology, Liver Neoplasms secondary, Liver Neoplasms diagnosis, Magnetic Resonance Imaging methods
- Abstract
There are several benign and malignant processes in the liver, which are different from the normal and diffuse pathological alterations in smaller or bigger forms of hepatic nodules. Some of them are benign alterations having no clinical significance, but they have some difficulties in the differential diagnosis. The others are to be treated and their size and form must be most precisely written for the diagnosis and for the plan of the treatment important as well. The author discusses the significance of magnetic resonance examination in the differential diagnosis of focal liver lesions.
- Published
- 2004
620. [Magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of breast diseases].
- Author
Boné BK, Szabó B, Palkó A, and Aspelin P
- Subjects
- Breast Diseases diagnostic imaging, Breast Diseases pathology, Breast Diseases surgery, Breast Neoplasms diagnosis, Diagnosis, Differential, Female, Humans, Predictive Value of Tests, Retrospective Studies, Sensitivity and Specificity, Breast pathology, Breast Diseases diagnosis, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Mammography methods
- Abstract
Authors report about the role of contrast medium enhanced magnetic resonance imaging in diagnosis of breast diseases, and experiences with this method. The aim of the study was to determine the diagnostic accuracy of the method. The results was correlated with the histopathological findings, and compared to the diagnostic accuracy of the conventional X-ray mammography in breast lesions. X-ray and MR-mammography were evaluated in 220 patients (238 breasts) scheduled for breast surgery. The breasts were examined with T1-weighted transversal images using contrast medium enhanced semidynamic technique with 3D fast low angle shot (FLASH) sequence. Each breast was given a routine examination with 3 mammographic views. Contrast enhanced MR-mammography is a highly sensitive method for the detection of breast cancer, it has a higher diagnostic accuracy (84.5%), than conventional X-ray mammography (82.4%). When MRI and conventional X-ray mammography were used together, very high sensitivity but a lower diagnostic accuracy (81.5%) was achieved. MRI was effective in revealing mammographically equivocal or occult lesions and multifocal tumors even in dense breasts, but it was less reliable for some invasive lobular cancers, non-invasive ductal carcinomas, fibroadenomas and hyperplastic breast changes. Presently accepted indications for MRI of the breast are: (1) patients with breast implants--to demonstrate prothesis complications and tumor relapses; (2) postoperative imaging in patients after tumorectomy and radiation therapy--in these cases MRI allows differentiation between tumor relapses and extensive scars; (3) proven axillary lymph node metastasis from an unknown primary carcinoma; (4) preoperative MR imaging in cases suspected or verified carcinomas within dense breasts to exclude multicentricity/multifocality; (5) follow-up in chemotherapy of breast cancer; (6) patients with high-risk constellation.
- Published
- 2001
621. [Uterine artery embolization for the conservative management of leiomyoma].
- Author
Szabó E, Nagy E, Morvay Z, Palkó A, and Csernay L
- Subjects
- Adult, Female, Humans, Infertility, Female etiology, Leiomyoma complications, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Treatment Outcome, Uterine Neoplasms complications, Uterus pathology, Chemoembolization, Therapeutic, Leiomyoma therapy, Uterine Neoplasms therapy, Uterus blood supply
- Abstract
Uterine leiomyoma, a benign, monoclonal tumor derived from a single myometrial cell, is one of the most frequent diseases in the female reproductive system. However, the factors involved in its initiation and growth remain poorly understood. Most commonly, it results in dysmenorrhea, menorrhagia, urinary tract and neurological symptoms, and abdominal distension. Additionally, it may cause infertility, late miscarriage or other severe complications in pregnancy. The conventional treatment for fibroids has been hysterectomy. However, many women do not like to lose their uterus and potential fertility. Myomectomy and medical treatment with GnRH analogue are accepted as alternative organ-conserving methods with limited efficacy. Selective embolization of uterine arteries might therefore have a significant role in the management of the disease. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of uterine embolization as primary therapy in the management of myomas. Uterine arterial embolization was performed in 3 patients with symptomatic leiomyomas. The uterus and fibroids were objectively evaluated with ultrasound and MRI. The efficacy and safety convinced the authors that this promising technique is at present the only reasonable alternative method in organ-conserving therapy. It is less invasive than surgery, it can restore fertility, it is well tolerated and the recovery time is shorter than that following surgical procedures. This preliminary experience is sufficient to encourage gynecologists to introduce the method in Hungary.
- Published
- 2001
622. [Multidisciplinary therapy of colorectal cancer].
- Author
Balogh A, Kahán Z, Maráz A, Mikó T, Nagy F, Palkó A, Thurzó L, and Tiszlavicz L
- Subjects
- Algorithms, Chemotherapy, Adjuvant, Colorectal Neoplasms diagnosis, Colorectal Neoplasms drug therapy, Colorectal Neoplasms radiotherapy, Colorectal Neoplasms surgery, Decision Trees, Diagnosis, Differential, Disease Progression, Humans, Mass Screening methods, Neoplasm Recurrence, Local therapy, Neoplasm Staging, Population Surveillance methods, Practice Guidelines as Topic, Radiotherapy, Adjuvant, Colorectal Neoplasms therapy, Combined Modality Therapy
- Abstract
A multidisciplinary program for the treatment of colorectal cancer is described. The main objective of the authors has been to define uniform up to date guidelines based on recent progress in the treatment of colorectal cancer. Preoperative diagnostic procedures are summarized which advance determination of clinical stage and prognosis. These information essentially determine care. Sequences of surgical methods, preoperative and postoperative radiotherapy and medical treatments are discussed according to tumor stages. Guidelines for surveillance following active treatment and recommendation for the screening of population at high risk for colorectal cancer are presented.
- Published
- 2001
623. [Treatment of renal artery stenoses with stent implantation].
- Author
Nagy E, Morvay Z, Kardos L, Abrahám G, Sonkodi S, and Palkó A
- Subjects
- Aged, Angiography, Digital Subtraction, Female, Follow-Up Studies, Humans, Hypertension, Renovascular diagnostic imaging, Hypertension, Renovascular etiology, Male, Middle Aged, Recurrence, Renal Artery diagnostic imaging, Renal Artery Obstruction complications, Renal Artery Obstruction diagnostic imaging, Treatment Outcome, Hypertension, Renovascular surgery, Renal Artery Obstruction surgery, Stents
- Abstract
The authors report on their experience with the treatment of renovascular hypertension by stent implantation. In the past 4 years different types of stents (Palmaz [9], Palmaz-Corinthian [4], Memotherm [1] and AVE [1]) were implanted into 15 renal arteries of 11 patients. The indication was primary in 8 cases, and secondary in 3 patients, because of restenosis of a previously dilated renal artery. 14 stents were implanted into narrowed renal arteries, and in the remaining one case a stent was placed in an occluded renal artery immediately after recanalization. The technical success was 100%. In all but the recanalized case in which the renal artery was occluded, stents are still open. On the basis of this experience and the literature, the authors suggest the more extensive usage of this less invasive method.
- Published
- 2001
624. Water enema CT examination of rectum cancer by reduced amount of water.
- Author
Palkó A, Gyulai C, Fedinecz N, Balogh A, and Nagy F
- Subjects
- Aged, Enema adverse effects, Female, Humans, Male, Neoplasm Invasiveness, Neoplasm Staging, Rectal Neoplasms pathology, Rectal Neoplasms surgery, Reproducibility of Results, Tomography, X-Ray Computed adverse effects, Water, Rectal Neoplasms diagnostic imaging, Tomography, X-Ray Computed methods
- Abstract
Objective: To define whether volume of water, administered during water enema CT (WE-CT) for local staging of rectal cancer, may be reduced without compromising the diagnostic value of the examination., Materials and Methods: 29 patients with rectum cancer underwent preoperative WE-CT. Contrast-enhanced CT (equilibrium phase) measurements were performed after i.v. injection of smooth muscle relaxant and rectal administration of 400-500 ml lukewarm tap water. Quality of the obtained scans was evaluated and the images were analyzed for depth of tumor invasion. Results of the CT examinations were compared to findings at surgery., Results: Despite reduced dose of water enema, 19/29 examinations were of excellent quality, 6/29 good, and 4/29 poor, but still diagnostic. We achieved sensitivity (90.1), specificity (70.1) and accuracy (86.2) in differentiating tumors confined to the bowel wall from those extending beyond it., Conclusion: Large volume of water enema administered during CT examination of the rectum may cause complaints and increases the risk of complications. Our results prove that using lower amount of water does not impair the quality of examination and accuracy of local staging of rectum carcinomas.
- Published
- 2000
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625. [Total mesorectal excision with ultrasonic coagulation knife ("UltraCision") in surgery of rectal cancer].
- Author
Balogh A, Zöllei I, Varga L, Tiszlavicz L, Lázár G Jr, Bagi R, Palkó A, and Nagy F
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Anal Canal surgery, Anastomosis, Surgical methods, Colon surgery, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Rectal Neoplasms diagnostic imaging, Rectal Neoplasms pathology, Rectum diagnostic imaging, Retrospective Studies, Treatment Outcome, Ultrasonography, Rectal Neoplasms surgery, Rectum surgery, Surgical Procedures, Operative methods
- Abstract
The authors report a total of 62 middle and low third rectal cancer cases operated on by total mesorectal excision by the method of Heald. The oncological basis of this procedure is the horizontal regional metastatization of rectal cancer. The total mesorectal excision facilitates, the low anterior resections and preservation of sphincter with an ultra-low colorectal, or coloanal anastomosis using the double stapling technique. In the authors' experience, the "UltraCision" cutting-coagulating device permits an atraumatic, bloodless and oncologically correct dissection. Using the double stapling technique, we succeeded in 60% of our middle- and low-third rectal cancer patients to perform a sphincter preserving low anterior resection. In 9 (28%) of the low third rectal cancer patients, preservation of the sphincter was possible with oncologically correct anterior resection and an ultra-low colo-anal anastomosis. Three anastomotic insufficiencies occurred, two of them healed on lotion-suction drainage, and one on the application of transient protective ileostomy. The literature data suggest a lower local recurrency rate after radical rectal cancer surgery, if total mesorectal excision is performed.
- Published
- 2000
626. [Value of CT-guided biopsy compared to fluoroscopy-guided transthoracic biopsy and bronchoscopic sampling in the diagnosis of pulmonary nodules].
- Author
Kardos L, Nagy E, Morvay Z, Füzesi E, Furák J, Tiszlavicz L, Horváth I, and Palkó A
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, Biopsy, Needle, Bronchoscopy, Female, Fluoroscopy, Hamartoma diagnostic imaging, Hamartoma pathology, Humans, Lung Neoplasms pathology, Lymphoma etiology, Lymphoma pathology, Male, Middle Aged, Radiography, Thoracic, Tomography, X-Ray Computed, Tuberculosis, Pulmonary complications, Tuberculosis, Pulmonary pathology, Lung Neoplasms diagnostic imaging, Lymphoma diagnostic imaging, Tuberculosis, Pulmonary diagnostic imaging
- Abstract
CT-guided histological sampling is nowadays used routinely in the differential diagnosis of focal lung diseases with no characteristic morphology. The aim of this study was to determine the value of the method. CT-guided core biopsy was performed in 25 patients with pulmonary nodules. 16 patients underwent bronchoscopy where cytological sampling was also carried out, while 5 patients underwent fluoroscopically guided biopsy. The histological diagnosis resulting from CT-guided biopsy specimens was compared with the findings from the other diagnostic procedures (bronchoscopy or fluoroscopically guided biopsy), with the results of surgery and/or chemotherapy and with the follow-up data. The result of CT-guided biopsy was true in 20/25 and falls in 5/25 cases. Of the 16/25 patients undergoing bronchoscopy, 13/16 gave negative results. In 11/16 cases, the result of the CT-guided biopsy was positive. The fluoroscopically guided biopsy was negative in 4/5 cases, and in 3/5 of these cases the diagnostic CT-guided biopsies proved positive. Our results demonstrate the better diagnostic value of CT-guided core biopsy relative to fluoroscopically guided biopsy or bronchoscopic sampling in those cases where the size and localization of the nodule make it inaccessible with the latter two methods.
- Published
- 1999
627. [A case of spontaneous rupture of a cervical hematoma causing respiratory insufficiency].
- Author
Weninger C, Palkó A, and Rozsos I
- Subjects
- Aged, Female, Hematoma diagnostic imaging, Hematoma surgery, Humans, Neck blood supply, Neck diagnostic imaging, Neck surgery, Rupture, Spontaneous diagnostic imaging, Rupture, Spontaneous surgery, Tomography, X-Ray Computed, Hematoma complications, Respiratory Insufficiency etiology
- Abstract
The authors review a case of a patient with spontaneous cervical hematoma without trauma. The similar cases of the international literature, the causes (local and systemic vascular disorders, inflammatory and neoplastic disease of the surrounding tissues) are summarized and the importance of the computerized tomography in connection with the described case is emphasized.
- Published
- 1998
628. [Diagnostic imaging of the subdiaphragmatic lymphatic system in malignant lymphoma: confusion of abundance?].
- Author
Kuhn E, Dérczy K, Grexa E, Györe C, Hertelendy A, and Palkó A
- Subjects
- Hodgkin Disease diagnosis, Humans, Tomography, X-Ray Computed, Ultrasonography, Lymphography, Lymphoma diagnosis, Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Abstract
Staging of malignant lymphomas, monitoring of response to therapy and regular follow-up of treated patients can properly be performed by new diagnostic imaging modalities. Diagnosis of subdiaphragmatic nodal involvement by ultrasonography and computed tomography is based on enlargement of lymph nodes. Lymphography is the only method which can depict pathologic internal architecture in normal sized lymph nodes. Of 82 patients there were 72 on admission without known subdiaphragmatic nodal disease. Of these 22 (30.5%) were found to have nodal involvement in this region. Suggested diagnostic algorhythm is shown on flow diagram.
- Published
- 1992
629. Renal cell carcinoma: value of imaging examinations in diagnosis and staging.
- Author
Palkó A, Kuhn E, Grexa E, and Hertelendy A
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, Angiography, Biopsy, Needle, Carcinoma, Renal Cell epidemiology, Carcinoma, Renal Cell pathology, Evaluation Studies as Topic, Female, Humans, Hungary epidemiology, Kidney Neoplasms epidemiology, Kidney Neoplasms pathology, Male, Middle Aged, Neoplasm Staging methods, Prospective Studies, Tomography, X-Ray Computed, Ultrasonography, Urography, Carcinoma, Renal Cell diagnosis, Kidney Neoplasms diagnosis
- Abstract
Authors analyse the value of intravenous pyelography, ultrasonography, computed tomography, angiography and fine needle aspiration biopsy in the detection, differentiation and staging of renal space-occupying lesions, on the basis of examinations performed in 158 patients, in comparison with results of surgery and/or clinical follow up. Their conclusion is that ultrasonography plays a major role in the detection and differentiation of these lesions, intravenous pyelography is only a complementary method, while computed tomography can provide diagnosis in cases with uncertain ultrasonographic findings. Staging has to be based on computed tomography. The role of angiography and fine needle aspiration biopsy is limited they need to be performed in a few selected cases only.
- Published
- 1990
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630. [The role of computer tomography in the diagnosis of orbital space-occupying processes].
- Author
Palkó A, Kuhn E, and Moró Z
- Subjects
- Humans, Orbital Neoplasms diagnostic imaging, Tomography, X-Ray Computed
- Published
- 1983
631. [Significance of modern radiologic examination in the diagnosis of colonic polyps].
- Author
Palkó A, Somogyi J, Tárnok F, Vajda J, and Schanzl A
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, Colonic Neoplasms pathology, Colonoscopy, Female, Humans, Intestinal Polyps pathology, Male, Middle Aged, Radiography, Colonic Neoplasms diagnostic imaging, Intestinal Polyps diagnostic imaging
- Published
- 1982
632. [Radiologic examination of the spread of rectal tumors].
- Author
Grexa E, Palkó A, and Gecser G
- Subjects
- Humans, Mesenteric Arteries diagnostic imaging, Neoplasm Staging, Rectal Neoplasms blood supply, Rectal Neoplasms pathology, Tomography, X-Ray Computed, Rectal Neoplasms diagnostic imaging
- Published
- 1985
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