534 results on '"Ethylene vinyl acetate"'
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502. EVM rubber products
- Subjects
Rubber products ,Ethylene vinyl acetate ,Business ,Chemicals, plastics and rubber industries - Abstract
Pre-crosslinked EVM rubbers are offered in the form of the ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymers of the Levapren PXL series. These have been developed specifically for rapid processing in particularly cost-effective, continuous [...]
- Published
- 2015
503. Development and Properties of Electron Beam Modified Thermoplastic Elastomeric Polyolefin Blends
- Author
Chattopadhyay, Santanu
- Subjects
Electron Beam ,Low Density Polyethylene ,Radiation ,Ethylene Vinyl Acetate ,Polymer Blends ,Thermoplastic Elastomer ,Printability ,Ditrimethylol Propane Tetraacrylate ,Heat Shrinkability ,Polyolefin - Published
- 2001
504. Ageing characteristics of ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer and ethylene-vinyl acetate/ carbon black mixture
- Author
Çopuroğlu, Mehmet, Şen, Murat, and Diğer
- Subjects
Chemistry ,Aging ,Carbon black ,Gamma rays ,Ethylene vinyl acetate ,Kimya - Abstract
IV ÖZET Bu çalışmada, değişik endüstrilerde geniş bir uygulama alam olan etilen-vinil asetat kopolimeri (EVA) (% 13 VA) ve EVA/karbon siyahı (EVA/CB) (% 13 VA ve % 1 CB)'in yaşlanma karakteristikleri incelenmiştir. Doğa şartlarını simüle etmek amacıyla, örnekler 85°C'de havada 30 haftaya kadar, ve 259 nm'de havada UV ışık altında 400 saate kadar yaşlandırılmışlardır. Bundan başka, gama ışınlarının etkisini incelemek amacıyla örnekler değişik dozlarda 400 kGy'e kadar ışınlanmışlardır. Gama ile ışınlanmış örneklerin bazıları, ışınlanmamış örneklerle aynı koşullarda yaşlandırılmışlardır. Saf ve yaşlanmış örneklerin yüzde jelleşmelerini saptamak amacıyla sol-gel analizleri yapılmıştır. Termal olarak yaşlanmış EVA'nın yüzde jelleşmesi, devamlı oluşan çapraz-bağlar nedeniyle termal yaşlanma boyunca % 50'ye kadar artmıştır. EVA/CB termal yaşlanma boyunca çapraz bağlanmamıştır; çünkü CB makromoleküllerin birleşmelerini engeller. Yaşlanma boyunca örneklerde meydana gelen kimyasal değişiklikleri takip edebilmek için FTIR ölçümleri yapılmıştır. Termal olarak yaşlanmış EVA' da keton, lakton ve vinil oluşumu gözlenmiştir. CB'in kuvvetli bir kararlı kılıcı özelliği olduğundan, bu türlerin hiçbirisi EVA/CB 'da gözlenmemiştir. Hem saf hem de yaşlanmış örnekler için N2 atmosferinde dinamik termogravimetri çalışmaları gerçekleştirilmiştir. EVA/CB 'in termal kararlılığı önemli bir ölçüde değişmezken, EVA'mnki termal yaşlanma boyunca azalmıştır. EVA'nın ve EVA/CB'in maksimum bozunma sıcaklığı verileri ve, % 10 ve 50 kütle kayıplarmdaki sıcaklıklar bu sonuçlan desteklemiştir. EVA'nın bozunma aktivasyon enerjisi de artan termal yaşlanma zamamyla azalmıştır; EVA/CB' inki termal yaşlanma boyunca neredeyse sabitti. EVA ve EVA/CB'in yaşlanması sırasında, göreli olarak daha uçucu ürünlerinin miktarım tayin etmek için 350°C'de N2 atmosferindeki izotermal termogravimetri çalışmaları gerçekleştirilmiştir. EVA'nın izotermal termogramlan, bu tür oksijen içeren uçucu ürünlerin miktarının termal yaşlanma süresiyle arttığım göstermiştir. EVA/CB 'te, oksijen içeren uçucu ürünlerin miktarında önemli bir değişim olmamıştır. Yaşlanmış örneklerin termooksidatif kararlılıklarını tayin edebilmek amacıyla, 195°C'de 02 atmosferinde izotermal termogravimetri çalışmaları gerçekleştirilmiştir. EVA'da oksijen alma kapasitesi 6ncı hafta sonrası sıfıra kadar azalmıştır, ve % 10 kütlekaytandaki zaman da 6ncı haftaya kadar azalmış, sonra termal yaşlanma boyunca artmıştır. Bu da büyük olasılıkla çapraz-bağlarm oluşumunun üstün gelmesi yüzünden olmuştur. EVA/CB'te oksijen alma kapasitesi sıfıra düşmemiş, ve % S ağırlık kayrandaki süre 12nci haftaya kadar azalmış ve sonra 30uncu haftaya kadar değişmemiştir. EVA'nın % jeileşmesi, UV yaşlanma süresince, çapraz-bağlan oluşturacak olan radikallerin oluşması nedeniyle % 88'e kadar artmıştır. EVA/CB'in bile % jeileşmesi % 1 l'e kadar artmıştır. UV yaşlanmış EVA ve EVA/CB'in FTIR spektrumlannda da değişiklikler gözlenmiştir. 1740 cm`1 'de EVA'da bir artış, EVA/CB'te bir azalma gözlenmiştir. Hem EVA' da hem de EVA/CB'te keton, lakton ve vinil gruplarının oluşumu gözlenmiştir. UV ile ışınlanmaları, EVA ve EVA/CB'in termal kararlılıklarını azaltmıştır. Bu; N2 atmosferinde dinamik termogravimetri çalışmaları, maksimum bozunma sıcaklığı verileri ve, % 10 ve 50 kütle kayıplanndaki sıcaklıkları sonuçlarında gözlenmiştir. EVA ve EVA/CB'in bozunma aktivasyon enerjileri UV yaşlanma boyunca devamlı olarak düşmüştür. SSO^C'de N2 atmosferindeki izotermal termogravimetri çalışmalarından elde edilen, göreli olarak daha uçucu ürünlerinin miktarı hem EVA'da hem de EVA/CB'te UV yaşlanma süresiyle artmıştır. EVA'nın 195°C'de O2 atmosferinde izotermal termogravimetri çalışmalarından elde edilen sonuçlar şunu göstermiştir ki, oksijen alma kapasitesi llöncı saate kadar sıfıra düşmüştür. % 10 kütle kaybındaki süre llöncı saate kadar azalmış, sonra 400üncü saate kadar artmıştır. EVA/CB'te, oksijen alma kapasitesi UV yaşlanma süresiyle beraber yavaş bir şekilde azalmış ve sıfıra düşmüştür. % 5 kütle kaybındaki süre aniden 24üncü saate kadar azalmış, sonra neredeyse sabit kalmıştır. Gama ile ışınlanmış örneklerin sol-gel analizi şunu göstermiştir: hem EVA hem de EVA/CB gama ışınlan altında büyük bir oranda çapraz bağlanırlar. EVA/CB'in % jeileşmesi (% 75) EVA'nınkinden (% 58) daha büyüktü. Bu; CB'in çapraz-bağ oluşturmaya olan katkısı nedeniyle olmuş olabilir. Gama ile ışınlanmış EVA ve EVA/CB'in FTIR spektrumlan; keton, lakton ve vinil gruplarının oluşumlarım göstermiştir. N2 atmosferinde dinamik termogravimetri çalışmaları, maksimum bozunma sıcaklığı verileri ve, % 10 ve 50 külle kayıplanndaki sıcaklıktan ve bozunma aktivasyon enerjileri sonuçlan, EVA ve EVA/CB'in gama ile ışmlanmalan sonucunda termal kararlılıklarında önemli bir değişiklik olmadığım belirtmiştir.VI 350°C'de N2 atmosferindeki izotermal termogravimetri çalışmaları, oksijen içeren uçucu ürünlerin miktarında 25 kGy'e kadar ani ve bariz bir artış olduğunu sergilemiştir. Bu dozdan sonra 400 kGy'e kadar olan değişiklikler yorumlanabilecek kadar açık değildi. Gama ışınlarının; gama ile ışınlanıp sonra termal olarak yaşlanmış örneklerin termal kararlılıkları üzerinde ters bir etkisi olduğu gözlenmiştir. Bu sonuca; EVA ve EVA/CB'in N2 atmosferinde dinamik termogravimetri çalışmaları, maksimum bozunma sıcaklığı verileri ve % 10 ve 50 kütle kayıplarmdaki sıcaklıklarından elde edilen veriler sayesinde varılmıştır. Gama ile ışınlanıp sonra UV ile yaşlanmış EVA ve EVA/CB'in N2 atmosferinde dinamik termogravimetri çalışmaları, maksimum bozunma sıcaklığı verileri ve % 10 ve 50 kütle kayıplarmdaki sıcaklıkları; gama ışınlarının EVA ve EVA/CB'in UV kararlılıkları üzerinde önemli bir etkisi olmadığını göstermiştir. Çünkü; elde edilen veriler, ışınlanmamış ve UV ile yaşlanmış EVA ve EVA/CB'inkilere yakındırlar. SUMMARY In this study, ageing characteristics of ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer (EVA) (13 % VA) and EVA/carbon black mixture (EVA/CB) (13 % VA and 1 % CB) which have wide range of applications in different industries, were investigated. In order to simulate the natural conditions, samples were aged at 85°C in air up to 30 weeks, and aged under UV radiation at 259 nm in air up to 400 hours. Besides, in order to investigate the effect of gamma rays, samples were irradiated at different doses up to 400 kGy. Some of the gamma irradiated samples were aged thermally and by UV under the same conditions as unirradiated samples. Sol-gel analysis experiments were made to determine the % gelation of the virgin and aged samples. % Gelation of thermally aged EVA increased up to 50 % during thermal ageing due to continuous formation of cross-links. EVA/CB, however, did not cross-link during thermal ageing; because CB hinders the macromolecule radicals to combine. FTER. measurements were performed to follow the chemical changes which took place in the samples during ageing. In thermally aged EVA, ketone, lactone and vinyl formations were observed. Since CB has a strong stabilizing effect against thermal ageing, none of these species were observed in EVA/CB. Dynamic thermogravimetry studies in N2 atmosphere were carried out for both virgin and aged samples. It is observed that, thermal stability of EVA decreased during thermal ageing, whereas that of EVA/CB did not change to a significant extent. Maximum degradation temperature data and the temperatures at 10 and 50 % mass losses of EVA and EVA/CB confirmed these results. Degradation activation energy of EVA also decreased with increasing thermal ageing time; that of EVA/CB was almost constant during thermal ageing. Isothermal thermogravimetry studies at 350°C in N2 atmosphere were performed for the determination of the amount of relatively more volatile products formed during ageing of EVA and EVA/CB. Isothermal thermograms of EVA indicated that the amount of this kind of oxygen containing volatile products increased with thermal ageing time. There was not any significant change in the amount of oxygen containing volatile products in EVA/CB. Isothermal thermogravimetry studies at 195°C in O2 atmosphere were carried out in order to determine the thermooxidative stability of aged samples. Oxygen uptake capacity11 decreased down to zero at the end of sixth week in EVA; and the time at 10 % mass loss decreased up to sixth week and then increased during thermal ageing. This was most probably due to overcoming of formation of cross-links. In EVA/CB, oxygen uptake capacity did not all to zero, and the time at 5 % mass loss decreased up to twelfth week, and then unchanged up to thirtieth week. % Gelation of EVA increased up to 88 % during UV ageing due to formation of radicals which are then to form the cross-links. The % gelation of even EVA/CB increased up to 11%. Changes were observed also in the FTIR spectra of UV aged EVA and EVA/CB. An increase in EVA and a decrease in EVA/CB at 1740 cm`1 were observed. The formation of ketone, lactone and vinyl groups were observed both in EVA and EVA/CB. Irradiation by UV light, decreased the thermal stability of EVA and EVA/CB. This was observed in the dynamic thermogravimetry studies in ISfe atmosphere, maximum degradation temperature data and the temperatures at 10 and 50 % mass losses of EVA and EVA/CB. Degradation activation energies of EVA and EVA/CB decreased continuously during UV ageing. The amount of relatively more volatile products in both EVA and EVA/CB, obtained from isothermal thermogravimetry studies at 350°C in N2 atmosphere, increased with increasing UV ageing time. The results obtained from isothermal thermogravimetry studies of EVA at 195°C in O2 atmosphere showed that, oxygen uptake capacity decreased down to zero at the end of 1 16 hours. The time at 10 % mass loss decreased up to 1 16 hours and then increased until 400 hours. In EVA/CB, oxygen uptake capacity decreased during UV ageing down to zero slowly. The time at 5 % mass loss decreased suddenly up to 24 hours, and then remained almost constant. Sol-gel analysis of gamma irradiated samples showed that, both EVA and EVA/CB cross-link under gamma radiation to a great extent. % Gelation of EVA/CB (75 %) was greater than that of EVA (58 %). This might be due to the contribution of CB to form cross-links. FTIR spectra of gamma irradiated EVA and EVA/CB showed the formation of ketone, lactone and vinyl groups. Dynamic thermogravimetry studies in N2 atmosphere, maximum degradation temperature data, the temperatures at 10 and 50 % mass losses and degradation activationuı energy results indicated that, there was not any significant change in the thermal stabilities of EVA and EVA/CB upon gamma irradiation of EVA Isothermal thermogravimetry studies at 350°C in N2 atmosphere exhibited that, there was a sudden and obvious increase up to 25 kGy in the amount of oxygen containing volatile products. The changes after this dose, up to 400 kGy, were not clear for interpretation. It was observed that, gamma irradiation has an inverse effect on the thermal stabilities of gamma irradiated and then thermally aged EVA and EVA/CB. This was concluded from the results of dynamic thermogravimetry studies in N2 atmosphere, maximum degradation temperature data and the temperatures at 10 and 50 % mass losses of EVA and EVA/CB. Dynamic thermogravimetry studies in N2 atmosphere, maximum degradation temperature data and the temperatures at 10 and 50 % mass losses of gamma irradiated and then UV aged EVA and EVA/CB indicated that, gamma irradiation has no significant effect on the UV stabilities of EVA and EVA/CB; because the data obtained, were close to those of unirradiated UV aged EVA and EVA/CB. 125
- Published
- 2001
505. Heat Shrinkable and Flame-Retardant Polymer Blends Based on Poly (Ethylene Vinyl Acetate)
- Author
Chowdhury, Subhendu Ray
- Subjects
Ethylene Vinyl Acetate ,Heat Shrinkable ,Polymer Blends ,Poly ,Flame-Retardant - Published
- 2000
506. Global Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) Market for PVA PVOH EVA EVOH and Other Applications 2014 - 2020
- Subjects
Concord EFS Inc. -- Forecasts and trends ,Ethylene vinyl acetate ,Market trend/market analysis ,General interest ,News, opinion and commentary - Abstract
Sep 11, 2014 (M2 PRESSWIRE via COMTEX) -- Research and Markets (http://www.researchandmarkets.com/research/2bx259/vinyl_acetate) has announced the addition of the 'Vinyl Acetate Monomer (VAM) Market for Polyvinyl Acetate, Polyvinyl Alcohol, Ethylene-Vinyl Acetate, [...]
- Published
- 2014
507. How Biomechanical Improvements in Running Economy Could Break the 2-hour Marathon Barrier.
- Author
Hoogkamer W, Kram R, and Arellano CJ
- Subjects
- Biomechanical Phenomena, Body Weight, Humans, Oxygen Consumption physiology, Shoes, Time Factors, Energy Metabolism physiology, Running physiology
- Abstract
A sub-2-hour marathon requires an average velocity (5.86 m/s) that is 2.5% faster than the current world record of 02:02:57 (5.72 m/s) and could be accomplished with a 2.7% reduction in the metabolic cost of running. Although supporting body weight comprises the majority of the metabolic cost of running, targeting the costs of forward propulsion and leg swing are the most promising strategies for reducing the metabolic cost of running and thus improving marathon running performance. Here, we calculate how much time could be saved by taking advantage of unconventional drafting strategies, a consistent tailwind, a downhill course, and specific running shoe design features while staying within the current International Association of Athletic Federations regulations for record purposes. Specifically, running in shoes that are 100 g lighter along with second-half scenarios of four runners alternately leading and drafting, or a tailwind of 6.0 m/s, combined with a 42-m elevation drop could result in a time well below the 2-hour marathon barrier.
- Published
- 2017
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508. Octadecylamine-Grafted Graphene Oxide Helps the Dispersion of Carbon Nanotubes in Ethylene Vinyl Acetate.
- Author
Jia LC, Jiao ZH, Yan DX, and Li ZM
- Abstract
In this paper, the dispersion of carbon nanotube (CNT) in ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) is demonstrated to be significantly improved by the addition of octadecylamine (ODA)-grafted graphene oxide (GO) (GO⁻ODA). Compared to the CNT/EVA composite, the resultant GO⁻ODA/CNT/EVA (G⁻CNT/EVA) composite shows simultaneous increases in tensile strength, Young's modulus and elongation at break. Notably, the elongation at break of the G⁻CNT/EVA composite still maintains a relatively high value of 1268% at 2.0 wt % CNT content, which is more than 1.6 times higher than that of CNT/EVA composite (783%). This should be attributed to the homogeneous dispersion of CNT as well as the strong interfacial interaction between CNT and EVA originating from the solubilization effect of GO⁻ODA. Additionally, the G⁻CNT/EVA composites exhibit superior electrical conductivity at low CNT contents but inferior value at high CNT contents, compared to that for the CNT/EVA composite, which depends on the balance of CNT dispersion and the preservation of insulating GO⁻ODA. Our strategy provides a new pathway to prepare high performance polymer composites with well-dispersed CNT., Competing Interests: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
- Published
- 2017
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509. Impact of γ-irradiation, ageing and their interactions on multilayer films followed by AComDim.
- Author
Gaston F, Dupuy N, Marque SRA, Barbaroux M, and Dorey S
- Abstract
To highlight the main factors involved in the degradation of polymers in multilayer films under γ-irradiation, the ANOVA Common Dimensions (AComDim, Analysis of Variance in Common Dimensions) method is applied on spectra recorded with ATR-FTIR (Attenuated Total Reflection-Fourier Transform Infrared). The present study focuses on the stability of γ-irradiated polymers used in single-use plastic bags made of multilayer films for the biopharmaceutical and biotechnological industries. The samples are irradiated at several γ-doses, up to 270 kGy, and compared with a non-irradiated sample used as reference. It shows that the γ-dose, the natural ageing up to six months and the γ-dose × ageing interaction are the most influential factors., (Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2017
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510. Melt-compounded composites of ethylene vinyl acetate with magnesium sulfate as flexible EPR dosimeters: Mechanical properties, manufacturing process feasibility and dosimetric characteristics.
- Author
Suman SK, Kadam RM, Mondal RK, Murali S, Dubey KA, Bhardwaj YK, and Natarajan V
- Abstract
Novel polymeric composites for radiation dosimetry were developed. The composites were prepared by solvent-free melt compounding of ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) (40% vinyl) and magnesium sulfate (MgSO
4 ). Mechanical properties, melt flow characteristics and dosimetric properties were investigated. The composites with up to 50% (wt) of MgSO4 were flexible and capable of flow. The dose response of the EPR signal of the composites was studied in the dose range 3Gy-4kGy and found to be linear between 18Gy and 4kGy. The reproducibility of dose measurements was good. The signal fading rate and the energy dependence of the dose response were found to be acceptable., (Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.)- Published
- 2017
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511. Celanese Presents Cutting-edge Pharmaceutical Copolymer at 2015 AAPS Annual Meeting & Convention
- Subjects
Celanese Corp. ,Gums and resins industry ,Drug delivery systems ,Conferences and conventions ,Copolymers ,Ethylene vinyl acetate ,Business ,Pharmaceuticals and cosmetics industries ,Health - Abstract
2015 NOV 2 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Pharma Business Week -- Celanese Corporation (NYSE: CE), a global technology and specialty materials company, will present its [...]
- Published
- 2015
512. Celanese Presents EVA Polymer Solutions for Drug Delivery Systems at CPhI Worldwide
- Subjects
Celanese Corp. ,Gums and resins industry ,Drug delivery systems ,Ethylene vinyl acetate ,Polymers ,Biotechnology industry ,Pharmaceuticals and cosmetics industries - Abstract
2015 OCT 21 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Biotech Week -- Celanese Corporation (NYSE: CE), a global technology and specialty materials company, will present innovative uses [...]
- Published
- 2015
513. Celanese Presents Innovative Uses of Controlled Release Excipient in Drug Delivery Devices
- Subjects
Celanese Corp. ,Gums and resins industry ,Drug delivery systems ,Ethylene vinyl acetate ,Health - Abstract
2015 AUG 9 (NewsRx) -- By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Lab Business Week -- Celanese Corporation (NYSE: CE), a global technology and specialty materials company, will discuss the [...]
- Published
- 2015
514. Ethylene vinyl acetate/poly(ethylene glycol) blend membranes for CO2/N2 separation.
- Author
Zamiri, Mohammad Amin, Kargari, Ali, and Sanaeepur, Hamidreza
- Subjects
VINYL acetate ,POLYETHYLENE glycol ,MEMBRANE separation ,CARBON compounds ,MOLECULAR weights - Abstract
In this paper, novel membranes were prepared from blending the ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA), containing 28 wt.% of vinyl acetate, and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) (0-20 wt.%) with molecular weights of 200, 1000, and 1500, and considered for CO
2 /N2 separation over the feed pressure of range 2-8 bar. Physical properties and the morphology of the membranes were evaluated by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and scanning electron microscope (SEM) analyses in order to justify the gas permeation and separation performance of the membranes. The results showed that CO2 permeability increases by increasing the PEG content of the blend membranes. However, increasing PEG loading enhanced CO2 /N2 selectivity just for the blends containing up to 10 wt.% of PEG and it decreased at higher PEG loadings. The PEG with a molecular weight of 200 showed a more efficient gas separation performance due to its effective role in providing amorphous regions in the blends. Furthermore, higher CO2 permeabilities were obtained at higher feed pressures. The selectivity increased by increasing the feed pressure for neat EVA, EVA/5 wt.% PEG and EVA/10 wt.% PEG membranes, but it had no significant effect on the selectivity of the samples with 15 and 20 wt.% of PEG.© 2015 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2015
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515. Study Data from Nippon Dental University Provide New Insights into Alkenes (Differences in the thickness of mouthguards fabricated from ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer sheets with differently arranged v-shaped grooves: part 2-effect of shape ...)
- Subjects
Copolymers ,Safety equipment ,Plastic products ,Ethylene vinyl acetate ,Ethylene ,Health - Abstract
By a News Reporter-Staff News Editor at Health & Medicine Week -- New research on Alkenes is the subject of a report. According to news reporting from Niigata, Japan, by [...]
- Published
- 2014
516. Improved design and development of a functional moulded prosthetic foot.
- Author
Narayanan G, Gnanasundaram S, Ranganathan M, Ranganathan R, Gopalakrishna G, Das BN, and Mandal AB
- Subjects
- Ankle, Biomechanical Phenomena, Gait, Humans, India, Polyvinyls, Rubber, Walking, Amputation, Surgical rehabilitation, Amputees rehabilitation, Artificial Limbs, Foot, Prosthesis Design methods
- Abstract
Purpose: In the Indian scenario, the Jaipur foot is a low-cost breakthrough that enabled the disabled person to adapt to the Indian environment. The aim of this study is to modify the present foot in terms of ankle support design and method of fabrication, foot moulds profile and the inner core material in order to improve the performance and durability., Method: The optimized design of ankle support and flat foot profile moulds suitable for both left and right foot were developed through CAD/CAM and prosthetic feet were fabricated using ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) foam as an appropriate alternative core material for microcellular rubber (MCR). The developed prosthetic feet were tested for rigidity by load-deflection analysis in universal testing machine., Result: EVA foot had shown better rigidity than conventional MCR foot, which will help in weight transfer during walking and increase the durability. The CAD modeled ankle support and single block EVA had made the manufacturing process easy and reduced the weight of foot and improved Gait to the person fitted with it due to improved flat foot profile., Conclusion: The new artificial foot had proven to be efficacious technically as well as functionally, which is clearly borne out from the extremely positive feedback given by the amputees. Implications of Rehabilitation Persons with below knee amputation are usually provided with transtibial prosthesis, which allows for easier ambulation and helps them to get back to their normal life. Transtibial prosthesis is an artificial limb that replaces a lower limb that is amputated below the knee. In our study, a new prosthetic foot with a modified ankle support and flat foot profile using better inner-core material than the conventional Jaipur foot was developed and the process was also optimized for mass production. The developed prosthetic foot can be fitted with both above and below knee exoskeleton type of prosthesis.
- Published
- 2016
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517. Comparison of marine sampling methods for organic contaminants: Passive samplers, water extractions, and live oyster deployment.
- Author
Raub KB, Vlahos P, and Whitney M
- Subjects
- Animals, Connecticut, Solid Phase Extraction, Crassostrea metabolism, Environmental Monitoring methods, Herbicides analysis, Insecticides analysis, Seawater analysis, Water Pollutants, Chemical analysis
- Abstract
Laboratory and field trials evaluated the efficacy of three methods of detecting aquatic pesticide concentrations. Currently used pesticides: atrazine, metolachlor, and diazinon and legacy pesticide dieldrin were targeted. Pesticides were extracted using solid-phase extraction (SPE) of water samples, titanium plate passive samplers coated in ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) and eastern oysters (Crassostrea viginica) as biosamplers. A laboratory study assessed the extraction efficiencies and precision of each method. Passive samplers yielded the highest precision of the three methods (RSD: 3-14% EVA plates; 19-60% oysters; and 25-56% water samples). Equilibrium partition coefficients were derived. A significant relationship was found between the concentration in oyster tissue and the ambient aquatic concentration. In the field (Housatonic River, CT (U.S.)) water sampling (n = 5) detected atrazine at 1.61-7.31 μg L(-1), oyster sampling (n = 2×15) detected dieldrin at n.d.-0.096 μg L(-1) SW and the passive samplers (n = 5×3) detected atrazine at 0.97-3.78 μg L(-1) SW and dieldrin at n.d.-0.68 μg L(-1) SW., (Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2015
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518. Quality of obturation achieved by a non-gutta-percha-based root filling system in single-rooted canals.
- Author
Selem LC, Li GH, Niu LN, Bergeron BE, Bortoluzzi EA, Chen JH, Pashley DH, and Tay FR
- Subjects
- Dental Pulp Cavity diagnostic imaging, Epoxy Resins chemistry, Gutta-Percha chemistry, Gutta-Percha standards, Humans, Image Processing, Computer-Assisted methods, Imaging, Three-Dimensional methods, Materials Testing, Microscopy, Electron, Scanning, Root Canal Filling Materials chemistry, Root Canal Obturation methods, Root Canal Preparation methods, Surface Properties, Temperature, X-Ray Microtomography methods, Epoxy Resins standards, Root Canal Filling Materials standards, Root Canal Obturation standards
- Abstract
Introduction: The present study examined the quality of obturation in root canals filled by an experimental non-gutta-percha-based (NGP) root filling system using warm vertical or cold lateral compaction. The quality of obturation was evaluated by comparing the volumetric percentage of gaps and voids identified from similar canals obturated with gutta-percha and an epoxy resin-based sealer using the same obturation techniques., Methods: Forty single-rooted premolars with oval-shaped canals were cleaned, shaped, and obturated with 1 of the 4 material/obturation technique combinations (n = 10). Filled canals were scanned with micro-computed tomographic imaging. Reconstructed images were analyzed for the volumetric percentage of gaps and voids at 3 canal levels (0-4, 4-8, and 8-12 mm from the working length). Roots were sectioned at the 4-mm, 8-mm, and 12-mm levels. Scanning electron microscopic images of negative replicas of root sections were examined to quantify the circumferential percentage of interfacial gaps and the area percentage of intracanal voids. Data were analyzed with parametric or nonparametric statistical methods., Results: A statistically significant difference was found for the volumetric percentage distribution of gaps and voids for "obturation technique" but not for "material." Significantly higher percentages of gaps and voids were identified in canals obturated with the NGP system using cold lateral compaction. Examination of negative replicas ascribed this difference to a higher area percentage of interfacial gaps rather than more intracanal voids., Conclusions: Using warm vertical compaction, the NGP system fulfils the objective of 3-dimensional obturation of the canal space in a manner comparable with the results achieved with gutta-percha and a root canal sealer., (Copyright © 2014 American Association of Endodontists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2014
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519. Novel implant provides long-term nalmefene delivery
- Subjects
Titan Pharmaceuticals Inc. ,Drug therapy ,Ethylene vinyl acetate ,Biological products industry - Abstract
A novel implant system provides long-term delivery of nalmefene for the treatment of alcoholism. 'Pharmacotherapy treatment for alcoholism is limited by poor compliance, adverse effects, and fluctuating drug levels after [...]
- Published
- 2005
520. Solarex experience with ethylene vinyl acetate encapsulation
- Author
Wohlgemuth, J. H. and Petersen, R. C.
- Published
- 1991
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521. Polymer Modified TNT (Trinitrotoluene) Containing Explosives.
- Author
DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY WASHINGTON DC, Stanton, Horace D, Reed, Russell, Jr, DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY WASHINGTON DC, Stanton, Horace D, and Reed, Russell, Jr
- Abstract
The present invention relates to an improved explosive TNT based composition consisting of TNT, HDX, RDX, aluminum and a small amount of an elastomeric linear polymer having polar groups dissolved or dispersed throughout, said composition having improved properties. Such improved properties include: reduced cracking and exudation, improved friction sensitivity, sympathetic detonation and enhanced cook-off hazard properties., Supersedes PAT-APPL-415 495-82.
- Published
- 1984
522. Krystalizace dvousložkových směsí polylaktidu a jejich morfologie
- Author
Bálková, Radka, Poláček, Petr, Debnáriková, Michaela, Bálková, Radka, Poláček, Petr, and Debnáriková, Michaela
- Abstract
Diplomová práca sa zaoberá vplyvom polyvinylacetátu, polykaprolaktonu, poly(butylén-adipát-ko-tereftalátu) a mastenca, etylénvinylacetátu, polyetylénglykolu a citranu monosodného na tokové vlastnosti, mechanické vlastnosti a kryštalizačnú schopnosť PLA. Tokové vlastnosti boli študované pomocou indexu toku taveniny a mechanické vlastnosti pomocou ťahovej skúšky. Kryštalinita a kryštalizácia materiálov bola skúmaná pomocou diferenčnej kompenzačnej kalorimetrie a na polarizačnom optickom mikroskope s vyhrievaným stolíkom. Izotermická kryštalizácia bola sledovaná pri teplote 95 a 105 °C po dobu 3 h a neizotermická kryštalizácia bola meraná na kalorimetre pri dvoch rýchlostiach chladenia (1 a 10 °C/min). Pri izotermickej kryštalizácií pri 95 °C bol pozorovaný vznik hustejšej kryštalickej štruktúry a u väčšiny vzoriek došlo k navýšeniu kryštalického podielu. Vznik sférolitickej štruktúry bol pozorovaný pri 105 °C u vzoriek s 30 % PVAc, 30 % EVA a PEG. Zníženie rýchlosti chladenia na 1 °C/min pri neizotermickej kryštalizácií nemalo na kryštalizáciu väčšiny vzoriek výrazný vplyv; k zvýšeniu kryšalického podielu došlo len u vzoriek s PBAT a PEG, u ktorých sa následné topenie prejavilo dvojitým píkom. Kryštalický podiel bol najvýraznejšie ovplyvnený prídavkom PEG. Všetky pridané zmesné zložky okrem PVAc ovplyvnili mechanické vlastnosti; PBAT, PCL, EVA a PEG zvýšili ťažnosť a znížili pevnosť a modul pružnosti. Ako najproblematickejší sa ukázal citran monosodný, pričom vzorky ktoré ho obsahovali nebolo možné podrobiť meraniu, kvôli vysokej krehkosti. Ako problematické sa tiež prejavili vzorky s vyššou koncentráciou kopolyméru EVA u ktorých došlo k jeho odmiešaniu., Master thesis deals with the influence of polyvinylacetate, polycaprolactone, poly(butylene-adipate-co-terephtalate) and talc, ethylenevinylacetate, polyethylene glycol and monosodium citrate on the flow properties, mechanical properties and crystallization ability of PLA. The flow properties were studied using the melt flow index and mechanical properties were studied using a tensile test. The crystallinity was studied by differential scanning calorimetry and on a polarization optical microscope equipped with hot stage. Isothermal crystallization was performed at 95 and 105 °C for 3 h and non-isothermal crystallization was performed with a calorimeter at two cooling rates (1 and 10 °C/min). Upon the isothermal crystallization at 95 °C, the formation of denser crystalline structure was observed and the content of crystalline phase increased in most of the samples. The formation of spherulitic structure was observed at 105 °C in samples with 30 % PVAc, 30 % EVA and PEG. Reducing the cooling rate to 1 °C/min at non-isothermal crystallization had nearly no effect on the crystallization process of the most samples; the content of crystalline phase increased in the samples containing PBAT and PEG, which revealed double melting peak during subsequent heating. The crystalline fraction was the most significantly affected by the addition of PEG. All added polymers except PVAc affected the mechanical properties; PBAT, PCL, EVA and PEG increased the strain and decreased the strength and modulus of elasticity. The samples containing monosodium citrate showed unsatisfactory mechanical properties and could not be measured. The samples containing higher concentration of EVA copolymer showed the phase separation.
523. Vliv okolních podmínek na recyklaci solárních modulů
- Author
Jandová, Kristýna, Vaněk, Jiří, Langer, Filip, Jandová, Kristýna, Vaněk, Jiří, and Langer, Filip
- Abstract
Práce je soustředěna na experimenty, jejichž cílem je oddělit ochranné sklo z tenkovrstvého solárního modulu. To by mohlo vést k méně nákladné a více účinné recyklaci. Oddělení skla se snažíme dosáhnout roztavením ethylen vinyl acetátové fólie, která v modulu slouží jako izolace a pojivo. Experimenty probíhají ve vysokoteplotní sušičce a vysokoteplotní vakuové peci na vzorcích tenkovrstvého solárního modulu, který byl za účely experimentů nařezán vodním paprskem na stejně velké vzorky. Prvotní experimenty v sušičce a vakuové peci se snaží najít hodnotu tavení ethylen vinyl acetátu v testovaných vzorcích modulu. Tato hodnota je postupným měřením určena na 340 °C. Při vystavení této teplotě dojde k dostatečnému roztavení ethylen vinyl acetátu natolik, aby bylo možno sklo minimální fyzickou silou odebrat. Proces je doprovázen destrukcí hořením tedlarové vrstvy a tvorbou zplodin. Po určení teploty tání následují pokusy ve vakuu a dusíkové atmosféře, jejichž cílem je zjistit, jak se projeví na tavení ethylen vinyl acetátu. Vystavení vzorku teplotě 340 °C ve vakuu nevedlo k novým výsledkům. Vystavení vzorku teplotě 340 °C v dusíkové atmosféře předešlo hoření a dosáhlo stejného roztavení ethylen vinyl acetátu a způsobilo menší množství uvolněných zplodin. Ačkoliv nedošlo k hoření, tedlarová vrstva byla vysokou teplotou opět zničena. Dále se části vypařeného ethylen vinyl acetátu usadily na povrchu vzorku ve formě poprachu. Další experimenty pozorovaly nasákavost modulu a vliv dostupných rozpouštědel na proces tavení. Bylo zjištěno, že modul je schopen nasáknout přibližně 2 % acetonu, 0,4 % isopropyl alkoholu a 0,11 % destilované vody v poměru k vlastní hmotnosti. Měření rozpouštědly nasáklých modulů ve vakuové peci neprokázaly rozdíly v procesu tavení. Pozorování vzorků ethylen vinyl acetátu z modulu, rozteklé z modulu po pokusu ve vakuové peci a z poprachu usazeném na povrchu modulu po měření v dusíkové atmosféře prokázalo, že odebraný poprach je skutečně ethylen vinyl ac, This thesis is focused on experiments, goal of which is to separate protective glass apart from thin layer solar panel. This could lead to less expensive and more efficient recycling. We try to achieve the separation of the glass by thawing ethylene vinyl acetate layer, which serves as insulant and bonding material. Experiments are concluded in high temperature dryer and high temperature vacuum oven on samples of thin layer solar panel, which is for the purposes of experiments cut into same pieces by water jet cutting machine. The initiatory experiments in dryer and oven are to determine value of ethylene vinyl acetate thaw point in tested samples of panel. The thaw point is determined to be 340 °C. When exposed to this temperature, the ethylene vinyl acetate thaws enough for glass to be able to be extracted with minimal physical strength. The process is accompanied by fire destruction of tedlar layer and creation of exhaust gases. Following experiments in vacuum and nitrogen environment are to test their influence on thawing process. Exposing sample to temperature of 340 °C in vacuum led to no new results. Exposing sample to temperature of 340 °C in nitrogen environment prevented fire and achieved same level of thawing of ethylene vinyl acetate while creating less exhaust gases. Even though the fire was prevented, tedlar layer was still destroyed by the high temperature. Furthermore, particles of evaporated ethylene vinyl acetate condensed on surface of module in form of dust. Following experiments studied absorption of panel and influence of accessible solvents on thawing process. It was determined that panel is able to absorb approximately 2 % of acetone, 0,4 % of isopropyl alcohol and 0,11 % of distilled water in its own weight. Experiments with modules soaked in these solvents proved no new results in thawing process. By observing samples of ethylene vinyl acetate taken from module, thawed out of module after experiment in vacuum oven and dust condensed on surf
524. Vliv okolních podmínek na recyklaci solárních modulů
- Author
Jandová, Kristýna, Vaněk, Jiří, Langer, Filip, Jandová, Kristýna, Vaněk, Jiří, and Langer, Filip
- Abstract
Práce je soustředěna na experimenty, jejichž cílem je oddělit ochranné sklo z tenkovrstvého solárního modulu. To by mohlo vést k méně nákladné a více účinné recyklaci. Oddělení skla se snažíme dosáhnout roztavením ethylen vinyl acetátové fólie, která v modulu slouží jako izolace a pojivo. Experimenty probíhají ve vysokoteplotní sušičce a vysokoteplotní vakuové peci na vzorcích tenkovrstvého solárního modulu, který byl za účely experimentů nařezán vodním paprskem na stejně velké vzorky. Prvotní experimenty v sušičce a vakuové peci se snaží najít hodnotu tavení ethylen vinyl acetátu v testovaných vzorcích modulu. Tato hodnota je postupným měřením určena na 340 °C. Při vystavení této teplotě dojde k dostatečnému roztavení ethylen vinyl acetátu natolik, aby bylo možno sklo minimální fyzickou silou odebrat. Proces je doprovázen destrukcí hořením tedlarové vrstvy a tvorbou zplodin. Po určení teploty tání následují pokusy ve vakuu a dusíkové atmosféře, jejichž cílem je zjistit, jak se projeví na tavení ethylen vinyl acetátu. Vystavení vzorku teplotě 340 °C ve vakuu nevedlo k novým výsledkům. Vystavení vzorku teplotě 340 °C v dusíkové atmosféře předešlo hoření a dosáhlo stejného roztavení ethylen vinyl acetátu a způsobilo menší množství uvolněných zplodin. Ačkoliv nedošlo k hoření, tedlarová vrstva byla vysokou teplotou opět zničena. Dále se části vypařeného ethylen vinyl acetátu usadily na povrchu vzorku ve formě poprachu. Další experimenty pozorovaly nasákavost modulu a vliv dostupných rozpouštědel na proces tavení. Bylo zjištěno, že modul je schopen nasáknout přibližně 2 % acetonu, 0,4 % isopropyl alkoholu a 0,11 % destilované vody v poměru k vlastní hmotnosti. Měření rozpouštědly nasáklých modulů ve vakuové peci neprokázaly rozdíly v procesu tavení. Pozorování vzorků ethylen vinyl acetátu z modulu, rozteklé z modulu po pokusu ve vakuové peci a z poprachu usazeném na povrchu modulu po měření v dusíkové atmosféře prokázalo, že odebraný poprach je skutečně ethylen vinyl ac, This thesis is focused on experiments, goal of which is to separate protective glass apart from thin layer solar panel. This could lead to less expensive and more efficient recycling. We try to achieve the separation of the glass by thawing ethylene vinyl acetate layer, which serves as insulant and bonding material. Experiments are concluded in high temperature dryer and high temperature vacuum oven on samples of thin layer solar panel, which is for the purposes of experiments cut into same pieces by water jet cutting machine. The initiatory experiments in dryer and oven are to determine value of ethylene vinyl acetate thaw point in tested samples of panel. The thaw point is determined to be 340 °C. When exposed to this temperature, the ethylene vinyl acetate thaws enough for glass to be able to be extracted with minimal physical strength. The process is accompanied by fire destruction of tedlar layer and creation of exhaust gases. Following experiments in vacuum and nitrogen environment are to test their influence on thawing process. Exposing sample to temperature of 340 °C in vacuum led to no new results. Exposing sample to temperature of 340 °C in nitrogen environment prevented fire and achieved same level of thawing of ethylene vinyl acetate while creating less exhaust gases. Even though the fire was prevented, tedlar layer was still destroyed by the high temperature. Furthermore, particles of evaporated ethylene vinyl acetate condensed on surface of module in form of dust. Following experiments studied absorption of panel and influence of accessible solvents on thawing process. It was determined that panel is able to absorb approximately 2 % of acetone, 0,4 % of isopropyl alcohol and 0,11 % of distilled water in its own weight. Experiments with modules soaked in these solvents proved no new results in thawing process. By observing samples of ethylene vinyl acetate taken from module, thawed out of module after experiment in vacuum oven and dust condensed on surf
525. Vliv okolních podmínek na recyklaci solárních modulů
- Author
Jandová, Kristýna, Vaněk, Jiří, Jandová, Kristýna, and Vaněk, Jiří
- Abstract
Práce je soustředěna na experimenty, jejichž cílem je oddělit ochranné sklo z tenkovrstvého solárního modulu. To by mohlo vést k méně nákladné a více účinné recyklaci. Oddělení skla se snažíme dosáhnout roztavením ethylen vinyl acetátové fólie, která v modulu slouží jako izolace a pojivo. Experimenty probíhají ve vysokoteplotní sušičce a vysokoteplotní vakuové peci na vzorcích tenkovrstvého solárního modulu, který byl za účely experimentů nařezán vodním paprskem na stejně velké vzorky. Prvotní experimenty v sušičce a vakuové peci se snaží najít hodnotu tavení ethylen vinyl acetátu v testovaných vzorcích modulu. Tato hodnota je postupným měřením určena na 340 °C. Při vystavení této teplotě dojde k dostatečnému roztavení ethylen vinyl acetátu natolik, aby bylo možno sklo minimální fyzickou silou odebrat. Proces je doprovázen destrukcí hořením tedlarové vrstvy a tvorbou zplodin. Po určení teploty tání následují pokusy ve vakuu a dusíkové atmosféře, jejichž cílem je zjistit, jak se projeví na tavení ethylen vinyl acetátu. Vystavení vzorku teplotě 340 °C ve vakuu nevedlo k novým výsledkům. Vystavení vzorku teplotě 340 °C v dusíkové atmosféře předešlo hoření a dosáhlo stejného roztavení ethylen vinyl acetátu a způsobilo menší množství uvolněných zplodin. Ačkoliv nedošlo k hoření, tedlarová vrstva byla vysokou teplotou opět zničena. Dále se části vypařeného ethylen vinyl acetátu usadily na povrchu vzorku ve formě poprachu. Další experimenty pozorovaly nasákavost modulu a vliv dostupných rozpouštědel na proces tavení. Bylo zjištěno, že modul je schopen nasáknout přibližně 2 % acetonu, 0,4 % isopropyl alkoholu a 0,11 % destilované vody v poměru k vlastní hmotnosti. Měření rozpouštědly nasáklých modulů ve vakuové peci neprokázaly rozdíly v procesu tavení. Pozorování vzorků ethylen vinyl acetátu z modulu, rozteklé z modulu po pokusu ve vakuové peci a z poprachu usazeném na povrchu modulu po měření v dusíkové atmosféře prokázalo, že odebraný poprach je skutečně ethylen vinyl ac, This thesis is focused on experiments, goal of which is to separate protective glass apart from thin layer solar panel. This could lead to less expensive and more efficient recycling. We try to achieve the separation of the glass by thawing ethylene vinyl acetate layer, which serves as insulant and bonding material. Experiments are concluded in high temperature dryer and high temperature vacuum oven on samples of thin layer solar panel, which is for the purposes of experiments cut into same pieces by water jet cutting machine. The initiatory experiments in dryer and oven are to determine value of ethylene vinyl acetate thaw point in tested samples of panel. The thaw point is determined to be 340 °C. When exposed to this temperature, the ethylene vinyl acetate thaws enough for glass to be able to be extracted with minimal physical strength. The process is accompanied by fire destruction of tedlar layer and creation of exhaust gases. Following experiments in vacuum and nitrogen environment are to test their influence on thawing process. Exposing sample to temperature of 340 °C in vacuum led to no new results. Exposing sample to temperature of 340 °C in nitrogen environment prevented fire and achieved same level of thawing of ethylene vinyl acetate while creating less exhaust gases. Even though the fire was prevented, tedlar layer was still destroyed by the high temperature. Furthermore, particles of evaporated ethylene vinyl acetate condensed on surface of module in form of dust. Following experiments studied absorption of panel and influence of accessible solvents on thawing process. It was determined that panel is able to absorb approximately 2 % of acetone, 0,4 % of isopropyl alcohol and 0,11 % of distilled water in its own weight. Experiments with modules soaked in these solvents proved no new results in thawing process. By observing samples of ethylene vinyl acetate taken from module, thawed out of module after experiment in vacuum oven and dust condensed on surf
526. Vliv okolních podmínek na recyklaci solárních modulů
- Author
Jandová, Kristýna, Vaněk, Jiří, Jandová, Kristýna, and Vaněk, Jiří
- Abstract
Práce je soustředěna na experimenty, jejichž cílem je oddělit ochranné sklo z tenkovrstvého solárního modulu. To by mohlo vést k méně nákladné a více účinné recyklaci. Oddělení skla se snažíme dosáhnout roztavením ethylen vinyl acetátové fólie, která v modulu slouží jako izolace a pojivo. Experimenty probíhají ve vysokoteplotní sušičce a vysokoteplotní vakuové peci na vzorcích tenkovrstvého solárního modulu, který byl za účely experimentů nařezán vodním paprskem na stejně velké vzorky. Prvotní experimenty v sušičce a vakuové peci se snaží najít hodnotu tavení ethylen vinyl acetátu v testovaných vzorcích modulu. Tato hodnota je postupným měřením určena na 340 °C. Při vystavení této teplotě dojde k dostatečnému roztavení ethylen vinyl acetátu natolik, aby bylo možno sklo minimální fyzickou silou odebrat. Proces je doprovázen destrukcí hořením tedlarové vrstvy a tvorbou zplodin. Po určení teploty tání následují pokusy ve vakuu a dusíkové atmosféře, jejichž cílem je zjistit, jak se projeví na tavení ethylen vinyl acetátu. Vystavení vzorku teplotě 340 °C ve vakuu nevedlo k novým výsledkům. Vystavení vzorku teplotě 340 °C v dusíkové atmosféře předešlo hoření a dosáhlo stejného roztavení ethylen vinyl acetátu a způsobilo menší množství uvolněných zplodin. Ačkoliv nedošlo k hoření, tedlarová vrstva byla vysokou teplotou opět zničena. Dále se části vypařeného ethylen vinyl acetátu usadily na povrchu vzorku ve formě poprachu. Další experimenty pozorovaly nasákavost modulu a vliv dostupných rozpouštědel na proces tavení. Bylo zjištěno, že modul je schopen nasáknout přibližně 2 % acetonu, 0,4 % isopropyl alkoholu a 0,11 % destilované vody v poměru k vlastní hmotnosti. Měření rozpouštědly nasáklých modulů ve vakuové peci neprokázaly rozdíly v procesu tavení. Pozorování vzorků ethylen vinyl acetátu z modulu, rozteklé z modulu po pokusu ve vakuové peci a z poprachu usazeném na povrchu modulu po měření v dusíkové atmosféře prokázalo, že odebraný poprach je skutečně ethylen vinyl ac, This thesis is focused on experiments, goal of which is to separate protective glass apart from thin layer solar panel. This could lead to less expensive and more efficient recycling. We try to achieve the separation of the glass by thawing ethylene vinyl acetate layer, which serves as insulant and bonding material. Experiments are concluded in high temperature dryer and high temperature vacuum oven on samples of thin layer solar panel, which is for the purposes of experiments cut into same pieces by water jet cutting machine. The initiatory experiments in dryer and oven are to determine value of ethylene vinyl acetate thaw point in tested samples of panel. The thaw point is determined to be 340 °C. When exposed to this temperature, the ethylene vinyl acetate thaws enough for glass to be able to be extracted with minimal physical strength. The process is accompanied by fire destruction of tedlar layer and creation of exhaust gases. Following experiments in vacuum and nitrogen environment are to test their influence on thawing process. Exposing sample to temperature of 340 °C in vacuum led to no new results. Exposing sample to temperature of 340 °C in nitrogen environment prevented fire and achieved same level of thawing of ethylene vinyl acetate while creating less exhaust gases. Even though the fire was prevented, tedlar layer was still destroyed by the high temperature. Furthermore, particles of evaporated ethylene vinyl acetate condensed on surface of module in form of dust. Following experiments studied absorption of panel and influence of accessible solvents on thawing process. It was determined that panel is able to absorb approximately 2 % of acetone, 0,4 % of isopropyl alcohol and 0,11 % of distilled water in its own weight. Experiments with modules soaked in these solvents proved no new results in thawing process. By observing samples of ethylene vinyl acetate taken from module, thawed out of module after experiment in vacuum oven and dust condensed on surf
527. Krystalizace dvousložkových směsí polylaktidu a jejich morfologie
- Author
Bálková, Radka, Poláček, Petr, Bálková, Radka, and Poláček, Petr
- Abstract
Diplomová práca sa zaoberá vplyvom polyvinylacetátu, polykaprolaktonu, poly(butylén-adipát-ko-tereftalátu) a mastenca, etylénvinylacetátu, polyetylénglykolu a citranu monosodného na tokové vlastnosti, mechanické vlastnosti a kryštalizačnú schopnosť PLA. Tokové vlastnosti boli študované pomocou indexu toku taveniny a mechanické vlastnosti pomocou ťahovej skúšky. Kryštalinita a kryštalizácia materiálov bola skúmaná pomocou diferenčnej kompenzačnej kalorimetrie a na polarizačnom optickom mikroskope s vyhrievaným stolíkom. Izotermická kryštalizácia bola sledovaná pri teplote 95 a 105 °C po dobu 3 h a neizotermická kryštalizácia bola meraná na kalorimetre pri dvoch rýchlostiach chladenia (1 a 10 °C/min). Pri izotermickej kryštalizácií pri 95 °C bol pozorovaný vznik hustejšej kryštalickej štruktúry a u väčšiny vzoriek došlo k navýšeniu kryštalického podielu. Vznik sférolitickej štruktúry bol pozorovaný pri 105 °C u vzoriek s 30 % PVAc, 30 % EVA a PEG. Zníženie rýchlosti chladenia na 1 °C/min pri neizotermickej kryštalizácií nemalo na kryštalizáciu väčšiny vzoriek výrazný vplyv; k zvýšeniu kryšalického podielu došlo len u vzoriek s PBAT a PEG, u ktorých sa následné topenie prejavilo dvojitým píkom. Kryštalický podiel bol najvýraznejšie ovplyvnený prídavkom PEG. Všetky pridané zmesné zložky okrem PVAc ovplyvnili mechanické vlastnosti; PBAT, PCL, EVA a PEG zvýšili ťažnosť a znížili pevnosť a modul pružnosti. Ako najproblematickejší sa ukázal citran monosodný, pričom vzorky ktoré ho obsahovali nebolo možné podrobiť meraniu, kvôli vysokej krehkosti. Ako problematické sa tiež prejavili vzorky s vyššou koncentráciou kopolyméru EVA u ktorých došlo k jeho odmiešaniu., Master thesis deals with the influence of polyvinylacetate, polycaprolactone, poly(butylene-adipate-co-terephtalate) and talc, ethylenevinylacetate, polyethylene glycol and monosodium citrate on the flow properties, mechanical properties and crystallization ability of PLA. The flow properties were studied using the melt flow index and mechanical properties were studied using a tensile test. The crystallinity was studied by differential scanning calorimetry and on a polarization optical microscope equipped with hot stage. Isothermal crystallization was performed at 95 and 105 °C for 3 h and non-isothermal crystallization was performed with a calorimeter at two cooling rates (1 and 10 °C/min). Upon the isothermal crystallization at 95 °C, the formation of denser crystalline structure was observed and the content of crystalline phase increased in most of the samples. The formation of spherulitic structure was observed at 105 °C in samples with 30 % PVAc, 30 % EVA and PEG. Reducing the cooling rate to 1 °C/min at non-isothermal crystallization had nearly no effect on the crystallization process of the most samples; the content of crystalline phase increased in the samples containing PBAT and PEG, which revealed double melting peak during subsequent heating. The crystalline fraction was the most significantly affected by the addition of PEG. All added polymers except PVAc affected the mechanical properties; PBAT, PCL, EVA and PEG increased the strain and decreased the strength and modulus of elasticity. The samples containing monosodium citrate showed unsatisfactory mechanical properties and could not be measured. The samples containing higher concentration of EVA copolymer showed the phase separation.
528. Vliv okolních podmínek na recyklaci solárních modulů
- Author
Jandová, Kristýna, Vaněk, Jiří, Jandová, Kristýna, and Vaněk, Jiří
- Abstract
Práce je soustředěna na experimenty, jejichž cílem je oddělit ochranné sklo z tenkovrstvého solárního modulu. To by mohlo vést k méně nákladné a více účinné recyklaci. Oddělení skla se snažíme dosáhnout roztavením ethylen vinyl acetátové fólie, která v modulu slouží jako izolace a pojivo. Experimenty probíhají ve vysokoteplotní sušičce a vysokoteplotní vakuové peci na vzorcích tenkovrstvého solárního modulu, který byl za účely experimentů nařezán vodním paprskem na stejně velké vzorky. Prvotní experimenty v sušičce a vakuové peci se snaží najít hodnotu tavení ethylen vinyl acetátu v testovaných vzorcích modulu. Tato hodnota je postupným měřením určena na 340 °C. Při vystavení této teplotě dojde k dostatečnému roztavení ethylen vinyl acetátu natolik, aby bylo možno sklo minimální fyzickou silou odebrat. Proces je doprovázen destrukcí hořením tedlarové vrstvy a tvorbou zplodin. Po určení teploty tání následují pokusy ve vakuu a dusíkové atmosféře, jejichž cílem je zjistit, jak se projeví na tavení ethylen vinyl acetátu. Vystavení vzorku teplotě 340 °C ve vakuu nevedlo k novým výsledkům. Vystavení vzorku teplotě 340 °C v dusíkové atmosféře předešlo hoření a dosáhlo stejného roztavení ethylen vinyl acetátu a způsobilo menší množství uvolněných zplodin. Ačkoliv nedošlo k hoření, tedlarová vrstva byla vysokou teplotou opět zničena. Dále se části vypařeného ethylen vinyl acetátu usadily na povrchu vzorku ve formě poprachu. Další experimenty pozorovaly nasákavost modulu a vliv dostupných rozpouštědel na proces tavení. Bylo zjištěno, že modul je schopen nasáknout přibližně 2 % acetonu, 0,4 % isopropyl alkoholu a 0,11 % destilované vody v poměru k vlastní hmotnosti. Měření rozpouštědly nasáklých modulů ve vakuové peci neprokázaly rozdíly v procesu tavení. Pozorování vzorků ethylen vinyl acetátu z modulu, rozteklé z modulu po pokusu ve vakuové peci a z poprachu usazeném na povrchu modulu po měření v dusíkové atmosféře prokázalo, že odebraný poprach je skutečně ethylen vinyl ac, This thesis is focused on experiments, goal of which is to separate protective glass apart from thin layer solar panel. This could lead to less expensive and more efficient recycling. We try to achieve the separation of the glass by thawing ethylene vinyl acetate layer, which serves as insulant and bonding material. Experiments are concluded in high temperature dryer and high temperature vacuum oven on samples of thin layer solar panel, which is for the purposes of experiments cut into same pieces by water jet cutting machine. The initiatory experiments in dryer and oven are to determine value of ethylene vinyl acetate thaw point in tested samples of panel. The thaw point is determined to be 340 °C. When exposed to this temperature, the ethylene vinyl acetate thaws enough for glass to be able to be extracted with minimal physical strength. The process is accompanied by fire destruction of tedlar layer and creation of exhaust gases. Following experiments in vacuum and nitrogen environment are to test their influence on thawing process. Exposing sample to temperature of 340 °C in vacuum led to no new results. Exposing sample to temperature of 340 °C in nitrogen environment prevented fire and achieved same level of thawing of ethylene vinyl acetate while creating less exhaust gases. Even though the fire was prevented, tedlar layer was still destroyed by the high temperature. Furthermore, particles of evaporated ethylene vinyl acetate condensed on surface of module in form of dust. Following experiments studied absorption of panel and influence of accessible solvents on thawing process. It was determined that panel is able to absorb approximately 2 % of acetone, 0,4 % of isopropyl alcohol and 0,11 % of distilled water in its own weight. Experiments with modules soaked in these solvents proved no new results in thawing process. By observing samples of ethylene vinyl acetate taken from module, thawed out of module after experiment in vacuum oven and dust condensed on surf
529. Krystalizace dvousložkových směsí polylaktidu a jejich morfologie
- Author
Bálková, Radka, Poláček, Petr, Bálková, Radka, and Poláček, Petr
- Abstract
Diplomová práca sa zaoberá vplyvom polyvinylacetátu, polykaprolaktonu, poly(butylén-adipát-ko-tereftalátu) a mastenca, etylénvinylacetátu, polyetylénglykolu a citranu monosodného na tokové vlastnosti, mechanické vlastnosti a kryštalizačnú schopnosť PLA. Tokové vlastnosti boli študované pomocou indexu toku taveniny a mechanické vlastnosti pomocou ťahovej skúšky. Kryštalinita a kryštalizácia materiálov bola skúmaná pomocou diferenčnej kompenzačnej kalorimetrie a na polarizačnom optickom mikroskope s vyhrievaným stolíkom. Izotermická kryštalizácia bola sledovaná pri teplote 95 a 105 °C po dobu 3 h a neizotermická kryštalizácia bola meraná na kalorimetre pri dvoch rýchlostiach chladenia (1 a 10 °C/min). Pri izotermickej kryštalizácií pri 95 °C bol pozorovaný vznik hustejšej kryštalickej štruktúry a u väčšiny vzoriek došlo k navýšeniu kryštalického podielu. Vznik sférolitickej štruktúry bol pozorovaný pri 105 °C u vzoriek s 30 % PVAc, 30 % EVA a PEG. Zníženie rýchlosti chladenia na 1 °C/min pri neizotermickej kryštalizácií nemalo na kryštalizáciu väčšiny vzoriek výrazný vplyv; k zvýšeniu kryšalického podielu došlo len u vzoriek s PBAT a PEG, u ktorých sa následné topenie prejavilo dvojitým píkom. Kryštalický podiel bol najvýraznejšie ovplyvnený prídavkom PEG. Všetky pridané zmesné zložky okrem PVAc ovplyvnili mechanické vlastnosti; PBAT, PCL, EVA a PEG zvýšili ťažnosť a znížili pevnosť a modul pružnosti. Ako najproblematickejší sa ukázal citran monosodný, pričom vzorky ktoré ho obsahovali nebolo možné podrobiť meraniu, kvôli vysokej krehkosti. Ako problematické sa tiež prejavili vzorky s vyššou koncentráciou kopolyméru EVA u ktorých došlo k jeho odmiešaniu., Master thesis deals with the influence of polyvinylacetate, polycaprolactone, poly(butylene-adipate-co-terephtalate) and talc, ethylenevinylacetate, polyethylene glycol and monosodium citrate on the flow properties, mechanical properties and crystallization ability of PLA. The flow properties were studied using the melt flow index and mechanical properties were studied using a tensile test. The crystallinity was studied by differential scanning calorimetry and on a polarization optical microscope equipped with hot stage. Isothermal crystallization was performed at 95 and 105 °C for 3 h and non-isothermal crystallization was performed with a calorimeter at two cooling rates (1 and 10 °C/min). Upon the isothermal crystallization at 95 °C, the formation of denser crystalline structure was observed and the content of crystalline phase increased in most of the samples. The formation of spherulitic structure was observed at 105 °C in samples with 30 % PVAc, 30 % EVA and PEG. Reducing the cooling rate to 1 °C/min at non-isothermal crystallization had nearly no effect on the crystallization process of the most samples; the content of crystalline phase increased in the samples containing PBAT and PEG, which revealed double melting peak during subsequent heating. The crystalline fraction was the most significantly affected by the addition of PEG. All added polymers except PVAc affected the mechanical properties; PBAT, PCL, EVA and PEG increased the strain and decreased the strength and modulus of elasticity. The samples containing monosodium citrate showed unsatisfactory mechanical properties and could not be measured. The samples containing higher concentration of EVA copolymer showed the phase separation.
530. Krystalizace dvousložkových směsí polylaktidu a jejich morfologie
- Author
Bálková, Radka, Poláček, Petr, Bálková, Radka, and Poláček, Petr
- Abstract
Diplomová práca sa zaoberá vplyvom polyvinylacetátu, polykaprolaktonu, poly(butylén-adipát-ko-tereftalátu) a mastenca, etylénvinylacetátu, polyetylénglykolu a citranu monosodného na tokové vlastnosti, mechanické vlastnosti a kryštalizačnú schopnosť PLA. Tokové vlastnosti boli študované pomocou indexu toku taveniny a mechanické vlastnosti pomocou ťahovej skúšky. Kryštalinita a kryštalizácia materiálov bola skúmaná pomocou diferenčnej kompenzačnej kalorimetrie a na polarizačnom optickom mikroskope s vyhrievaným stolíkom. Izotermická kryštalizácia bola sledovaná pri teplote 95 a 105 °C po dobu 3 h a neizotermická kryštalizácia bola meraná na kalorimetre pri dvoch rýchlostiach chladenia (1 a 10 °C/min). Pri izotermickej kryštalizácií pri 95 °C bol pozorovaný vznik hustejšej kryštalickej štruktúry a u väčšiny vzoriek došlo k navýšeniu kryštalického podielu. Vznik sférolitickej štruktúry bol pozorovaný pri 105 °C u vzoriek s 30 % PVAc, 30 % EVA a PEG. Zníženie rýchlosti chladenia na 1 °C/min pri neizotermickej kryštalizácií nemalo na kryštalizáciu väčšiny vzoriek výrazný vplyv; k zvýšeniu kryšalického podielu došlo len u vzoriek s PBAT a PEG, u ktorých sa následné topenie prejavilo dvojitým píkom. Kryštalický podiel bol najvýraznejšie ovplyvnený prídavkom PEG. Všetky pridané zmesné zložky okrem PVAc ovplyvnili mechanické vlastnosti; PBAT, PCL, EVA a PEG zvýšili ťažnosť a znížili pevnosť a modul pružnosti. Ako najproblematickejší sa ukázal citran monosodný, pričom vzorky ktoré ho obsahovali nebolo možné podrobiť meraniu, kvôli vysokej krehkosti. Ako problematické sa tiež prejavili vzorky s vyššou koncentráciou kopolyméru EVA u ktorých došlo k jeho odmiešaniu., Master thesis deals with the influence of polyvinylacetate, polycaprolactone, poly(butylene-adipate-co-terephtalate) and talc, ethylenevinylacetate, polyethylene glycol and monosodium citrate on the flow properties, mechanical properties and crystallization ability of PLA. The flow properties were studied using the melt flow index and mechanical properties were studied using a tensile test. The crystallinity was studied by differential scanning calorimetry and on a polarization optical microscope equipped with hot stage. Isothermal crystallization was performed at 95 and 105 °C for 3 h and non-isothermal crystallization was performed with a calorimeter at two cooling rates (1 and 10 °C/min). Upon the isothermal crystallization at 95 °C, the formation of denser crystalline structure was observed and the content of crystalline phase increased in most of the samples. The formation of spherulitic structure was observed at 105 °C in samples with 30 % PVAc, 30 % EVA and PEG. Reducing the cooling rate to 1 °C/min at non-isothermal crystallization had nearly no effect on the crystallization process of the most samples; the content of crystalline phase increased in the samples containing PBAT and PEG, which revealed double melting peak during subsequent heating. The crystalline fraction was the most significantly affected by the addition of PEG. All added polymers except PVAc affected the mechanical properties; PBAT, PCL, EVA and PEG increased the strain and decreased the strength and modulus of elasticity. The samples containing monosodium citrate showed unsatisfactory mechanical properties and could not be measured. The samples containing higher concentration of EVA copolymer showed the phase separation.
531. Vliv okolních podmínek na recyklaci solárních modulů
- Author
Jandová, Kristýna, Vaněk, Jiří, Langer, Filip, Jandová, Kristýna, Vaněk, Jiří, and Langer, Filip
- Abstract
Práce je soustředěna na experimenty, jejichž cílem je oddělit ochranné sklo z tenkovrstvého solárního modulu. To by mohlo vést k méně nákladné a více účinné recyklaci. Oddělení skla se snažíme dosáhnout roztavením ethylen vinyl acetátové fólie, která v modulu slouží jako izolace a pojivo. Experimenty probíhají ve vysokoteplotní sušičce a vysokoteplotní vakuové peci na vzorcích tenkovrstvého solárního modulu, který byl za účely experimentů nařezán vodním paprskem na stejně velké vzorky. Prvotní experimenty v sušičce a vakuové peci se snaží najít hodnotu tavení ethylen vinyl acetátu v testovaných vzorcích modulu. Tato hodnota je postupným měřením určena na 340 °C. Při vystavení této teplotě dojde k dostatečnému roztavení ethylen vinyl acetátu natolik, aby bylo možno sklo minimální fyzickou silou odebrat. Proces je doprovázen destrukcí hořením tedlarové vrstvy a tvorbou zplodin. Po určení teploty tání následují pokusy ve vakuu a dusíkové atmosféře, jejichž cílem je zjistit, jak se projeví na tavení ethylen vinyl acetátu. Vystavení vzorku teplotě 340 °C ve vakuu nevedlo k novým výsledkům. Vystavení vzorku teplotě 340 °C v dusíkové atmosféře předešlo hoření a dosáhlo stejného roztavení ethylen vinyl acetátu a způsobilo menší množství uvolněných zplodin. Ačkoliv nedošlo k hoření, tedlarová vrstva byla vysokou teplotou opět zničena. Dále se části vypařeného ethylen vinyl acetátu usadily na povrchu vzorku ve formě poprachu. Další experimenty pozorovaly nasákavost modulu a vliv dostupných rozpouštědel na proces tavení. Bylo zjištěno, že modul je schopen nasáknout přibližně 2 % acetonu, 0,4 % isopropyl alkoholu a 0,11 % destilované vody v poměru k vlastní hmotnosti. Měření rozpouštědly nasáklých modulů ve vakuové peci neprokázaly rozdíly v procesu tavení. Pozorování vzorků ethylen vinyl acetátu z modulu, rozteklé z modulu po pokusu ve vakuové peci a z poprachu usazeném na povrchu modulu po měření v dusíkové atmosféře prokázalo, že odebraný poprach je skutečně ethylen vinyl ac, This thesis is focused on experiments, goal of which is to separate protective glass apart from thin layer solar panel. This could lead to less expensive and more efficient recycling. We try to achieve the separation of the glass by thawing ethylene vinyl acetate layer, which serves as insulant and bonding material. Experiments are concluded in high temperature dryer and high temperature vacuum oven on samples of thin layer solar panel, which is for the purposes of experiments cut into same pieces by water jet cutting machine. The initiatory experiments in dryer and oven are to determine value of ethylene vinyl acetate thaw point in tested samples of panel. The thaw point is determined to be 340 °C. When exposed to this temperature, the ethylene vinyl acetate thaws enough for glass to be able to be extracted with minimal physical strength. The process is accompanied by fire destruction of tedlar layer and creation of exhaust gases. Following experiments in vacuum and nitrogen environment are to test their influence on thawing process. Exposing sample to temperature of 340 °C in vacuum led to no new results. Exposing sample to temperature of 340 °C in nitrogen environment prevented fire and achieved same level of thawing of ethylene vinyl acetate while creating less exhaust gases. Even though the fire was prevented, tedlar layer was still destroyed by the high temperature. Furthermore, particles of evaporated ethylene vinyl acetate condensed on surface of module in form of dust. Following experiments studied absorption of panel and influence of accessible solvents on thawing process. It was determined that panel is able to absorb approximately 2 % of acetone, 0,4 % of isopropyl alcohol and 0,11 % of distilled water in its own weight. Experiments with modules soaked in these solvents proved no new results in thawing process. By observing samples of ethylene vinyl acetate taken from module, thawed out of module after experiment in vacuum oven and dust condensed on surf
532. Krystalizace dvousložkových směsí polylaktidu a jejich morfologie
- Author
Bálková, Radka, Poláček, Petr, Debnáriková, Michaela, Bálková, Radka, Poláček, Petr, and Debnáriková, Michaela
- Abstract
Diplomová práca sa zaoberá vplyvom polyvinylacetátu, polykaprolaktonu, poly(butylén-adipát-ko-tereftalátu) a mastenca, etylénvinylacetátu, polyetylénglykolu a citranu monosodného na tokové vlastnosti, mechanické vlastnosti a kryštalizačnú schopnosť PLA. Tokové vlastnosti boli študované pomocou indexu toku taveniny a mechanické vlastnosti pomocou ťahovej skúšky. Kryštalinita a kryštalizácia materiálov bola skúmaná pomocou diferenčnej kompenzačnej kalorimetrie a na polarizačnom optickom mikroskope s vyhrievaným stolíkom. Izotermická kryštalizácia bola sledovaná pri teplote 95 a 105 °C po dobu 3 h a neizotermická kryštalizácia bola meraná na kalorimetre pri dvoch rýchlostiach chladenia (1 a 10 °C/min). Pri izotermickej kryštalizácií pri 95 °C bol pozorovaný vznik hustejšej kryštalickej štruktúry a u väčšiny vzoriek došlo k navýšeniu kryštalického podielu. Vznik sférolitickej štruktúry bol pozorovaný pri 105 °C u vzoriek s 30 % PVAc, 30 % EVA a PEG. Zníženie rýchlosti chladenia na 1 °C/min pri neizotermickej kryštalizácií nemalo na kryštalizáciu väčšiny vzoriek výrazný vplyv; k zvýšeniu kryšalického podielu došlo len u vzoriek s PBAT a PEG, u ktorých sa následné topenie prejavilo dvojitým píkom. Kryštalický podiel bol najvýraznejšie ovplyvnený prídavkom PEG. Všetky pridané zmesné zložky okrem PVAc ovplyvnili mechanické vlastnosti; PBAT, PCL, EVA a PEG zvýšili ťažnosť a znížili pevnosť a modul pružnosti. Ako najproblematickejší sa ukázal citran monosodný, pričom vzorky ktoré ho obsahovali nebolo možné podrobiť meraniu, kvôli vysokej krehkosti. Ako problematické sa tiež prejavili vzorky s vyššou koncentráciou kopolyméru EVA u ktorých došlo k jeho odmiešaniu., Master thesis deals with the influence of polyvinylacetate, polycaprolactone, poly(butylene-adipate-co-terephtalate) and talc, ethylenevinylacetate, polyethylene glycol and monosodium citrate on the flow properties, mechanical properties and crystallization ability of PLA. The flow properties were studied using the melt flow index and mechanical properties were studied using a tensile test. The crystallinity was studied by differential scanning calorimetry and on a polarization optical microscope equipped with hot stage. Isothermal crystallization was performed at 95 and 105 °C for 3 h and non-isothermal crystallization was performed with a calorimeter at two cooling rates (1 and 10 °C/min). Upon the isothermal crystallization at 95 °C, the formation of denser crystalline structure was observed and the content of crystalline phase increased in most of the samples. The formation of spherulitic structure was observed at 105 °C in samples with 30 % PVAc, 30 % EVA and PEG. Reducing the cooling rate to 1 °C/min at non-isothermal crystallization had nearly no effect on the crystallization process of the most samples; the content of crystalline phase increased in the samples containing PBAT and PEG, which revealed double melting peak during subsequent heating. The crystalline fraction was the most significantly affected by the addition of PEG. All added polymers except PVAc affected the mechanical properties; PBAT, PCL, EVA and PEG increased the strain and decreased the strength and modulus of elasticity. The samples containing monosodium citrate showed unsatisfactory mechanical properties and could not be measured. The samples containing higher concentration of EVA copolymer showed the phase separation.
533. Novel Barriers to Prevent Dogwood Borer (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) and Rodent Damage in Apple Plantings
- Author
Agnello, Arthur M., Kain, David P., Gardner, Jeffrey, Curtis, Paul D., Ashdown, Michael L., and Hoffmann, Michael P.
- Published
- 2014
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
534. Physical Barriers to Prevent Dogwood Borer (Lepidoptera: Sesiidae) Infestation of Apple Burrknots
- Author
Kain, David P., Hoffmann, Michael P., Gardner, Jeffery, and Agnello, Arthur
- Published
- 2010
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
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