497 results on '"Cruz, José Luis"'
Search Results
452. Factores de riesgo asociados a la selección de vía de parto en cesárea previa Hospital Nacional Docente Madre Niño San Bartolomé 2010-2015
- Author
Garnique Arias, Luis Emilio and Pacheco de la Cruz, José Luis
- Subjects
Parto vaginal después de cesárea ,618.2 - Obstetricia ,Oxitocina/uso terapéutico ,Cesárea - Abstract
TEXTO COMPLETO NO AUTORIZADO POR EL AUTOR Estudia los factores de riesgo asociados a la selección de vía de parto en cesárea previa en el Hospital Nacional Docente Madre Niño San Bartolomé. Al determinar los factores de riesgo podemos enfocar la vía del parto de manera correcta y no someter a procedimientos innecesarios a las gestantes con antecedentes de cesárea previa. Varios estudios reportan que la proporción de ruptura uterina y complicaciones perinatales en una mujer con cesárea segmentaria transversa, es menor que en pacientes sometidas a cesárea corporal; además, que el costo del tratamiento y la estancia hospitalaria es significativamente menor en mujeres sometidas a parto eutócico posterior a una cesárea previa. En consecuencia, es necesario evaluar si en nuestro medio hospitalario el manejo de estas pacientes tiene correlación con lo observado en otras realidades. Además, los resultados del estudio se obtendrá datos válidos y confiables acerca de los factores de riesgo asociados al parto eutócico en gestantes con cesárea anterior lo que constituirá un precedente y guía a los trabajadores de salud para definir estrategias con la finalidad de tener mayor información y manejo acerca de los parámetros y prevenir que se presenten secuelas reduciendo las complicaciones y muertes maternas logrando mejorar el trato que se da al paciente y a su familia.
- Published
- 2017
453. Manual cut of sugar cane in the sugar cane agroindustry of Campos dos Goytacazes: the perspective of the workers in the suagar cane crops and the perspective of the local written press
- Author
Fonseca, Paola Barros de Faria, Iamamoto, Marilda Villela, Almeida, Ney Luiz Teixeira de, and Cruz, José Luis Vianna da
- Subjects
Trabalhadores da agroindústria açucareira Campos de Goytacazes (RJ) ,Local written press ,Agroindústria Canavieira Campista ,Superexploração do trabalho ,CIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::SERVICO SOCIAL [CNPQ] ,Cana de açúcar Cultivo Condições sociais ,Agroindústria canavieira Campos de Goytacazes (RJ) ,Public fund dependency ,Dependência do fundo público ,Imprensa escrita local ,Labor overexploitation ,Invisibilidade do trabalho ,Labor invisibility - Abstract
Submitted by Boris Flegr (boris@uerj.br) on 2021-01-07T19:10:32Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao - Paola Barros de Faria Fonseca.pdf: 1389459 bytes, checksum: 6a3f1d37afa79d9ba805bbe51f6b5b31 (MD5) Made available in DSpace on 2021-01-07T19:10:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao - Paola Barros de Faria Fonseca.pdf: 1389459 bytes, checksum: 6a3f1d37afa79d9ba805bbe51f6b5b31 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-04-12 Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior The aim of this dissertation is to give visibility to the working and living conditions the people who work in sugar cane plantations, manually cutting it, are exposed to in Campos dos Goytacazes. It s intended to indentify, through theorical and field research, how the production and the reproduction of the sugar cane industry is held in Campos dos Goytacazes, where this industry has historically suffered public interventions due to precarious working conditions and relations. The emphasis of this study is on work exploitation, bringing to lighit the life conditions of workers, and the contradictions built by capitalist processes and relations. Other important points are the interaction of this economy sector with money which come from the public fund, and that receive payments which are mediated by the State, the degrading relations in the sugar cane plantations, and the political and ideological role of the local written press, which deals with matters related to work, without revealing them, since they hide the terrible work conditions the workers are exposed to. Esta dissertação tem o propósito de dar visibilidade as condições de vida e de trabalho dos cortadores manuais de cana-de-açúcar, que exercem sua atividade no município de Campos dos Goytacazes. Busca-se identificar, a partir de pesquisa teórica e de campo, como se realiza a produção e a reprodução da agroindústria canavieira campista, historicamente marcada pela intervenção pública e por relações de trabalho precárias. A ênfase recai no estudo sobre a exploração do trabalho, trazendo a vivência dos trabalhadores safristas e as contradições construídas pelos processos e relações de trabalho capitalista. Aborda-se a interação desse setor da economia com os recursos provenientes do fundo público, cujos repasses mediados pelo Estado convivem com relações degradantes encontradas nos canaviais e o papel político-ideológico da imprensa escrita local, que trata questões relacionadas ao trabalho, sem, no entanto, as desvelar, uma vez que silenciam as condições de reprodução às quais a classe trabalhadora está submetida.
- Published
- 2016
454. Etiología bacteriana y sensibilidad antibiótica en neutropenia febril Hospital Guillermo Almenara 2014 - 2016
- Author
Altamirano Molina, Milagros Anahais and Pacheco de la Cruz, José Luis
- Subjects
616.15 - Hematología ,Bacteriemia ,Neutropenia febril ,Enfermedades hematológicas - Abstract
Determina los principales agentes bacterianos así como la susceptibilidad antimicrobiana en pacientes adultos con enfermedades hematológicas y neutropenia febril hospitalizados en el servicio de hematología desde el 2014 al 2016. La investigación es de tipo cuantitativo, retrospectivo, observacional, transversal, descriptivo y analítico. La población está conformada por todos los pacientes adultos con enfermedades hematológicas del Hospital Guillermo Almenara que cursaron con neutropenia febril asociada a bacteriemia. El tipo de muestreo será probabilístico y la técnica de muestreo será el muestreo aleatorio por conglomerado. Para el procesamiento y análisis de datos se solicitaron permisos respectivos al área de estadística para tener acceso a las historias clínicas de pacientes que cumplían con los requisitos de inclusión. Se obtuvo los siguientes datos: nombre, edad, diagnóstico, número de historia clínica, condición del paciente (debut, continuador o recaído), tiempo de neutropenia y características del germen aislado en sangre (tinción gram, productores de betalactamasa, sensibilidad antibiótica). Finalmente, los datos recopilados serán ingresados en una base de datos para su posterior análisis. Preliminarmente, se realizará un control de calidad de la base de datos a través de la consistenciación y depuración. Las variables categóricas serán expresadas mediante frecuencias absolutas y relativas. Las variables numéricas serán expresadas mediante medidas de tendencia central y de dispersión, dependiendo la distribución de los datos. Asimismo, un modelo de regresión logística será construido para analizar las variables asociadas al desarrollo de neutropenia febril.
- Published
- 2016
455. Riesgo coronario en hipertensión arterial sistólica del adulto con factores de riesgo prevalentes Hospital Carlos Lanfranco La Hoz 2016
- Author
Lecca Revilla, Nuvia Colett and Pacheco de la Cruz, José Luis
- Subjects
Enfermedades cardiovasculares ,Hipertensión pulmonar - Abstract
Determina el riesgo coronario en hipertensión arterial sistólica del adulto con factores de riesgo prevalentes en los pacientes del Hospital Carlos Lanfranco La Hoz durante el año 2016. La presente investigación busca forjar programas de promoción y prevención sobre riesgo coronario no solo para el departamento de cardiología sino además para el departamento de medicina interna; debido a que ambos servicios son los que hacen carga y cuidado de todos los pacientes que tienen ya sea la condición de hipertensión arterial como también los factores que generan enfermedades cardiovasculares. Se busca por tanto implementar programas de salud dirigidos a detener y modificar factores de riesgo a bajo costo y que puedan traducirse en mejora de la calidad de vida del paciente pero también en el progreso de la salud de nuestra población reflejada en los indicadores de salud.
- Published
- 2016
456. Factores de riesgo asociados a complicaciones de pancreatitis aguda biliar Hospital Nacional Sergio E. Bernales 2015
- Author
Lamas Abad, Cristina Yolanda and Pacheco de la Cruz, José Luis
- Subjects
Pancreatitis/complicaciones ,Pancreatitis/mortalidad ,Pancreatitis/diagnóstico - Abstract
En la actualidad, la pancreatitis aguda constituye uno de los problemas de salud pública que amerita de un diagnóstico temprano para así dar un manejo oportuno, permitiendo de esta manera: limitar el desarrollo de complicaciones, disminuir la tasa de morbilidad, reducir el número de incapacidades temporales y permanentes e incluso la muerte. Como bien se dijo, la pancreatitis aguda es una de las entidades más frecuentes tanto en nuestro medio local, nacional y mundial, el cual se produce debido a la inflamación aguda del páncreas el cual puede limitarse y así seguir con los estados de reparación y cicatrización o por otro lado llegar a producirse una respuesta inflamatoria sistémica, afectando de esta manera el sistema circulatorio, respiratorio y renal; produciéndose de esta manera fallo multiorgánico y aumentar por ende su mortalidad. Es por este motivo que el diagnóstico de esta patología debe ser dado de manera temprana; ya que es de nuestro conocimiento que la evolución de esta enfermedad presenta gran variabilidad clínica en cuanto a las distribuciones por edad, sexo y etiología. Tanto la información de la epidemiologia como de las características clínicas de los pacientes con pancreatitis aguda grave provienen de otros países. Es por este motivo que sería importante y de mucha utilidad disponer de información que nos permita valorar la asociación entre los factores de riesgo que pueda tener cada paciente con pancreatitis aguda y el desarrollo de las complicaciones de ésta en nuestro país.
- Published
- 2016
457. Resistencia antibiótica en urocultivos de los pacientes de consultorios externos en Hospital Sergio Bernales 2010 - 2015
- Author
Rojas Rodríguez, Jorge Enrique and Pacheco de la Cruz, José Luis
- Subjects
616.6 - Enfermedades del sistema urogenital ,Atención ambulatoria ,Farmacorresistencia microbiana ,Infecciones urinarias - Abstract
Las infecciones urinarias representan una de las patologías más frecuentes en la población adulta. Su prevalencia se incrementa con la edad debido a factores propios del huésped relacionados con los mecanismos defensivos. E. Coli es el germen que se aísla con más frecuencia en las infecciones urinarias independientemente del sexo y la edad. La mayoría de casos se presenta en la población femenina y se calcula que el 60% tendrá un episodio de infección urinaria al menos una vez en su vida. El diagnóstico muchas veces se realiza en base a los criterios clínicos y el tratamiento se realiza de manera empírica según la resistencia de la comunidad, esto debido a que los cultivos de orina y antibiogramas suelen demorar entre 48 a 72 horas. Se recomienda que para prescribir un tratamiento antibiótico, las tasas de resistencia sean inferiores al 20%, el no hacerlo conlleva un incremento de la morbilidad, mayor estancia hospitalaria y coste.
- Published
- 2016
458. Resultados de la biopsia pleural a ciegas con aguja abrams en el Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins en el año 2016
- Author
Rocha Mujica, Claudia Maribel and Pacheco de la Cruz, José Luis
- Subjects
Neoplasias pleurales ,Biopsia con aguja ,Enfermedades pleurales - Abstract
Describe cuál es el resultado de las biopsias pleurales a ciegas con aguja Abrams en el Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins durante el año 2016. El estudio es de enfoque cualitativo, descriptivo, retrospectivo, transversal, observacional y de estadística descriptiva. La población son los pacientes atendidos en el Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins, ya sea ambulatorios, de emergencia u hospitalizados, con derrame pleural, a los cuales se le realizaron el procedimiento de biopsia pleural a ciegas con aguja Abrams en el servicio de neumología. Para la recolección de datos del procedimiento se utilizaran los registros de procedimientos del servicio de neumología y las historias clínicas de los pacientes del Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins. Para medir los resultados del procedimiento se revisaran los informes de anatomía patológica del Hospital Nacional Edgardo Rebagliati Martins. Finalmente, la información se procesara mediante una matriz de datos.
- Published
- 2016
459. Tratamiento de la presbicia con lente intraocular multifocal
- Author
Izquierdo Villavicencio, Luis Oswaldo and Pacheco de la Cruz, José Luis
- Subjects
617.7 - Oftalmología ,Lentes intraoculares ,Baja visión ,Cristalino - Abstract
Objetivo: Evaluar los resultados visuales y la satisfacción de los pacientes présbitas después de cirugía de extracción de cristalino con implante de lente intraocular (LIO) multifocal. Métodos: Este estudio prospectivo involucró 224 pacientes con diagnóstico de catarata que se les realizó cirugía de catarata y se les implantó LIO multifocal Tecnis en el Instituto de Ojos Oftalmosalud, entre los años 2009 y 2010. Los criterios de inclusión fueron tener una agudeza visual con corrección (AVCC) mayor a 0.3 LogMAR, astigmatismo preoperatorio menor a 1,5 Dioptrías (D), contaje endotelial mayor o igual a 1500 cel/mm2 y no tener otra patología ocular diferente que catarata. Todos los pacientes fueron evaluados en el postoperatorio en los siguientes parámetros: Agudeza visual sin corrección (AVSC) y con corrección (AVCC), satisfacción del paciente por medio del llenado de una encuesta (independencia al uso de gafas, existencia de halos o “glare”, satisfacción visual general). Resultados: La AVSC y AVCC para visión lejana fue 0.08 LogMAR y 0.03 LogMAR, respectivamente. Hubo diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre el pre y postoperatorio para la agudeza visual cercana y lejana (p < .001 and P = 0.04 respectivamente). 174 pacientes (80.18%) alcanzaron Jaeger 1 ó 2 para la visión cercana. El 100% de los pacientes tuvieron una agudeza visual para cerca de Jaeger 3 o mejor. El grado de independencia al uso de las gafas fue de 93,02% La incidencia de aparición de “glare” o halos fue de 5.99% en total. Conclusiones: Los lentes intraoculares multifocales son seguros y eficaces para restaurar la agudeza visual lejana y cercana, luego de la cirugía de extracción de cristalino, consiguiendo un grado elevado de satisfacción de los pacientes.
- Published
- 2016
460. Factores asociados a excesiva somnolencia diurna en pacientes con epilepsia en el Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza 2016-2017
- Author
Dueñas Cespedes, Nelly Felicitas and Pacheco de la Cruz, José Luis
- Subjects
Síndromes epilépticos ,Trastornos de somnolencia excesiva ,616.8 - Neurología - Abstract
Determina los factores asociados a la excesiva somnolencia diurna en pacientes con diagnóstico de epilepsia en el Hospital Nacional Arzobispo Loayza durante los meses de abril a diciembre de 2015. Los resultados del presente trabajo permitirá dar información confiable que aún no se tiene acerca de pacientes con diagnóstico de epilepsia y de los factores que se asocian a excesiva somnolencia diurna, permitiendo al personal de salud tomar medidas preventivas evitando secuelas, a su vez mejorar la calidad de vida del paciente. De esta manera se dará mejor atención al paciente y a la familia.
- Published
- 2016
461. Incidencia de cetoacidosis en pacientes con diabetes mellitus 2 Hospital Nacional Sergio E. Bernales 2016
- Author
Espinoza Villar, Erika Solange and Pacheco de la Cruz, José Luis
- Subjects
Diabetes mellitus tipo 2 ,Cetoacidosis diabética - Abstract
Determina la incidencia de cetoacidosis en pacientes con diabetes mellitus 2 del Hospital Nacional Sergio E. Bernales 2016. Este estudio es de suma importancia debido a la alta incidencia, posibles consecuencias y discapacidad que pueden presentar los pacientes con diabetes mellitus. Es necesario tener la capacidad para reconocer y resolver los problemas que llegan a la emergencia, y también es importante estar interesados para solucionar problemas intelectuales y convertirlo en un objetivo importante de enseñanza superior; la meta suprema es el desarrollo de la capacidad de pensar y resolver, esto significa, tomar autonomía de resoluciones inteligentes. Estas enfermedades metabólicas agudas por lo general se presentan en el servicio de emergencia, en el servicio de hospitalización, en comunidades o lugares que puedan brindar atención medica sustentando lo aprendido con un buen método educativo. La habilidad para darle solución a un problema, no es innato que se desarrolle en forma natural o que simplemente ocurra de manera espontánea. No existe un mejor sustituto de aprendizaje que la experiencia que realiza uno mismo, es importante enfrentarse a los problemas, reconocer las fallas y por ultimo tener el conocimiento para darle solución a la situación planteada.
- Published
- 2016
462. Influencia de obesidad infantil en la severidad de crisis asmática emergencia pediátrica Hospital Sergio E. Bernales 2016
- Author
Sifuentes Mota, Massiel Jane and Pacheco de la Cruz, José Luis
- Subjects
Asma ,Obesidad infantil ,Estado asmático - Abstract
Determina la influencia de la obesidad infantil en la severidad de la crisis asmática en la emergencia pediátrica del hospital Sergio E. Bernales. Resulta importante identificar a los pacientes pediátricos con sobrepeso para prevenir su progresión hacia la obesidad debido a la creciente elevación de la incidencia en la población infantil. La obesidad infantil ha sido considerada una epidemia a nivel mundial y es un factor de riesgo modificable para otras enfermedades, es de por sí una condición que disminuye la respuesta de la caja torácica frente a la crisis asmática, por ello es de vital importancia evitarla ya que representa un problema de salud pública.
- Published
- 2016
463. Prevalencia de violencia familiar en niños de seis a doce años con trastorno de déficit de atención e hiperactividad Hospital Nacional Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen 2016
- Author
Palomino Oré, Candy and Pacheco de la Cruz, José Luis
- Subjects
Violencia doméstica ,Maltrato a los niños ,Trastorno por déficit de atención con hiperactividad - Abstract
Determina la prevalencia de violencia familiar en niños de 6 a 12 años con trastorno de déficit de atención e hiperactividad en el Hospital Nacional Guillermo Almenara Irigoyen en el periodo comprendido entre 2016-2017. El trastorno por déficit de atención e hiperactividad es el principal motivo de consulta por lo que sus tasas de prevalencia e incidencia son altas y es necesario establecer un tratamiento adecuado y oportuno de dicho trastorno identificando cualquier causalidad que pueda retrasar su tratamiento, entre las cuales esta la violencia familiar, tanto de manera activa como pasiva. Este estudio tiene como objetivo identificar estas causales de retraso del tratamiento.
- Published
- 2016
464. Complicaciones de los catéteres temporales en los pacientes crónicos ingresados por emergencia a hemodiálisis Hospital Hipólito Unanue 2015-2016
- Author
Portilla Montalvo, Mileva Priciliana and Pacheco de la Cruz, José Luis
- Subjects
Insuficiencia renal crónica ,616.61 - Nefrología ,Catéteres venosos centrales ,Diálisis renal - Abstract
Determina las principales complicaciones por el uso de catéteres venosos centrales temporales, en pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica terminal que ingresan por emergencia a hemodiálisis, en el Hospital Nacional Hipólito Únanue 2015-2016. El objetivo de este estudio es contribuir al mejor manejo de los dispositivos de acceso vascular central colocación de catéteres, ya sean estos temporales o permanentes. Fue una investigación de tipo observacional retrospectivo, que se llevó a cabo durante cinco años en 260 pacientes en el hospital de Madrid en su unidad nefrológica. Se observó un gran aumento de la morbimortalidad en los pacientes nefrópatas que se encontraban en hemodiálisis, y que eran portadores de catéteres venosos centrales temporales. Concluyeron, que en la actualidad el número de pacientes que dializa a través de un catéter temporal, es superior a la de los accesos permanentes.
- Published
- 2015
465. El financiamiento de los partidos políticos en México : donaciones y aportaciones
- Author
Martínez Cárdenas, Tania Modesta and Velasco Cruz, José Luis
- Subjects
Ciencias Sociales - Published
- 2015
466. La calidad de la participación en los consejos consultivos, estudio comparativo entre dos casos mexicanos en el periodo 2011-2014
- Author
Aguirre García, Yolanda, Gutiérrez, Natividad, Velasco Cruz, José Luis, and Ordóñez Díaz, María de Jésus
- Subjects
Ciencias Sociales - Published
- 2015
467. El control del poder público sobre los tomadores de decisiones en la inteligencia civil mexicana: los ámbitos federales de seguridad pública, procuración de justicia y seguridad nacional, 2006-2012
- Author
Sánchez Torres, Raen, Velasco Cruz, José Luis, Astorga Almanza, Luis, and Jiménez Ornelas, René
- Subjects
Ciencias Sociales - Published
- 2015
468. Social assistance, citizenship and fight against poverty: the users speeches in Campos dos Goytacazes
- Author
Silva, Leda Regina de Barros, Costa, Vanda Maria Ribeiro, Menezes, Maria Thereza Candido Gomes de, Brandão, André Augusto Pereira, Castro, Alba Tereza Barroso de, Monnerat, Giselle Lavinas, and Cruz, José Luis Vianna da
- Subjects
Assistência social ,Cidadania ,Questão social ,CIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::SERVICO SOCIAL [CNPQ] ,Social assistance ,Citizenship ,Social issues ,Pobreza Campos dos Goytacazes (RJ) ,Cidadania Campos dos Goytacazes (RJ) ,Pobreza ,Poverty ,Users ,Usuários - Abstract
Submitted by Boris Flegr (boris@uerj.br) on 2021-01-07T19:06:08Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Leda Regina.pdf: 800313 bytes, checksum: 6ca72593d8ccc96875e2a784b6ccd99c (MD5) Made available in DSpace on 2021-01-07T19:06:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese Leda Regina.pdf: 800313 bytes, checksum: 6ca72593d8ccc96875e2a784b6ccd99c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-09-24 This research relates to the analysis of the social assistance policy, its historical relation with poverty and some tendencies of the contemporary debate about its paradigms, of the social right of citizenship and of the user. The current examination of the assistance policy in Brazil, in a legal context of social rights affirmation, imposed the necessity of reflecting about the place of the citizenship rights, placing, in the center of this reflection, the rate between the priority given to poverty coping and the perspective of the social citizenship rights guarantee. The study perspective is proposed with a view to understanding the role played by users as subjects of rights.The prospect of this approach to the understanding, seek some theoretical supports in Categories rights, citizenship and relative surplus population in order to arrange them, in their contemporary conformation, from the socioeconomic profile of the users. We chose the beneficiaries of the cash transfer program Bolsa Familia in three localities in Campos dos Goytacazes / RJ, since this program takes up more than 50% of families enrolled in CadÚnico,ie, 28.985 million families are receiving the benefit, totaling more than 100,000 people in a population of 463,731,000 inhabitants. The qualitative research with 30 women-mothers, holders in the program, revealed their expectations, experiences and political positions before the healthcare field. Historical records that brought about the generations that preceded them confirm the reproduction trajectory of poverty and inequality that many were subjected to the present day. We conclude that the perception that feature on the history of his ancestors, of themselves and of the institutional apparatus of the state, reiterates the potential of their daily struggles for survival, of the established denial, confirmed by the construction of forms of relationship with social institutions of public and private policies. Even in individual perspective, their practices and daily struggles, which they call "running after", express expectations for the realization and expansion of rights. The completion of the thesis points out the reaffirmation of the historical dimension of these practices and struggles that develop on the rights and citizenship, the limits of individual perspective and the necessity of deepening political and punctual nature of social assistance policy and the fight against poverty. Este estudo volta-se para a análise da política de assistência social, sua histórica relação com a pobreza e algumas tendências do debate contemporâneo sobre seus paradigmas, do direito social de cidadania e do usuário. O exame atual da política de assistência social no Brasil, em um contexto legal de afirmação dos direitos sociais, impôs a necessidade de refletir sobre o lugar dos direitos de cidadania, colocando, no centro dessa reflexão, a relação entre a prioridade dada ao enfrentamento da pobreza e a perspectiva da garantia de direitos sociais de cidadania. A perspectiva de estudo é proposta com vistas à compreensão do lugar ocupado pelos usuários enquanto sujeitos de direitos. Para a aproximação desta compreensão, buscamos alguns suportes teóricos nas categorias direitos, cidadania e superpopulação relativa com o objetivo de pensá-las, na sua conformação contemporânea, a partir do perfil socioeconômico dos usuários. Optou-se pelos beneficiários do programa de transferência de renda Bolsa Família em três localidades do município de Campos dos Goytacazes/RJ, uma vez que este programa absorve mais de 50% das famílias cadastradas no CadÚnico, ou seja, são 28.985 mil famílias que recebem o benefício, totalizando mais de 100 mil pessoas em um universo de 463.731 mil habitantes A pesquisa qualitativa realizada com 30 mulheres-mães, titulares no programa, revelou suas expectativas, experiências e posições políticas ante o campo assistencial. Os registros históricos que trouxeram sobre as gerações que as antecederam confirmam a trajetória de reprodução da pobreza e de desigualdades diversas a que estiveram submetidas até os dias atuais. Conclui-se que a percepção que apresentam sobre a história de seus antepassados, de si mesmos e dos aparatos institucionais do Estado, reitera o potencial de suas lutas diárias pela sobrevivência, de negação do instituído, confirmado pela construção de formas próprias de relacionamento com as instituições de políticas sociais, públicas e privadas. Ainda que em perspectiva individual, suas práticas e lutas diárias, que chamam de correr atrás , expressam expectativas pela efetivação e ampliação de direitos. A finalização da tese aponta pela reafirmação da dimensão histórica dessas práticas e lutas que desenvolvem em prol dos direitos e da cidadania, os limites da perspectiva individual assim como a necessidade do aprofundamento da natureza política e pontual da política de Assistência Social como enfrentamento da pobreza.
- Published
- 2013
469. Violencia en el fútbol argentino : redes sociales y políticas estatales
- Author
D'angelo Astrada, Natalia Isabel, Luna Ledesma, Matilde, González González, Fernando, Velasco Cruz, José Luis, and Orellana Suárez, Juan Gerardo
- Subjects
Ciencias Sociales - Published
- 2012
470. Legislación del secreto bancario y su relación con el delito de hurto informático de dinero mediante la violación de claves secretas, Iquitos- 2010;
- Author
Tenorio Rojas, Juana, Tuesta Gómez, Martín, and Pacheco De La Cruz, José Luis
- Subjects
Clave Bancaria Única ,Legislación ,Secreto Bancario ,Delito Doloso ,Violación - Abstract
Secreto Bancario, es aquello que los bancos tienen cuidadosamente reservado y oculto, respecto a las operaciones pasivas realizadas por sus clientes y a la información que brindan éstos a las entidades financieras. En la actividad bancaria y financiera en general, el secreto bancario tiene una gran importancia, porque es un elemento que genera seguridad y confianza en el usuario o cliente, porque si no existiría la prohibición legal de revelar información sobre operaciones pasivas, la información sería revelada con facilidad y no solo se pondría en riesgo el patrimonio, sino la propia seguridad personal y familiar del cliente, por el mal uso de la información por parte de delincuentes, que precisamente buscan tener acceso a la información, de personas que realizan transacciones financieras, procúrando obtener números de cuenta y números de clave, para hurtar dinero. El hurto es el apoderamiento ilegítimo de una cosa mueble, total o parcialmente ajena, por medio de destreza, astucia, engaño o cualquier otro elemento semejante, que excluya el uso de la violencia fisica o amenaza en las personas, para aprovecharse de las cosas, sustrayéndola de la esfera de vigilancia de su poseedor. El objetivo principal de la investigación es determinar cómo influye la regulación de la legislación del secreto bancario en el incremento del delito de hurto informático de dinero, mediante la violación de claves secretas, en !quitos durante el 201 O. La investigación es de tipo correlacional, puesto que describirá una relación entre las dos variables en estudio, "Secreto Bancario" y "Hurto Informático de Dinero", de esta manera, la presente investigación está desarrollada en X capítulos: Finalmente, al término de la investigación se llegó a la conclusión, que existe un alto índice de hurto informático de dinero mediante la utilización de claves secretas, empleando distintas modalidades, delito que va en incremento debido a que quedan en la impunidad, siendo uno de los factores que influye en el incremento de esta modalidad delictiva, el secreto bancario, dado que no permite a las entidades financieras suministrar información inmediata a los Fiscales Provinciales, que contribuya en la investigación para la identificación y sanción a los autores de este tipo de delitos. Tesis
- Published
- 2012
471. Pobreza, desigualdad y democracia en municipios mexicanos / /tesis que para obtener el grado de Doctorado en Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, presenta Carlos Alberto Díaz González Méndez ; tutor principal de tesis René Millán Valenzuela, José Luis Velasco Cruz, Fernando Castañeda Sabido
- Author
Díaz González Méndez, Carlos Alberto sustentante., Millán, René, Velasco Cruz, José Luis, and Castañeda Sabido Fernando
- Abstract
152 páginasDoctorado en Ciencias Políticas y Sociales Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2012 Programa de Posgrado en Ciencias Políticas y Sociales
- Published
- 2012
472. Pobreza, desigualdad y democracia en municipios mexicanos
- Author
Díaz González Méndez, Carlos Alberto, Millán, René, Velasco Cruz, José Luis, and Castañeda Sabido Fernando
- Subjects
Ciencias Sociales - Published
- 2012
473. Las concepciones oficiales de la pobreza en México y Polonia dentro de las transformaciones económicas y políticas entre 1980 y 2010
- Author
ZbigniewCzarnecki , Lukasz and Velasco Cruz, José Luis
- Subjects
Ciencias Sociales - Published
- 2012
474. Desarrollo histórico-institucional de la ciencia política académica en la Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales de la UNAM : del campo de conocimiento al campo de las interacciones sociales
- Author
Gutiérrez Márquez, Enrique, Zabludovsky, Gina, Sirvent Gutiérrez, Carlos, Puga Espinoza, Cristina, Castañeda Sabido, Fernando, Andrade Carreño, Alfredo, Velasco Cruz, José Luis, and Zabludovsky Kuper, Gina
- Subjects
Ciencias Sociales - Abstract
tesis que para obtener el grado de Doctor en Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, presenta Enrique Gutiérrez Márquez ; asesor Gina Zabludovsky Kuper, Carlos Sirvent Gutiérrez, Cristina Puga Espinoza, Fernando Castañeda Sabido, Alfredo Andrade Carreño, José Luis Velasco Cruz. 427 páginas : ilustraciones. Doctorado en Ciencias Políticas y Sociales UNAM, Facultad de Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, 2011
- Published
- 2011
475. Las reformas en el bachillerato general de Veracruz : el inglés como un estudio de caso (comparativo en procesos de selectividad a la Universidad Veracruzana 2002-2006)
- Author
Uscanga Méndez, Denisse and Velasco Cruz, José Luis
- Subjects
Se analizan los efectos que produce la agenda de trabajo de las instituciones públicas de educación media superior, en especial las referidas al bachillerato general en Veracruz, en el marco de las políticas educativas, traducidas como la Reforma Integral en todas sus modalidades, en los planos curriculares y de gestión, para lo cual se pone como nodo de análisis la formación que se oferta del inglés dentro de este nivel-modalidades en función de los indicadores de selectividad proporcionados por la Universidad Veracruzana. Capítulo I: El bachillerato general en Veracruz. -- Capítulo II: Teorías y perspectivas político-educativas en la educación media. -- Capítulo III. Una mirada hacia las políticas públicas en el bachillerato general. -- Capítulo IV: Una aproximación a la evidencia. -- Capítulo V: Análisis de resultados
- Published
- 2011
476. La descentralización educativa en México : la integración de los subsistemas estatal regular y transferido en Guanajuato y San Luis Potosí
- Author
Preciado Ruiz, Víctor Manuel and Velasco Cruz, José Luis
- Subjects
La descentralización educativa en México es un proceso inconcluso, antes porque era un ámbito de gobierno federal, ahora por las dificultades que representa la transferencia en el orden político y laboral. También es inconclusa porque al transferir la educación básica y normal a los estados no se ha logrado la integración de los dos subsistemas en los estados que cuentan con ellos. El trabajo analiza los avances del proceso de integración de los subsistemas de educación básica en Guanajuato y San Luis Potosí; así como las causas de las diferencias y similitudes en los dos procesos; las consecuencias que los avances y deficiencias en la integración tienen para la calidad del servicio educativo. Capítulo 1. Algunas consideraciones teóricas y metodológicas. -- Capítulo 2. Los orígenes y objetivos de la descentralización educativa. -- Capítulo 3. La integración de los subsistemas de educación básica en Guanajuato y San Luis Potosí. -- Capítulo 4. Impacto de la integración educativa y de la no integración
- Published
- 2011
477. Desigualdades regionais, disparidades de renda e condições sociais: uma análise dos estados da região Sudeste
- Author
Barreto, Maria Claudia Gonçalves, Martins, Humberto Eduardo de Paula, Neder, Henrique Dantas, and Cruz, José Luis Vianna da
- Subjects
Região sudeste ,Brasil, Sudeste Disparidades regionais ,Disparidades de renda ,Brasil - Condições econômicas Disparidades regionais ,Desigualdades regionais ,CIENCIAS SOCIAIS APLICADAS::ECONOMIA [CNPQ] - Abstract
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior The historical conditions and economic decentralization process led to a strong regional disparity in levels of per capita income and living conditions among Brazilian regions, especially between Southeast, Northeast and South Brazil. The aim of this study is to analyze the regional decentralization of productive activities and their relation to income disparities and social conditions in Brazil. To do so is considered in the first part of this work the question of regional inequalities in Brazil through the issue of inheritance concentrated and the polarization of the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo (MASP) and the reversal of the polarization. Will later be analyzed the process of regional decentralization in Brazil as well as the factors and impacts of regional devolution, through the production structure and foreign trade in the regions. In the third part will be analyzed through inter-regional concentration of GDP growth between states and regions provided by the site of the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) and IPEADATA, aiming to make subsequently, an analysis of the dynamics of concentration inter - among the regional states in the Southeast Region with social indicators. Finally it will be shown, the second selected states, the evolution of some social indicators provided by the Atlas of Human Development (1991 - 2000) and the IPEADATA (2001 2006). Will be made in the final associations between economic growth and social disparities, and to evaluate how different growth rates affect the selected states. As condições históricas e o processo de desconcentração econômica regional levaram a uma forte disparidade nos níveis de renda per capita e de condições de vida entre as regiões brasileiras, especialmente entre o Sudeste, o Nordeste e o Sul do Brasil. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a desconcentração regional das atividades produtivas e sua relação com as disparidades de renda e condições sociais no Brasil. Para isso será analisada na primeira parte deste trabalho a questão das desigualdades regionais no Brasil passando pela questão da herança concentradora e da polarização da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP) e pela reversão da sua polarização. Posteriormente serão analisados o processo de desconcentração regional no Brasil assim como os fatores e os impactos da desconcentração regional, passando pela estrutura produtiva e pelo comércio exterior nas regiões brasileiras. Na terceira parte será analisado a concentração inter-regional através da evolução do PIB entre Estados e Regiões disponibilizada pelo site do Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE) e do IPEADATA, com o objetivo de fazer, posteriormente, uma análise sobre a dinâmica da concentração inter regional entre os Estados da Região Sudeste com os indicadores sociais. Por fim será mostrada, segundo Estados selecionados, a evolução de alguns índices sociais disponibilizados pelo Atlas do Desenvolvimento Humano (1991 2000) e pelo IPEADATA (2001 2006). Serão feitas nas considerações finais associações entre o crescimento econômico e as disparidades sociais, procurando avaliar como diferentes ritmos de crescimento afetam os Estados selecionados. Mestre em Economia
- Published
- 2010
478. La legislación de drogas en México y su impacto en la situación carcelaria y los derechos humanos
- Author
Hernández Pontón, Ana Paula and Velasco Cruz, José Luis
- Subjects
A pesar de que la relación entre la prohibición y penalización de las drogas y el aumento de la población carcelaria en el mundo ha sido afirmada por diversos académicos y organizaciones, esta relación no ha sido investigada en el caso concreto de México. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar cuál ha sido el impacto de la legislación que regula los delitos vinculados con drogas en la situación carcelaria del país y en los derechos humanos de la gente encarcelada por dichos delitos. 1. Contexto del problema de las drogas en México. -- 2. Estructura Institucional del sistema de control de drogas en México. -- 3. Desarrollo histórico de la legislación mexicana en materia de drogas. -- 4. La legislación actual de drogas en México. -- 5. La situación carcelaria en México. -- 6. Población carcelaria por delitos contra la salud en México
- Published
- 2010
479. Gobernanza y nuevo federalismo
- Author
Amador Leal, Narcizo Alberto and Velasco Cruz, José Luis
- Subjects
Ciencias Sociales - Published
- 2010
480. COVID and consumers' food strategies in Madrid, Spain: Towards a resilient city-region food system approach.
- Author
Cruz JL, González-Azcárate M, Hewitt RJ, Hernández-Jiménez V, and Bardají I
- Abstract
Lockdowns, restrictions on people's movements and gatherings, and other COVID-19 containment measures have had economic, social, and environmental effects. The pandemic resulted in major disruption to food systems, highlighting serious weaknesses in the way such systems are currently configured. However, the pandemic also created important opportunities to develop transformative actions enabling the creation of more resilient and sustainable food systems. In this paper, we delve more deeply into the strategies developed by consumers, as key stakeholders in the food system, through an in-depth survey and statistical analysis of changes in consumers' habits during the pandemic lockdowns. We adopt a city-region food system (CRFS) approach to explore ways to enhance food system resilience to future crises. Data were collected through a telephone survey of a representative sample (600 consumers), conducted in the region of Madrid in May 2021. First, descriptive analyses allowed different consumer strategies to be identified. Differences in food preferences and behaviour changes between individuals in the sample were analysed by age, gender, income, and level of education using exponential family Principal Component Analysis (EPCA), logistic regression, and Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA). Lastly, Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was applied to classify the consumer strategies into four discrete profiles. The findings show significant differences in consumers' responses according to age, income, and level of education. Additionally, the results highlight increased consumption of local and organic products, and online shopping, as typical strategies employed by consumers to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. In this context, alternative food networks were shown to play a key role in enhancing food security. Interestingly, no significant differences were found between urban and rural areas. Our discussion addresses this apparent homogeneity in consumers' habits from a resilient CRFS approach., Competing Interests: The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper., (© 2024 The Authors.)
- Published
- 2024
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481. [Erythrocyte morphological alterations as predictors of kidney injury severity].
- Author
Cruz-Balbuena A, Piedras-Reyes L, Sánchez-Serrano JC, Meneses-Angel M, Rubio-Cruz JL, and Fernández-Rivera AY
- Subjects
- Humans, Cross-Sectional Studies, Female, Male, Prospective Studies, Middle Aged, Aged, Adult, Erythrocytes pathology, Prognosis, Renal Insufficiency, Chronic blood, Renal Insufficiency, Chronic diagnosis, Renal Insufficiency, Chronic pathology, Severity of Illness Index
- Abstract
Background: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is characterized by decreased renal function. Detecting and treating CKD in its early stages is essential for prognosis and use of less invasive renal treatments. CKD can manifest with different markers of renal damage. However, few studies evaluate the presence of erythrocyte morphological changes in the peripheral blood of patients with CKD., Objective: To evaluate the correlation between erythrocyte morphological changes and KDIGO stage as a predictor of the severity of renal damage., Material and Methods: A descriptive, prospective, cross-sectional, and correlational study of patients admitted between March and April 2023. Qualitative variables were reported as frequencies and percentages, and quantitative variables were reported by central tendency and dispersion measures. Finally, Spearman correlation was performed between erythrocyte morphological alterations and the KDIGO stage in patients with CKD., Results: A total of 385 patients were included, and the correlation of the number of erythrocyte morphological alterations with the KDIGO stage showed that it is directly proportional in a significant way (Spearman's ρ 0.489, p < 0.0001). It was higher for anisocytosis., Conclusions: Erythrocyte morphological alterations in patients with CKD are frequent and could be a predictor of the severity of this disease., (Licencia CC 4.0 (BY-NC-ND) © 2024 Revista Médica del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social.)
- Published
- 2024
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482. Multidisciplinary approach for locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): 2023 expert consensus of the Spanish Lung Cancer Group GECP.
- Author
Ospina AV, Bolufer Nadal S, Campo-Cañaveral de la Cruz JL, González Larriba JL, Macía Vidueira I, Massutí Sureda B, Nadal E, Trancho FH, Álvarez Kindelán A, Del Barco Morillo E, Bernabé Caro R, Bosch Barrera J, Calvo de Juan V, Casal Rubio J, de Castro J, Cilleruelo Ramos Á, Cobo Dols M, Dómine Gómez M, Figueroa Almánzar S, Garcia Campelo R, Insa Mollá A, Jarabo Sarceda JR, Jiménez Maestre U, López Castro R, Majem M, Martinez-Marti A, Martínez Téllez E, Sánchez Lorente D, and Provencio M
- Subjects
- Humans, Spain, Patient Care Team, Delphi Technique, Neoplasm Staging, Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung therapy, Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung pathology, Lung Neoplasms therapy, Lung Neoplasms pathology, Consensus
- Abstract
Introduction: Recent advances in the treatment of locally advanced NSCLC have led to changes in the standard of care for this disease. For the selection of the best approach strategy for each patient, it is necessary the homogenization of diagnostic and therapeutic interventions, as well as the promotion of the evaluation of patients by a multidisciplinary oncology team., Objective: Development of an expert consensus document with suggestions for the approach and treatment of locally advanced NSCLC leaded by Spanish Lung Cancer Group GECP., Methods: Between March and July 2023, a panel of 28 experts was formed. Using a mixed technique (Delphi/nominal group) under the guidance of a coordinating group, consensus was reached in 4 phases: 1. Literature review and definition of discussion topics 2. First round of voting 3. Communicating the results and second round of voting 4. Definition of conclusions in nominal group meeting. Responses were consolidated using medians and interquartile ranges. The threshold for agreement was defined as 85% of the votes., Results: New and controversial situations regarding the diagnosis and management of locally advanced NSCLC were analyzed and reconciled based on evidence and clinical experience. Discussion issues included: molecular diagnosis and biomarkers, radiologic and surgical diagnosis, mediastinal staging, role of the multidisciplinary thoracic committee, neoadjuvant treatment indications, evaluation of response to neoadjuvant treatment, postoperative evaluation, and follow-up., Conclusions: Consensus clinical suggestions were generated on the most relevant scenarios such as diagnosis, staging and treatment of locally advanced lung cancer, which will serve to support decision-making in daily practice., (© 2024. The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2024
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483. Multistate outbreak of Salmonella Oranienburg infections linked to bulb onions imported from Mexico - United States, 2021.
- Author
Mitchell MR Jr, Kirchner M, Schneider B, McClure M, Neil KP, Madad A, Jemaneh T, Tijerina M, Nolte K, Wellman A, Neises D, Pightling A, Swinford A, Piontkowski A, Sexton R, McKenna C, Cornell J, Sandoval AL, Wang H, Bell RL, Stager C, Nava MCZ, de la Cruz JLL, Córdova LIS, Galván PR, Ortiz JA, Flowers S, Grisamore A, Gieraltowski L, Bazaco M, and Viazis S
- Abstract
In 2021, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and state and local health and regulatory partners investigated an outbreak of Salmonella enterica serovar Oranienburg infections linked to bulb onions from Mexico, resulting in 1040 illnesses and 260 hospitalizations across 39 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. The Kansas Department of Agriculture recovered the outbreak strain of Salmonella Oranienburg from a sample of condiment collected from an ill person's home. The condiment was made with cilantro, lime, and onions, but, at the time of collection, there were no onions remaining in it. FDA conducted traceback investigations for white, yellow, and red bulb onions, cilantro, limes, tomatoes, and jalapeño peppers. Growers in the state of Chihuahua, Mexico, were identified as supplying the implicated onions that could account for exposure to onions for all illnesses included in the traceback investigation, but investigators could not determine a single source or route of contamination. FDA collected product and environmental samples across the domestic supply chain but did not recover the outbreak strain of Salmonella . Binational collaboration and information sharing supported Mexican authorities in collecting environmental samples from two packing plants and onion, water, and environmental samples from 15 farms and firms in Chihuahua, Mexico identified through FDA's traceback investigation, but did not recover the outbreak strain.. Distributors of the implicated onions issued voluntary recalls of red, yellow, and white whole, fresh onions imported from the state of Chihuahua, Mexico. This outbreak showcased how investigators overcame significant traceback and epidemiologic challenges, the need for strengthening the ongoing collaboration between U.S. and Mexican authorities and highlighted the need for identifying practices across the supply chain that can help improve the safety of onions.
- Published
- 2024
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484. Impact of previous percutaneous coronary intervention on angiographic and clinical outcomes in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction.
- Author
de Cossío AS, Araiza-Garaygordobil D, Nájera-Rojas NA, Alonso-Bringas AP, Robles-Ledesma M, la Cruz JLB, Gopar-Nieto R, González-Pacheco H, Sierra-Lara-Martínez D, and Arias-Mendoza A
- Subjects
- Humans, Male, Female, Middle Aged, Aged, Longitudinal Studies, Treatment Outcome, Prognosis, Kaplan-Meier Estimate, Proportional Hazards Models, Percutaneous Coronary Intervention methods, ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction therapy, Coronary Angiography
- Abstract
Background: The prognosis of patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and previous percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is uncertain., Objective: To evaluate if previous PCI in patients with STEMI increases the risk of major cardiovascular events, and if final epicardial blood flow differs according to the reperfusion strategy., Material and Methods: Observational, longitudinal, comparative sub-study of the PHASE-MX trial that included patients with STEMI and reperfusion within 12 hours of symptom onset, who were classified according to their history of PCI. The occurrence of the composite primary endpoint (cardiovascular death, re-infarction, congestive heart failure and cardiogenic shock) within 30 days was evaluated using Kaplan-Meier estimates, log-rank test and Cox proportional hazards model. Epicardial blood flow was assessed using the TIMI grading system after reperfusion., Results: A total of 935 patients were included; 85.6% were males and 6.9% had a history of PCI; 53% underwent pharmacoinvasive therapy, and 47%, primary PCI. The incidence of the composite primary endpoint at 30 days in patients with a history of PCI was 9.8% vs 13.3% in those with no previous PCI (p = 0.06). Among the patients with previous PCI, 87.1% reached a final TIMI grade 3 flow after primary PCI vs. 75% in the group with pharmacoinvasive strategy (p = 0.235)., Conclusions: A history of PCI does not increase the risk of major cardiovascular events at 30 days; however, it impacted negatively on the final angiographic blood flow of patients that received pharmacoinvasive therapy (compared to primary PCI)., (Copyright: © 2024 Permanyer.)
- Published
- 2024
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485. [Occupational disease by COVID-19 in healthcare workers].
- Author
Enríquez-Miranda DL, Hernández-Cruz JL, Martínez-Sánchez YL, and Pérez-Martínez P
- Subjects
- Humans, Retrospective Studies, Cross-Sectional Studies, Health Personnel, COVID-19 epidemiology, Occupational Diseases diagnosis, Occupational Diseases epidemiology
- Abstract
Background: 1 out of 5 cases of COVID-19 in Mexico occurred in health workers, and the high risk of contagion in these workers caused absenteeism due to temporary leave from work (TLfW), as well as the need to establish qualification criteria for COVID-19 as an occupational disease (OD). There are no quantitative data about the labor population to whom this benefit has been provided, nor on the economic impact of not being qualified as OD., Objective: To estimate the prevalence of qualification of OD by COVID-19 in health workers from a tertiary care hospital (TCH)., Material and Methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional, and retrospective study carried out from March 2020 to April 2021, which included health workers from a TCH who had TLfW due to COVID-19 and were working 14 days before it was issued. Variables such as OD, days of TLfW, category, among others, were analyzed, as well as the economic income lost by remaining as a general disease (GD). It was used descriptive statistics., Results: A total of 654 health workers had TLfW due to COVID-19, with a prevalence of OD of 18.5%; 17 days of TLfW were granted on average. Nurses were classified with the high number of OD, and the category with the highest prevalence was cleaning and hygiene assistant (36%). 5310 days of TLfW were subsidized as GD, equivalent to $510,385.60 (Mexican pesos) that were not granted as an economic benefit to the population that did not have an OD qualification due to COVID-19., Conclusions: The prevalence of recognition of COVID-19 as OD was low; most of TLfWs were subsidized as GDs., (Licencia CC 4.0 (BY-NC-ND) © 2023 Revista Médica del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social.)
- Published
- 2023
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486. Women with Acute Myocardial Infarction: Clinical Characteristics, Treatment, and In-Hospital Outcomes from a Latin American Country.
- Author
Arias-Mendoza A, González-Pacheco H, Álvarez-Sangabriel A, Gopar-Nieto R, Rodríguez-Chávez LL, Araiza-Garaygordobil D, Ramírez-Rangel P, Martínez DS, Del Carmen Lacy-Niebla M, Briseño-De la Cruz JL, Juárez-Tolen J, Mendoza-García S, and Altamirano-Castillo A
- Subjects
- Male, Humans, Female, Latin America epidemiology, Retrospective Studies, Risk Factors, Hemorrhage, Hospitals, Treatment Outcome, Registries, ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction epidemiology, ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction therapy, Non-ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction diagnosis, Non-ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction epidemiology, Non-ST Elevated Myocardial Infarction therapy, Percutaneous Coronary Intervention, Myocardial Infarction epidemiology, Myocardial Infarction therapy, Stroke
- Abstract
Background: Women are underrepresented in acute myocardial infarction (AMI) studies. Furthermore, there is scarce information regarding women with AMI in Latin America., Aims: To describe the presentation, clinical characteristics, risk factor burden, evidence-based care, and in-hospital outcome in a population of women with AMI admitted to a coronary care unit (CCU) in Mexico., Methods: Retrospective cohort study including patients with AMI admitted from January 2006 to December 2021 in a CCU. We identified patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI). We described demographic characteristics, clinical variables, treatment, and in-hospital outcomes according to gender. Cox regression analysis was used to identify predictors of mortality., Results: Our study included 12,069 patients with AMI, of whom 7,599 had STEMI and 4,470 had NSTEMI. Women represented 19.6% of the population. Women had higher rates of hypertension, diabetes, stroke, and atrial fibrillation than men. For STEMI, women were less likely to receive reperfusion therapy (fibrinolysis; 23.7 vs. 28.5%, p < 0.001 and primary percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI); 31.2 vs. 35.1%, p = 0.001) and had more major adverse events than men: heart failure (4.2 vs. 2.5%, p = 0.002), pulmonary edema (3.4% vs. 1.7%, p < 0.001), major bleeding (2.1% vs. 1%, p = 0.002), stroke (1.3% vs. 0.6%, p = 0.008), and mortality (15.1% vs. 8.1%, p < 0.001). For NSTEMI, women were less likely to undergo coronary angiography or PCI and had more major bleeding and mortality. Multivariate Cox regression analysis revealed that females had an increase in mortality in STEMI and NSTEMI (HR 1.21, CI 1.01-1.47, p = 0.05 and HR 1.39, CI 1.06-1.81, p = 0.01)., Conclusion: Real-world evidence from a hospital in a Latin American low- to middle-income country (LMIC) showed that women with AMI had more comorbidities, received less reperfusion treatment or invasive strategies, and had worse outcomes. In STEMI and NSTEMI, female gender represented an independent predictor of in-hospital mortality., Competing Interests: The authors have no competing interests to declare., (Copyright: © 2023 The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Ortega-Hernández J, González-Pacheco H, Nieto RG, Araiza-Garaygordobil D, Lara-Martínez DS, De La Cruz JLB, Mendoza-García S, Altamirano-Castillo A, Orozco ÁM, Herrera LAB, Hernández-Montfort J, Aguilar-Montaño KM, Uriona LAS, López JÁFM, Loría CAL, and Arias-Mendoza A
- Subjects
- Humans, Shock, Cardiogenic, Latin America, Intra-Aortic Balloon Pumping, Hospital Mortality, Myocardial Infarction, Heart Failure
- Abstract
Abstract: Background : Mortality in cardiogenic shock (CS) is up to 40%, and although risk scores have been proposed to stratify and assess mortality in CS, they have been shown to have inconsistent performance. The purpose was to compare CS prognostic scores and describe their performance in a real-world Latin American country. Methods : We included 872 patients with CS. The Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (SCAI), CARDSHOCK, IABP-Shock II, Cardiogenic Shock Score, age-lactate-creatinine score, Get-With-The-Guidelines Heart Failure score, and Acute Decompensated Heart Failure National Registry scores were calculated. Decision curve analyses were performed to evaluate the net benefit of the different scoring systems. Logistic and Cox regression analyses were applied to construct area under the curve (AUC) statistics, this last one against time using the Inverse Probability of Censoring Weighting method, for in-hospital mortality prediction. Results: When logistic regression was applied, the scores had a moderate-good performance in the overall cohort that was higher AUC in the CARDSHOCK ( c = 0.666). In acute myocardial infarction-related CS (AMI-CS), CARDSHOCK still is the highest AUC (0.68). In non-AMI-CS only SCAI (0.668), CARDSHOCK (0.533), and IABP-SHOCK II (0.636) had statistically significant values. When analyzed over time, significant differences arose in the AUC, suggesting that a time-sensitive component influenced the prediction of mortality. The highest AUC was for the CARDSHOCK score (0.658), followed by SCAI (0.622). In AMI-CS-related, the highest AUC was for the CARDSHOCK score (0.671). In non-AMI-CS, SCAI was the best (0.642). Conclusions : Clinical scores show a time-sensitive AUC, suggesting that performance could be influenced by time and the type of CS. Understanding the temporal influence on the scores could provide a better prediction and be a valuable tool in CS., Competing Interests: The authors report no conflict of interest., (Copyright © 2023 by the Shock Society.)
- Published
- 2023
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488. Cost-effectiveness of diagnostic tests during follow-up in lung cancer patients: an evidence-based study.
- Author
Rodríguez-Cano F, Calvo V, Garitaonaindía Y, Campo-Cañaveral de la Cruz JL, Blanco M, Torrente M, and Provencio M
- Abstract
Background: Many patients with non-metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) are cured by surgery but part of them develop recurrence. Strategies are needed to identify these relapses. Currently, there is no consensus on the follow-up schedule after curative resection for patients with NSCLC. The objective of this study is to analyze the diagnostic capacity of the tests performed during follow-up after surgery., Methods: We retrospectively reviewed 392 patients with stage I-IIIA NSCLC who underwent surgery. Data were collected from patients diagnosed between January 1st, 2010 and December 31st, 2020. Demographic and clinical data were analyzed, as well as the tests performed during their follow-up. We identified as relevant in the diagnosis of relapses those tests that prompted further investigation and change of treatment., Results: The number of tests matches those included in clinical practice guidelines. A total of 2,049 clinical follow-up consultations were performed, of which 2,004 were scheduled (0.59% informative). A total of 1,796 blood tests were performed, of which 1,756 were scheduled (0.17% informative). A total of 1,940 chest computer tomography (CT) scans were performed, of which 1,905 were scheduled and 128 were informative (6.7%). A total of 144 positron emission tomography (PET)-CT scans were performed, 132 of which were scheduled, of which 64 (48%) were informative. In all cases, the tests performed by unscheduled request exceeded the informative result of the scheduled ones several fold., Conclusions: Most of the scheduled follow-up consultations were not relevant for the patients' management, and only body CT scan exceeded the threshold of 5% profitability, without reaching 10% even in stage IIIA. The profitability of the tests increased when performed in unscheduled visits. New follow-up strategies based on scientific evidence must be defined and follow-up schemes should be tailored focused on agile attention of the unscheduled demand., Competing Interests: Conflicts of Interest: All authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form (available at https://tlcr.amegroups.com/article/view/10.21037/tlcr-22-540/coif). VC has received personal fees from Bristol-Myers Squibb (BMS), Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD), Roche, AstraZeneca, Takeda, Pfizer, Lilly, Boehringer Ingelheim and support for attending meetings and/or travel of TAKEDA, LILLY, ASTRAZENECA, ROCHE. MP has received personal fees from Bristol-Myers Squibb, Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD), Roche, AstraZeneca and Takeda. MP also reports payment or honoraria for lectures, presentations, speakers bureaus, manuscript writing or educational events from BMS, Roche, AstraZeneca, MSD, Pierre Fabre, Roche, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bristol Myers Squibb and Support for attending meetings of Roche, BMS, AstraZeneca. The other authors have no conflicts of interest to declare., (2023 Translational Lung Cancer Research. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2023
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489. Recent Advances in Forward Brillouin Scattering: Sensor Applications.
- Author
Sánchez LA, Díez A, Cruz JL, and Andrés MV
- Abstract
In-fiber opto-mechanics based on forward Brillouin scattering has received increasing attention because it enables sensing the surrounding of the optical fiber. Optical fiber transverse acoustic resonances are sensitive to both the inner properties of the optical fiber and the external medium. A particularly efficient pump and probe technique-assisted by a fiber grating-can be exploited for the development of point sensors of only a few centimeters in length. When measuring the acoustic resonances, this technique provides the narrowest reported linewidths and a signal-to-noise ratio better than 40 dB. The longitudinal and transverse acoustic velocities-normalized with the fiber radius-can be determined with a relative error lower than 10
-4 , exploiting the derivation of accurate asymptotic expressions for the resonant frequencies. Using this technique, the Poisson's ratio of an optical fiber and its temperature dependence have been measured, reducing the relative error by a factor of 100 with respect to previously reported values. Using a single-point sensor, discriminative measurements of strain and temperature can be performed, achieving detection limits of ±25 με and ±0.2 °C. These results show the potential of this approach for the development of point sensors, which can be easily wavelength-multiplexed.- Published
- 2022
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490. Pulmonary Congestion Assessed by Lung Ultrasound and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Patients With ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction.
- Author
Araiza-Garaygordobil D, Baeza-Herrera LA, Gopar-Nieto R, Solis-Jimenez F, Cabello-López A, Martinez-Amezcua P, Sarabia-Chao V, González-Pacheco H, Sierra-Lara Martinez D, Briseño-De la Cruz JL, and Arias-Mendoza A
- Abstract
Background: Lung ultrasound (LUS) shows a higher sensitivity when compared with physical examination for the detection of pulmonary congestion. The objective of our study was to evaluate the association of pulmonary congestion assessed by LUS after reperfusion therapy with cardiovascular outcomes in patients with ST-segment Elevation acute Myocardial Infarction (STEMI) who received reperfusion therapy. Methods: A prospective observational study including patients with STEMI from the PHASE-Mx study. LUS was performed in four thoracic sites (two sites in each hemithorax). We categorized participants according to the presence of pulmonary congestion. The primary endpoint of the study was the composite of death for any cause, new episode or worsening of heart failure, recurrent myocardial infarction and cardiogenic shock at 30 days of follow-up. Results: A total of 226 patients were included, of whom 49 (21.6%) patients were classified within the "LUS-congestion" group and 177 (78.3%) within the "non-LUS-congestion" group. Compared with patients in the "non-LUS-congestion" group, patients in the "LUS-congestion" group were older and had higher levels of blood urea nitrogen and NT-proBNP. Pulmonary congestion assessed by LUS was significantly associated with a higher risk of the primary composite endpoint (HR: 3.8, 95% CI 1.91-7.53, p = 0.001). Differences in the primary endpoint were mainly driven by an increased risk of heart failure (HR 3.91; 95%CI 1.62-9.41, p = 0.002) and cardiogenic shock (HR 3.37; 95%CI 1.30-8.74, p = 0.012). Conclusion: The presence of pulmonary congestion assessed by LUS is associated with increased adverse cardiovascular events, particularly heart failure and cardiogenic shock. The application of LUS should be integrated as part of the initial risk stratification in patients with STEMI as it conveys important prognostic information., Competing Interests: DA-G reports speaker-fees for Abbott, Asofarma, Astra-Zeneca, Boehringer Ingelheim, Merck, Novartis, Sigfried-Rhein and Servier; Advisory board activities for Silanes and Servier and Research grants for Novartis during the last 12 months. RG-N reports speaker-fees for Novartis. DS-LM reports speaker and advisory board fees for Novo Nordisk and Novartis. The remaining authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest., (Copyright © 2022 Araiza-Garaygordobil, Baeza-Herrera, Gopar-Nieto, Solis-Jimenez, Cabello-López, Martinez-Amezcua, Sarabia-Chao, González-Pacheco, Sierra-Lara Martinez, Briseño-De la Cruz and Arias-Mendoza.)
- Published
- 2022
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491. [Prognostic value of the absolute decrease of the N-terminal portion of B-type natriuretic propeptide in decompensated heart failure: secondary analysis of the CLUSTER-HF study].
- Author
Paredes-Paucar C, Medina LV, Araiza-Garaygordobil D, Gopar-Nieto R, Martínez-Amezcua P, Cabello-Lopez A, Sierra-Lara D, Briseño De La Cruz JL, Gonzáles Pacheco H, and Arias Mendoza A
- Abstract
Objective: The purpose of this study is to determine the prognostic value of the absolute decrease in the N-terminal portion of pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) to prevent fewer clinical events, in the population of CLUSTER-HF (efficacy of ultrasound lung to guide therapy and prevent readmissions in heart failure)., Materials and Methods: This study was conducted in a subgroup of ninety-four patients with available NT-proBNP information at hospital discharge and prior to randomization in the CLUSTER-HF study. The primary objective of the study was to determine the prognostic value of absolute NT-proBNP decline below which fewer events of all-cause death, emergency room visits, and rehospitalization for heart failure at 180 days., Results: The absolute decrease in NT-proBNP below 3,350 pg/mL has a moderate discriminative capacity with AUC= 0.602, with a prognostic value in the combined event at 180 days (log-rank test, p=0.01). Also, according to the multivariable analysis, it is an independent marker of clinical events at 180 days OR 0.319 (0.102-0.995, p=0.04) above other clinical variables., Conclusions: An absolute decrease to 3,350 pg/mL of NT-proBNP or less at discharge from the hospitalization due to heart failure, was associated with fewer clinical events at 180 days., Competing Interests: Conflicto de interés: Los autores declaran no tener ningún conflicto de interés.
- Published
- 2022
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492. Cardiogenic Shock Among Patients with and without Acute Myocardial Infarction in a Latin American Country: A Single-Institution Study.
- Author
González-Pacheco H, Manzur-Sandoval D, Gopar-Nieto R, Álvarez-Sangabriel A, Martínez-Sánchez C, Eid-Lidt G, Altamirano-Castillo A, Mendoza-García S, Briseño-Cruz JL, Azar-Manzur F, Araiza-Garaygordobil D, Sierra-Lara D, Jiménez-Rodríguez GM, Lazcano-Díaz EA, Baranda-Tovar F, Valencia-Älvarez JS, Cutz-Ijchajchal MA, Penagos-Cordon JC, Morejon-Barragán P, and Arias-Mendoza A
- Subjects
- Hospital Mortality, Humans, Latin America epidemiology, Male, Middle Aged, Retrospective Studies, Stroke Volume, Treatment Outcome, Ventricular Function, Left, Myocardial Infarction complications, Myocardial Infarction diagnosis, Myocardial Infarction epidemiology, Shock, Cardiogenic epidemiology, Shock, Cardiogenic etiology
- Abstract
Background: Latin America has limited information about the full spectrum cardiogenic shock (CS) and its hospital outcome. This study sought to examine the temporal trends, clinical features and outcomes of patients with CS in a coronary care unit of single Mexican institution., Methods: This was a retrospective study of consecutive patients hospitalized with CS in a Mexican teaching hospital between 2006-2019. Patients were classified according to the presence or absence of acute myocardial infarction (AMI)., Results: Of 22,747 admissions, 833 (3.7%) exhibited CS. Among patients with AMI (n = 12,438), 5% had AMI-CS, and in patients without AMI (n = 10,309), 2.3% developed CS (non-AMI-CS). Their median age was 63 years and 70.5% were men. Cardiovascular risk factors were more frequent among the AMI-CS group, whereas a history of heart failure was greater in non-AMI-CS patients (70.1%). In AMI-CS patients, the median delay time was 17.2 hours from the onset of AMI symptoms to hospital admission. Overall, the median left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) was 30%. Patients with CS at admission showed end-organ dysfunction, evidenced by lactic acidosis, renal impairment, and elevated liver transaminases. Of the 620 AMI-CS patients, the main cause was left ventricular dysfunction in 71.3%, mechanical complications in 15.2% and right ventricular infarction in 13.5%. Among the 213 non-AMI-CS patients, valvular heart disease (49.3%) and cardiomyopathies (42.3%) were the most frequent etiologies. In-hospital all-cause mortality rates were 69.7% and 72.3% in the AMI-CS and non-AMI-CS groups, respectively. Among AMI-CS patients, renal dysfunction, diabetes, older age, depressed LVEF, absence of revascularization and the use of mechanical ventilation were independent predictors of in-hospital mortality. However, in the non-AMI-CS group, only low LVEF and high lactate levels proved significant., Conclusions: This study demonstrates differences in the epidemiology of CS compared to high-income countries; the high mortality reflects critically ill patients and the lack of contemporary effective therapies in the population studied., Competing Interests: The authors have no competing interests to declare., (Copyright: © 2021 The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2021
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493. Thoracic surgery during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in Madrid, Spain: single-centre report.
- Author
Hoyos Mejía L, Romero Román A, Gil Barturen M, Córdoba Pelaez MDM, Campo-Cañaveral de la Cruz JL, Naranjo JM, Crolwey Carrasco S, Tanaka S, Sánchez Calle A, Varela de Ugarte A, and Gómez de Antonio D
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, COVID-19, COVID-19 Testing, Clinical Laboratory Techniques, Coronavirus Infections diagnosis, Coronavirus Infections epidemiology, Coronavirus Infections therapy, Female, Follow-Up Studies, Humans, Incidence, Male, Outcome Assessment, Health Care, Pandemics, Pneumonia, Viral diagnosis, Pneumonia, Viral epidemiology, Pneumonia, Viral therapy, Retrospective Studies, SARS-CoV-2, Spain, Treatment Outcome, Betacoronavirus isolation & purification, Carcinoma, Squamous Cell surgery, Coronavirus Infections etiology, Elective Surgical Procedures, Lung Neoplasms surgery, Pneumonia, Viral etiology, Postoperative Complications diagnosis, Postoperative Complications epidemiology, Postoperative Complications therapy, Thoracic Surgical Procedures
- Abstract
Objectives: We reviewed the incidence of coronavirus disease 2019 cases and the postoperative outcomes of patients who had thoracic surgery during the beginning and at the highest point of transmission in our community., Methods: We retrospectively reviewed patients who had undergone elective thoracic surgery from 12 February 2020 to 30 April 2020 and were symptomatic or tested positive for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection within 14 days after surgery, with a focus on their complications and potential deaths., Results: Out of 101 surgical procedures, including 57 primary oncological resections, 6 lung transplants and 18 emergency procedures, only 5 cases of coronavirus disease 2019 were identified, 3 in the immediate postoperative period and 2 as outpatients. All 5 patients had cancer; the median age was 64 years. The main virus-related symptom was fever (80%), and the median onset of coronavirus disease 2019 was 3 days. Although 80% of the patients who had positive test results for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 required in-hospital care, none of them were considered severe or critical and none died., Conclusions: These results indicate that, in properly selected cases, with short preoperative in-hospital stays, strict isolation and infection control protocols, managed by a dedicated multidisciplinary team, a surgical procedure could be performed with a relatively low risk for the patient., (© The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2020
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494. Uncontrolled Donation After Circulatory Death: A Unique Opportunity.
- Author
Coll E, Miñambres E, Sánchez-Fructuoso A, Fondevila C, Campo-Cañaveral de la Cruz JL, and Domínguez-Gil B
- Subjects
- Allografts supply & distribution, Donor Selection ethics, Donor Selection legislation & jurisprudence, Graft Rejection etiology, Health Services Accessibility, Heart Arrest therapy, Humans, Organ Transplantation adverse effects, Organ Transplantation ethics, Organ Transplantation legislation & jurisprudence, Perfusion instrumentation, Perfusion methods, Resuscitation ethics, Treatment Outcome, Warm Ischemia adverse effects, Donor Selection methods, Graft Rejection prevention & control, Heart Arrest mortality, Organ Preservation methods, Organ Transplantation methods
- Abstract
Uncontrolled donation after circulatory death (uDCD) refers to donation from persons who die following an unexpected and unsuccessfully resuscitated cardiac arrest. Despite the large potential for uDCD, programs of this kind only exist in a reduced number of countries with a limited activity. Barriers to uDCD are of a logistical and ethical-legal nature, as well as arising from the lack of confidence in the results of transplants from uDCD donors. The procedure needs to be designed to reduce and limit the impact of the prolonged warm ischemia inherent to the uDCD process, and to deal with the ethical issues that this practice poses: termination of advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation, extension of advanced cardiopulmonary resuscitation beyond futility for organ preservation, moment to approach families to discuss donation opportunities, criteria for the determination of death, or the use of normothermic regional perfusion for the in situ preservation of organs. Although the incidence of primary nonfunction and delayed graft function is higher with organs obtained from uDCD donors, overall patient and graft survival is acceptable in kidney, liver, and lung transplantation, with a proper selection and management of both donors and recipients. Normothermic regional perfusion has shown to be critical to achieve optimal outcomes in uDCD kidney and liver transplantation. However, the role of ex situ preservation with machine perfusion is still to be elucidated. uDCD is a unique opportunity to improve patient access to transplantation therapies and to offer more patients the chance to donate organs after death, if this is consistent with their wishes and values.
- Published
- 2020
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495. Case report: Posterior myocardial infarction in presence of right bundle branch block: an old concept with new findings.
- Author
Cornejo-Guerra JA, Manzur-Sandoval D, Guadalajara-Boo JF, and Briseño-de la Cruz JL
- Abstract
Background: The diagnosis of acute ischaemic coronary syndromes in presence of an intra-ventricular conduction disturbance represents a clinical challenge. In the cardiac segmentation model the posterior wall is replaced by the basal inferior segment. However, in the clinical scenario of acute coronary syndrome the concept of posterior myocardial infarction (PMI) endures. The association of a PMI and right bundle branch block (RBBB) is a rare condition characterised by broad R waves and ventricular repolarization disorders in right precordial leads in both entities, which could lead to misinterpretation and delay in reperfusion therapy., Case Summary: We describe a case report of a 74-year-old man with acute chest pain and an electrocardiogram with broad R waves, a 4 mm ST-segment downsloping (excessively discordant) in right precordial leads, RBBB, and ST-segment elevation in posterior leads. There was resolution of ST-segment downsloping in right precordial leads after percutaneous coronary intervention and stenting of the circumflex artery, with disturbance of the repolarization process only attributable to RBBB., Discussion: Patients with acute chest pain with RBBB and a ST segment with an excessive downsloping (out of proportion of what is expected in isolated RBBB) suggest PMI with occlusion of the circumflex coronary artery.
- Published
- 2018
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496. Clinical features and in-hospital mortality associated with different types of atrial fibrillation in patients with acute coronary syndrome with and without ST elevation.
- Author
González-Pacheco H, Márquez MF, Arias-Mendoza A, Álvarez-Sangabriel A, Eid-Lidt G, González-Hermosillo A, Azar-Manzur F, Altamirano-Castillo A, Briseño-Cruz JL, García-Martínez A, Mendoza-García S, and Martínez-Sánchez C
- Subjects
- Aged, Atrial Fibrillation complications, Cohort Studies, Coronary Care Units, Female, Hospital Mortality, Hospitalization, Humans, Incidence, Male, Mexico epidemiology, Middle Aged, Prognosis, Retrospective Studies, Acute Coronary Syndrome complications, Atrial Fibrillation mortality
- Abstract
Background: In patients with an acute coronary syndrome (ACS), no conclusive agreement has been reached to date regarding the association between the different types of atrial fibrillation (AF) and the in-hospital mortality risk. We conducted a retrospective cohort study in patients with ACS to determine the prognostic implications of the different types of AF., Methods: We analyzed 6705 consecutive patients with ACS admitted to a coronary care unit (CCU), including 3094 with ST segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and 3611 with non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS). We identified the patients with pre-existing AF, new-onset AF at admission, and new-onset AF at the CCU., Results: The overall incidence of AF was documented in 360 (5.4%) of the patients (STEMI, 5%; NSTE-ACS, 5.6%), 140 (2.1%) of whom had pre-existing AF, and 220 (3.2%) of whom had new-onset AF (AF at admission, 1.3%; AF at the CCU, 1.9%). The patients with AF had high-risk clinical characteristics and developed major adverse events more frequently than did the patients without AF. The unadjusted in-hospital mortality risk was significantly higher in the patients with pre-existing AF (STEMI, 3.79-fold; NSTE-ACS, 3.4-fold) and AF at the CCU (STEMI, 2.02-fold; NSTE-ACS, 8.09-fold). After adjusting for the multivariate analysis, only the AF at the CCU in the NSTE-ACS group was associated with a 4.40-fold increase in the in-hospital mortality risk (odds ratio 4.40, CI 1.82-10.60, p=0.001). In the STEMI group, the presence of any type of AF was not associated with an increased risk of mortality., Conclusion: Among the different types of AF in patients with ACS, only the new-onset AF that developed during the CCU stay in patients with NSTE-ACS was associated with a 4.40-fold increase in the in-hospital mortality risk., (Copyright © 2014 Japanese College of Cardiology. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2015
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497. Lung transplantation with uncontrolled non-heart-beating donor. Review.
- Author
Munguía-Canales DA, Campo-Cañaveral de la Cruz JL, Crowley-Carrasco S, Lazo-Pérez D, Macías-Sotuela L, and Varela-de Ugarte A
- Subjects
- Bronchiolitis Obliterans epidemiology, Cold Ischemia, Crystalloid Solutions, Death, Humans, Isotonic Solutions, Organ Preservation, Perfusion, Postoperative Complications epidemiology, Spain, Survival Rate, Tissue and Organ Harvesting instrumentation, Tissue and Organ Harvesting methods, Tissue and Organ Procurement standards, Warm Ischemia, Heart Arrest, Lung Transplantation methods, Tissue Donors
- Abstract
The discrepancy between organ availability and the increasing amount of patients on the waiting list has prompted the development of medical strategies to increase the usable organs, including the search for alternative sources of donation, organ optimization and extension of the criteria for donation. The recovery of lungs from non-heart-beating donors (NHBD) is a concept in which death is declared based on cardiopulmonary criteria rather than the currently used definition of "brain death." Obtaining NHBD lungs is currently practiced in many centers. In this review we discuss the current state of lung transplantation from uncontrolled NHBD.
- Published
- 2012
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