535 results on '"Filipová, Alena"'
Search Results
502. Practical application of indicators of territorial availability of retail network
- Author
Začal, Marek and Filipová, Alena
- Subjects
územní vybavenost ,Analýza ,ukazatelé ,Centrum Chodov ,maloobchodní síť - Abstract
Práce má jasně definovaný cíl: na základě dostupných vzorců a údajů zanalyzuji své výsledky a následně je budu s praktickou aplikací interpretovat. Analýza bude zaměřena především na to, do jaké míry ovlivní maloobchodní síť tak veliký zásah, jakým je výstavba největšího obchodního centra v České republice.
- Published
- 2006
503. Možnosti řešení poklesu konkurenceschopnosti
- Author
Fránová, Alžběta and Filipová, Alena
- Abstract
Práce se skládá ze dvou hlavních částí, teoretické a praktické. V teoretické části se zaměřuji na vysvětlení pojmu kunkurence a jejím využití a v praktické části se věnuji konkrétním problémům nejčastěji se vyskytujícím a navrhuji možnosti jejich řešení.
- Published
- 2006
504. Posouzení strategie firmy Tesco na českém trhu
- Author
Růžičková, Kateřina and Filipová, Alena
- Abstract
Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá posouzením strategie firmy Tesco na českém trhu, historií, filosofií a komunikací této obchodní společnosti. Zkoumala jsem její komunikaci se zákazníky, jaké služby jim může poskytnout, na jaké prvořadé cíle se tato společnost zaměřuje. Součástí práce je dotazník, který jsem provedla v obchodní jednotce na Zličíně a jehož cílem je poskytnutí odpovědi na spokojenost zákazníků s tímto obchodním řetězcem.
- Published
- 2006
505. Postavení firmy MAKRO v českém obchodě
- Author
Caletková, Miroslava and Filipová, Alena
- Subjects
maloobchod ,vývoj tržeb ,cash&carry; velkoobchod ,maloobchodní řetězce - Abstract
V mé bakalářské práci na téma ?Postavení firmy Makro v českém obchodě? se podrobněji zabývám firmou Makro Cash & Carry v ČR. Obsah své práce jsem rozvrhla do tří hlavních oddílů. První část je teoretická, kde vysvětluji základní pojmy jako jsou např. maloobchod, velkoobchod a jejich členění, ale také zde poskytuji obecné informace o skupině METRO group. Druhá část se zaměřuje pouze na firmu Makro. Mapuji zde historii tohoto velkoobchodu od příchodu firmy do České republiky až po ovládnutí celého trhu. A v závěrečném oddílu zpracovávám nové strategii velkoobchodu jako je např. nové trendy použité v oblasti podpory prodeje a další plány managementu Makra C & C ČR. Závěrem bych chtěla říct, že i když společnosti Makro C & C ČR loni klesly tržby a zákazníci v jejich dvanácti velkoprodejnách utratili asi o 700 mil. Kč méně, tak přesto Makro zůstává stále jedničkou na trhu. Management společnosti Makro nehodlá polevovat a má připraveno spoustu nových projektů. Jejich nynější strategie nestojí na budování nových obchodů v dalších městech, ale zaměřují se na své klíčové zákazníky, které chtějí donutit, aby utráceli víc. Mezi jejich marketingové tahy patří zviditelnění se pomocí mnoha akcí a veletrhů, kterých se zúčastňují nejen jako vystavovatelé, ale mnohdy jako generální partneři. Zmínila bych G+H (mezinárodní veletrh gastronomie), Živnostník roku nebo Makro víno roku. Tato soutěž je určena pro domácí výrobce vína a za tři roky svého konání si získala své renomé. Dalším projektem je Makro Incoma Index, který sleduje vývoj maloobchodu v ČR a snaží se také pomoci drobným obchodníkům, poradit jim v jejich podnikání a zvýšit jejich šance na úspěch v boji s velkou konkurencí. Dalším cílem Makra C & C, který se úspěšně daří plnit, je zvýšení důrazu zákazníků na kvalitu. Ve světě je téměř samozřejmostí, že kvalita je největší prioritou při výběru zboží. V České republice stále ještě převládají finanční a reklamní aspekty, ale i to je jen otázkou času a růstu životní úrovně, kdy si začnou zákazníci kvality více vážit a vyhledávat ji. Společnost Makro se chce stát leaderem tohoto trendu, a proto je partnerem Evropského týdne kvality společně s českou vládou. Nakonec bych chtěla zdůraznit, že Makro C & C patří mezi jedničky na trhu a stále se drží na předních místech. Troufám si říct, že v budoucnu tomu nebude jinak, aspoň celosvětový rozmach této skupiny a samotné koncepce Cash & Carry tomu tak nasvědčuje. Musím bohužel konstatovat, že získávání materiálů pro tuto práci bylo nesnadné. Na jejich vlastních internetových stránkách jsou informace nedostačující nebo zastaralé a management mi taky nevyšel vstříc.
- Published
- 2006
506. Podnikaní v oblasti farmacie(vybrané problémy)
- Author
Monakov, Vladislav and Filipová, Alena
- Abstract
Ve své bakalářské prací se zabývám průzkumem současné situace v rámci farmaceutického průmyslu v České Republice, popisuji jeho současný stav a vysvětluji, jak k tomuto stavu došlo, vymezuji hlavní trendy v oboru a prozkoumávám současné problémy se zaměřením na lékárenství, které tvoří maloobchodní složku odvětví. Práce je rozdělená do tři kapitol. V první částí práce jsem se zaměřil na farmaceutický průmysl jako celek. Ve druhé kapitole jsem se zabýval farmakoekonomikou, což je vědní disciplina zaměřená na efektivní využívání finančních zdrojů pro farmakoterapii. Poslední kapitola je věnovaná lékárenství, jakožto základnímu odvětví farmacie
- Published
- 2006
507. Teorie zavádění nových produktů na trh
- Author
Mališ, Daniel and Filipová, Alena
- Subjects
marketingový mix ,kontrola ,Marketing ,strategie ,programy ,plánování - Abstract
Cílem mé práce je formální teoretické vymezení jednotlivých pojmů a definic a vytvoření uceleného schématického přehledu jeho jednotlivých částí. Tyto části se budu snažit koncipovat, co možná nejpřehledněji, neboť bych zde rád poskytl budoucímu čtenáři snadno srozumitelný materiál, který mu bude moci posloužit i jako praktický průvodce touto problematikou. Výše uvedené přehlednosti se budu snažit docílit celkovou koncepcí, která bude mít základ v logické posloupnosti vzájemně navazujících kroků, jejíchž uplatnění napomáhá podnikatelskému subjektu k řešení problematiky teorie zavádění nových produktů na trh, související zejména s teorií marketingu zaměřenou na oblast retailingu. Ona logická posloupnost bude také spočívat v tom, že se vždy nejprve budu zabývat pojmy obecnějšího a širšího charakteru, které následně doplním o podrobnější a detailnější prvky přesněji popisující jednotlivé části daného tématu. Jako základ k vytváření tohoto teoretického rámce mi posloužila literatura především z oblasti retail managementu neboli obchodního podnikání, marketingu a managementu , jejichž jednotlivé části bych zde rád detailněji rozpracoval a jak sem již zmínil, v co možná nejpřehlednější a nejsrozumitelnější formě seznámil budoucího čtenáře s jejich bližším popisem a vysvětlením.
- Published
- 2006
508. The development of international retail companies in the Czech republic and its economic aspects
- Author
Lochman, Alexander, Jindra, Jiří, Soukup, Jindřich, Filipová, Alena, and Šípek, Ladislav
- Subjects
významná tržní síla ,transfer of economical surplus ,price war ,koncentrace maloobchodního trhu ,cenové války ,significant market power ,Retail chains ,transfer ekonomického přebytku ,market concentration ,Maloobchodní řetězce - Abstract
The subject of this thesis "The development of international retail companies in the Czech republic and its economic aspects" is a comprehensive evaluation of the operation of international food retail companies focused on supplier-customer relationships. The dissertation is divided into three parts. The first part deals with the origin and characteristics of modern retail chains and instruments of analysis assess the competitive forces in the industry. The second part is devoted to the parameters of business conduct and analysis of the allocation of economic surplus in favor of the retailer. The third part is devoted to the role of prices in the retail, including price wars and its impact on suppliers and consumers
- Published
- 2005
509. Competitiveness of Human Capital. Influence of Human Capital Investments On the Firm's Competitiveness
- Author
Čechová, Zuzana, Zadražilová, Dana, Pražská, Lenka, Filipová, Alena, and Mannová, Martina
- Subjects
informal education ,lidský kapitál ,neformální vzdělávání ,konkurenceschopnost ,human capital ,competitiveness - Abstract
The role of human capital in the overall economic development towards knowledge economy and innovations is fundamental. Without human resources, which make up the essence of human capital, we would have no innovative products or services, no new strategies and processes. The development and continuous increase of human capital is one of the prerequisites of an economic growth. The aim of this research was to test the effects of human capital investments on the economic results of enterprises. The research was based on an extensive questionnaire survey, which was further completed with expert interviews. The interviewees were HR professionals from selected companies. The main hypothesis was formed as an assumption about a positive dependence between human capital investments and economic successfulness of companies represented with value added per employee. The hypothesis was verified at a high significance level. Further this work tries to find answers to several key questions related to the main hypothesis: What are the key competences of a competitive human capital in the Czech companies? How can companies efficiently invest into the human capital in order to increase the company's competitiveness? What is the role of companies as the initiators of human capital development? How did the economic crisis change the companies' attitude towards human capital investments? The work further proposes how to diminish the main inefficiencies of companies' investments in human capital. Great attention is also paid to the comparison of various sources that measure and compare the volume of human capital in the Czech Republic.
- Published
- 2005
510. Combination of nanoscale-zero-valent iron and organic substrate stimulation for efficient remediation of co-mingled plume contaminated with Cr(VI) and chlorinated solvents.
- Author
Cajthaml, Tomas, Němeček, Jan, Piokorný, Petr, Lhotský, Ondřej, Knytl, Vladislav, Najmanová, Petra, Steinová, Jana, Černík, Miroslav, Filipová, Alena, and Filip, Jan
- Subjects
- *
NANOBIOTECHNOLOGY , *CHROMIUM removal (Water purification) , *ZERO-valent iron , *BIOREMEDIATION , *DECHLORINATION (Chemistry) , *GROUNDWATER pollution , *PREVENTION - Published
- 2016
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511. Composting of creosote-impregnated wood via composting with green wastes: Ecotoxicity and microbial community dynamics during polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons degradation process.
- Author
Covino, Stefano, Křesinová, Zdena, Čvančarová, Monika, Filipová, Alena, and Cajthaml, Tomaš
- Published
- 2014
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512. Effects of different organic substrate compositions on the decontamination of aged PAH-polluted soils through outdoor co-composting.
- Author
Němcová K, Lhotský O, Stavělová M, Komárek M, Semerád J, Filipová A, Najmanová P, and Cajthaml T
- Subjects
- Soil Microbiology, Decontamination methods, Environmental Restoration and Remediation methods, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons analysis, Soil Pollutants analysis, Biodegradation, Environmental, Soil chemistry, Composting methods
- Abstract
The effects of different organic substrate compositions on the efficiency of outdoor co-composting as a bioremediation technology for decontaminating soil polluted by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were investigated. Four different substrate mixtures and two different aged PAH-contaminated soils were used in a semi-pilot-scale experiment that lasted nearly 700 days. The two soils (A and B) differed concerning both the initial concentrations of the Ʃ16 US EPA PAHs (5926 vs. 369 mg kg
-1 , respectively) and the type of predominant PAH group by molecular weight. The experiments revealed that while the composition of the organic substrate had an impact on the rate of PAH degradation, it did not significantly influence the final extent of PAH degradation. Notably, the organic substrate consisting of green waste and wood chips (GW) was found to facilitate the most rapid rate of PAH degradation (first-order rate constant k = 0.033 ± 0.000 d-1 with soil A over the initial 42 days of the experiment and k = 0.036 ± 0.000 d-1 with soil B over the initial 56 days). Despite the differences in organic substrate compositions and types of soil being treated, PAH degradation levels exceeded at least 95% in all the treatments after more than 680 days of co-composting. Regardless of the composition, the removal of low- and medium- molecular-weight (2-4 rings) PAHs was nearly complete by the end of the experiment. Furthermore, high-molecular-weight PAHs (5 rings and more) were significantly degraded during co-composting, with reductions ranging from 54% to 79% in soil A and from 59% to 68% in soil B. All composts were dominated by Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, and Actinobacteria, with significant differences in abundance between soils. Genera with PAH degradation potentials were detected in all samples. The results of a battery of toxicity tests showed that there was almost no toxicity associated with the final composts., Competing Interests: Declaration of competing interest The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper., (Copyright © 2024 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.)- Published
- 2024
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513. New insights into vermiremediation of sewage sludge: The effect of earthworms on micropollutants and vice versa.
- Author
Grasserová A, Pacheco NIN, Semerád J, Filipová A, Innemanová P, Hanč A, Procházková P, and Cajthaml T
- Subjects
- Animals, Sewage chemistry, Soil chemistry, Oligochaeta, Triclosan analysis, Triclosan metabolism
- Abstract
Vermicomposting represents an environmentally friendly method for the treatment of various types of biowastes, including sewage sludge (SS), as documented in numerous studies. However, there are few papers providing insights into the mechanisms and toxicity effects involved in SS vermicomposting to present a comprehensive overview of the process. In this work, the vermiremediation of SS containing various micropollutants, including pharmaceuticals, personal care products, endocrine disruptors, and per/polyfluoroalkyl substances, was studied. Two SSs originating from different wastewater treatment plants (WWTP1 and WWTP2) were mixed with a bulking agent, moistened straw, at ratios of 0, 25, 50, and 75% SS. Eisenia andrei earthworms were introduced into the mixtures, and after six weeks, the resulting materials were subjected to various types of chemical and toxicological analyses, including conventional assays (mortality, weight) as well as tissue- and cell-level assays, such as malondialdehyde production, cytotoxicity tests and gene expression assays. Through the vermiremediation process significant removal of diclofenac (90%), metoprolol (88%), telmisartan (62%), and triclosan (81%) was achieved. Although the concentrations of micropollutants were substantially different in the original SS samples, the micropollutants vermiaccumulated to a similar extent over the incubation period. The earthworms substantially eliminated the present bacterial populations, especially in the 75% SS treatments, in which the average declines were 90 and 79% for WWTP1 and WWTP2, respectively. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate the vermiremediation of such a large group of micropollutants in real SS samples and provide a thorough evaluation of the effect of SS on earthworms at tissue and cellular level., Competing Interests: Declaration of competing interest The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper., (Copyright © 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2024
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514. Remedial trial of sequential anoxic/oxic chemico-biological treatment for decontamination of extreme hexachlorocyclohexane concentrations in polluted soil.
- Author
Semerád J, Lhotský O, Filipová A, Urban O, Šírová K, Boháčková J, Komárek M, and Cajthaml T
- Subjects
- Decontamination, Biodegradation, Environmental, Soil chemistry, Oxygen, Hexachlorocyclohexane chemistry, Soil Pollutants metabolism
- Abstract
During production of γ-hexachlorocyclohexane (γ-HCH), thousands of tons of other isomers were synthesized as byproducts, and after dumping represent sources of contamination for the environment. Several microbes have the potential for aerobic and anaerobic degradation of HCHs, and zero-valent iron is an effective remediation agent for abiotic dechlorination of HCHs, whereas the combination of the processes has not yet been explored. In this study, a sequence of anoxic/oxic chemico-biological treatments for the degradation of HCHs in a real extremely contaminated soil (10-30 g/kg) was applied. Approximately 1500 kg of the soil was employed, and various combinations of reducing and oxygen-releasing chemicals were used for setting up the aerobic and anaerobic phases. The best results were obtained with mZVI/nZVI, grass cuttings, and oxygen-releasing compounds. In this case, 80 % removal of HCHs was achieved in 129 days, and 98 % degradation was achieved after 1106 days. The analysis of HCHs and their transformation products proved active degradation when slight accumulation of the transformation product during the anaerobic phase was followed by aerobic degradation. The results document that switching between aerobic and anaerobic phases, together with the addition of grass, also created suitable conditions for the biodegradation of HCHs and monochlorobenzene/benzene by microbes., Competing Interests: Declaration of Competing Interest The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper., (Copyright © 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2023
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515. The driving factors of per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substance (PFAS) accumulation in selected fish species: The influence of position in river continuum, fish feed composition, and pollutant properties.
- Author
Semerád J, Horká P, Filipová A, Kukla J, Holubová K, Musilová Z, Jandová K, Frouz J, and Cajthaml T
- Subjects
- Animals, Environmental Monitoring, Rivers, Alkanesulfonic Acids analysis, Cyprinidae, Environmental Pollutants, Fluorocarbons analysis, Water Pollutants, Chemical analysis
- Abstract
Per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances (PFASs) represent a group of highly recalcitrant micropollutants, that continuously endanger the environment. The present work describes the geographical trends of fish contamination by individual PFASs (including new compounds, e.g., Gen-X) assessed by analyzing the muscle tissues of 5 separate freshwater fish species from 10 locations on the Czech section of the Elbe River and its largest tributary, the Vltava River. The data of this study also showed that the majority of the detected PFASs consisted of long-chain representatives (perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), perfluorononanoic acid, perfluorodecanoic acid, and perfluoroundecanoic acid), whereas short-chain PFASs as well as other compounds such as Gen-X were detected in relatively small quantities. The maximum concentrations of the targeted 32 PFASs in fish were detected in the lower stretches of the Vltava and Elbe Rivers, reaching 289.9 ng/g dw, 140.5 ng/g dw, and 162.7 ng/g dw for chub, roach, and nase, respectively. Moreover, the relationships between the PFAS (PFOS) concentrations in fish muscle tissue and isotopic ratios (δ
15 N and δ13 C) were studied to understand the effect of feed composition and position in the river continuum as a proxy for anthropogenic activity. Redundancy analysis and variation partitioning showed that the largest part of the data variability was explained by the interaction of position in the river continuum and δ15 N (δ13 C) of the fish. The PFAS concentrations increased downstream and were positively correlated with δ15 N and negatively correlated with δ13 C. A detailed study at one location also demonstrated the significant relationship between δ15 N (estimated trophic position) and PFASs (PFOS) concentrations. From the tested physicochemical properties, the molecular mass and number of fluorine substituents seem to play crucial roles in PFAS bioaccumulation., Competing Interests: Declaration of competing interest The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper., (Copyright © 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.)- Published
- 2022
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516. Discovering the potential of an nZVI-biochar composite as a material for the nanobioremediation of chlorinated solvents in groundwater: Degradation efficiency and effect on resident microorganisms.
- Author
Semerád J, Ševců A, Nguyen NHA, Hrabák P, Špánek R, Bobčíková K, Pospíšková K, Filip J, Medřík I, Kašlík J, Šafařík I, Filipová A, Nosek J, Pivokonský M, and Cajthaml T
- Subjects
- Charcoal, RNA, Ribosomal, 16S genetics, Solvents, Groundwater, Water Pollutants, Chemical
- Abstract
Abiotic and biotic remediation of chlorinated ethenes (CEs) in groundwater from a real contaminated site was studied using biochar-based composites containing nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI/BC) and natural resident microbes/specific CE degraders supported by a whey addition. The material represented by the biochar matrix decorated by isolated iron nanoparticles or their aggregates, along with the added whey, was capable of a stepwise dechlorination of CEs. The tested materials (nZVI/BC and BC) were able to decrease the original TCE concentration by 99% in 30 days. Nevertheless, regarding the transformation products, it was clear that biotic as well as abiotic transformation mechanisms were involved in the transformation process when nonchlorinated volatiles (i.e., methane, ethane, ethene, and acetylene) were detected after the application of nZVI/BC and nZVI/BC with whey. The whey addition caused a massive increase in bacterial biomass in the groundwater samples (monitored by 16S rRNA sequencing and qPCR) that corresponded with the transformation of trichloro- and dichloro-CEs, and this process was accompanied by the formation of less chlorinated products. Moreover, the biostimulation step also eliminated the adverse effect caused by nZVI/BC (decrease in microbial biomass after nZVI/BC addition). The nZVI/BC material or its aging products, and probably together with vinyl chloride-respiring bacteria, were able to continue the further reductive dechlorination of dichlorinated CEs into nonhalogenated volatiles. Overall, the results of the present study demonstrate the potential, feasibility, and environmental safety of this nanobioremediation approach., (Copyright © 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2021
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517. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon accumulation in aged and unaged polyurethane microplastics in contaminated soil.
- Author
Černá T, Pražanová K, Beneš H, Titov I, Klubalová K, Filipová A, Klusoň P, and Cajthaml T
- Abstract
The interaction of microplastics (MPs) and common environmental organic pollutants has been a frequently discussed topic in recent years. Although the estimated contamination caused by MPs in terrestrial ecosystems is one order of magnitude higher than that in the oceans, experiments have been conducted solely in an aqueous matrix. Therefore, an experiment was carried out with two soils differing in their concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and polyurethane foams used for scent fences along roads and crop fields. Two types of polyurethane foam (biodegradable and conventional in aged and unaged form) were exposed to soils containing PAHs that originated from historically contaminated localities. The exposure lasted 28 days, and a newly developed three-step procedure to separate MPs from soil was then applied. Biodegradable polyurethane MPs exhibited a strong tendency to accumulate PAHs after 7 days, and their concentrations significantly grew over time. In contrast, the sorption of PAHs on conventional polyurethane MPs was substantially lower (a maximum of 3.6 times higher concentration than that in the soil). Neither type of foam changed their sorption behaviors after the aging procedure. The results indicate that the flexibility of the polyurethane polymeric network could be the main driving factor for the sorption., Competing Interests: Declaration of competing interest The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper., (Copyright © 2021 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2021
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518. Screening for 32 per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) including GenX in sludges from 43 WWTPs located in the Czech Republic - Evaluation of potential accumulation in vegetables after application of biosolids.
- Author
Semerád J, Hatasová N, Grasserová A, Černá T, Filipová A, Hanč A, Innemanová P, Pivokonský M, and Cajthaml T
- Subjects
- Alkanesulfonic Acids metabolism, Bioaccumulation, Biosolids, Chromatography, Liquid, Czech Republic, Fertilizers analysis, Fluorocarbons metabolism, Propionates metabolism, Soil Pollutants metabolism, Tandem Mass Spectrometry, Vegetables growth & development, Vegetables metabolism, Wastewater chemistry, Water Purification, Alkanesulfonic Acids analysis, Fluorocarbons analysis, Food Contamination analysis, Propionates analysis, Sewage chemistry, Soil Pollutants analysis, Vegetables chemistry
- Abstract
Highly persistent, toxic and bioaccumulative per - and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) represents a serious problem for the environment and their concentrations and fate remain largely unknown. The present study consists of a PFAS screening in sludges originating from 43 wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) in the Czech Republic. To analyze an extended group of PFAS consisting of 32 PFAS, including GenX and other new replacements of older and restricted PFAS in sludge, a new method was optimized and validated using pressurized solvent extraction, followed by the SPE clean-up step to eliminate the observed matrix effects and LC-MS/MS. The results revealed high PFAS contamination of sewage sludge, reaching values from 5.6 to 963.2 ng g
-1 . The results showed that in the majority of the samples (about 60%), PFOS was the most abundant among the targeted PFAS, reaching 932.9 ng g-1 . Approximately 20% of the analyzed samples contained more short-chain PFAS, suggesting the replacement of long-chain PFAS (especially restricted PFOA and PFOS). GenX was detected in 9 samples, confirming the trend in the use of new PFAS. The results revealed that significantly higher contamination was detected in the samples from large WWTPs (population equivalent > 50,000; p-value <0.05). Concerning the application of sludge in agriculture, our prediction using the respective PFAS bioconcentration factors, the observed concentrations, and the legislatively permitted management of biosolids in Czech Republic agriculture revealed that PFAS can cause serious contamination of cereals and vegetables (oat, celery shoots and lettuce leaves), as well as general secondary contamination of the environment., Competing Interests: Declaration of competing interest The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper., (Copyright © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.)- Published
- 2020
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519. Biodegradation of PCBs in contaminated water using spent oyster mushroom substrate and a trickle-bed bioreactor.
- Author
Šrédlová K, Škrob Z, Filipová A, Mašín P, Holecová J, and Cajthaml T
- Subjects
- Biodegradation, Environmental, Bioreactors, Environmental Pollutants, Pleurotus, Polychlorinated Biphenyls
- Abstract
Due to their persistence, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) represent a group of important environmental pollutants, but conventional physicochemical decontamination techniques for their removal are usually expensive. The main aim of this work was to develop a cost-effective method for PCB bioremediation, focusing on contaminated water and utilizing the well-known degradation capability of Pleurotus ostreatus (the oyster mushroom). For this purpose, the conditions of several laboratory-scale reactors (working volume 1 L) were optimized. Spent oyster mushroom substrate obtained from a commercial farm was used as a fungal inoculum and growth substrate. The highest degradation efficiency (87%) was recorded with a continuous low-flow setup, which was subsequently scaled up (working volume 500 L) and used for the treatment of 4000 L of real contaminated groundwater containing 0.1-1 μg/L of PCBs. This trickle-bed pilot-scale bioreactor was able to remove 82, 80, 65, and 30-50% of di-, tri-, tetra- and pentachlorinated PCB congeners, respectively. No degradation was observed for hexa- or heptachlorinated congeners. Multiple mono- and dichlorobenzoic acids (CBAs) were identified as transformation products by mass spectrometry, confirming the role of biodegradation in PCB removal. A Vibrio fischeri bioluminescence inhibition test revealed slight ecotoxicity of the primary reactor effluent (sampling after 24 h), which was quickly suppressed once the effluent passed through the reactor for the second time. Moreover, no other effluent exhibited toxicity for the rest of the experiment (71 days in total). Microbial analyses (phospholipid fatty acid analysis and next-generation sequencing) showed that P. ostreatus was able to degrade PCBs in the presence of an abundance of other fungal species as well as aerobic and anaerobic bacteria. Overall, this study proved the suitability of the use of spent oyster mushroom substrate in a bioremediation practice, even for pollutants as recalcitrant as PCBs., (Copyright © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2020
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520. Oxidative stress in microbes after exposure to iron nanoparticles: analysis of aldehydes as oxidative damage products of lipids and proteins.
- Author
Semerád J, Moeder M, Filip J, Pivokonský M, Filipová A, and Cajthaml T
- Subjects
- Aldehydes pharmacology, Ferric Compounds, Lipids, Metal Nanoparticles toxicity, Nanostructures, Oxidation-Reduction, Toxicity Tests, Bacteria drug effects, Iron metabolism, Iron toxicity, Oxidative Stress physiology
- Abstract
Due to their enhanced reactivity, metal and metal-oxide nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI) nanomaterials have been introduced into remediation practice. To ensure that environmental applications of nanomaterials are safe, their possible toxic effects should be described. However, there is still a lack of suitable toxicity tests that address the specific mode of action of nanoparticles, especially for nZVI. This contribution presents a novel approach for monitoring one of the most discussed adverse effects of nanoparticles, i.e., oxidative stress (OS). We optimized and developed an assay based on headspace-SPME-GC-MS analysis that enables the direct determination of volatile oxidative damage products (aldehydes) of lipids and proteins in microbial cultures after exposure to commercial types of nZVI. The method employs PDMS/DVB SPME fibers and pentafluorobenzyl derivatization, and the protocol was successfully tested using representatives of bacteria, fungi, and algae. Six aldehydes, namely, formaldehyde, acrolein, methional, benzaldehyde, glyoxal, and methylglyoxal, were detected in the cultures, and all of them exhibited dose-dependent sigmoidal responses. The presence of methional, which was detected in all cultures except those including an algal strain, documents that nZVI also caused oxidative damage to proteins in addition to lipids. The most sensitive toward nZVI exposure in terms of aldehyde production was the yeast strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which had an EC
50 value of 0.08 g/L nZVI. To the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first to document the production of aldehydes resulting from lipids and proteins as a result of OS in microorganisms from different kingdoms after exposure to iron nanoparticles.- Published
- 2019
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521. Implications of mycoremediated dry olive residue application and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculation on the microbial community composition and functionality in a metal-polluted soil.
- Author
García-Sánchez M, Cajthaml T, Filipová A, Tlustoš P, Száková J, and García-Romera I
- Subjects
- Fungi, Metals, Soil, Soil Microbiology, Microbiota, Mycorrhizae, Olea, Soil Pollutants
- Abstract
Metal-polluted soils represent hostile environments affecting the composition and functions of soil microbial communities. This study evaluated the implication of combining the mycoremediated dry olive residue (MDOR) amendment application with the inoculation of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) Funneliformis mosseae in restoring the quality, composition, and functionality of soil microbial communities. To achieve this aim, a mesocosms experiment was set up that included three variations: i) with and without application of Penicillium chrysogenum-10-transformed MDOR (MDOR_Pc), and Chondrosterum purpureum-transformed MDOR (MDOR_Cp) amendments; ii) with and without F. mosseae inoculation; and iii) 30-day and 60-day soil treatment time. As a result of this combined treatment, changes in the soil labile organic C and N fractions were observed throughout the experiment. Increases in the abundance of phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) for bacteria, actinobacteria, and Gram- and Gram+ bacteria were also recorded at the end of the experiment. The addition of MDOR amendments boosted fungal and AM fungi communities. AM fungi root and soil colonization was also enhanced as the result of improvement nutrient turnover and spatial conditions caused by adding MDOR in combination with an inoculation of F. mosseae. The composition and functionality of microbial communities seemed to be an important ecological attribute indicating an apparently fully functional restoration of this metal-polluted soil and therefore suggesting the suitability of the combined MDOR and AM fungus treatment as a reclamation practice., (Copyright © 2019. Published by Elsevier Ltd.)
- Published
- 2019
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522. Biodegradation of endocrine disruptors in urban wastewater using Pleurotus ostreatus bioreactor.
- Author
Křesinová Z, Linhartová L, Filipová A, Ezechiáš M, Mašín P, and Cajthaml T
- Subjects
- Biodegradation, Environmental, Endocrine Disruptors analysis, Endocrine Disruptors isolation & purification, Water Pollutants, Chemical analysis, Bioreactors microbiology, Endocrine Disruptors metabolism, Pleurotus metabolism, Wastewater chemistry, Water Pollutants, Chemical metabolism
- Abstract
The white rot fungus Pleurotus ostreatus HK 35, which is also an edible industrial mushroom commonly cultivated in farms, was tested in the degradation of typical representatives of endocrine disrupters (EDCs; bisphenol A, estrone, 17β-estradiol, estriol, 17α-ethinylestradiol, triclosan and 4-n-nonylphenol); its degradation efficiency under model laboratory conditions was greater than 90% within 12 days and better than that of another published strain P. ostreatus 3004. A spent mushroom substrate from a local farm was tested for its applicability in various batch and trickle-bed reactors in degrading EDCs in model fortified and real communal wastewater. The reactors were tested under various regimes including a pilot-scale trickle-bed reactor, which was finally tested at a wastewater treatment plant. The result revealed that the spent substrate is an efficient biodegradation agent, where the fungus was usually able to remove about 95% of EDCs together with suppression of the estrogenic activity of the sample. The results showed the fungus was able to operate in the presence of bacterial microflora in wastewater without any substantial negative effects on the degradation abilities. Finally, a pilot-scale trickle-bed reactor was installed in a wastewater treatment plant and successfully operated for 10days, where the bioreactor was able to remove more than 76% of EDCs present in the wastewater., (Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2018
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523. Assessment of biodegradation potential at a site contaminated by a mixture of BTEX, chlorinated pollutants and pharmaceuticals using passive sampling methods - Case study.
- Author
Lhotský O, Krákorová E, Linhartová L, Křesinová Z, Steinová J, Dvořák L, Rodsand T, Filipová A, Kroupová K, Wimmerová L, Kukačka J, and Cajthaml T
- Abstract
The present study describes a pilot remediation test of a co-mingled plume containing BTEX, chlorinated pollutants and pharmaceuticals. Remediation was attempted using a combination of various approaches, including a pump and treat system applying an advanced oxidation process and targeted direct push injections of calcium peroxide. The remediation process was monitored intensively and extensively throughout the pilot test using various conventional and passive sampling methods, including next-generation amplicon sequencing. The results showed that the injection of oxygen-saturated treated water with residual hydrogen peroxide and elevated temperature enhanced the in situ removal of monoaromatics and chlorinated pollutants. In particular, in combination with the injection of calcium peroxide, the conditions facilitated the in situ bacterial biodegradation of the pollutants. The mean groundwater concentration of benzene decreased from 1349μg·L
-1 prior to the test to 3μg·L-1 within 3months after the calcium peroxide injections; additionally, monochlorobenzene decreased from 1545μg·L-1 to 36μg·L-1 , and toluene decreased from 143μg·L-1 to 2μg·L-1 . Furthermore, significant degradation of the contaminants bound to the soil matrix in less permeable zones was observed. Based on a developed 3D model, 90% of toluene and 88% of chlorobenzene bound to the soil were removed during the pilot test, and benzene was removed almost completely. On the other hand, the psychopharmaceuticals were effectively removed by the employed advanced oxidation process only from the treated water, and their concentration in groundwater remained stagnant due to inflow from the surroundings and their absence of in situ degradation. The employment of passive sampling techniques, including passive diffusion bags (PDB) for volatile organic pollutants and their respective transformation products, polar organic compound integrative samplers (POCIS) for the pharmaceuticals and in situ soil microcosms for microbial community analysis, was proven to be suitable for monitoring remediation in saturated zones., (Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.)- Published
- 2017
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524. Pharmaceuticals, benzene, toluene and chlorobenzene removal from contaminated groundwater by combined UV/H 2 O 2 photo-oxidation and aeration.
- Author
Lhotský O, Krákorová E, Mašín P, Žebrák R, Linhartová L, Křesinová Z, Kašlík J, Steinová J, Rødsand T, Filipová A, Petrů K, Kroupová K, and Cajthaml T
- Subjects
- Benzene, Biodegradation, Environmental, Chlorobenzenes, Czech Republic, Hydrogen Peroxide, Pharmaceutical Preparations, Toluene, Environmental Pollution prevention & control, Groundwater, Water Pollutants, Chemical
- Abstract
This study was performed to test the feasibility of several decontamination methods for remediating heavily contaminated groundwater in a real contaminated locality in the Czech Republic, where a pharmaceuticals plant has been in operation for more than 80 years. The site is polluted mainly by recalcitrant psychopharmaceuticals and monoaromatic hydrocarbons, such as benzene, toluene and chlorobenzene. For this purpose, an advanced oxidation technique employing UV radiation with hydrogen peroxide dosing was employed, in combination with simple aeration pretreatment. The results showed that UV/H
2 O2 was an efficient and necessary step for degradation of the pharmaceuticals; however, the monoaromatics were already removed during the aeration step. Characterization of the removal mechanisms participating in the aeration revealed that volatilization, co-precipitation and biodegradation contributed to the process. These findings were supported by bacterial metabolite analyses, phospholipid fatty acid analysis, qPCR of representatives of the degradative genes and detailed characterization of the formed precipitate using Mössbauer spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Further tests were carried out in a continuous arrangement directly connected to the wells already present in the locality. The results documented the feasibility of combination of the photo-reactor employing UV/H2 O2 together with aeration pretreatment for 4 months, where the overall decontamination efficiency ranged from 72% to 99% of the pharmaceuticals. We recorded even better results for the monoaromatics decontamination except for one month, when we encountered some technical problems with the aeration pump. This demonstrated the necessity of using the aeration step., (Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.)- Published
- 2017
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525. Mesorhizobium bacterial strains isolated from the legume Lotus corniculatus are an alternative source for the production of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) to obtain bioplastics.
- Author
Marcos-García M, García-Fraile P, Filipová A, Menéndez E, Mateos PF, Velázquez E, Cajthaml T, and Rivas R
- Subjects
- Fabaceae, Phylogeny, Polyesters, Lotus, Mesorhizobium, Polyhydroxyalkanoates
- Abstract
Polyhydroxyalkanoic acids (PHAs) are natural polyesters that can be used to produce bioplastics which are biodegradable. Numerous microorganisms accumulate PHAs as energy reserves. Combinations of different PHAs monomers lead to the production of bioplastics with very different properties. In the present work, we show the capability of strains belonging to various phylogenetic lineages within the genus Mesorhizobium, isolated from Lotus corniculatus nodules, to produce different PHA monomers. Among our strains, we found the production of 3-hydroxybutyrate, 3-hydroxyvalerate, 3-hydroxydodecanoate, and 3-hydroxyhexadecanoate. Most of the PHA-positive strains were phylogenetically related to the species M. jarvisii. However, our findings suggest that the ability to produce different monomers forming PHAs is strain-dependent.
- Published
- 2017
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526. Bioremediation of long-term PCB-contaminated soil by white-rot fungi.
- Author
Stella T, Covino S, Čvančarová M, Filipová A, Petruccioli M, D'Annibale A, and Cajthaml T
- Subjects
- Biodegradation, Environmental, Czech Republic, Polychlorinated Biphenyls metabolism, Soil chemistry, Soil Microbiology, Soil Pollutants metabolism, Pleurotus growth & development, Pleurotus metabolism, Polychlorinated Biphenyls analysis, Soil Pollutants analysis
- Abstract
The objective of this work was to test the PCB-degrading abilities of two white-rot fungi, namely Pleurotus ostreatus and Irpex lacteus, in real contaminated soils with different chemical properties and autochthonous microflora. In addition to the efficiency in PCB removal, attention was given to other important parameters, such as changes in the toxicity and formation of PCB transformation products. Moreover, structural shifts and dynamics of both bacterial and fungal communities were monitored using next-generation sequencing and phospholipid fatty acid analysis. The best results were obtained with P. ostreatus, which resulted in PCB removals of 18.5, 41.3 and 50.5% from the bulk, top (surface) and rhizosphere, respectively, of dumpsite soils after 12 weeks of treatment. Numerous transformation products were detected (hydoxylated and methoxylated PCBs, chlorobenzoates and chlorobenzyl alcohols), which indicates that both fungi were able to oxidize and decompose the aromatic moiety of PCBs in the soils. Microbial community analysis revealed that P. ostreatus efficiently colonized the soil samples and suppressed other fungal genera. However, the same fungus substantially stimulated bacterial taxa that encompass putative PCB degraders. The results of this study finally demonstrated the feasibility of using this fungus for possible scaled-up bioremediation applications., (Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2017
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527. Combined nano-biotechnology for in-situ remediation of mixed contamination of groundwater by hexavalent chromium and chlorinated solvents.
- Author
Němeček J, Pokorný P, Lhotský O, Knytl V, Najmanová P, Steinová J, Černík M, Filipová A, Filip J, and Cajthaml T
- Subjects
- Groundwater chemistry, Halogenation, Iron chemistry, Solvents chemistry, Biotechnology methods, Chlorine Compounds chemistry, Chromium chemistry, Environmental Restoration and Remediation methods, Metal Nanoparticles chemistry, Nanotechnology methods, Water Pollutants, Chemical chemistry
- Abstract
The present report describes a 13month pilot remediation study that consists of a combination of Cr(VI) (4.4 to 57mg/l) geofixation and dechlorination of chlorinated ethenes (400 to 6526μg/l), achieved by the sequential use of nanoscale zerovalent iron (nZVI) particles and in situ biotic reduction supported by whey injection. The remediation process was monitored using numerous techniques, including physical-chemical analyses and molecular biology approaches which enabled both the characterization of the mechanisms involved in pollutant transformation and the description of the overall background processes of the treatment. The results revealed that nZVI was efficient toward Cr(VI) by itself and completely removed it from the groundwater (LOQ 0.05mg/l) and the subsequent application of whey resulted in a high removal of chlorinated ethenes (97 to 99%). The persistence of the reducing conditions, even after the depletion of the organic substrates, indicated a complementarity between nZVI and the whey phases in the combined technology as the subsequent application of whey phase partially assisted the microbial regeneration of the spent nZVI by promoting its reduction into Fe(II), which further supported remediation conditions at the site. Illumina sequencing and the detection of functional vcrA and bvcA genes documented a development in the reducing microbes (iron-reducing, sulfate-reducing and chlororespiring bacteria) that benefited under the conditions of the site and that was probably responsible for the high dechlorination and/or Cr(VI) reduction. The results of this study demonstrate the feasibility and high efficiency of the combined nano-biotechnological approach of nZVI and whey application in-situ for the removal of Cr(VI) and chlorinated ethenes from the groundwater of the contaminated site., (Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2016
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528. Widely used pharmaceuticals present in the environment revealed as in vitro antagonists for human estrogen and androgen receptors.
- Author
Ezechiáš M, Janochová J, Filipová A, Křesinová Z, and Cajthaml T
- Subjects
- Androgens toxicity, Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal analysis, Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal toxicity, Biological Assay methods, Cell Line, Tumor, Chemokine CXCL12 metabolism, Dose-Response Relationship, Drug, Endocrine Disruptors toxicity, Estradiol toxicity, Estrogen Antagonists toxicity, Genes, Reporter, Humans, Luciferases genetics, Saccharomyces cerevisiae genetics, Water Pollutants, Chemical toxicity, Androgens analysis, Endocrine Disruptors analysis, Estrogen Antagonists analysis, Pharmaceutical Preparations analysis, Receptors, Androgen metabolism, Receptors, Estrogen antagonists & inhibitors, Water Pollutants, Chemical analysis
- Abstract
A considerable amount of scientific evidence indicates that a number of pharmaceuticals that could be detected in the environment can contribute towards the development of problems associated with human reproductive systems, as well as those of wildlife. We investigated the estrogenic and androgenic effects of select pharmaceuticals with high production volume and environmental relevance. We examined the receptor-binding activities of these pharmaceuticals in the T47D human cell line using altered secretion of cytokine CXCL12. Functional yeast-luciferase reporter gene assays were also employed to confirm the mechanism of receptor binding by estrogen and androgen. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, namely ibuprofen, diclofenac and antiarrhythmic agent amiodarone showed strong anti-estrogenic effects in the T47D cell line. In the yeast-luciferase assay, these anti-inflammatory drugs also demonstrated anti-estrogenic potency and inhibited the E2 response in a concentration-dependent manner. Amiodarone did not exhibit any response in the yeast-luciferase assay; therefore, the endocrine disruption presumably occurred at a different level without directly involving the receptor. All the anti-inflammatory drugs considered in this study, including ketoprofen, naproxen and clofibrate, exhibited a dose-dependent antagonism towards the androgen receptor in the yeast-luciferase assays. Several other drugs, including the stimulant caffeine, did not show any response in the tests that were employed. A risk assessment analysis using 'Hazard Quotient' suggested a potential risk, especially in the cases of ibuprofen, ketoprofen, diclofenac and clofibrate. The results reveal the intrinsic endocrine disrupting nature of several pharmaceuticals and thus could contribute towards explaining a number of adverse health effects on humans and wildlife., (Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2016
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529. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons degradation and microbial community shifts during co-composting of creosote-treated wood.
- Author
Covino S, Fabianová T, Křesinová Z, Čvančarová M, Burianová E, Filipová A, Vořísková J, Baldrian P, and Cajthaml T
- Subjects
- Bacteria classification, Bacteria genetics, Bacteria metabolism, DNA, Bacterial genetics, DNA, Fungal genetics, Fatty Acids metabolism, Fungi classification, Fungi genetics, Fungi metabolism, RNA, Ribosomal, 16S genetics, Waste Management methods, Creosote, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons metabolism, Soil, Soil Microbiology, Soil Pollutants metabolism, Wood
- Abstract
The feasibility of decontaminating creosote-treated wood (CTW) by co-composting with agricultural wastes was investigated using two bulking agents, grass cuttings (GC) and broiler litter (BL), each employed at a 1:1 ratio with the matrix. The initial concentration of total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in CTW (26,500 mg kg(-1)) was reduced to 3 and 19% after 240 d in GC and BL compost, respectively. PAH degradation exceeded the predicted bioaccesible threshold, estimated through sequential supercritical CO2 extraction, together with significant detoxification, assessed by contact tests using Vibrio fisheri and Hordeum vulgare. GC composting was characterized by high microbial biomass growth in the early phases, as suggested by phospholipid fatty acid analyses. Based on the 454-pyrosequencing results, fungi (mostly Saccharomycetales) constituted an important portion of the microbial community, and bacteria were characterized by rapid shifts (from Firmicutes (Bacilli) and Actinobacteria to Proteobacteria). However, during BL composting, larger amounts of prokaryotic and eukaryotic PLFA markers were observed during the cooling and maturation phases, which were dominated by Proteobacteria and fungi belonging to the Ascomycota and those putatively related to the Glomeromycota. This work reports the first in-depth analysis of the chemical and microbiological processes that occur during the co-composting of a PAH-contaminated matrix., (Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2016
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530. Combined abiotic and biotic in-situ reduction of hexavalent chromium in groundwater using nZVI and whey: A remedial pilot test.
- Author
Němeček J, Pokorný P, Lacinová L, Černík M, Masopustová Z, Lhotský O, Filipová A, and Cajthaml T
- Subjects
- Environmental Monitoring, Oxidation-Reduction, Phospholipids analysis, Pilot Projects, RNA, Ribosomal, 16S chemistry, RNA, Ribosomal, 16S genetics, Water Microbiology, Chromium chemistry, Environmental Restoration and Remediation methods, Ferric Compounds chemistry, Groundwater chemistry, Reducing Agents chemistry, Water Pollutants, Chemical chemistry, Whey chemistry
- Abstract
The paper describes a pilot remediation test combining two Cr(VI) geofixation methods - chemical reduction by nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI) and subsequent biotic reduction supported by whey. Combination of the methods exploited the advantages of both - a rapid decrease in Cr(VI) concentrations by nZVI, which prevented further spreading of the contamination and facilitated subsequent use of the cheaper biological method. Successive application of whey as an organic substrate to promote biotic reduction of Cr(VI) after application of nZVI resulted in a further and long-term decrease in the Cr(VI) contents in the groundwater. The effect of biotic reduction was observed even in a monitoring well located at a distance of 22 m from the substrate injection wells after 10 months. The results indicated a reciprocal effect of both the phases - nZVI oxidized to Fe(III) during the abiotic phase was microbially reduced back to Fe(II) and acted as a reducing agent for Cr(VI) even when the microbial density was already low due to the consumed substrate. Community analysis with pyrosequencing of the 16S rRNA genes further confirmed partial recycling of nZVI in the form of Fe(II), where the results showed that the Cr(VI) reducing process was mediated mainly by iron-reducing and sulfate-reducing bacteria., (Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2015
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531. Anaerobic in situ biodegradation of TNT using whey as an electron donor: a case study.
- Author
Innemanová P, Velebová R, Filipová A, Čvančarová M, Pokorný P, Němeček J, and Cajthaml T
- Subjects
- Anaerobiosis physiology, Biodegradation, Environmental, Electron Transport, Electrons, Oxidation-Reduction, Pilot Projects, Trinitrotoluene chemistry, Trinitrotoluene isolation & purification, Water Pollutants, Chemical isolation & purification, Whey chemistry, Groundwater microbiology, Trinitrotoluene metabolism, Water Pollutants, Chemical metabolism, Water Purification methods, Whey metabolism
- Abstract
Contamination by 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT), an explosive extensively used by the military, represents a serious environmental problem. In this study, whey has been selected as the most technologically and economically suitable primary substrate for anaerobic in situ biodegradation of TNT. Under laboratory conditions, various additions of whey, molasses, acetate and activated sludge as an inoculant were tested and the process was monitored using numerous chemical analyses including phospholipid fatty acid analysis. The addition of whey resulted in the removal of more than 90% of the TNT in real contaminated soil (7 mg kg(-1) and 12 mg kg(-1) of TNT). The final bioremediation strategy was suggested on the basis of the laboratory results and tested under real conditions at a TNT contaminated site in the Czech Republic. During the pilot test, three repeated injections of whey suspension into the sandy aquifer were performed over a 10-month period. In total, approximately 5m(3) of whey were used. A substantial decrease in the TNT groundwater concentration from the original levels (equalling 1.49 mg l(-1) to 8.58 mg l(-1)) was observed in most of the injection wells, while the concentrations of the TNT biotransformation products were found to be elevated. Pilot-scale application results showed that the anoxic and/or anaerobic conditions in the aquifer were sufficient for TNT bio-reduction by autochthonous microorganisms. Whey application was not accompanied by undesirable effects such as a substantial decrease in the pH or clogging of the wells. The results of the study document the suitability of application of whey to bioremediate TNT contaminated sites in situ., (Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2015
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532. Biotransformation of fluoroquinolone antibiotics by ligninolytic fungi--Metabolites, enzymes and residual antibacterial activity.
- Author
Čvančarová M, Moeder M, Filipová A, and Cajthaml T
- Subjects
- Biodegradation, Environmental, Mass Spectrometry, Norfloxacin, Ofloxacin, Peroxidases, Pleurotus metabolism, Polyporales metabolism, Trametes metabolism, Anti-Bacterial Agents metabolism, Biotransformation, Fluoroquinolones metabolism
- Abstract
A group of white rot fungi (Irpex lacteus, Panus tigrinus, Dichomitus squalens, Trametes versicolor and Pleurotus ostreatus) was investigated for the biodegradation of norfloxacin (NOR), ofloxacin (OF) and ciprofloxacin (CIP). The selected fluoroquinolones were readily degraded almost completely by I. lacteus and T. versicolor within 10 and 14 d of incubation in liquid medium, respectively. The biodegradation products were identified by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. The analyses indicated that the fungi use similar mechanisms to degrade structurally related antibiotics. The piperazine ring of the molecules is preferably attacked via either substitution or/and decomposition. In addition to the degradation efficiency, attention was devoted to the residual antibiotic activities estimated using Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Only I. lacteus was able to remove the antibiotic activity during the course of the degradation of NOR and OF. The product-effect correlations evaluated by Principal Component Analysis (PCA) enabled elucidation of the participation of the individual metabolites in the residual antibacterial activity. Most of the metabolites correlated with the antibacterial activity, explaining the rather high residual activity remaining after the biodegradation. PCA of ligninolytic enzyme activities indicated that manganese peroxidase might participate in the degradation., (Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2015
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533. Biotransformation of the antibiotic agent flumequine by ligninolytic fungi and residual antibacterial activity of the transformation mixtures.
- Author
Cvančarová M, Moeder M, Filipová A, Reemtsma T, and Cajthaml T
- Subjects
- Anti-Bacterial Agents chemistry, Bacteria drug effects, Biodegradation, Environmental drug effects, Biotransformation drug effects, Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid, Culture Media chemistry, Fluoroquinolones chemistry, Mass Spectrometry, Microbial Sensitivity Tests, Pleurotus metabolism, Principal Component Analysis, Trametes metabolism, Anti-Bacterial Agents metabolism, Anti-Bacterial Agents pharmacology, Fluoroquinolones metabolism, Fluoroquinolones pharmacology, Fungi metabolism, Lignin metabolism
- Abstract
Flumequine, a fluoroquinolone antibiotic, is applied preferably in veterinary medicine, for stock breeding and treatment of aquacultures. Formation of drug resistance is a matter of general concern when antibiotics such as flumquine occur in the environment. Thus, biodegradation of flumequine in solution was investigated using five different ligninolytic fungi. Irpex lacteus, Dichomitus squalens, and Trametes versicolor proved most efficient and transformed more than 90% of flumequine within 6 or even 3 days. Panus tigrinus and Pleurotus ostreatus required up to 14 days to remove >90% of flumequine. Analyses of the metabolites by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry suggest different transformation pathways for the different fungal strains. Structure proposals were elaborated for 8 metabolites. 7-Hydroxy-flumequine and flumequine ethyl ester were identified as common metabolites produced by all ligninolytic fungi. The largest variety of metabolites was formed by D. squalens. Residual antibacterial activity of the metabolite mixtures was tested using gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. While for the less efficient P. tigrinus and P. ostreatus cultures the antibacterial activities corresponded to the residual concentrations of flumequine, a remarkable antibacterial activity remained in the D. squalens cultures although flumequine was transformed to more than 90%. Obviously, antibacterially active transformation products were formed by this fungal strain.
- Published
- 2013
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534. Biodegradation of PCBs by ligninolytic fungi and characterization of the degradation products.
- Author
Cvančarová M, Křesinová Z, Filipová A, Covino S, and Cajthaml T
- Subjects
- Pleurotus metabolism, Biodegradation, Environmental, Fungi metabolism, Polychlorinated Biphenyls metabolism
- Abstract
The aim of the present study was to compare the degrading capabilities of eight ligninolytic fungal representatives towards a technical mixture of polychlorinated biphenyls (Delor 103). Axenic cultures of the fungi, either in complex or N-limited liquid media, were spiked with the technical mixture of Delor 103. All of the fungal strains were able to degrade the pollutant significantly after 6weeks of incubation in both media. Outstanding results were achieved by the treatment with Pleurotus ostreatus, which removed 98.4% and 99.6% of the PCB mixture in complex and mineral media, respectively. This fungus was the only one capable of breaking down penta- and hexachlorinated biphenyls in the complex medium. Ecotoxicological assays performed with the luminescent bacterium Vibrio fischeri demonstrated that all of the fungal strains employed in this study were able to remove the toxicity only temporarily (e.g., after 28d of incubation), while P. ostreatus was capable of suppressing the toxicity associated to PCBs along the whole incubation period in both media. We also performed an extensive set of qualitative GC/MS analyses and chlorinated derivatives of hydroxy- and methoxy-biphenyls were detected along with monoaromatic structures, i.e. chlorobenzoic acids, chlorobenzaldehydes and chlorobenzyl alcohols. This results indicate that both intracellular (cytochrome P-450 monooxigenase, aryl-alcohol dehydrogenase and aryl-aldehyde dehydrogenase) and extracellular (ligninolytic enzymes) enzymatic systems could be involved in the biotransformation of PCB by ligninolytic fungi. The data from this work also document that the fungi are able to degrade further the main metabolites on the PCB pathway (i.e. chlorobenzoic acids) simultaneously with PCBs., (Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2012
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535. Biodegradation of chlorobenzoic acids by ligninolytic fungi.
- Author
Muzikář M, Křesinová Z, Svobodová K, Filipová A, Cvančarová M, Cajthamlová K, and Cajthaml T
- Subjects
- Aliivibrio fischeri drug effects, Biodegradation, Environmental, Chlorobenzoates toxicity, Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid, Ergosterol metabolism, Kinetics, Polyporales enzymology, Soil Microbiology, Soil Pollutants toxicity, Chlorobenzoates analysis, Lignin chemistry, Polyporales growth & development, Soil Pollutants analysis
- Abstract
We investigated the abilities of several perspective ligninolytic fungal strains to degrade 12 mono-, di- and trichloro representatives of chlorobenzoic acids (CBAs) under model liquid conditions and in contaminated soil. Attention was also paid to toxicity changes during the degradation, estimated using two luminescent assay variations with Vibrio fischeri. The results show that almost all the fungi were able to efficiently degrade CBAs in liquid media, where Irpex lacteus, Pycnoporus cinnabarinus and Dichomitus squalens appeared to be the most effective in the main factors: degradation and toxicity removal. Analysis of the degradation products revealed that methoxy and hydroxy derivatives were produced together with reduced forms of the original acids. The findings suggest that probably more than one mechanism is involved in the process. Generally, the tested fungal strains were able to degrade CBAs in soil in the 85-99% range within 60 days. Analysis of ergosterol showed that active colonization is an important factor for degradation of CBAs by fungi. The most efficient strains in terms of degradation were I. lacteus, Pleurotus ostreatus, Bjerkandera adusta in soil, which were also able to actively colonize the soil. However, in contrast to P. ostreatus and I. lacteus, B. adusta was not able to significantly reduce the measured toxicity., (Copyright © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2011
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