426 results on '"Fertilizing"'
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402. Međusobni odnosi obrade i gnojidbe tla u uzgoju šećerne repe na lessive pseudogleju donje Podravine
- Author
Anđelko Butorac, Ivica Kisić, Jasminka Butorac, and Josip Barčić
- Subjects
gnojidba ,lessive pseudoglej ,obrada tla ,prinos ,šećerna repa ,tillage ,fertilizing ,lessive pseudogley ,sugar beet ,yield - Abstract
Na lessive pseudogleju donje Podravine provedena su trogodišnja istraživanja osam različitih varijanata obrade u kombinaciji sa četiri varijante mineralne gnojidbe. U ovom se radu iznose rezultati za šećernu repu. Varijante obrade tla u kombinaciji s četiri razine mineralne gnojidbe (niska, srednja, visoka i vrlo visoka) bile su sljedeće: oranje na 20, 30, 40, 50 i 60 cm, te oranje na 20 cm s podrivanjem na 50 i 70 cm i oranje na 30 cm s podrivanjem na 50 cm. Druge i treće godine istraživanja pratio se rezidualni učinak duboke obrade i mineralne gnojidbe, pa su stoga oba zahvata bila uniformna. Duboka je obrada tla u pravilu pozitivno djelovala na prinos korijena šećerne repe i šećera. Gnojidba je u osnovi bila vrlo neučinkovita u sve tri godine, što posebno vrijedi za vi.e doze. U skladu s pojedinačnim djelovanjem obrade i gnojidbe tla, interakcijsko djelovanje oba čimbenika javilo se u ograničenom opsegu. Pri tome je značajniji bio kompenzacijski učinak obrade., Three-year investigations of eight different tillage treatments, combined with four mineral fertilizer rates, were carried out on luvic pseudogley in lower Podravina. The results referring to sugar beet are presented in this paper. The following ploughing treatments combined with four mineral fertilizer rates (low, medium, high and very high) were applied: ploughing at 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 cm, ploughing at 20 cm with subsoiling at 50 and 70 cm, and ploughing at 30 cm with subsoiling at 50 cm. Residual effects of deep ploughing and mineral fertilization were followed up in the second and third trial years, hence both practices were uniform. As a rule, deep ploughing had a positive effect on the yield of sugar beet roots and sugar. Fertilization was generally inefficient in all three years, which particularly holds for higher rates. In accord with the individual effects of ploughing and fertilization, there was rather restricted interaction of these factors, with a more pronounced compensation effect of ploughing.
- Published
- 2000
- Author
R. S.M. Thiab and T. J. Mahdi
- Subjects
Male Chickens ,New Hampshire ,Semen ,Fertilizing ,Veterinary medicine ,SF600-1100 - Abstract
This experiment was conducted to compare and estimate the fertilizing capacity of native with New Hampshire chicken semen. Also to study the effect. Of different levels of semen dosage on fertility percentage, duration’ of fertility and duration of fertilizing ability. In this experiment (12) native and (12) N.H. male chicken with (240) Hisex laying hens have been used. The results of the statistical analysis showed that there were no significant (P>0.05) differences between the native and N.H. male chickens for the fertilizing capacity. fertilizing percentage in duration of fertility and fertility duration. The values were 90.40, 90.73%; 85.77, 85.60%; 12.11, 12.3 days for native and N.H. chickens, respectively. There were no significant (P>0.05) effect of increasing semen concentration (100, 200, 300 million sperm) per single insemenation on the percentage of fertilization and duration of fertility percentage. The values for percentage of fertilization, duration of fertility percentage and fertility duration were 89.76%, 91.79, 90.14; 85.33%, 88.72, 83.01; 12.24, 11.90, 12.50 days, respectively. Using the above mentioned concentration levels, no significant interaction was found between semen concentration and male groups.
- Published
- 1987
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404. An On-Farm Communication System for Precision Farming with Nitrogen Real-Time Application
- Author
Auernhammer H., Demmel, M., Maid!, F.X., Schmidhalter, U., Schneider, T., Wagner, P., and Lehrstuhl für Agrarsystemtechnik
- Subjects
Landwirtschaft ,Precision Farming ,Fertilizing ,Automatic Data Acquisition ,GPS ,LBS ,soil sampling ,economy ,plant growth ,information system ,ddc:630 - Abstract
Precision farming has become a main focus of worldwide agricultural research. Mainly "mapping approaches" are investigated. "Real-time" application technology can be seen in first approaches. Solutions with standardized communication for a cheap realization on the farm are mentioned only theoreticly, although with the Agricultural Bus System LBS a standardized basis technology is available. The research group "Information Systems Precision Farming Duernast" IKB-Duemast has the aim to realize an integrated approach of "realtime application with map overlay" based on LBS in a data collection and analysis concept for farms. The project has startet in September 1998 and will deliver first results at the end of 1999.
- Published
- 1998
405. Salinity driven oceanographic upwelling
- Author
Johnson, David [Lakewood, CO]
- Published
- 1986
406. Using Mulches in Utah Landscapes and Gardens
- Author
Koenig, Rich, Farrell-Poe, Kitt, Miller, Bruce, and Utah State University Extension
- Subjects
fertilizer control ,compost ,bark ,soil temperature ,mulch ,Plant Sciences ,Life Sciences ,Agriculture ,landscape ,Horticulture ,fertilizer ,mulches ,soil ,fertilizing ,Education ,Utah ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION ,soil nutrients ,gardens ,ComputingMethodologies_COMPUTERGRAPHICS ,utah landscapes - Abstract
This publication discusses the use of mulches in Utah landscapes including benefits and application information.
- Published
- 1997
- Subjects
Proizvodnja riba ,ulov ,prinos ,površine ribnjaka ,gnojidba ,hranidba ,god. 1996., Hrvatska ,fish produetion ,fish catch ,fish amount ,surface area ,fertilizing ,feeding ,feeding coefficient ,1996, Croatia - Abstract
U radu su izneseni podaci o proizvodnji i ulovu ribe po vrstama, o površini ribnjaka, o ribolovnim sredstvima i o raspodjeli proizvodnje i ulova u godini 1996. Površine koje se iskorištavaju za proizvodnju ribe smanjene su 1.357 ha ili 11, 99%, a ukupan je prinos ribe manji za 1.921 tonu ili 29,76%. Hranidbeni je koeficijent 4,0 kg veći, u odnosu na prethodnu godinu 33,33%. Potrošak je gnojiva smanjen 18,79%. Od ukupnih površina ribnjaka rastilišta čine 5,99% površine, mladičnjaci 21,13%, a uzgajališta za konzumnu ribu 71,53%. Ukupan je prinos ribe u šaranskim ribnjacima 376 kg ha, a u pastrvskim 146,6 tona ha. Od svih ribljih vrsta najviše se proizvodi šaran 82,21%, zatim pastrva 8,57%, biljožderne ribe 4,78%, a sve ostale ribe čine 4,44% ukupne proizvodnje. U strukturi biljoždernih riba na prvome je mjestu amur s 64,28%, a slijede sivi glavaš s 26,02% te bijeli glavaš s 9,70%. U usporedbi s prethodnom godinom nešto je povećana proizvodnja pastrve i lin jaka, a smanjena je proizvodnja svih ostalih vrsta. Ulov ribe u otvorenim vodama povećan je 19,23% u usporedbi s prethodnom godinom. Zbrojivši ukupnu proizvodnju i ulov slatkovodne ribe, udio je šarana 77,46%, biljoždernih 4,32%, pastrve 7,87%, soma, smuđa i štuke 2,99% i svih ostalih ribljih vrsta 7,36%. Što se tiče raspodjele proizvodnje i ulova, 46,91% prodano je na tržištu, 39,19% potrošeno je za vlastitu reprodukciju (nasad u ribnjake), uginuća iznose 6,23%, a za vlastitu potrošnju (športski ribolovci) potrošeno je 7,67%. Broj ribarskih djelatnika smanjen je 17,75%, a proizvodnja ribe po djelatniku također je smanjena 26,62% u usporedbi s prethodnom godinom. Po djelatniku je prosječno proizvedeno 5,87 tona ribe., Data on the production and fish catch according to species, on the surface of the fish ponds, on the means of fish catching and on the distribution of the production and the catch in 1996 is presented. The surface area used for production of fish has decreased by 1357 ha or 11.99%. The total fish amount has decreased by 1,921.00 tons or 29.76%. The feeding coefficient is 4 kg (33.33%) bigger compared to the previous year. The amount of the fertilizer used has decreased by 18.79%. The fry carp growing ponds make up 5.99% of the total fish pond surfaces, the young carp ponds 21.13%, and the ponds with consumption fish 71.53%. The total fish amount in the carp ponds was 376 kg/ha, and in the trout ponds it was 146.6 tons/ha. The most produced fish species is the carp with 82.21 %, followed by the trout with 8.57%, the herbivorous fish with 4.78%, while all the other fish species make up 4.44% of the entire production. In the structure of herbivorous fish the grass carp is leading with 64,28%, followed by the big head carp with 26.02% and the silver carp with 9.70%. Compared to the previous year the production of the trout and tench has somewhat increased, while the production of all the other species of fish has decreased. Fish catch in open waters has increased by 19.23% in comparison to the previous year. In the production and catch of the total freshwater fish, carp made up 77.46%, the herbivorous fish made up 4.32%, trout 4.32%, sheat fish, pike perch and pike 2.99% and all other fish species 7.36%. As far as the distribution of production and catch is concerned, 46.91% were sold on the market, 39.19% were used for reproduction (stocking the fish farms), mortalities were 6.23%, and for personal use (sports fishing) 7.67% was used. The number of fisheries workers has decreased by 17.75%, and the production per worker has also decreased by 26.62%, compared to the previous year. Average production per worker was 5.87 tons of fish.
- Published
- 1997
- Author
K. Fašaić, Lj. Debeljak, and Z. Adámek
- Subjects
Carp ,hemoglobin ,MCHC ,hematocrit ,lipids ,protein ,fertilizing ,feeding ,Šaran ,hematokrita ,srednja koncentracija boje ,lipidi ,gnojidba ,dodatna hrana - Abstract
Istraženo je djelovanje različitih tehnologija (I - bez gnojidbe, prihranjivanje riba žitaricama, II - gnojidba, prihranjivanje riba žitaricama i III - bez gnojidbe, prihranjivanje riba briketima s 20% životinjskih proteina) u uzgoju šarana u polikulturi s bijelim i sivim glavašem i bijelim amurom na neke hematološke pokazatelje (hematokrit, koncentracija hemoglobina, srednja koncentracija boje, ukupni proteini i ukupni lipidi). Gustoća je nasada bila 3.250 ind˙ha-1, a od toga šaran s 2.500 ind˙ha-1 (772). Prosječna vrijednost hemoglobina u krvnom serumu šarana bila je u kontrolnoj varijanti I 111,80±18,38 gr1, u varijanti II s gnojidbom mineralnim gnojivom NPK (17: 8: 9) i prihranjivanjem žitaricama 121,60±15,86, a u varijanti III bez gnojidbe i uz prihranjivanje briketima s 20% proteina 122,00±15,61 g˙l-1. Vrijednost je hematokrita iznosila pripadajuće 0,25±O,03, O,30±0,03 i O,28±0,00 L˙L-1, te srednja koncentracija boje 0,23±0,01, 0,23±O,01 i O,25±0,01 L˙L-1. Prosječna količina ukupnih proteina u krvnom serumu šarana iznosila je 27,OO±O,32 (varijanta I), 32,00±0,52 (varijanta II) i 34,00±1,02 (varijanta III). Prosječna vrijednost ukupnih lipida u krvnom serumu šarana bila je 1O,10±O,29 gr1 (varijanta I), 11,20±1,60 g˙l-1 (varijanta II) i l1,20±1,60 g˙l-1 (varijanta III). Statistički opravdane razlike utvrđene su samo u količini ukupnih proteina u serumu šarana (P>0,05), i to u korist varijante III u kojoj je šaran prihranjivan bjelančevinama životinjskog porijekla., An investigation was carried out in three variants of experimental fish ponds in which different technologies were applied (l - without fertilizing, feeding of carp with cereals; II - fertilizing, feeding of carp with cereals; III - without fertilizing, feeding of carp with pellets containing 20% of protein). Carp was reared under conditions of policulture with total stock density 3250 ind. ha-1 (2500 ind•ha-1 carp 250 ind•ha-1 silver carp, 250 ind•ha-1 bighead and 250 ind•ha-1 grass carp. Average weights of fishes were from 29 to 77 g. The values of some hematological and biochemical indices of carp were estimated (hematocrit, hemoglobin, MCHC, total protein and total lipids). The mean value of concentration of hemoglobin was 111,80±18,38 gl-1 (variant I); 121,60±15,86 gl-1 (variant II) and 122,00±15,61 gl-1 (variant III). Hematocrit value was 0,25±0,03 L˙L-1 0,30±0,03 L˙L-1 0,28±0,02 L˙L-1, and MCHC 0,23±0,01 L˙L-1; 0,23±0,01 L˙L-1; 0,25±0,01 L˙L-1 resp. The concentration of total protein in blood plasma of carp was 27,00±0,32 g˙L-1 (variant 1), 32,00±0,52 g˙L-1 (variant II) and 34,00±1,02 g˙L-1 (variant III). The concentration oftotallipids was 10,1O±0,29 g˙L-1,11,20±1,60 g˙L-1 and 1l,20±1,60 g˙L-1 resp. The differences between means values of these indices found in carp of different variants were significant (P>0.05) only for values of total protein (table 3) in variant III where carp was fed with protein of animal origin.
- Published
- 1995
409. EXT LM12 - Calculating Rates, Fall 1993
- Author
Kjelgren, Roger
- Subjects
extension ,rates ,calculating ,landscape ,Landscape Architecture ,fertilizing - Abstract
This course focuses on maintaining landscapes in the interior west of the United States. The course will instruct you on how to keep plants and trees healthy, how to think through and solve problems related to landscape maintenance, and how to maintain landscape with as little intervention as possible through understanding the needs of the plants. This course is the 12th in a series of videos that offers a wide variety of information about landscape maintenance. Specifically this module talks about calculating fertilizer rates.
- Published
- 1993
410. Crescimento do tomateiro (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill.) adubado com f?sforo e colonizado com fungos micorr?zicos ves?culo-arbusculares
- Author
Ara?jo, Adelson Paulo de, Almeida, Dejair Lopes de, Silva, Eliane Maria Ribeiro da, and Rossiello, Roberto Oscar Pereyra
- Subjects
Lycopersicum esculentum ,f?sforo ,fungos micorr?zicos ves?culo-arbusculares ,Gigaspora ,Agronomia ,tomateiro ,phosphorus ,aduba??o ,tomato plant ,Glomus ,vesiculararbuscular mycorrhizal fungi ,fertilizing - Abstract
Submitted by Jorge Silva (jorgelmsilva@ufrrj.br) on 2022-06-03T19:47:57Z No. of bitstreams: 1 1992 - Adelson Paulo de Ara?jo.pdf: 939425 bytes, checksum: 141eea8ea5bbd1fd847f947ed4882bff (MD5) Made available in DSpace on 2022-06-03T19:47:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 1992 - Adelson Paulo de Ara?jo.pdf: 939425 bytes, checksum: 141eea8ea5bbd1fd847f947ed4882bff (MD5) Previous issue date: 1992-11-13 CNPq - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico Three experiments were conducted in the greenhouse, in desinfested soils, to evaluate the effectivity of vesiculararbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (VAMF) to the tomato plant (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill., cv. Angela I-5100). In the first experiment, eight species of VAMF and a control were tested. Glomus clarum, Glomus etunicatum, and Gigaspora margarita were selected, due to their improve on shoot P concentration and content and their infectivity. In the second experiment, these three VAMF species and a control were compared at four levels of added P (30, 60, 120 and 240 mg P.kg-1 soil). Responses to P levels were observed on shoot and root dry matter up to 120 mg.kg-1, and on leaf area, P concentration and content up to 240 mg.kg-1. At 60 mg.kg-1, mycorrhizal plants showed higher shoot dry matter than the nonmycorrhizal ones, with no increases in P concentration and content. At 30 mg.kg-1, G. clarum and G. margarita were superior to G. etunicatum, and at 120 mg.kg-1, G. etunicatum was superior to G. clarum, with respect to shoot dry matter. G. clarum increased root dry matter and root P content, when compared to the control. The mycorrhizal infection was higher at 30 and 60 mg.kg-1 than at 240 mg.kg-1. In the third experiment, tomato plants, inoculated or not with G. etunicatum, were cultivated at two levels of added P (60 and 120 mg P.kg-1 soil). A functional method of growth analysis was used, with ten weekly harvests (27 until 90 days after transplant) and fotometric measurement of root area. From the mathematical models tested for data adjustment - Gompertz, Logistic, second degree and third degree exponential polynomials - the last one was chosen. A continuous reduction of root:shoot (R:S) ratio (dry matter), specific leaf area, root radius, and P concentration in plant portions were observed. At 120 mg.kg-1, leaf area, dry matter, and root radius were increased, and R:S ratio was decreased. VAMF increased root dry matter and root area, and reduced root radius. At 60 mg.kg-1, VAMF increased stem dry matter, and at 120 mg.kg-1, increased R:S ratio and specific leaf area. VAMF increased stem P content. At 120 mg.kg-1, VAMF increased leaf, fruit and total P content. At 120 mg.kg-1, the relative growth rate, the P accumulation rates, and the net P flux were increased, and the specific P utilization rate was decreased. The net assimilation rate was little affected. In the early stages, VAMF reduced the growth, the net assimilation and the P utilization rates, mainly at 120 mg.kg-1. Thereafter, an increase of these rates was observed, and also a delay in plant senescence. At 120 mg.kg-1, VAMF enhanced P accumulation, with no photosynthetic stimulation, reducing the specific P utilization rate. The VAMF stimulation to root production caused a decrease in the net P flux. Foram conduzidos tr?s experimentos em casa-de-vegeta??o, em solos desinfestados, para avaliar a efetividade de fungos micorr?zicos ves?culo-arbusculares (FMVA) para o tomateiro (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill., cv. Angela I-5100). No primeiro experimento, oito esp?cies de FMVA e um controle foram testados. Glomus clarum, Glomus etunicatum e Gigaspora margarita foram selecionados, pelo aumento do teor e conte?do de P na parte a?rea e pela sua capacidade infectiva. No segundo experimento, estas tr?s esp?cies de FMVA e um controle foram comparados em quatro doses de P aplicado (30, 60, 120 e 240 mg P.kg-1 solo). Houve resposta para P at? 120 mg.kg-1 na mat?ria seca de parte a?rea e raiz, e at? 240 mg.kg-1 na ?rea foliar, teor e conte?do de P. Em 60 mg.kg-1 as plantas micorrizadas apresentaram maior mat?ria seca de parte a?rea que as n?o-micorrizadas, sem aumentos no teor e conte?do de P. Em 30 mg.kg-1 G. clarum e G. margarita foram superiores a G. etunicatum, e em 120 mg.kg-1 G. etunicatum superior a G. clarum, na mat?ria seca de parte a?rea. G. clarum elevou a mat?ria seca e o conte?do de P de raiz em rela??o ao controle. A infec??o micorr?zica foi maior em 30 e 60 mg.kg-1 do que em 240 mg.kg-1. No terceiro experimento o tomateiro, inoculado ou n?o com G. etunicatum, foi cultivado em duas doses de P aplicado (60 e 120 mg P.kg-1 solo). Foi utilizado um m?todo funcional de an?lise de crescimento, com dez coletas semanais (dos 27 aos 90 dias ap?s transplante) e leitura fotom?trica de ?rea radicular. Entre os modelos matem?ticos testados para ajuste dos dados - Gompertz, Log?stica, exponenciais polinomiais de 2o grau e de 3o grau - o ?ltimo foi o escolhido. Foi observada cont?nua redu??o da rela??o mat?ria seca de raiz:parte a?rea (R:S), da ?rea foliar espec?fica, do raio radicular e do teor de P nas partes vegetais. Em 120 mg.kg-1 houve aumento de ?rea foliar, mat?ria seca e raio radicular, e diminui??o da rela??o R:S. FMVA aumentou a ?rea e mat?ria seca radicular, e diminuiu o raio radicular. Em 60 mg.kg-1 FMVA aumentou a mat?ria seca de caule, e em 120 mg.kg-1 a rela??o R:S e a ?rea foliar espec?fica. FMVA aumentou o conte?do de P no caule. Em 120 mg.kg-1 FMVA aumentou o conte?do de P na folha, fruto e total. Em 120 mg.kg-1 houve aumento da taxa de crescimento relativo, das taxas de acumula??o de P e do fluxo l?quido de P, e diminui??o da taxa de utiliza??o espec?fica de P. A taxa de assimila??o l?quida foi pouco afetada. Numa primeira fase, FMVA reduziu as taxas de crescimento, de assimila??o l?quida e de utiliza??o de P, mais acentuadamente em 120 mg.kg-1. Depois observou-se aumento dessas taxas e retardamento da senesc?ncia vegetal. Em 120 mg.kg-1 FMVA aumentou as taxas de acumula??o de P, sem est?mulo ? fotoss?ntese, reduzindo a taxa de utiliza??o espec?fica de P. O est?mulo de FMVA ? produ??o de ra?zes acarretou a redu??o do fluxo l?quido de P.
- Published
- 1992
411. Future Developments for Fertilizing in Germany
- Author
Auernhammer, H., Demmel, M., Rottmeier, J., Muhr, T., and Lehrstuhl für Agrarsystemtechnik
- Subjects
Precision Farming ,Fertilizing ,GPS ,DGPS ,LBS ,Weather station ,Soil sampling ,Yield mapping ,Site-specific management ,Landwirtschaft ,ddc:630 - Abstract
Fertilizing in future will be based on local yield detection, local soil and weather conditions and on use of expert knowledge systems. Position detection will play the key role in a closed loop system for data collection and process control. Engineers have to solve the challenge of the nineties to develop and to implement reliable sensors, actuators and control equipments for practical use. High sophisticated technique will then be able to save costs and to protect environment.
- Published
- 1990
412. Fertilizing Lawns
- Author
Sagers, Larry A. and Utah State University Extension
- Subjects
lawn ,Plant Sciences ,Horticulture ,fertilizing - Published
- 1990
413. Fertilizing for a Successful Garden
- Author
Hatch, Duane and Utah State University Extension
- Subjects
successful garden ,fertilizing a garden ,Plant Sciences ,food and beverages ,gardening ,garden ,Horticulture ,fertilizer ,complex mixtures ,soil ,fertilizing - Abstract
Properly grown vegetables require high levels of minerals and water. They grow rapidly and produce their edible portion in 25-100 days. We appreciate vegetables because they are tender and crisp or have succulent fruits of various kinds. Plants grown under stress, lacking water and fertility are not as productive nor as desirable to the palate. By following these guidelines you may be rewarded with a productive garden of quality vegetables without obtaining a soil test. If the soil has not been gardened previously, or if the garden performs poorly in spite of your fertility program, perhaps you should consider a soil test. The USU Soils Lab will test your soil for $10.00 and give you pH, phosphorus, potassium, soluble salts and soil texture readings. The test will not identify soil borne insects, diseases or chemical residues.
- Published
- 1990
414. G91-1022 Guide to Growing Houseplants
- Author
Steinegger, Don, Baxendale, Frederick P., Watkins, John E., Steinegger, Don, Baxendale, Frederick P., and Watkins, John E.
- Abstract
Proper care can extend houseplants' lives. This NebGuide offers hints on conditioning, light, fertilizing and more. Many people enjoy houseplants; in fact, raising them is one of the fastest growing indoor hobbies. Caring for houseplants offers opportunities for people who like to work with living things and watch them develop. Today, houseplants are an integral part of indoor decor -- especially in winter. An artificial indoor environment often hinders plant development. High temperatures, low humidity, lack of sunlight, poor soil conditions, and improper watering contribute to most houseplant problems. In addition, insects or plant diseases occasionally damage houseplants. While plants last indefinitely, proper care extends their lives. Most houseplants eventually become unattractive, but before discarding, use them for cuttings or divisions for new plants.
- Published
- 1991
415. Fertilizing agricultural land with rainbow trout manure for growing corn
- Author
Smith, J. H.
- Subjects
- 1985
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416. Cutting and fertilizing grassland for winter goose management
- Author
Owen, Myrfyn
- Subjects
- 1975
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417. Mulch in Review
- Author
Franz, Maurice
- Published
- 1978
418. Figs Come to Life with Organic Care
- Author
Maisch, Brownson
- Published
- 1975
419. G79-464 Composting Municipal Sewage Sludge Slurry
- Author
Chesnin, Leon and Chesnin, Leon
- Abstract
Municipalities can save operating expenses, eliminate pollution problems and increase the convenience of their waste management program by recycling their sewage sludge slurry in agricultural soils. Sewage sludge slurries have from 2 to 10-percent solids depending on the treatment plant design and operation procedures. Sewage slurries with more than 8 percent solids are difficult to pump because of high friction in the pipe lines and pump mechanism. Sewage slurries can be applied to agricultural fields by gravity flow and sprinkler irrigation systems, as well as by tank trucks that either broadcast spray on, or inject the slurry into, the soil. The direct application of sewage involves the handling or transportation of large quantities of water. This is a seasonal activity at best that cannot be carried out during the winter, during rainy periods or when agricultural practices conflict with sludge slurry applications.
- Published
- 1979
420. The effect of cutting and fertilizing on the floristic composition and production of an Arrhenatherion elatioris grassland
- Author
Oomes, M.J.M. and Mooi, H.
- Subjects
Fertilizing ,Floristic composition ,Ecology ,Cutting ,Production ,Plant Science ,Centrum voor Agrobiologisch Onderzoek ,Centre for Agrobiological Research ,Arrhenatherion elatioris ,Grassland Management - Abstract
Results are presented of an eight year old management experiment in a wet Arrhenatherion elatioris grassland on a heavy clay soil. The treatments were different cutting dates and frequencies or N (PK) fertilizing combined with June cutting. The treatments June with or without a second cut in September or only one cut in August gave a relatively stable vegetation. Cutting in early May produced a grassy dense sward and a second cut in September stimulated, moreover, some low growing dicots. The biomass that is produced after a first cut in May or June prevents lower growing species from persisting or spreading. Cutting later than the beginning of August produces a vegetation dominated by some rougher species. The number of species increases from 52 per 100 m2 to 55, when the vegetation is cut in May, May and September or June; never cutting caused a decrease to 38 per 100 m2. The annual dry matter production in two cuts in 5.6–6.1 ton/ha, fertilizing increased this level with 1.0–2.0 ton. Up till now, the number of species has not diminished. The results are discussed in relation to some data on growth physiology and growth strategy of plant species. The importance of a second cut or grazing in September is demonstrated and explained. Some practical implications are given for management aimed at maintaining or regenerating this grassland type.
- Published
- 1981
421. Horticulture Fact Sheets
- Author
Goodspeed, Jerry L., Sagers, Larry A., and Hatch, Duane
- Subjects
onions ,home gardening ,Plant Sciences ,composting ,gardening ,tomatoes ,Horticulture ,soil testing ,fertilizing - Abstract
A series of horticulture factsheets that cover topics associated with home gardening including soil testing, soil preparation, composting, and growing onions and tomatoes.
- Published
- 1989
422. Efeitos de diferentes níveis de N P K sobre o peso da matéria seca, na produção de mudas por via seminífera, do hedíquio amarelo, Hedychium gardnerianum sheppard ex ker-gawl, zingiberaceae
- Author
Gonçalves, A.L., Rochelle, L.A., Brasil Sobrinho, M.O.C., Lucchesi, A.A., and Minami, K.
- Subjects
planta ornamental ,adubação ,hedíquio amarelo ,ornamental plants ,Ginger lily ,fertilizing - Abstract
A study was made of the effect of different levels of N P K: N = 0,200, 400; P = 0,400, 800 and K = 0,200, 400 kg/ha, under field conditions, on the seedling production of ginger-lily, Hedyohium gardnerianum Sheppard ex Ker-gawl, Zingiberaceae and the influence on the dry matter Weight. From the data it was concluded that the best results were reached with the following levels: 20g of N; 80g of P; 20g of K/m² 40g of N; 80g of P; 40g of K/m² 20g of N; 40g of P; 40g of K/m². Estudou-se o efeito de aplicação de diferentes níveis de N P K: N = 0,200, 400; P = 0,400, 800 e K = 0,200, 400 kg/ha, em condições de campo na produção de mudas, por sementes, do hedíquio amarelo, Hedyohium gardnerianum Sheppard ex Ker-Gawl, Zingiberaceae, e sua influência sobre o peso da matéria seca. Através dos dados obtidos concluiu-se que a maior produção da matéria seca total, incluindo-se a parte aérea e o rizoma foram obtidos com os níveis de: a) 20g de N; 80 de P e 20 de K/m² b) 40g de N; 80 de P e 40 de K/m² c) 20g de N; 40 de P e 40 de K/m².
- Published
- 1989
423. Effects of Nitrogen fertilising on the preceding crop and the application of Co and Mo on Azotobacter abundance in soya bean
- Author
Cvijanović, G., Dozet, G., Dukić, V., Jonel Subić, and Cvijanović, D.
- Subjects
Azotobacter ,food and beverages ,cobalt and molybdenum ,preceding crop ,yield ,nitrogen ,fertilizing ,soya bean - Abstract
A four-replicate trial with the three-crop rotation (maize-soya bean-wheat) was carried out in the stationary trial established in the experimental plots of the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops in Rimski Sancevi, Novi Sad Serbia. This study encompasses results obtained from soya bean fields in 2006, 2007 and 2008. The objective of this study was to determine effects of seed inoculation with a microbiological fertilizer and a seed treatment with cobalt and molybdenum, as well as, to reveal effects of fertilizing of the preceding crop, maize, with different rates of nitrogen on Azotobacter abundance and the yield Obtained data were statistically processed by the split-plot two factorial analysis of variance with the impacts of a year. The following factors were observed: year, different rates of N-fertilizer and seed treatments. The significance of differences among treatments was tested by the LSD test. The correlation dependence among all observed traits was established Azotobacter abundance in the stage of full flowering was significantly affected by the year. The number of Azotobacter significantly decreased with the increased rates of applied nitrogen. The application of cobalt and molybdenum increased Azotobacter abundance by 22.18 % in the R(2) stage in relation to the control variant. Azotobacter abundance in the R(2) stage showed high and very high positive correlations with the grain protein content.
424. Bio-Dynamic Farming: An Additional Dimension
- Author
Koepf, H. H.
- Published
- 1977
425. Effective hydroseeding specs
- Author
Lee, David
- Published
- 1996
426. Nutrient Limitation and Metrosideros Forest Dieback in Hawaii
- Author
Gerrish, G., Mueller-Dombois, D., and Bridges, K. W.
- Published
- 1988
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