401. Presbyter - Preacher of the Gospel in a Democratic Society
- Author
Marin Srakić
- Subjects
priest ,preaching the Gospel ,democratic society ,pastoral ,sacraments ,prophetic homily ,catechesis ,catechism ,Svećenik ,navještaj evanđelja ,demokratsko društvo ,sakramenti ,proročka homilija ,kateheza ,vjeronauk - Abstract
Demokratsko društvo nameće danas i svećenicima nove pastoralne izazove. Stoga, ako želimo ostati vjerni temeljnoj kršćanskoj zadaći - navještati evanđelje - potrebno je pronaći nove načie pastoralnog djelovanja i prigode za navještanje Božje Riječi. Pri tome važno je uočiti prednosti koje pruža demokratsko društvo, kao npr. priznanje i poštivanje dostojanstva i slobode ljudske osobe te zahtjev za sve većom potrebom zrelosti i odgovornosti građana, ali i njegove nedostatke, kao npr. "granice zakona većine", pluralizam mišljenja koji pogoduje donošenju permisivnih zakona, subjektivizmu i zloporabi slobode. U takvoj situaciji svećenici su pozvani i danas navještati Krista raspetoga, ali sa snažnim osjećajem crkvenosti i zajedništva. Osim toga, danas je nužno ići ljudima u susret, osobito rubnim kršćanima, te, kada je potrebno, biti i savjest društva. Proročka homilija, župna kateheza, pastirska pisma, pastoralni sastanci, tribine, akademije, školski vjeronauk, vjerska pouka u predškolskim ustanovama, sredstva društvenog priopćavanja - samo su neka od sredstava koja nam stoje na raspolaganju. Međutim čitanje Svetoga pisma i crkvenih dokumenata, a osobito sakrament pomirenja i osobno svjedočanstvo vjere, uvjek ostaju nezamjenjiva sredstva navještanja Božje Riječi., Contemporary democratic society imposes, new pastoral challenges on priests. Therefore, if we want to stay true to the fundamental mission of a priest - preaching of the Gospel - we should search for new forms of pastoral activities and new occasions for preaching the God's Word. It is important to perceive the advantages offered by a democratic society, such as recognition and respect for dignity and liberty of the human person, requirements for higher level of maturity and responsability of citizens. However, there are also difficulties presented by such a society, like e.g. "the law of maiority", pluralism in thought, which are appropriate for "permissive laws", subjectivism and freedom abuse. Under these circumstances, priests are called upon to preach the crucified Christ, this time with a strong feeling of ecclesiasticism and spiritual union. Besides, it is also important to go to meet people, especially those on the edge of Christianity, and act as consciousness of the society when required. Prophetic homilies, parish catechesis, pastoral letters, pastoral meetings, speakers platforms, functions, catechism in schools and kindergartens, mass media - they are all only some of the means available to us. Nevertheless, the Holy scripture and church documents, especially the sacrament of reconciliation and communication of faith through personal witnessing, will still remain irreplaceable when it comes to preaching the Word of God.
- Published
- 2002