Analysis of the problems involving the design and application of Soviet-made radiocontrast agents showed that the synthesis of such drugs as Iodamid, Triombrast, Etiotrast, Bilimin, and Bilignost in this country made it possible to eliminate the arrears in this field. Together with the elaboration of topics concerning the pharmacokinetics and adverse effects of the above contrast agents, this helped to create a sound scientific base for further work on the unsolved problems, primarily, (1) to synthesize Soviet non-ionogenic radiocontrast agents; (2) to prepare and introduce Soviet ultrasonographic contrast agents into practice; (3) to prepare and introduce magnetic resonance contrast ones into practice; and (4) to introduce unique radiocontrast agents such as triombrast as oil emulsion, oleoferrotrast, fine-dispersion barium sulphate, and chromoetiotrast into clinical practice and to set up their production.