Purpose/Objective: Members of minority groups may face stress as they navigate between their native culture and the dominant culture. No measure exists for evaluating acculturative stress among deaf individuals in the United States. The current study examined the psychometric properties of a modified version of the 24-item Social Attitudinal Familial and Environmental Acculturative Stress Scale (SAFE; Mena, Padilla, & Maldonado, 1987) for use with deaf undergraduate students (SAFE-D). Research Method/Design: 145 (88 females and 57 males), deaf, undergraduate students (Median age = 20.0; SD age = 4.9) from a bilingual, multicultural university were included in the study. Seventy-four percent were White, 10.4% Hispanic/Latino, 9.7% Black/African American, 0.7% Asian, and 9% multiracial. The SAFE-D included 23 items. Ten items were modified, 2 items were deleted, and 1 item was added. Results: The SAFE-D demonstrated high internal reliability (α =.931). Four factors were identified: Perceived Societal Barriers, Social Difficulties, Family Marginalization, and Discrimination. Evidence for construct validity was demonstrated through the association of SAFE-D scores with Deaf and Hearing acculturation. Conclusions/Implications: Levels of acculturative stress in the current sample were close to those reported among late immigrant and English as a Second Language undergraduate students. The 4 factors did not match those of the original SAFE scale but reflected a bidirectional model of acculturative stress unique to deaf individuals. These findings suggest that acculturative stress is a serious concern among deaf undergraduate students and that the SAFE-D can be used to assess deaf acculturative stress in this population. Impact and Implications: Similar to other cultural minority groups, deaf individuals in the United States also experience acculturative stress when navigating between Deaf culture and Hearing culture. However, to date, there has been no scale to evaluate this experience. This study examines the use of a modified version of the Social Attitudinal Familial and Environmental Acculturative Stress Scale (SAFE) for use with deaf undergraduate students (SAFE-D). Preliminary evidence for the reliability and construct validity of the SAFE-D is outlined in this paper, and directions for future modifications and use of the scale with diverse samples of deaf individuals is discussed. Acculturative stress appears to be a serious concern within the deaf population. Considering research findings that link the experience of acculturative stress to negative mental health outcomes, it is critical that researchers continue to investigate the unique acculturative stress experiences of deaf individuals to identify risk and protective factors, as well as inform clinical practice. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]