Cardiac neoplasms are uncommon tumors. For epidemiological purposes, they can be divided into benign and malignant subtypes, with the former occurring at a significantly higher rate than the latter. Due to their uncommon nature, there are few data-driven studies examining the characteristics and trends of benign cardiac neoplasms. Our retrospective HCUP-NIS data review purports to illuminate some of the trends surrounding benign cardiac neoplasms and their associated co-occurrences. The data consisted of 482,872,274 weighted discharges. There were 45,568 weighted discharges that included a benign cardiac neoplasm. Benign cardiac neoplasms were more often observed in women (64.33%), and the average age was 63.8 years. The most common cardiovascular co-occurrences in patients with benign cardiac neoplasm were atrial tachyarrhythmias (28.93%), heart failure (19.61%), and embolic events such as stroke, myocardial infarct, or pulmonary embolism (19.82%). Other co-occurrences included pulmonary hypertension (7.55%), ventricular arrhythmias (3.23%), and other EKG abnormalities (3.70%). Procedures were numerous in patients with benign cardiac neoplasms. 43% of patients with this diagnosis had some form of cardiac surgery during their hospitalization. Overall, this study found low incidence of benign cardiac neoplasms in the USA during this 13-year study period. However, in the presence of benign cardiac neoplasms, our study showed that cardiovascular co-occurrences are not uncommon and may help to illuminate this otherwise rare diagnosis., (© 2021 The Author(s). Published by S. Karger AG, Basel.)