Objective: In our study, it was planned to investigate the effect of menstruation and stress on the winning/Iosing situations of athletes. Methods: 6 of the athletes who faced each other from the women's badminton teams of Yeditepe and Kocaeli universities were asked 1 lsodo-demographic questions, 8 of them from YTU, and then Heart Rate (HR) and Galvanic Skin Responses (GSR) were measured before and after the match. In the control group, the same measurements were applied only once to 15 sedentary university students. During the measurement, raw data of athletes and sedanters were taken for 2 minutes, and then data on the ability to calm down with suggestion was recorded. After the data was first examined with the Shapiro Wilk Test, Independent Groups T-test and Dependent Groups T-test were applied for variables with normal distribution. For those who did not show normal distribution, the Mann Whitney U test and the WilcoxonT-test were applied in the first and last measurement comparisons. Fisher Exact Kikare Test has been tested for categorical variables. Results: When HR values of the groups were examined, significant differences were found between the first and last measurements made both before and after the match. While the HR values of KOU athletes before the match were significant, there was a significant difference between the HR and GSR measurements of YTU athletes after the match. When the statistics were examined according to the winner-loser variables, there was a significant decrease in both HR and GSR values of the losing athletes after the match and a significant decrease in the GSR measurements of the vanning athletes before the match. According to the menstrual order variable, there was a significant decrease in both HR and GSR measurements after the match of the group with "less regular menstruation". "Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS)" athletes have significant differences in post-match HR measurements. Finally, both HR and GSR measurements differed significantly between the athlete and controlgroups. Conclusion: The ability to calm down with pre-match suggestion was more successful in KOU (winning team) athletes, while the ability to calm down with post-match suggestion was more successful in YTU(Iosing team) athletes. It has shown that YTU athletes have better ability to relax after/the/match. In/addition,it/has/been/clear/that/win/Ioss,/mens trual/peri - od/andPMS/states/have/an/effect/onHRan dGSR/status/of/at hletes. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]