A subcommittee report introduces the subject of these joint hearings--the problem of infant mortality in the United States; addresses the need for the legislation; summarizes the proposed legislation; and lists endorsing organizations. The hearings examine both the scope of the problem and S. 1209, legislation to create a national commission to prevent infant mortality. Testimony, which includes remarks by persons experiencing problems and participating in programs, reports: (1) efforts made to address the problem in Texas; (2) the work of the Southern Regional Task Force on Infant Mortality in South Carolina and Virginia; (3) Florida's program goals and interest in the legislation; (4) prenatal care of migrant workers; (5) activities of the Economic Opportunity Family Health Center of Liberty City in Miami (Florida); (6) human and economic costs of infant mortality and differences preventive measures make; (7) dimensions of the problem in Florida and efforts to address them; (8) programs of obstetric, pediatric, and neonatal intensive care units; (9) differences prenatal care can make to mothers' and babies' health; (10) the Children's Home Society's special prevention programs for high risk teens; (11) major trends in infant mortality and related statistics for the United States, reasons trends are occurring, and responsive activities of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; (12) the Reduced-Fee Maternity Program of Providence Hospital's Center for Life, Washington, D.C.; (13) dimensions of and approaches to the problem of infant mortality in Minnesota; (14) infant mortality among blacks in Washington, D.C.; and (15) approaches to preventing low birthweight among infants. Material submitted for the record, in addition to statements and letters, includes a research report on racial and socioeconomic disparities in childhood mortality in Boston, MA, other articles on infant mortality, the text of S. 1209, and an extensive summary of ways to prevent low birthweight. (RH)