Long-dormant volcanoes (quiescence time is several 100's to 10.000's years between eruptions) pose a particular hazard, since the long repose time decreases the awareness and there is also a lack of monitoring. The dacitic Ciomadul Volcanic Complex in eastern-central Europe is an excellent example of such volcanoes. It is in a quiescent state for 30 kyr, yet combined geophysical, zircon geochronological, electrical conductivity experiment, petrologic and thermal modeling results suggest that there is still a magma reservoir with significant melt content beneath it. This crystal mush magma reservoir could have a lifetime for more than 300 kyr. Thus, Ciomadul has been categorized as a PAMS volcano, i.e., a volcano with Potentially Active Magma Storage.Understanding the reactivation timescale of such volcanoes is crucial, and therefore we conducted a detailed petrologic study of a 130 ka lava dome rock. This dacitic rock contains a wide range of mineral phases, including plagioclase, amphibole and biotite phenocrysts as well as accessory phases of apatite, titanite, zircon, quartz, K-feldspar, olivine, clinopyroxene and FeTi oxides. Felsic and mafic crystal clots are common and they represent a long-standing low temperature granodioritic shallow crustal crystal mush and an ascending hot mafic magma, respectively. Both the plagioclases and the amphiboles show complex zoning and have a bimodal compositional character even within single crystals. Geothermobarometry results imply 700-750 oC temperature for the felsic crystal mush and a strong reheating by >200 oC before the eruption. We conducted a detailed study of plagioclase phenocrysts involving high-resolution line measurements. In many cases, we found an abrupt strong increase of Fe and Sr at the outermost 10-20 micron wide crystal rim (FeO is 0.1-0.15 wt%, SrO is 0.2-0.3 wt% in most of the crystals, but they increase to 0.3-0.35 wt% and 0.45-0.7 wt%, respectively at the rim) suggesting a mafic magma influence and fast reactivation timescale. Following resorption, rim growth at plagioclases and diffusive re-equilibration could have happened within days of the mafic recharge event. Magma ascent rate was estimated based on the decompression reaction zones around amphiboles, and we got 6-10 days for the ascent from the shallow magma reservoir resided at 7-11 km depth. Thus, long dormancy or seemingly inactive state of PAMS volcanoes could change quickly what has to be considered in hazard assessments.This research was financed by the Hungarian National Research, Development and Innovation Fund (NKFIH) within No. K116528 and No. PD 121048 projects. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]