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2. The Future of Democracy and Academic Freedom in Central Europe: A Neo-Nationalism and University Brief. Research & Occasional Paper Series: CSHE.16.2023
- Author
University of California, Berkeley. Center for Studies in Higher Education (CSHE), Wilhelm Krull, and Thomas Brunotte
- Abstract
This brief discusses cases of neo-nationalist violations of academic freedom in Hungary and Poland. The most prominent case of neo-nationalist violation of academic freedom in Hungary is the fate of the Central European University (CEU). The circumstances of CEU's forced move out of Hungary came before the European Court of Justice regarding it a possible violation of EU law. The Court cited the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) under one of the three pillars of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) 1994 agreement, free trade, and the determination that CEU was a form of international educational services that should not be denied to the people of Hungary. Poland has a similar hostile environment to academics and academic freedom, although with a glimmer of hope following recent elections. The brief also discusses how such open breaches of academic freedom as in Hungary or Poland, in which politicians directly try to exert influence on research institutions and professors, are fortunately rather rare in Germany. However, a confluence of factors perhaps obscures the differences between "academic freedom" and the "freedom of opinion." In Germany, academic freedom includes the search for topics, rigorous methodical investigation, and professional norms to express findings and competent opinions, whereas the free speech is outside of these professional norms. The brief concludes with a discussion of the role of universities and the future of democracy in the context of ensuring a space for free and open debate.
- Published
- 2023
3. COVID-19 School Closures, Learning Losses and Intergenerational Mobility. Policy Research Working Paper 10381
- Author
World Bank, Azevedo, João Pedro, Cojocaru, Alexandru, Talledo, Veronica Montalva, and Narayan, Ambar
- Abstract
The paper presents a first global investigation of the longer-term inequality implications of COVID-19 by examining the effect of school closures on the ability of children from different countries and backgrounds to engage in continued learning throughout the pandemic, and their implications for intergenerational mobility in education. The analysis builds on the data from the Global Database of Intergenerational Mobility, country-specific results of the learning loss simulation model using weekly school closure information from February 2020 to February 2022, and high-frequency phone survey data collected by the World Bank during the pandemic to assess the incidence and quality of continued learning during periods of school closures across children from different backgrounds. Based on this information, the paper simulates counterfactual levels of educational attainment and corresponding absolute and relative intergenerational educational mobility measures with and without COVID-19 impacts, to arrive at estimates of COVID-19 impacts. The simulations suggest that the extensive school closures and associated learning losses are likely to have a significant impact on both absolute and relative intergenerational educational mobility in the absence of remedial measures. In upper-middle-income countries, the share of children with more years of education than their parents (absolute mobility) could decline by 8 percentage points, with the largest impacts observed in the Latin America region. Furthermore, unequal access to continued learning during school closures across children from households of different socioeconomic backgrounds (proxied by parental education levels) leads to a significant decline in relative educational mobility. [This report was prepared by the World Bank Poverty and Equity Global Practice & Education Global Practice.]
- Published
- 2023
4. The Attractiveness of European HE Systems: A Comparative Analysis of Faculty Remuneration and Career Paths. Research & Occasional Paper Series: CSHE.1.2023
- Author
University of California, Berkeley. Center for Studies in Higher Education (CSHE), Civera, Alice, Lehmann, Erik E., Meoli, Michele, and Paleari, Stefano
- Abstract
The academic professoriate is a determinant of successful higher education systems. Yet, recently, worsening conditions of employment, deteriorating salaries, and threats to job security have made the academic profession less attractive, especially to young scholars, in several countries. This paper investigates the salaries as well as the recruitment and retention procedures in public higher education institutions from a cross country perspective. The UK, Germany, France, and Italy are adopted as case studies to determine the attractiveness of European higher education systems. The evolution over the last decade creates an extremely variegated picture.
- Published
- 2023
5. Growing up Together: Sibling Correlation, Parental Influence, and Intergenerational Educational Mobility in Developing Countries. Policy Research Working Paper 10285
- Author
World Bank, Development Research Group, Ahsan, Md. Nazmul, Emran, M. Shahe, Jiang, Hanchen, Han, Qingyang, and Shilpi, Forhad
- Abstract
This paper presents credible and comparable evidence on intergenerational educational mobility in 53 developing countries using sibling correlation as a measure, and data from 230 waves of Demographic and Health Surveys. It is the first paper to provide estimates of sibling correlation in schooling for a large number of developing countries using high quality standardized data. Sibling correlation is an omnibus measure of mobility as it captures observed and unobserved family and neighborhood factors shared by siblings when growing up together. The estimates suggest that sibling correlation in schooling in developing countries is much higher (average 0.59) than that in developed countries (average 0.41). There is substantial spatial heterogeneity across regions, with Latin America and Caribbean having the highest (0.65) and Europe and Central Asia the lowest (0.48) estimates. Country level heterogeneity within a region is more pronounced. The evolution of sibling correlation suggests a variety of mobility experiences, with some regions registering a monotonically declining trend from the 1970s birth cohort to the 1990s birth cohort (Latin America and the Caribbean and East Asia and Pacific), while others remained trapped in stagnancy (South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa). The only region that experienced monotonically increasing sibling correlation is the Middle East and North Africa. The recent approach of Bingley and Cappellari (2019) is used to estimate the share of sibling correlation due to intergenerational transmission. The estimates show that when the homogeneity and independence assumptions implicit in the standard model of intergenerational transmission are relaxed, the estimated share is much larger. In the sample of countries, on average 74 percent of sibling correlation can be attributed to intergenerational transmission, while there are some countries where the share is more than 80 percent (most in Sub-Saharan Africa). This suggests a dominant role for parents in determining the educational opportunities of their children. Evidence on the evolution of the intergenerational share, however, suggests a declining importance of the intergenerational transmission component in many countries, but the pattern is diverse. In some cases, the trend in the intergenerational share is opposite to the trend in sibling correlation. [This report was prepared by the World Bank Group's Development Research Group, Development Economics.]
- Published
- 2023
6. The Future of Vocational Education and Training in Europe. Volume 4. Delivering Lifelong Learning: The Changing Relationship between IVET and CVET. Cedefop Research Paper. No. 91
- Author
Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, Department for VET and Qualifications
- Abstract
This study compares the way IVET and CVET sub-systems interact to support the learning of adults, and thus facilitate lifelong and life-wide learning. By comparing the interaction between IVET and CVET sub-systems in the countries covered, the study analyses the extent to which IVET systems are opening up to adults, and questions whether national and regional policies and practices support or prevent a closer link between CVET and IVET. The study builds on concrete national case-studies, allowing for an in-depth, qualitative comparison and analysis of practices and policies. This allows for a better understanding of obstacles and opportunities in this complex area, directly supporting the stakeholders and policy-makers responsible for taking lifelong and life-wide learning in Europe forward. [The research was carried out by a consortium led by 3s Unternehmungsberatung GmbH (Austria). The consortium includes Ockham IPS (the Netherlands) and the Fondazione Giacomo Brodolino (Italy). The German Federal Institute of Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) supported the project as sub-contractor. For "The Future of Vocational Education and Training in Europe. Volume 3. The Influence of Assessments on Vocational Learning. Cedefop Research Paper. No. 90," see ED626202.]
- Published
- 2023
7. The Future of Vocational Education and Training in Europe. 50 Dimensions of Vocational Education and Training: Cedefop's Analytical Framework for Comparing VET. Cedefop Research Paper. No. 92
- Author
Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, Department for VET and Qualifications
- Abstract
This report presents a holistic approach to understanding and comparing vocational education and training (VET) systems. The approach has been developed jointly by a group of interdisciplinary VET researchers over a 5-year period as part of Cedefop's research on the future of VET and has been reviewed several times. The framework introduces 50 dimensions for analysing VET systems, as well as parts of them, structured according to three overlapping main perspectives: epistemological and pedagogical, education system, and socioeconomic or labour market. The framework is particularly suited to 'clearing the ground' for policy work and provides a model for how research can support policy. This model can be flexibly adapted and applied in any comparative research or international policy learning activity related to VET. [The research was carried out by a consortium led by 3s Unternehmungsberatung (Austria). The consortium includes Ockham IPS (the Netherlands) and the Fondazione Giacomo Brodolino (Italy). The German Federal Institute of Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) supports the project as sub-contractor. For "The Changing Nature and Role of Vocational Education and Training in Europe. Volume 1: Conceptions of Vocational Education and Training--An Analytical Framework. Cedefop Research Paper. No 63," see ED586251.]
- Published
- 2023
8. 'They Just Signed and Stamped Papers': Understanding the Erasmus Student Experiences
- Author
Nada, Cosmin, Ploner, Josef, and Esteki, Laleh
- Abstract
Erasmus mobility has become an important feature of higher education in Europe and beyond, with the potential to generate significant changes at individual, institutional and systemic levels. More than three decades after the foundation of this successful program, evaluations reveal that, despite notable progress, several aspects of the Erasmus student experience can be further improved. Based on the lived experiences of Erasmus alumni, in this article, we explore recurrent challenges that emerge in educational mobility and how they could be better addressed. Three key dimensions are identified in the qualitative accounts of former Erasmus students and analyzed in light of previous research: mobility preparation, institutional support for integration, and recognition of study abroad.
- Published
- 2023
9. Entrepreneurship Competence in Vocational Education and Training in Europe. Synthesis Report. Cedefop Research Paper
- Author
Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, Department for VET and Qualifications
- Abstract
This report describes how entrepreneurship competence is embedded in vocational education and training (VET) in Europe. It complements existing knowledge with examples of methods, tools and approaches that can help policy makers, VET providers and other stakeholders build better entrepreneurial learning ecosystems. The report is based on the research of Cedefop's study "Entrepreneurship competence in VET" and eight national case studies covering Spain, France, Croatia, Italy, Latvia, Austria, Finland and Sweden. [Dmitrijs Kulšs was responsible for the publication and research conducted under the project. Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini Srl SB (FGB) was contracted for research and services.]
- Published
- 2023
10. Challenges and Enablers in Designing Transnational Joint Education Provision: Thematic Peer Group Report. Learning & Teaching Paper #22
- Author
European University Association (EUA) (Belgium)
- Abstract
Transnational joint education provision -- education jointly developed and delivered by two or more institutions in different countries -- has emerged as a desired experience for many students, a key priority of several institutions, and a site of innovation. The strategic importance of this topic on a European level is one of the reasons it was selected for the 2023 EUA Learning & Teaching Thematic Peer Group entitled "Challenges and enablers in designing transnational joint education provision". The group's findings are compiled in this report, which outlines the group's conceptual understanding of the term, benefits and challenges of engaging in transnational joint education provision, and recommendations geared towards higher education leadership, staff members, as well as national and regional-level governments.
- Published
- 2024
11. Flexible Learning and Teaching: Thematic Peer Group Report. Learning & Teaching Paper #21
- Author
European University Association (EUA) (Belgium)
- Abstract
European higher education institutions (HEIs) are facing increasing demands for more flexible learning and flexibility in learning paths. This report from a 2023 European University Association Learning & Teaching Thematic Peer Group on "Flexible learning and teaching" explores the complexity of implementing flexible learning at HEIs, starting by defining what it means and entails for the institution, and its members and entities (staff, students, leadership, faculties). With the view that the development of flexible learning is an essential condition for the future of learning at universities, the group identified challenges and examples of practice, and offered recommendations for institutions to reflect on their strategy and build capacity for flexible learning.
- Published
- 2024
12. Technology Factors Related to the Differences in Paper and Online Reading Scores in PIRLS 2016
- Author
Plamen V. Mirazchiyski and Vadim Gershteyn
- Abstract
The Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) was conducted in paper and online reading modes in 2016 using the same samples of students in a number of countries. Differences in reading literacy scores were found in several European countries. In some countries, the differences favored the electronic reading mode. Yet in others, the paper reading mode was favored. As the electronic reading mode differs substantially in the cognitive demands compared to the paper mode, it can be expected that the differences between the two modes are related to the variables related to technology: availability and access, general use, use for educational purposes in class or out-of-school, and self-efficacy with technology. This study investigates the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) factors related to the differences in paper and online reading in six European countries participating in both modes in PIRLS 2016. This study uses linear regression models as the application of multilevel modeling is not suitable because of the low between-school variances across countries. The results from this study show limited support for the relative effect that the student individual, school, and classroom ICT variables have on the differences between paper and electronic reading. Access to technology is related to mode differences only in Italy, and the use of computer devices in and out of school is related to the mode differences in Italy and Portugal. Student self-efficacy is related to the mode differences in Portugal and Slovenia. School resources show significant effects in Denmark (computers to students ratio) and Italy (instruction affected by digital resource shortages). None of the classroom variables showed any significant relationship in any of the countries. In addition, socio-economic status (which is proxied by the variable on home resources for learning) is a significant predictor in half of the countries. In addition to these findings, the general technological context within countries is discussed as part of an evaluation of the difference in reading in the two test delivery modes. The general uptake of technology in different social and economic aspects, as measured by the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), follows the differences between the two reading modes.
- Published
- 2024
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13. [SIC Position paper: Treat to prevent the first event - intensive LDL cholesterol lowering in patients at very high cardiovascular risk without a previous cardiovascular event. From ESC guidelines to clinical practice].
- Author
Perrone Filardi P, Nardi E, Agostoni P, Barillà F, Calabrò P, Ciccone MM, Curcio A, Indolfi C, Muscoli S, Nodari S, Paolillo S, Patti G, Porto I, Sinagra G, Gallo L, Fontanarosa S, Vizza CD, and Gargiulo P
- Subjects
- Humans, Practice Guidelines as Topic, Italy, Secondary Prevention methods, Europe, Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Reductase Inhibitors therapeutic use, Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Reductase Inhibitors administration & dosage, Hypercholesterolemia complications, Hypercholesterolemia drug therapy, Cardiovascular Diseases prevention & control, Cardiovascular Diseases etiology, Cholesterol, LDL blood, Heart Disease Risk Factors
- Abstract
Cardiovascular (CV) diseases account for over 4 million deaths every year in Europe and over 220 000 deaths in Italy, representing the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The European Society of Cardiology (ESC) guidelines have visionary included in the at very high CV risk group patients without previous acute ischemic events, such as those with subclinical atherosclerosis, chronic coronary syndrome or peripheral arterial disease, familial hypercholesterolemia, diabetes mellitus with target organ damage or multiple associated risk factors, and those with high calculated CV risk score, recommending to consider them and to achieve the same LDL-cholesterol targets as for secondary prevention patients. The aim of this position paper is to provide an updated overview of ESC guidelines that focuses on these patient categories to raise awareness within the clinical community regarding CV risk reduction in this specific epidemiological context.
- Published
- 2024
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14. The Future of Vocational Education and Training in Europe. Volume 3. The Influence of Assessments on Vocational Learning. Cedefop Research Paper. No. 90
- Author
Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, Department for VET and Qualifications
- Abstract
This report was prepared in the course of the Cedefop project "The future of vocational education and training in Europe." The main objective of this study is to map and analyse the dominant assessment forms applied in IVET and how these have evolved during the past 25 years. There is a particular focus on exploring the extent to which the objectives set by qualifications, programmes and curricula in terms of content and profile are improved or contradicted by assessment, as well as the extent to which a broadening of the skills and competence base of IVET could influence assessments (responding to increased emphasis on general subjects and greater focus on transversal skills and competences). The study explores to what extent assessment specifications and standards are used to support summative assessments and whether these are aligned with qualifications and programme standards. [For "The Future of Vocational Education and Training in Europe. Volume 1. The Changing Content and Profile of VET: Epistemological Challenges and Opportunities. Cedefop Research Paper. No. 83," see ED622472. For "The Future of Vocational Education and Training in Europe. Volume 2. Delivering IVET: Institutional Diversification and/or Expansion? Cedefop Research Paper. No. 84," see ED626195.]
- Published
- 2022
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15. The Future of Vocational Education and Training in Europe. Volume 1. The Changing Content and Profile of VET: Epistemological Challenges and Opportunities. Cedefop Research Paper. No. 83
- Author
Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
- Abstract
This study examines changes in the way that knowledge, skills and competence are differentiated in curricula, and how learning is organised across different learning sites: in classrooms, workshops or laboratories, and at workplaces. The study collected information through Cedefop's ReferNet network, in-depth country case studies, and an online survey among almost 1 000 European VET providers. Results show that several countries have strengthened the general education component of their VET programmes either by increasing the extent of teaching general subjects or by better integrating them into the vocational curriculum. At the same time, the increased emphasis on general skills has not taken place at the expense of workplace learning; on the contrary, an expansion of workplace learning in IVET curricula has been ubiquitous. However, it is becoming increasingly difficult to assess the exact extent of workplace learning, due to increased flexibility allowed at provider and individual level in the combination of different learning environments. [This research paper was produced by Cedefop's Department of VET and Qualifications.]
- Published
- 2022
16. The Future of Vocational Education and Training in Europe. Volume 2. Delivering IVET: Institutional Diversification and/or Expansion? Cedefop Research Paper. No. 84
- Author
Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, Department for VET and Qualifications
- Abstract
This study examines the way in which institutional arrangements for the delivery of IVET have changed in response to shifts in skills demand. Although these arrangements vary across countries, it is possible to identify common trends over time, such as institutional hybridisation, the blurring of boundaries between IVET and general education. Despite this development, IVET has been able to retain a distinct identity, which is attractive to learners and has the support of key labour market actors. This reflects IVET's adaptability and resilience in the face of change. Building on a Europe-wide survey of VET providers and in-depth national case studies, the study delivers a timely update of, and insight into, the continually changing IVET landscape. Results show increasing similarities in how countries configure their IVET systems. This is evident in the broadening of IVET curricula, the prominence given to the work-based learning pathway, as well as the growing importance attached to local and regional autonomy. [For "The Future of Vocational Education and Training in Europe. Volume 1. The Changing Content and Profile of VET: Epistemological Challenges and Opportunities. Cedefop Research Paper. No. 83," see ED622472.]
- Published
- 2022
17. Microcredentials for Labour Market Education and Training. First Look at Mapping Microcredentials in European Labour-Market-Related Education, Training and Learning: Take-Up, Characteristics and Functions. Cedefop Research Paper. No. 87
- Author
Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, Department for VET and Qualifications
- Abstract
This study examines the role of microcredentials in supporting learning for employment. The study collected information through an online survey among mostly European VET providers, national authorities, employee and employer organisations, in-depth country case studies and interviews, as well as Cedefop's ReferNet network. While the topic has gained in importance in the context of higher education, focusing on vocational education and training does justice to the complexity of microcredentials in education, training and learning for the European labour market. Results show that microcredentials have only recently become prominent in Europe-wide policy-level debates, despite the existence for many decades of short courses and credentials that support labour-market-related education and training. Although there is uncertainty linked to the naming and function of microcredentials, clear benefits with regards to their flexibility and responsiveness to labour market needs can be observed. The current report focuses on and explores the take-up, characteristics and functions of microcredentials in European labour-market-related education, training and learning. The mapping exercise helps to identify the main characteristics of microcredentials as currently emerging in the context of VET and reskilling and upskilling initiatives.
- Published
- 2022
18. Tackling Different Forms of Discrimination in and through Education and Training. Issue Paper. Working Group on Equality and Values in Education and Training (2021-2025). European Education Area Strategic Framework
- Author
European Commission (Belgium), Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture, Donlevy, Vicki, van Driel, Barry, Komers, Selina, and Melstveit Roseme, Maria
- Abstract
This Issue Paper on 'Tackling different forms of discrimination in and through education and training' has been produced within the framework of the European Commission's Working Group on Equality and Values in Education and Training. The Working Group (WG) operates within the context of the Commission's Communication of 30 September 2020 on Achieving the European Education Area by 2025 and the Council Resolution of 26 February 2021 on a strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training towards the European Education Area and beyond (2021-2030). Participants of the WG comprise of representatives from Member States and Candidate countries, as well as from relevant EU agencies, stakeholder associations, social partners and international organisations. The WG is coordinated by DG EAC of the European Commission, supported by consultants from Ecorys1. The Issue Paper is a key output related to two WG meetings held on 9 June (online) and 22-23 September (in-person) 2022, and one Peer Learning Activity (PLA) held in Paris on 12-13 December 2022. The WG meetings focused on the EU non-discrimination policy instruments, tackling prejudice and discrimination in education and training relating to religion and beliefs, ethnic and racial origin, disability, sexual orientation, as well as addressing multiple discrimination and intersectionality. The PLA hosted by the French Ministry of National Education in Paris focused on social and territorial inequalities in and through education. This Paper presents some of the major insights, findings, discussions, and inspirational practices that arose from the two WG meetings and the PLA. As an outcome of those discussions, the main aim of this Paper is to frame and give depth to the various presentations and discussions that took place during these events. The Paper addresses six main themes relating to tackling different forms of discrimination and disadvantage in and through education: (1) Tackling discrimination based on ethnic or racial origin, including discrimination against Roma; (2) Tackling discrimination relating to religion and beliefs; (3) Tackling discrimination based on disability; (4) Tackling discrimination relating to sexual orientation, gender identity or expression and sex characteristics; (5) Tackling social and territorial inequalities; and (6) Tackling multiple discrimination: an intersectional approach.
- Published
- 2023
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19. COVID-19: Missing More than a Classroom. The Impact of School Closures on Children's Nutrition. Innocenti Working Paper 2021-01
- Author
UNICEF Office of Research – Innocenti (Italy), Borkowski, Artur, Ortiz Correa, Javier Santiago, Bundy, Donald A. P., Burbano, Carmen, Hayashi, Chika, Lloyd-Evans, Edward, Neitzel, Jutta, and Reuge, Nicolas
- Abstract
In 2019, 135 million people in 55 countries were in food crises or worse, and 2 billion people did not have regular access to safe, nutritious and sufficient food. COVID-19 has exacerbated these hardships and may result in an additional 121 million people facing acute food insecurity by the end of 2020. Further, since the beginning of the pandemic, an estimated 1.6 billion learners in 199 countries worldwide were affected by school closures, with nearly 370 million children not receiving a school meal in 150 countries. The paper presents the evidence on the potential negative short-term and long-term effects of school meal scheme disruption during COVID-19 globally. It shows how vulnerable the children participating in these schemes are, how coping and mitigation measures are often only short-term solutions, and how prioritizing school re-opening is critical. For instance, it highlights how girls are at greater risk of not being in school or of being taken out of school early, which may lead to poor nutrition and health for themselves and their children. However, well-designed school feeding programmes have been shown to enable catch-up from early growth failure and other negative shocks. As such, once schools re-open, school meal schemes can help address the deprivation that children have experienced during the closures and provide an incentive for parents to send and keep their children, especially girls, in school.
- Published
- 2021
20. Loud and Clear: Effective Language of Instruction Policies for Learning. A World Bank Policy Approach Paper
- Author
World Bank, Crawford, Michael, and Marin, Sergio Venegas
- Abstract
The World Bank's focus on foundational skills requires that issues of language and Language of Instruction be brought to the forefront of education policy discussions. Poor Language of Instruction policies harm learning, access, equity, cost-effectiveness, and inclusion. Yet nearly 37% of students in low- and middle-income countries are taught in a language they do not understand. Massive learning improvements are feasible by teaching in a small number of additional languages. The World Bank's first Policy Approach Paper on Language of Instruction offers an indication of the work that will be undertaken to support countries in introducing reforms that will result in more resilient, equitable, and effective systems by promoting teaching in the languages that students and teachers speak and understand best. [The report was edited by John Steinhardt.]
- Published
- 2021
21. 2020 Policy Paper on Public Responsibility, Financing and Governance of Higher Education
- Author
European Students' Union (ESU) (Belgium)
- Abstract
This Policy Paper aims at analysing the most important aspects of Public Responsibility, Financing and Governance of Higher Educations while seeking to formulate a students perspective on the state of play within the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). In doing so it touches upon the very foundation of how and in which socio-political environment educational systems and higher education institutions work nowadays. The European Students' Union (ESU) believes that open access to all levels of education is the cornerstone of a socially, culturally and democratically inclusive society, and a prerequisite for individual and societal development and well-being. ESU sees higher education as a human right, which is guaranteed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. How education is seen in society, how it is funded and how it is governed are tightly interlinked areas. This policy paper focuses on: (1) Public responsibility of higher education (fundamental values; institutional autonomy and academic freedom; academic integrity; intellectual property; education for sustainable development; human rights and democratic citizenship education; digitalization, artificial intelligence, learning analytics and privacy; commodification; partnerships between higher education institutions and industry; internships; and internationalisation and international trade); (2) Financing of higher education (financing of higher education; the funding gap; optimisation of funding of higher education institutions; performance based funding; and education free of tuition fees); and (3) Governance of higher education (students participation; working conditions of academic staff; committees and ombudsmans and leadership, intersectionality and training). [For the 2016 version, see ED587168.]
- Published
- 2020
22. Review and Renewal of Qualifications: Towards Methodologies for Analysing and Comparing Learning Outcomes. Cedefop Research Paper. No 82
- Author
Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training
- Abstract
The feedback between vocational education and training (VET) and the labour market can provide important input for the review and renewal of qualifications. A feedback loop that is based on learning outcomes helps provide deeper insights into what is required on the labour market, what is offered in training provisions and assessed at the end of a learning programme. The aim of this study is to contribute to strengthening the quality and relevance of qualifications and completing the feedback loop between education and the labour market. It examines methods of collecting data on the match/mismatch between qualifications and labour market requirements, including analysis of how achieved learning outcomes are applied and perceived in the labour market (for example methods of collecting the experience of employers with holders of these qualifications). This report addresses the following two questions: (1) which data already exist in the countries, providing insight into the relevance of qualifications to employees, employers and other labour market stakeholders?; and (2) how can survey methodology be designed to systematically capture the experiences and appreciations of employers as regards the content and profile of qualifications? To what extent, based on limited testing, can scalability of the methodology be achieved?
- Published
- 2021
23. Internationalisation and Mobility Policy Paper. BM76 - Sofia
- Author
European Students' Union (ESU) (Belgium)
- Abstract
This paper defines the European Students' Union (ESU) opinions on the topics related to internationalisation and learning mobility. This document is both an advancement and a cohesive overview of ESU's existing positions on internationalisation and mobility in higher education. This paper offers both definitions and elaborations on relevant policy areas, and should function as a framework and a guide for both students and other actors in higher education across Europe. This Policy Paper was adopted at the European Students' Union Board Meeting 76 in Sofia, Bulgaria.
- Published
- 2019
24. Neo-Nationalism and Universities in Europe. Research & Occasional Paper Series: CSHE.7.2020
- Author
University of California, Berkeley. Center for Studies in Higher Education and van der Wende, Marijk
- Abstract
The European Union is likely the most far-developed cross-border public space for higher education. The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) and the European Research Area (ERA) both span an even larger number of countries including associate and partner countries of the EU. Based on shared European values, such as academic freedom, cross-border cooperation, and mobility, these policy frameworks have been developed in Europe over the last decades and with much success. HE systems in this area are thus well-positioned to benefit from cross-border mobility and collaboration but may at the same time face a certain loss of control over HE, for instance with respect to access due to the cross-border flows of students. This seems to make them vulnerable to populist tendencies and neo-nationalist politics seeking to inhibit the free movement of students, scholars, and data. Such tendencies have never been completely absent on the "old continent" but resurged over the uneven outcomes of globalization, the effects of the global financial and consequent Euro crisis, and the refugee crisis. Meanwhile, the impact of the coronavirus crisis is still by and large unknown. Populist tendencies seem now to be turning against the EU, with its freedom of movement for persons (i.e. open borders) as one of its cornerstones and are therefore of concern for the HE sector. Countries such as the UK, Switzerland, Denmark, and the Netherlands have a different position in the European landscape but are all struggling with the complexity of combining the virtues of an open system with constrained national sovereignty. Sovereignty is required in terms of steering capacity in order to balance access, cost, and quality, i.e. the well-known "higher education trilemma." In open systems this is challenged by the "globalization trilemma", which states that countries cannot have national sovereignty, (hyper)globalization and democracy at the same time. How are the EU, its Member States, and the HE sector responding? Will the Union stay united (i.e. Brexit)? Are the legal competencies of the EU in HE strong enough? What about the many European university associations, leagues, and networks? And what do the millions of (former) Erasmus students have to say?
- Published
- 2020
25. Production of derivatives from wheat straw as reinforcement material for paper produced from secondary fibers.
- Author
Serrano, Iciar, Afailal, Zainab, Sánchez-Paniagua, Naiara, González, Pablo, Bautista, Ana, Gil-Lalaguna, Noemí, Gonzalo, Alberto, Arauzo, Jesús, Crespo, Cristina, and Sánchez, Jose Luís
- Subjects
WHEAT straw ,CELLULOSE fibers ,AGRICULTURAL wastes ,FIBERS ,PAPER recycling ,RECYCLED paper ,RAW materials - Abstract
Nowadays, a high percentage (> 50%) of the paper produced in Europe uses recovered paper (secondary fibers) as raw material. In order to improve the mechanical properties of the paper produced, different kinds of additives are usually incorporated into the paper. Emerging renewable materials based on agricultural or forest residues, such as cellulose nanomaterials, have recently proved good capacities as reinforcing agents for different applications. In this work, pulp from wheat straw with a content of cellulose nanomaterial has been produced and tested as a mechanical reinforcing agent for paper production. A soda semi-chemical process was applied for the delignification of straw, to produce pulp with high cellulose content. Posteriorly, pulps with cellulose nanofibers were obtained in a high-pressure homogenizer, applying three different pretreatments to the cellulose pulp (acid hydrolysis, enzymatic hydrolysis and thermal treatment with glycerol) in order to facilitate the obtention of cellulose nanomaterial. Handsheets of paper were prepared from two sources of secondary fiber (fluting paper and old corrugated containers), adding different percentages of wheat straw derivatives (0, 3.5, 5 and 7%). The fibers' morphology and the papers' mechanical properties were investigated. Noticeable improvement rates (up to 25%) were observed for some mechanical properties of paper containing nanocellulose produced after the enzymatic and acid pretreatments. The quality of the secondary fibers source also affected the improvement rates achieved, with higher percentage changes for the lower-quality recycled paper. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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26. Mobilizing Resources for Education and Improving Spending Effectiveness: Establishing Realistic Benchmarks Based on Past Trends. Policy Research Working Paper 8773
- Author
World Bank, Al-Samarrai, Samer, Cerdan-Infantes, Pedro, and Lehe, Jonathan
- Abstract
This paper looks at how countries have mobilized additional resources for education and assesses their impact on access and learning outcomes, using the World Bank's new Learning-Adjusted Years of Schooling measure. The paper shows that global spending on education has risen significantly over the past two decades, although spending as a share of gross domestic product has remained relatively unchanged, at about 4.5 percent. However, global trends mask large differences across regions and country income groups. For example, low-income countries recorded the largest increases in terms of the share of GDP spent on education, but the absolute amount they devoted to education remained low compared to other countries. Economic growth has been the main driver of increases in public education spending. Yet, countries that achieved the largest and most rapid spending increases did this through a combination of increases in overall government revenues, a greater prioritization of education in the government budget as well as healthy economic growth. Increases in public education spending did not generally result in major improvements in average education outcomes. Using the available data, the paper shows that a doubling of government spending per child led to an increase in learning-adjusted years of schooling of only half a year. Preliminary findings also show that countries with lower efficiency and spending are expected to get the most from increases in spending in improved education outcomes. The paper concludes by outlining an approach that allows countries to assess their potential for increasing education funding and the expected effects on their education outcomes, based on benchmarks drawing from the data of comparable countries. It also underscores the urgent need to improve data on public education spending and education outcomes, to extend this analysis to cover a wider set of countries and increase the robustness of country-level benchmarks. [This paper is a product of the Education Global Practice.]
- Published
- 2019
27. A Comparative Study of Test Takers' Performance on Computer-Based Test and Paper-Based Test across Different CEFR Levels
- Author
Yao, Don
- Abstract
Computer-based test (CBT) and paper-based test (PBT) are two test modes to the test takers that have been widely adopted in the field of language testing or assessment over the last few decades. Due to the rapid development of science and technology, it is a trend for universities and educational institutions striving rather hard to deliver the test on a computer. Therefore, research on the comparison between these two test modes has attracted much attention to investigate whether the PBT could be completely replaced. At the same time, task difficulty is always a key element to reflect test takers' performances. Numerous studies have laid a solid foundation and guidance about the comparative study of test takers' performance on CBT and PBT, but there still remains a scarcity from the perspective of task difficulties with different Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) task levels in particular. This study, therefore, compared the test takers' performance on both CBT and PBT across tasks with different CEFR levels. A total of 289 principal recommended high school test takers from Macau took the pilot Test of Academic English (TAE) at a local university. The results indicated that there was a difference between test takers' performance on different test modes across different CEFR levels, but only CEFR A2 level showed a statistically difference between CBT and PBT. And since science and technology are continuously developing, it is essential for the university to consider switching the test mode from PBT to CBT.
- Published
- 2020
28. The Importance of Being Vocational: Challenges and Opportunities for VET in the Next Decade. Cedefop and ETF Discussion Paper
- Author
Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training and European Training Foundation (ETF) (Italy)
- Abstract
This paper, jointly prepared by Cedefop and the ETF, aims to inform the next steps in VET policy- making at EU level, including the Osnabruck declaration expected to be discussed by ministers in the autumn of 2020. It puts forward key challenges and opportunities for VET which have emerged from the intelligence, research and evidence collected over the years by the two agencies, each within its own remit and geographic scope.
- Published
- 2020
29. Parents, Schools and Human Capital Differences across Countries. CEP Discussion Paper No. 1617
- Author
London School of Economics and Political Science (United Kingdom), Centre for Economic Performance (CEP), De Philippis, Marta, and Rossi, Federico
- Abstract
This paper studies the contribution of parental influence in accounting for cross-country gaps in human capital achievements. We argue that the cross-country variation in unobserved parental characteristics is at least as important as the one in commonly used observable proxies of parental socio-economic background. We infer this through an indirect empirical approach, based on the comparison of the school performance of second-generation immigrants. We document that, within the same host country or even the same school, students whose parents come from high-scoring countries in the PISA test do better than their peers with similar socioeconomic backgrounds. Differential selection into emigration does not explain this finding. The result is larger when parents have little education and have recently emigrated, suggesting the importance of country-specific cultural traits that parents progressively lose as they integrate in the new host country, rather than of an intergenerational transmission of education quality. Unobserved parental characteristics account for about 15% of the cross-country variance in test scores, roughly doubling the overall contribution of parental influence.
- Published
- 2019
30. Professional Development in CALL: A Selection of Papers
- Author
Research-publishing.net (France), Giannikas, Christina Nicole, Constantinou, Elis Kakoulli, Papadima-Sophocleous, Salomi, Giannikas, Christina Nicole, Constantinou, Elis Kakoulli, Papadima-Sophocleous, Salomi, and Research-publishing.net (France)
- Abstract
This volume gives readers insights on the use of technology in professional development programmes and content knowledge that can enrich teacher education. Every chapter of the book builds, through research, an analysis and discussion of CALL [Computer Assisted Language Learning] matters and professional development. The purpose of the EuroCALL Teacher Education Special Interest Group's (SIG) edited volume, supported by the Language Centre of the Cyprus University of Technology, is to respond to the needs of language educators, teacher trainers and training course designers through relevant research studies that provide technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge. The book concentrates on professional development in CALL, the use of technology in primary, secondary, and tertiary education, e-learning facilitators, the integration of personal learning environments, the use of MALL [Mobile Assisted Language Learning], the applications of virtual reality, materials design, the use of ICT [Information and Communications Technologies] in task-based language teaching, and the integration of social media networks in language education. "Professional Development in CALL: A Selection of Papers" is a collection of newly-commissioned chapters which unifies theoretical understanding and practical experience. The EuroCALL Teacher Education SIG hopes that the present contribution will be viewed as a valuable addition to the literature and a worthy scholarly achievement. [Support for this publication was provided by the EuroCALL Association and the Language Centre of the Cyprus University of Technology.]
- Published
- 2019
31. Paper waste from instructions for use brochures in cataract surgery implant packaging in Europe and the United States.
- Author
Stern, Benjamin, Rampat, Radhika, Shahnazaryan, David, and Gatinel, Damien
- Subjects
- *
Purpose: To assess the extent of paper waste generated per year by instructions for use (IFUs) brochures included in intraocular lens (IOL) packaging in Europe and the U.S. Setting: Rothschild Foundation Hospital, Paris, France; Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust; Center for Sight, London, United Kingdom. Design: Experimental study. Methods: A sample of IOLs were collected and each IFU was weighed. In addition, the cumulative weight of these brochures used in cataract surgeries performed annually in Europe and the U.S. was estimated, and the potential annual paper conservation that could be achieved if all manufacturers adopted electronic IFUs (e-IFUs) in Europe and the U.S. was determined. Results: The mean and standard deviation of the weight for overall IFUs, classic IFUs, and e-IFUs were 17.6 ± 13.8 g, 23.5 ± 13.2 g, and 2.9 ± 1.9 g, respectively. The estimated cumulative weight of paper generated from the IFUs accompanying implants used in European and U.S. cataract surgeries is 153 tons. If all manufacturers transition to e-IFUs, the cumulative weight saved would be 128 tons (-84%), equivalent to 120 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent and the preservation of more than 2000 trees annually. Conclusions: The classic IFUs in IOL packaging result in a significant amount of paper waste annually. Therefore, there is an urgent need for a rapid transition to e-IFU technology. The adoption of e-IFUs has already been authorized in Europe and the U.S., and it is crucial to expedite this process. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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32. The Inclusion of LGBTQI+ Students across Education Systems: An Overview. OECD Education Working Papers. No. 273
- Author
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (France), McBrien, Jody, Rutigliano, Alexandre, and Sticca, Adam
- Abstract
Students who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex or somewhere else on the gender/sexuality spectrum (LGBTQI+) are among the diverse student groups in need of extra support and protection in order to succeed in education and reach their full potential. Because they belong to a minority that is often excluded by heteronormative/cisgender people, they are often the targets of physical and psychological harassment. Such discrimination can place them at risk for isolation, reduced academic achievement, and physical and mental harm. This paper provides a brief history of how the LGBTQI+ population has often been misunderstood and labelled in order to understand challenges faced by students who identify as a part of this population. It continues by considering supportive educational policies and programmes implemented from national to local levels across OECD countries. Finally, the paper considers policy gaps and discusses policy implications to strengthen equity and inclusion for LGBTQI+ students.
- Published
- 2022
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33. European Qualifications Framework Initial Vocational Education and Training: Focus on Qualifications at Levels 3 and 4. Cedefop Research Paper. No 77
- Author
Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, Department for VET Systems and Institutions (DSI)
- Abstract
The European qualifications framework (EQF), with its eight levels, serves as a translation grid between qualifications acquired in different European countries. Part of Cedefop's work to make qualifications easier to understand and compare, this study takes a closer look at those acquired through initial VET and assigned to EQF levels 3 and 4 via national classifications and frameworks. It explores what they have in common and in what way they differ. It looks at their purpose and value on the labour market or for further learning, and how they are assigned to the national qualifications frameworks (NQFs) and EQF levels. It also sheds light on the different weighting of occupational and transversal skills and competences and levels of complexity, and between qualifications at both levels within the same occupational area; these issues are not that often examined. While it confirms that describing the intended outcomes of learning improves understanding and eases comparison of vocational qualifications, the study highlights other aspects that are equally important, such as their currency and value on the labour market and in further learning.
- Published
- 2020
34. Future-Proof CALL: Language Learning as Exploration and Encounters. Short Papers from EUROCALL 2018 (26th, Jyväskylä, Finland, 2018)
- Author
Research-publishing.net (France), Taalas, Peppi, Jalkanen, Juha, Bradley, Linda, Thouësny, Sylvie, Taalas, Peppi, Jalkanen, Juha, Bradley, Linda, Thouësny, Sylvie, and Research-publishing.net (France)
- Abstract
The 26th European Association of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (EUROCALL) conference was organised by the University of Jyväskylä (JYU) Language Campus and specifically the Language Centre, in Jyväskylä, Finland. The theme of this year's conference was "Future-proof CALL: language learning as exploration and encounters," which reflects an attempt to envision language teaching and learning futures in a changing world. What brought researchers together this year are shared concerns in relation to the sustainability of language learning and teaching in technology-rich contexts that are marked by ever-increasing complexity. 184 submissions were accepted to be presented as workshops, symposia, individual oral presentations, or posters. The oral presentations were categorised as research, research and development, reflective practice papers, along with presentations on European projects. The collection of short papers in this volume is a very thorough view into the conference proper exhibiting the complexity and novelty of the field of CALL. There are exciting new openings and a more profound exploration of theoretical underpinnings of the contemporary issues in teaching and learning, cross-cultural communication, mobile learning and the like. (Individual papers contain references.)
- Published
- 2018
35. Global vaccination against hepatitis E virus: position paper from the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Viral Hepatitis Study Group.
- Author
Dudman S, Zerja A, Hasanoğlu İ, Ruta S, van Welzen B, Nicolini LA, Yonga P, Øverbø J, Rawat S, Habibovic S, Kim TB, and Rivero-Juarez A
- Subjects
- Humans, Female, Europe, Pregnancy, Immunocompromised Host, Hepatitis E prevention & control, Hepatitis E immunology, Hepatitis E virus immunology, Hepatitis E virus genetics, Viral Hepatitis Vaccines immunology, Vaccination, Global Health
- Abstract
Scope: Hepatitis E virus (HEV) is a significant global health issue, impacting both low- and middle-income countries and industrialized nations. HEV genotypes 1 and 2, primarily transmitted through contaminated water, are endemic in low- and middle-income countries, whereas genotypes 3 and 4 are zoonotically transmitted in industrialized regions. Acute HEV infection poses severe risks, particularly to pregnant women and immunocompromised individuals, whereas chronic HEV infection leads to serious complications in those with pre-existing liver disease and transplant recipients. The development of an HEV vaccine offers new prevention opportunities, though its availability and integration into global immunization programmes remain limited., Methods: This position paper was developed by the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Viral Hepatitis Study Group through an extensive review of clinical data, safety profiles, efficacy, and immunogenicity of HEV vaccines. The study group focused particularly on high-risk and special populations, synthesizing global health insights and incorporating recommendations from the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts to formulate strategies for wider HEV vaccination use., Questions Addressed in the Position Paper: The position paper evaluates the efficacy and safety of HEV vaccines in both general and special populations. It identifies key barriers to the integration of HEV vaccines into routine immunization programmes, including infrastructure limitations, costs, and vaccine accessibility. The paper also proposes strategies to overcome these challenges and improve vaccine distribution. Furthermore, it addresses ways to enhance public awareness and international cooperation to promote HEV vaccination efforts globally., Implications: European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Viral Hepatitis Study Group recommends HEV vaccination for high-risk groups, including women of childbearing age, patients with chronic liver diseases, and immunosuppressed individuals. Prioritizing investments in vaccine logistics, integrating diagnostics, and educational outreach can enhance uptake., (Copyright © 2024 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2025
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36. Use of psychedelic treatments in psychiatric clinical practice: an EPA policy paper.
- Author
Destoop M, Mohr P, Butlen F, Kéri P, Samochowiec J, De Picker L, Fiorillo A, Kuypers KPC, and Dom G
- Subjects
- Humans, Europe, Psilocybin therapeutic use, Psilocybin pharmacology, Psychiatry, Hallucinogens therapeutic use, Mental Disorders drug therapy
- Abstract
Background: Recent years show an exponential increased interest ("renaissance") in the use of psychedelics for the treatment of mental disorders and broader. Some of these treatments, such as psilocybin for depression, are in the process of formal regulation by regulatory bodies in the US (FDA) and Europe (EMA), and as such on the brink of real-world implementation. In the slipstream of these developments increasing commercial initiatives are taking shape. The European Psychiatric Association (EPA) acknowledges both the therapeutic potential of psychedelic substances and the challenges for both research and clinical implementation. Steps need to be taken toward a well-balanced policy based upon sound scientific evidence and research, aiming at safe, ethical responsible integration of psychedelic therapy available for all patients who can potentially benefit., Methods: In this EPA policy paper, we highlight the potential benefits, and also the challenges of psychedelic treatments, which can be relevant for the future real-world implementation of these treatments., Results: In addition to an overview of the current evidence and hypotheses of working mechanisms of psychedelic treatment, this policy paper specifically highlights the importance of the psychosocial components of the treatment as well as the ethical and professional aspects playing a role in real-world implementation., Conclusions: Four recommendations are formulated for further research and clinical implementation.
- Published
- 2025
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37. A pain research strategy for Europe: A European survey and position paper of the European Pain Federation EFIC.
- Author
Pickering G, O'Keeffe M, Bannister K, Becker S, Cottom S, Cox FJ, Eisenberg E, Finn DP, Forget P, Graven-Nielsen T, Kalso E, Kocot-Kepska M, Leite-Almeida H, Lopez-Garcia JA, Meeus M, Mouraux A, Pereira B, Puljak L, Reneman MF, Rohde I, Sotiropoulos I, Skidmore N, Tölle TR, Todorovic ST, Truini A, Vowles KE, Pogatzki-Zahn E, Garcia-Larrea L, and Fullen BM
- Subjects
- Humans, Europe, Cross-Sectional Studies, Surveys and Questionnaires, Biomedical Research, Research, Pain Management methods, Pain
- Abstract
Background: Pain is the leading cause of disability and reduced quality of life worldwide. Despite the increasing burden for patients and healthcare systems, pain research remains underfunded and under focused. Having stakeholders identify and prioritize areas that need urgent attention in the field will help focus funding topics, reduce 'research waste', improve the effectiveness of pain research and therapy and promote the uptake of research evidence. In this study, the European Pain Federation (EFIC) developed a Pain Research Strategy for Europe., Methods: The study used multiple methods, including literature searches, multidisciplinary expert debate, a survey and a final consensus meeting. The cross-sectional survey was conducted among 628 European pain researchers, clinicians, educators and industry professionals to obtain the rating and hierarchy of pain research priorities. The final consensus meeting involved a multidisciplinary expert panel including people with lived experience from 23 countries. The survey results guided discussions where top priorities were agreed., Results: Content analysis identified nine survey themes, of which five emerged as top priorities: (i) understand the pathophysiology of pain; (ii) understand and address comorbidities; (iii) critically assess current therapies; (iv) develop new treatments; and (v) explore the biopsychosocial impacts of pain. Physical, psychological and social approaches were prioritized at the same level as pharmacological treatments. The top priorities were endorsed by a multidisciplinary expert panel. The panel emphasized the importance of also clearly communicating the concepts of prediction, prevention self-management and personalized pain management in the final strategy., Conclusions: The content of the final top research priorities' list reflects a holistic approach to pain management. The equal importance given to physical, psychological and social aspects alongside pharmacological treatments highlights the importance of a comprehensive biopsychosocial-orientated research strategy. The expert panel's endorsement of five top priorities, coupled with an emphasis on communicating the concepts of prediction, prevention, self-management and personalized pain management, provides a clear direction for future basic, translational and clinical research., Significance: EFIC has developed a Pain Research Strategy for Europe that identifies pain research areas deserving the most focus and financial support. Implementation and wide dissemination of this Strategy is vital to increase the conduct of urgent pain projects, pain research funding and the implementation of research findings into practice, to ultimately decrease the personal, societal and financial burden of pain., (© 2024 The Author(s). European Journal of Pain published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of European Pain Federation ‐ EFIC ®.)
- Published
- 2025
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38. Gender Stereotypes in Education: Policies and Practices to Address Gender Stereotyping across OECD Education Systems. OECD Education Working Papers. No. 271
- Author
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (France), Brussino, Ottavia, and McBrien, Jody
- Abstract
In spite of advances in recognising that girls and boys, and women and men, do not have to be bounded by traditional roles, gender stereotypes persist in education and beyond. Children and youth are affected by gender stereotypes from the early ages, with parental, school, teacher and peer factors influencing the way students internalise their gender identities. As such, not only is intervening in pre-primary education necessary, but also measures at the primary and secondary levels are key to eradicate gender stereotypes and promote gender equality. Based on the analytical framework developed by the OECD Strength through Diversity project, this paper provides an overview of gender stereotyping in education, with some illustrations of policies and practices in place across OECD countries, with a focus on curriculum arrangements, capacity-building strategies and school-level interventions in primary and secondary education.
- Published
- 2022
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39. Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) of Newcomer and Refugee Students: Beliefs, Practices and Implications for Policies across OECD Countries. OECD Education Working Papers. No. 266
- Author
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (France), Directorate for Education and Skills and McBrien, Jody
- Abstract
Social and emotional learning (SEL) strengthens students' abilities to regulate their emotions, thoughts, and behaviours and to interact successfully with others. There are an array of important social and emotional skills (SES): goal-setting, working to one's potential, resilience, creativity, perseverance, problem solving, and caring about the welfare of others, among them. All students need SEL, but newcomer and refugee students may have particular challenges requiring SES. The beginning of this paper examines the current situation of refugee and newcomer students in OECD countries, SEL, its frameworks and skills and how they apply to newcomer and refugee students. The paper concludes with an examination of SEL policies and practices for newcomer and refugee students in OECD countries.
- Published
- 2022
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40. Holistic Refugee and Newcomer Education in Europe: Mapping, Upscaling and Institutionalising Promising Practices from Germany, Greece and the Netherlands. OECD Education Working Papers. No. 264
- Author
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (France), Koehler, Claudia, Palaiologou, Nektaria, and Brussino, Ottavia
- Abstract
Education is one of the most important fields to promote the integration of refugee and newcomer children and youths in host countries. However, holistic education for refugee and newcomers has so far not been established into mainstream education systems in European countries. Projects and pilot programmes have developed across Europe to test holistic approaches. Some of them have started very recently as a response to the arrival of high numbers of refugees and newcomers, while others have been established for a longer period and have started to expand. This paper first provides an overview of key research gaps in refugee education. It then provides a mapping of promising holistic education practices in Europe, with a focus on Germany, Greece and the Netherlands. Based on this, the paper explores key conditions to upscale and institutionalise promising practices of holistic refugee and newcomer education.
- Published
- 2022
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41. The Social and Economic Rationale of Inclusive Education: An Overview of the Outcomes in Education for Diverse Groups of Students. OECD Education Working Papers. No. 263
- Author
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (France), Directorate for Education and Skills and Mezzanotte, Cecilia
- Abstract
Since UNESCO's Salamanca Declaration in 1994, inclusive education has progressively attracted attention in international debates around education policy. While some evidence exists on the positive impact that inclusive education reforms can have on the academic and personal outcomes of diverse students -- and in particular of students with special education needs -- limited information is available on the economic sustainability of such reforms. Starting from the literature on the correlations between education and individuals' life outcomes, this paper reviews the existing evidence on the potential benefits and costs of inclusive education reforms. Specifically, the paper discusses the evidence on the shortcomings of current education settings for diverse groups of students -- with specific sections on students with special education needs; immigrant and refugee students; ethnic groups, national minorities and Indigenous peoples; gifted students; female and male students; and LGBTQI+ (which stands for 'lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex') students. It highlights the individual and societal costs deriving from the low academic, social and emotional outcomes of these students and the socio-economic costs these yield for societies. Where possible, the paper also presents evidence on the effects of inclusive education reforms on diverse student groups.
- Published
- 2022
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42. Centenary Paper: Translation, Communication and the Circulation of Political Vocabulary in Early Modern Europe: Ceriol's El Concejo y consejeros del príncipe (1559) and Filippe's Tractado del conseio y de los consejeros de los príncipes (1584).
- Author
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TRANSLATIONS , *POLITICAL science , *POLITICAL communication , *PRINTERS (Persons) - Abstract
Fadrique Furió Ceriol's El concejo y consejeros del príncipe (Antwerp, 1559) proclaimed that the counsellor must exercise self-control and restraint even in matters of religion. This is consistent with its pragmatic spirit and Ceriol's counsel to his dedicatee, Philip II. In 1584 Bartolomeu Filippe published in Coimbra his Tractado del conseio y de los consejeros de los principes. Written in a different political climate, it appropriated the language of Machiavelli's Discourses from Juan Lorenzo Ottevanti's 1552 Spanish translation. Several Latin translations of Ceriol's treatise circulated between Strasburg and Krakow. It was translated into Italian in 1560 and into English in 1570 by Thomas Blundeville, whose marginal notes turned the original into an essay in comparative political science. John Thorius translated Filippe's Tractado into English in 1589, dedicating it to Sir John Fortescue, a privy councillor of Queen Elizabeth, and Giulio Cesare Valentino translated it into Italian in 1599. This paper uses these treatises and translations as case studies for the ways in which political vocabulary circulated around Early Modern Europe, tracing the paths they followed, the networks that provided the infrastructure for their distribution and reception and the roles played by dedicatees, publishers and printers, as well as authors and translators. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2025
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43. European Neuroendocrine Tumor Society (ENETS) 2024 guidance paper for the management of well-differentiated small intestine neuroendocrine tumours.
- Author
Lamarca A, Bartsch DK, Caplin M, Kos-Kudla B, Kjaer A, Partelli S, Rinke A, Janson ET, Thirlwell C, van Velthuysen MF, Vullierme MP, and Pavel M
- Subjects
- Humans, Societies, Medical, Europe, Neuroendocrine Tumors therapy, Neuroendocrine Tumors pathology, Neuroendocrine Tumors diagnosis, Intestinal Neoplasms therapy, Intestinal Neoplasms pathology, Intestinal Neoplasms diagnosis, Intestine, Small pathology
- Abstract
Both the incidence and prevalence of well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumours from the small intestine (Si-NET) are gradually increasing. Most patients have non-functioning tumours with subtle GI symptoms and tumours are often discovered incidentally by endoscopy or at advanced disease stages by imaging depicting mesenteric lymph node and /or liver metastases while around 30% of the patients present with symptoms of the carcinoid syndrome. Adequate biochemical assessment and staging including functional imaging is crucial for treatment-related decision-making that should take place in an expert multidisciplinary team setting. Preferably, patients should be referred to specialised ENETS Centres of Excellence or centres of high expertise in the field. This guidance paper provides the current evidence and best knowledge for the management of Si-NET grade (G) 1-3 following 10 key questions of practical relevance for the diagnostic and therapeutic decision making., (© 2024 British Society for Neuroendocrinology.)
- Published
- 2024
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44. A Third Wave of International Student Mobility: Global Competitiveness and American Higher Education. Research & Occasional Paper Series: CSHE.8.18
- Author
University of California, Berkeley. Center for Studies in Higher Education and Choudaha, Rahul
- Abstract
International students are critical to the competitiveness of American higher education in terms of financial, intercultural, and educational contributions. However, recent data indicates that the U.S institutions enrolled 31,520 fewer international students in Fall 2017 as compared to Fall 2016. At average tuition and fees of US$ 25,000, higher education institutions are likely to lose potential revenue of US$ 788 million for the first year of studies alone. This paper examines the shifting landscape of international enrollment from the lens of three overlapping Waves spread over seven years and takes a deeper dive into implications for American universities. Wave I was shaped by the terrorist attacks in September 2001 and resulted in slower overall growth in international student enrollment of 11% between 1999 and 2006. Wave II has its origins in the global financial crisis which prompted universities to search for self-funded students and experienced overall robust growth of 44 percent in international student enrollment between 2006 and 2013. Finally, Wave III is shaped by the new political order and intensified competition from English-taught programs in Europe and Asia which will slow down the pace of projected growth in international enrollment to 18 percent between 2013 and 2020. In this current Wave of intensified global competition, overall international student enrollment is likely to flatten or decline for most universities. While the reputation and quality of American higher education is admired and emulated around the world, resting on its past laurels will not be sufficient for attracting international students in the Third Wave. This means that universities must get proactive and strategic in reaching, engaging and supporting international students throughout their educational lifecycle. Demand for studying abroad among international students remains robust, however, increasing competition and expectations for value for money will requires proactive and concerted efforts to maintain the global competitiveness of American higher education.
- Published
- 2018
45. Multi-Stakeholder Approach for Better Integration of Refugee Students: Stakeholder Engagement in the Practice-Research-Policy Transfer in Refugee Education Policy. OECD Education Working Papers. No. 265
- Author
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (France), Siarova, Hanna, and van der Graaf, Loes
- Abstract
Ample research has shown the importance of collaboration between practitioners, researchers, and policy makers to ensure holistic, inclusive, and effective policy making, particularly in the field of refugee education. Many countries, however, still face challenges in engaging with stakeholders during all the stages of the practice-research-policy transfer in the context of refugee education in a meaningful and effective way. The unique and distinct needs of refugee students in education systems require extensive collaboration among schools, service providers, and (refugee) communities to collect evidence whether and how refugee students' needs are met. Hence, a multi-stakeholder approach or "whole-of-a-society" approach is one of the prerequisites for designing inclusive refugee education policies. This paper highlights the importance of stakeholder engagement at all stages of the practice-research-policy transfer, and maps key stakeholders in refugee education in Europe.
- Published
- 2022
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46. The Changing Nature and Role of Vocational Education and Training in Europe. Volume 6: Vocationally Oriented Education and Training at Higher Education Levels -- Expansion and Diversification in European Countries. Cedefop Research Paper No. 70
- Author
Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, Department for VET Systems and Institutions (DSI)
- Abstract
This publication is the sixth in a series produced as part of the Cedefop project The changing nature and role of VET (2016-18). Based on analysis of developments over the past two decades (1995-2015), the report provides important insights into developments and change processes related to vocationally oriented education and training at higher levels (levels 5 to 8 of the European qualifications framework). Building on detailed national case studies, the report demonstrates the expansion and diversification of vocationally oriented education and training offered at higher levels in European countries and the variations in how countries use the higher levels: there is evidence for strengthening vocational principles at higher levels in various ways as well as for strengthening academic principles. It also covers current debates and potential future challenges, including juggling labour market demands and wider societal values, finding the right balance between academic and vocational principles, and achieving parity of esteem between academically oriented and vocationally oriented qualifications at higher levels, by improving awareness and visibility of the latter. [The research was carried out by a consortium led by 3s Unternehmensberatung GmbH, and includes the Danish Technological Institute, the Institute of Employment Research (University of Warwick), the Institute of International and Social Studies (Tallinn University) and Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini. The Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) in Germany is supporting the project as a subcontractor.]
- Published
- 2019
47. Building Capacity for Inclusive Teaching: Policies and Practices to Prepare All Teachers for Diversity and Inclusion. OECD Education Working Papers. No. 256
- Author
Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) (France) and Brussino, Ottavia
- Abstract
Classrooms have become increasingly diverse places where students from various backgrounds share their learning experiences. To promote inclusive school settings for all, building teacher capacity for inclusive teaching represents a key policy area. Education systems need to ensure that teachers are adequately prepared for inclusive teaching and supported throughout their career. Mechanisms to attract and retain a more diverse teaching body as well as to monitor and evaluate teacher preparation and work with respect to diversity and inclusion should also be developed. While teacher policies have increasingly addressed some of these areas, most education systems lack comprehensive capacity-building frameworks for inclusive teaching. This paper maps policies and practices to build teacher capacity for inclusive teaching across OECD countries. It then presents core elements and competences to design and implement inclusive teaching strategies. Finally, the paper reviews some of the evidence available on teacher diversity and interventions for inclusive teaching.
- Published
- 2021
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48. Titles of Scientific Letters and Research Papers in Astrophysics: A Comparative Study of Some Linguistic Aspects and Their Relationship with Collaboration Issues
- Author
Méndez, David I. and Alcaraz, M. Ángeles
- Abstract
In this study we compare the titles of scientific letters and those of research papers published in the field of astrophysics in order to identify the possible differences and/or similarities between both genres in terms of several linguistic and extra-linguistic variables (length, lexical density, number of prepositions, number of compound groups, number of authors and number of countries mentioned in the paper bylines). We also carry out a cross-genre and cross-journal analysis of the referred six variables. Our main findings may be summarized as follows: (1) When compared to research paper titles, scientific letter titles are usually shorter, they have a lower lexical density, they include a higher number of prepositions per number of words and a lower number of compound groups per number of words, although they have more up to 4-word compound groups, i.e. the simplest ones. As a consequence, scientific letter titles include less information, which is also less condensed, than research paper titles. (2) The predominance of compound adjectives over compound nouns in the titles of both genres highlights the scientificity of astrophysical discourse. (3) In general terms, our data show a positive correlation between title length and the number of countries mentioned in the bylines for both genres. The positive correlation between title length and number of authors is only met in the case of research papers. In light of these findings, it may be concluded that scientific letters are a clear example of a timeliness and more "immediate" science, whereas research papers are connected to a more timeless and "elaborate" science. It may also be concluded that two different collaboration scenarios are intertwining on the basis of three separate geographic and linguistic publication contexts (Mainland Europe, The United Kingdom and The United States of North America).
- Published
- 2017
49. The Changing Nature and Role of Vocational Education and Training in Europe. Volume 5: Education and Labour Market Outcomes for Graduates from Different Types of VET System in Europe. Cedefop Research Paper. No 69
- Author
Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, Department for VET Systems and Institutions (DSI)
- Abstract
This research paper is the fifth in a series produced as part of the Cedefop project The changing nature and role of VET (2016-18). Based on comparative analysis of labour force survey data from 2014, the report analyses the vocational effect on labour market and education outcomes, asking whether any advantages conferred by vocational qualifications in early career would be offset by disadvantages later in life. The report explores the functioning of the safety net and the diversion effects across countries, demonstrating how these vary considerably with the specific institutional structure of schooling and work-based training. The results indicate that VET graduates are potentially sacrificing the longer-term gains associated with further education in favour of short-term benefits. [This research was carried out by a consortium led by 3s Unternehmensberatung GmbH and including the Danish Technological Institute, the Institute of Employment Research (University of Warwick), the Institute of International and Social Studies (Tallinn University) and Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini. The Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) in Germany is supporting the project as a subcontractor.]
- Published
- 2018
50. The Changing Nature and Role of Vocational Education and Training in Europe. Volume 4: Changing Patterns of Enrolment in Upper Secondary Initial Vocational Education and Training (IVET) 1995-2015. Cedefop Research Paper. No 68
- Author
Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training, Department for VET Systems and Institutions (DSI)
- Abstract
The aim of the paper is to identify and analyse patterns and trends in enrolment in upper secondary initial vocational education and training (IVET) in Europe over the period 1995 to 2015. The research produced findings on comparability of the international data as well as trends in enrolment in upper secondary IVET and its share of enrolment in upper secondary education. It found that, in countries where there has been a decline in VET enrolment, most of this is due to a declining youth population. It also found that many fluctuations in enrolment figures are artificial in the sense that they are the result of changing national classification and/or reporting practices. When correcting for these factors, findings show that the development of absolute enrolment in VET, as well as its share of enrolment in upper secondary education, has been quite stable in most countries. [The research was carried out by a consortium led by 3s Unternehmensberatung GmbH, and includes the Danish Technological Institute, the Institute of Employment Research (University of Warwick), the Institute of International and Social Studies (Tallinn University) and Fondazione Giacomo Brodolini. The Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) in Germany is supporting the project as a subcontractor.]
- Published
- 2018
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