Background: Preclinical animal studies have suggested that myeloid cell–synthesized coagulation factor X dampens antitumor immunity and that rivaroxaban, a direct factor Xa inhibitor, can be used to promote tumor immunity. This study was aimed at assessing whether patients with atrial fibrillation taking direct factor Xa inhibitors have lower risk of cancer and cancer-related mortality than patients taking the direct thrombin inhibitor dabigatran. Methods and findings: This nationwide population-based cohort study in Denmark included adult patients with atrial fibrillation and without a history of cancer, who started taking a factor Xa inhibitor or dabigatran between 2011 and 2015. Data on medical history, outcomes, and drug use were acquired through Danish healthcare registries. The primary outcome was any cancer. Secondary outcomes were cancer-related mortality and all-cause mortality. Outcome events were assessed during 5 years of follow-up in an intention-to-treat analysis. The propensity score-based inverse probability of treatment weighting was used to compute cumulative incidence and subdistribution hazard ratios (SHRs) and corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs), with death as a competing event. Propensity scores were estimated using logistic regression and including in the model sex, age group at index date, comorbidities, and use of comedications. A total of 11,742 patients with atrial fibrillation starting a factor Xa inhibitor and 11,970 patients starting dabigatran were included. Mean age was 75.2 years (standard deviation [SD] 11.2) in the factor Xa cohort and 71.7 years (SD 11.1) in the dabigatran cohort. On the basis of the propensity score-weighted models, after 5 years of follow-up, no substantial difference in the cumulative incidence of cancer was observed between the factor Xa inhibitor (2,157/23,711; 9.11%, 95% CI [8.61%,9.63%]) and dabigatran (2,294/23,715; 9.68%, 95% CI [9.14%,10.25%]) groups (SHR 0.94, 95% CI [0.89,1.00], P value 0.0357). We observed no difference in cancer-related mortality (factor Xa inhibitors cohort 1,028/23,711; 4.33%, 95% CI [4.02%,4.68%]. Dabigatran cohort 1,001/23,715; 4.22%, 95% CI [3.83%,4.66%]; SHR 1.03, 95% CI [0.94,1.12]), but all-cause mortality was higher in the factor Xa inhibitor cohort (factor Xa inhibitors cohort 7,416/23,711; 31.31%, 95% CI [30.37%,32.29%]. Dabigatran cohort 6,531/23,715; 27.56%, 95% CI [26.69%,28.45%]; HR 1.17, 95% CI [1.13,1.21]). The main limitations of the study were the possibility of residual confounding and the short follow-up period. Conclusions: In this population based cohort study, factor Xa inhibitor use was not associated with an overall lower incidence of cancer or cancer-related mortality when compared to dabigatran. We did observe an increase in all-cause mortality in the factor Xa inhibitor cohort. Floris Bosch and colleagues investigate whether patients with atrial fibrillation taking direct Factor Xa inhibitors have a lower risk of cancer and cancer-related mortality than patients taking dabigatran. Author summary: Why was this study done?: A preclinical study in mice with breast cancer and fibrosarcoma showed that factor X dampens antitumor immunity and that factor Xa inhibitor promote tumor immunity. Whether factor Xa inhibition is associated with decreased cancer incidence and cancer-related mortality in humans is unknown. What did the researchers do and find?: We assessed cancer incidence during 5 years of follow-up in patients with atrial fibrillation in Denmark using a factor Xa inhibitor (n = 11,742) or a thrombin inhibitor (dabigatran) (n = 11,970) for stroke prevention. No substantial difference in the cumulative incidence of cancer was observed between the factor Xa inhibitor (9.11%, 95% CI [8.61%,9.63%]) and dabigatran (9.68%, 95% CI [9.14%,10.25%]) groups (SHR 0.94, 95% CI [0.89,1.00]. No difference in cancer-related mortality (SHR 1.03, 95% CI [0.94,1.12]) was observed, but all-cause mortality was higher in the factor Xa inhibitor cohort (HR 1.17, 95% CI [1.13,1.21]). What do these findings mean?: Factor Xa inhibitor use for atrial fibrillation did not appear to significantly reduce cancer risk compared to dabigatran use. The main limitations of the study were the possibility of residual confounding and the short follow-up period. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]