Kumakamba C, Niama FR, Muyembe F, Mombouli JV, Kingebeni PM, Nina RA, Lukusa IN, Bounga G, N'Kawa F, Nkoua CG, Atibu Losoma J, Mulembakani P, Makuwa M, Tamufe U, Gillis A, LeBreton M, Olson SH, Cameron K, Reed P, Ondzie A, Tremeau-Bravard A, Smith BR, Pante J, Schneider BS, McIver DJ, Ayukekbong JA, Hoff NA, Rimoin AW, Laudisoit A, Monagin C, Goldstein T, Joly DO, Saylors K, Wolfe ND, Rubin EM, Bagamboula MPassi R, Muyembe Tamfum JJ, and Lange CE
Coronaviruses play an important role as pathogens of humans and animals, and the emergence of epidemics like SARS, MERS and COVID-19 is closely linked to zoonotic transmission events primarily from wild animals. Bats have been found to be an important source of coronaviruses with some of them having the potential to infect humans, with other animals serving as intermediate or alternate hosts or reservoirs. Host diversity may be an important contributor to viral diversity and thus the potential for zoonotic events. To date, limited research has been done in Africa on this topic, in particular in the Congo Basin despite frequent contact between humans and wildlife in this region. We sampled and, using consensus coronavirus PCR-primers, tested 3,561 wild animals for coronavirus RNA. The focus was on bats (38%), rodents (38%), and primates (23%) that posed an elevated risk for contact with people, and we found coronavirus RNA in 121 animals, of which all but two were bats. Depending on the taxonomic family, bats were significantly more likely to be coronavirus RNA-positive when sampled either in the wet (Pteropodidae and Rhinolophidae) or dry season (Hipposideridae, Miniopteridae, Molossidae, and Vespertilionidae). The detected RNA sequences correspond to 15 alpha- and 6 betacoronaviruses, with some of them being very similar (>95% nucleotide identities) to known coronaviruses and others being more unique and potentially representing novel viruses. In seven of the bats, we detected RNA most closely related to sequences of the human common cold coronaviruses 229E or NL63 (>80% nucleotide identities). The findings highlight the potential for coronavirus spillover, especially in regions with a high diversity of bats and close human contact, and reinforces the need for ongoing surveillance., Competing Interests: Metabiota (https://metabiota.com), Labyrinth Global Health (https://www.labyrinthgh.com), and Mosaic (https://mosaic.cm) are private contractors who receive funds from international donor organizations to conduct technical assistance and research. Metabiota employs or employed CK, FM, PMK, INL, FNK, JAL, PM, MM, UT, AG, BSS, DJM, JAA, CM, DOJ, KS, NDW, EMR, and CEL, Mosaic employs ML, and Labyrinth Global Health employs KS, MM and CEL. There are no patents, products in development or marketed products associated with this research to declare. The association with commercial entities that some of the authors have does not alter our adherence to PLOS ONE policies on sharing data and materials.