Zhao, Long, Hou, Hong, Zhou, YouYa, Xue, NanDong, Li, HuiYin, and Li, FaSheng
Abstract: Polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) and organochlorine pesticide (OCP) were analyzed in surficial sediments from the Haihe River and Haihe Estuary Area, Tianjin, China. The concentrations of ∑PCBs (the sum of 32 PCB concentrations) and ∑OCPs (the sum of eight OCPs concentrations) in the sediments from this area ranged from n.d. (not detected) to 253ngg−1 (average value: 66.8ngg−1) and from 0.997 to 2447ngg−1 (average value: 738ngg−1), respectively. Among the OCPs, the range of concentrations of hexachlorocyclohexane and its isomers (HCHs), dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane and its metabolites (DDTs) and hexachlorobenzene (HCB) were 0.997–1620ngg−1 (547ngg−1), n.d. – 155ngg−1 (18.5ngg−1) and n.d. – 835ngg−1 (173ngg−1), respectively. In general, the concentrations of all persistent organic pollutants (POPs) from the Haihe River were higher than those from the Haihe Estuary Area. Compositional analyses of the POPs indicated that tri-PCBs were dominant in sediment from the Haihe River, while tetra-PCBs and penta-PCBs were identified as being prevalent in the Haihe Estuary Area. In addition, β-HCH and p,p′-DDD were found to be the dominant HCHs and DDTs, respectively. Compared with other areas around the world, the concentrations of POPs in sediments from the Haihe River were higher, but pollution level was comparable with other areas in the Haihe Estuary Area. According to established sediment quality guidelines (SQGs), POPs in this area have potential ecological risk. [Copyright &y& Elsevier]