
Showing total 12 results
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1. Equivalent Years of Schooling: A Metric to Communicate Learning Gains in Concrete Terms. Policy Research Working Paper 8752

2. The Economic Impacts of Learning Losses. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 225

3. Tradition for Development: Indigenous Structures and Folk Media in Non-Formal Education. Report and Papers from the International Seminar on The Use of Indigenous Social Structures and Traditional Media in Non-Formal Education and Development (Berlin, West Germany. November 5-12, 1980).

4. Transforming dementia research into policy change: A case study of the multi-country STRiDE project.

5. Does economic prosperity lead to environmental sustainability in developing economies? Environmental Kuznets curve theory.

6. Oil prices and E7 stock prices: an asymmetric evidence using multiple threshold nonlinear ARDL model.

7. Education for All Summit of Nine High-Population Countries (New Delhi, India, December 12-16, 1993). Final Report.

8. Education for All Summit of Nine High-Population Countries (New Delhi, India, December 12-16, 1993). Panel Proceedings.

9. Education for All Summit in the Nine High-Population Countries (New Delhi, India, December 13-16, 1993). Analysis and Synthesis. Discussion Draft.

10. How Playful Learning Can Help Leapfrog Progress in Education

11. Beyond the project: Building a strategic theory of change to address dementia care, treatment and support gaps across seven middle-income countries.

12. Improving Adult Literacy Outcomes: Lessons from Cognitive Research for Developing Countries. Directions in Development.