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1. Equivalent Years of Schooling: A Metric to Communicate Learning Gains in Concrete Terms. Policy Research Working Paper 8752

2. The Economic Impacts of Learning Losses. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 225

3. Tradition for Development: Indigenous Structures and Folk Media in Non-Formal Education. Report and Papers from the International Seminar on The Use of Indigenous Social Structures and Traditional Media in Non-Formal Education and Development (Berlin, West Germany. November 5-12, 1980).

4. Study Service: A Tool of Innovation in Higher Education. Papers on Higher Education, No. 6.

5. Transforming dementia research into policy change: A case study of the multi-country STRiDE project.

6. Work-related musculoskeletal disorders and related risk factors among bakers: A systematic review.

7. Global Libraries impact planning and assessment progress: part 2.

8. Tobacco growing and tobacco use.

9. Rights-based Approaches to Social and Economic Rights in the Developing World: Law, Politics, and Impact.

10. Variables Affecting Student Motivation Based on Academic Publications

11. The Evolution and Impact of Literacy Campaigns and Programmes, 2000-2014. UIL Research Series: No. 1

12. Educational Poverty by Design: A Case of Mismanagement of National Resources

13. Does economic prosperity lead to environmental sustainability in developing economies? Environmental Kuznets curve theory.

14. Oil prices and E7 stock prices: an asymmetric evidence using multiple threshold nonlinear ARDL model.

15. Education for All Summit of Nine High-Population Countries (New Delhi, India, December 12-16, 1993). Final Report.

16. Education for All Summit of Nine High-Population Countries (New Delhi, India, December 12-16, 1993). Panel Proceedings.

17. Education for All Summit in the Nine High-Population Countries (New Delhi, India, December 13-16, 1993). Analysis and Synthesis. Discussion Draft.

18. Meeting Basic Learning Needs through Programmes of Early Childhood Care and Development.

19. Examination of the Researches on the Use of Technology by Fine Arts Teachers

20. The Role of Courts in Emerging Democracies: Fire Alarms, Roadblocks, and Incomplete Commitments.

21. How Playful Learning Can Help Leapfrog Progress in Education

22. Beyond the project: Building a strategic theory of change to address dementia care, treatment and support gaps across seven middle-income countries.

23. Issues in Planning and Implementing National Literacy Programmes.

24. Young Workers: Varieties of Experience.

25. Literacy and Women's Empowerment: Stories of Success and Inspiration

26. Special Feature.

27. Meeting the Basic Learning Needs of Out-of-School Children: Non-Formal Approaches.

28. Improving Adult Literacy Outcomes: Lessons from Cognitive Research for Developing Countries. Directions in Development.

29. Comparative prevalences of Ascaris lumbricoides, Trichuris trichiura and hookworm infections and the prospects for combined control.