
Showing total 23 results
23 results

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1. Tobacco growing and tobacco use.

2. South–South Cooperation 3.0? Managing the consequences of success in the decade ahead.

3. Emergence of biopharmaceutical innovators in China, India, Brazil, and South Africa as global competitors and collaborators.

4. The rise of BASIC in UN climate change negotiations.

5. Before and after the vuvuzela: identity, image and mega-events in South Africa, China and Brazil.

6. Social Science Research in India, China and Brazil--A Comparative Study.

7. Emerging trends in global trade: a case of BIC.

8. BRICS: opportunities to improve road safety.

9. A Estratégia Nacional de Defesa do Brasil e a dos outros BRICs em perspectiva comparada.

10. Willing Power, Fearing Responsibilities: BASIC in the Climate Negotiations.

11. Big BRICs, weak foundations: The beginning of public elementary education in Brazil, Russia, India, and China.

12. Multivariate Granger causality between CO2 emissions, energy consumption, FDI (foreign direct investment) and GDP (gross domestic product): Evidence from a panel of BRIC (Brazil, Russian Federation, India, and China) countries

13. The Rise of the Big Emerging Markets of Brazil, Russia, India, and China: Implications for International Business Teaching in the Next Decade.

14. The ethnopharmacological literature: An analysis of the scientific landscape.

15. Is a BRIC alliance coming?: Driving-forces, Obstacles and Possible Influences.

16. Is a BRIC alliance coming?: Driving-forces, Obstacles and Possible Influences.

17. Space and the Divided Earth: Analyzing the Space Programs of Developing Nations.

18. Emerging Powers & Global Development in the New Century.

19. The BRICs Countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China) as Analytical Category: Mirage or Insight?

20. Zipf, Gibrat and geography: Evidence from China, India and Brazil.

21. Southern comfort, eastern promise.

22. Crumbs from the BRICs-man's table.

23. What determines BRICSA Preferences in the Global Financial Architecture? The Case of India and the G20.