Morphological and molecular characters have identified a new family and genus of Verongiida in the Porifera: Demospongiae. The taxa are based on a new study of Dendrilla lacunosa Hentschel, 1912, a species that, using integrative taxonomy, has been found to belong to Verongimorpha instead of Keratosa. The species suite of characters require the erection of a new genus, Ernstilla n. gen. with affinities to Ianthellidae. However, the dendritic skeleton, absence of cells within the fibers, and molecular characters distinguish it from this family and prompts the establishment of a new family, Ernstillidae. Type-specimen of Dendrilla lacunosa Hentschel, 1912, Zoologisches Museum, Hamburg. Image 1 • We present a new family and genus within the order Verongiida based on distinctive morphological and molecular characters: eurypylous choanocyte chambers, a dendritic skeleton, lack of cells within fibers, and distinct molecular distances. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]