Borrow pits, dug by industry to provide substrate for infrastructure such as roads and well sites, are prevalent throughout the boreal forest of western Canada yet little is known about their use by wildlife. During field surveys in Rainbow Lake, Alberta, we found that beavers (Castor canadensis) used inundated borrow pits extensively for foraging and over wintering, suggesting that borrow pits increase beaver populations above their natural carrying capacity in industrial landscapes. We visited a random sample of 90 borrow pits in the field and categorized them as having active beaver lodges with caches (n = 16), inactive lodges (n = 13), cutting (n = 29), no activity (n = 13), or as not inundated or not a borrow pit (n = 19). We then used this sample to model where beavers established lodges versus where they were inactive or were only cutting. We found that borrow pits with active lodges had unique characteristics from other pits in our sample and were closer to streams, marshes, and swamps and had greater vegetation concealment from roads. These models can be used by managers to develop methods for increasing or decreasing the abundance of beavers living at borrow pits. Wildlife managers might want to use borrow pits to increase beaver abundance because of the positive effects beavers can have on ecosystems and because beavers are an important source of food for boreal carnivores. For example, we found that wolverines (Gulo gulo) used borrow pits as hunting grounds for beavers and one wolverine denned within a beaver lodge at a borrow pit. Conversely, managers might want to reduce beaver populations living at borrow pits because of the damage that beavers can cause to infrastructure and because subsidized beaver populations might alter predator-prey dynamics. To accomplish this, we suggest reducing available vegetation around borrow pits, isolating new borrow pits from natural beaver habitats, digging borrow pits where there is less chance of having surface water, filling in borrow pits with substrate, or not creating borrow pits and using a centralized gravel pit or mine for substrate. • We found beaver activity at the majority of borrow pits in Rainbow Lake, Alberta. • We modeled habitats associated with borrow pits where beavers established lodges versus other beaver activities. • Active beaver colonies were closer to marshes, swamps, and streams and had a tall vegetation buffer between the borrow pit and road. • Beavers occupying borrow pits subsidized prey for wolverines and other carnivores. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]