1. Detecion of quality and customer satisfaction with services of accounting company in floristry and catering activites in Slovenia
- Author
Kunstič, Bojana and Hauptman, Lidija
- Subjects
udc:657 ,measurement of quality and customer satisfac-tion ,quality ,računovodski servis ,merjenje kakovosti in zadovoljstva ,satisfaction ,zadovoljstvo ,kakovost ,odjemalec ,accounting services ,client - Abstract
Namen magistrske naloge je analizirati kakovost storitev računovodskega servisa in zadovoljstvo odjemalcev s storitvami računovodskih servisov v cvetličarski in gostinski dejavnosti v Sloveniji. Magistrska naloga obravnava, kakšno je zadovoljstvo in kakovost odjemalcev s storitvami računovodskega servisa v dejavnosti cvetličarstva in gostinstva v Sloveniji. Zanimale so nas morebitne razlike ali podobnosti cvetličarjev in gostincev v Sloveniji glede kakovosti storitev in zadovoljstva odjemalcev z računovodskimi servisi. Na podlagi naključno izbranih cvetličarn in gostiln smo izvedli spletno spraševanje. Hkrati smo raziskali, kaj je znanega o zadovoljstvu in kakovosti z računovodskimi servisi v tujini. V teoretičnem delu magistrske naloge smo opredelili pomembnost zadovoljstva strank in kakovost storitev računovodskega servisa. Opredelili smo pomen in metode merjenja kakovosti in zadovoljstva strank. Predstavili smo raziskave o kakovosti in zadovoljstvu strank z računovodskimi storitvami v Sloveniji in tujini. Opisali in opredelili smo tudi dejavnike, ki vplivajo na kakovost in zadovoljstvo strank s storitvami računovodskega servisa. Emirični del naloge je bil izveden s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika. Izveden je bil s pomočjo spletne strani in poslan po elektronski pošti. Vprašanja so bila kombinirana, del vprašanj je bil odprtega, največ pa zaprtega tipa. V anketnem vprašalniku so bile podane trditve, ki temeljijo na petstopenjski Likertovi lestvici. Anketna vprašanja smo povzeli po Thonguchotu (2010) in jih deloma priredili. Ugotavljali smo stopnjo strinjanja cvetličarjev in gostincev s trditvami. Populacija raziskave so bili odjemalci računovodskih servisov iz cvetličarske in gostinske dejavnosti v Sloveniji. Na osnovi ugotovitev raziskave lahko trdimo, da so cvetličarji in gostinci zadovoljni s storitvami računovodskega servisa in da jih le-ti opravljajo kakovostno. Največ nezadovoljstva je bilo pri urejenosti računovodskega servisa, s katero anketirani odjemalci niso zadovoljni. Anketirani cvetličarji in gostinci so zadovoljni z zanesljivostjo računovodskega servisa in njegovim kratkim odzivnim časom. Prav tako so anketirani cvetličarji in gostinci zadovoljni s strokovno usposobljenostjo zaposlenih, da je računovodski servis prijazno podjetje in predvsem, da opravlja kakovostne storitve. Podjetja, ki se odločajo, da vodenje računovodstva in še kakšnih drugih opravil prepustijo računovodskemu servisu, pričakujejo od njega kakovostno opravljene storitve. Če pa bomo s to kakovostjo dosegli ali celo presegli pričakovanja odjemalcev, bodo le-ti zadovoljni oziroma zelo zadovoljni. The purpose of the master's thesis was to analyze the quality and customer satisfaction with services of accounting company in floristry and catering activities in Slovenia. Master's thesis deals with what is the customer satisfaction and the quality of the accounting services in the business of floristry and catering in Slovenia. We were interested in, any differences or similarities florists and caterers in Slovenia about quality of service and customer satisfaction with accounting services. Randomly we selected flower shops and caterers and we made an online questioning. At the same time, we studied what is known about the satisfaction and the quality of accounting firms abroad. In the theoretical part of the masters tasks we were defined customer satisfaction and quality. We have identified the importance of measurement and methods of measurement of quality and customer satisfaction. We presented research of the quality and satisfaction of clients with accounting services in Slovenia and abroad. We describe and identify the factors that influence on the quality and customer satisfaction with accounting service. Empirical part of the task was carried out by means of a questionnaire. It was carried out with the help of internet side and sent by e-mail. Questions were combined, part of the questions was open and the most closed type. The survey questionnaires were given arguments based on five point Likert scale. Survey questions were taken from the Thonguchotu (2010) and adapted only partially. We determined the level of agree florists and caterers. Population studies have been clients of accounting services from floral and catering services in Slovenia. Based on the research findings, we can say that florists and caterers are setisfied with accounting service and that they made accounting things quality. Florists and caterers were dissatisfeid with appearance of accounting frim. Respondents florists and caterers are satisfied with the reliability of accounting service. They are happy with short reaction time of accounting service. They also interviewed florists and caterers and they are satisfied with the professional qualifications of employees. Accounting service is friendly company and they made qaulity things. Companies who decide to leav things to accountig services, expect from them quality services. If they will with this quality reached or even exceeded the expectations of customers, they will only be satisfied or very satisfied.
- Published
- 2016