The article presents information on the animated motion picture "Valiant." The concept for Valiant, which originated with British writer George Webster, eventually caught the attention of producer John H. Williams of Shrek fame, who was looking for projects he could produce outside of the DreamWorks Works umbrella. Williams honed in on the coming-of-age story that's told from the perspective of birds and beasts, and enlisted the help of Augspurger and Buckley Cullum, also a coproducer on the film along with Eric M. Bennett. Altogether, they established a brand-new animation facility that was an offshoot of Williams's live-action film studio, Vanguard Films. Their goal in establishing Vanguard Animation was to break the "$1 million per minute of animation" barrier that's the norm for high-quality CGI features in the U.S., by using a "non-studio" approach. Once the film was green-lighted in January 2003, Vanguard spent eight months of preproduction in Los Angeles, working on character and location design, character modeling, storyboarding, and animatic creation. In September of that year, the group shifted the physical production to a now facility in London for the production phase, which included set modeling, character animation, lighting, rendering, compositing, post, and editing. INSETS: Building a Birdhouse;Fowl Play;A Bird's-eye View.