This paper proposes a multistage transformer-feedback-based design approach for a high fractional-bandwidth (fBW) IF stage in a 60-GHz heterodyne receiver. An in-depth analysis of source-to-gate transformer-feedback amplifiers, including the design of the matching network, is presented. Analytic expressions for the input resistance, quality factor, and noise figure (NF) as a function of the transformer turns-ratio (n) and magnetic coupling factor (k) are derived. To validate the proposed analysis, a wideband IF amplifier and mixer were designed in a 40-nm CMOS process. From measured results, this device achieves a 16% -3-dB fBW, a peak power gain of 27.6 dB, an NF of 5.3 dB while consuming 28.8 mW from a 0.9-V supply. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]