Elitok, Ömer, Özgür, Nevzat, Drüppel, Kirsten, Dilek, Yildirim, Platevoet, Bernard, Guillou, Hervé, Poisson, Andre, Scaillet, Stéphane, Satır, Muharrem, Siebel, Wolfgang, Bardintzeff, Jacques-Marie, Deniel, Catherine, and Yılmaz, Kamil
Post-collisional potassic-rich volcanism of Golcuk Volcano in the Isparta area of southwestern Turkey consists of two groups: (i) extracaldera lavas, corresponding mainly to Pliocene activity; and (ii) intracaldera lavas and pyroclastics (ignimbrite flows and ash/pumice fall deposits) formed during the Quaternary. Extracaldera volcanic rocks mainly comprise lamprophyre (minette), basaltic trachyandesite, trachyandesite, and trachyte. A close relationship exists between the silica content and phenocryst type in the extracaldera volcanics such that trachyte-trachyandesites with SiO2 < 57 wt% and basaltic trachyandesites are characterized mainly by mafic phenocryst phases (e.g. pyroxene, amphibole, biotite-phlogopite). These features suggest suppression of plagioclase crystallization under high H2O pressure conditions. Intracaldera volcanics are composed of tephriphonolitic dikes, remnants of lava flows and domes at the caldera rim, and a trachytic lava dome on the caldera floor. The Golcuk flows and pyroclastics are mainly characterized by strong incompatible element enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (LILEs; e.g. Cs, Ba, U, and Th) relative to K, Rb, and high-field strength elements (e.g. Nb, Ta, and Ti). We conclude that the Golcuk lavas were derived from a metasomatized lithospheric mantle source containing phlogopite-amphibole garnet peridotite; the latter resulted from metasomatism by a hydrous fluid phase related to subducted sediments and oceanic crust. The parental magma for the extracaldera volcanics was lamprophyric, and that for the intracaldera volcanics was basanitic. All the geological and geochemical data show that the alkaline Golcuk lavas display a gradual decrease in silica content with decreasing eruption age, indicating that, in the Isparta volcanic province, the asthenospheric melt component became more important over time. In the extracaldera volcanics, 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratios of the evolved trachyte-trachyandesites range between 0.70366 and 0.70504, whereas these ratios are lower in the less evolved basaltic trachyandesite and lamprophyres, varying in narrow ranges around 0.70365 and between 0.70374 and 0.70453, respectively. The 143Nd/144Nd values lie between 0.51264 and 0.51273 in trachyandesites, 0.51267 and 0.51273 in basaltic trachyandesites, and 0.51270 and 0.51274 in lamprophyres. In the intracaldera lavas, the 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratio is 0.70361 in the tephriphonolite and 0.70388 in the intracaldera trachytic lava dome. The 143Nd/144Nd isotope ratio is 0.51274 in the analysed tephriphonolitic flow and 0.51271 in the intracaldera trachytic lava dome; these values are higher than that of trachyte-trachyandesites of the extracaldera volcanics. The Sr-Pb isotopic signatures indicate that crustal contamination was significant for the evolved extracaldera volcanics, but was negligible for the intracaldera volcanics. The εNd values of the Golcuk volcanics range between 0 and 2.0. The low Sr isotope ratios and positive εNd values are characteristic features of a depleted mantle source. The isotopically depleted and incompatible enriched nature of the Golcuk lavas point to recent enrichment processes prior to partial melting of the mantle source. Conversely, their radiogenic lead isotope compositions (206Pb/204Pb = 19.19-19.54, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.64-15.67, 208Pb/204Pb = 39.12-39.49) indicate an enriched mantle source region. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]