Camila Dantas Malossi, Márcia Furlan Nogueira, Jedson Ferreira Cardoso, Alice Mamede Costa Marques Borges, Daniel Moura de Aguiar, Eduardo Gorzoni Fioratti, João Pessoa Araújo, Leila Sabrina Ullmann, Angelo J. Magro, Erna Geessien Kroon, Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV), Evandro Chagas Institute, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Mato Grosso Federal University, Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA), CAMILA DANTAS MALOSSI, São Paulo State University (Unesp), Botucatu, EDUARDO GORZONI FIORATTI, Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri Federal University (UFVJM), JEDSON FERREIRA CARDOSO, Evandro Chagas Institute, Ananindeua, ANGELO JOSE MAGRO, São Paulo State University, Unesp, Botucatu, ERNA GEESSIEN KROON, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, DANIEL MOURA DE AGUIAR, Mato Grosso Federal University, Cuiabá, ALICE MAMEDE COSTA MARQUE BORGES, Mato Grosso Federal University, Cuiabá, MARCIA FURLAN NOGUEIRA T DE LIMA, CPAP, LEILA SABRINA ULLMANN, São Paulo State University, Unesp, and JOÃO PESSOA ARAUJO JUNIOR, São Paulo State University, Unesp.
Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado de S?o Paulo (2014/13532-3). S?o Paulo State University. Institute for Biotechnology. Botucatu, SP, Brazil. Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri Federal University. Agrarian Sciences Institute. Una?, MG, Brazil. Minist?rio da Sa?de. Secretaria de Vigil?ncia em Sa?de. Instituto Evandro Chagas. Ananindeua, PA, Brasil S?o Paulo State University. Institute for Biotechnology. Botucatu, SP, Brazil. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. Virology Laboratory. Belo Horizonte, MG, Brasil. Mato Grosso Federal University. Virology and Rickettsiosis Laboratory. Cuiab?, GO, Brazil. Mato Grosso Federal University. Virology and Rickettsiosis Laboratory. Cuiab?, GO, Brazil. EMBRAPA Pantanal. Corumb?, MT, Brazil. S?o Paulo State University. Institute for Biotechnology. Botucatu, SP, Brazil. S?o Paulo State University. Institute for Biotechnology. Botucatu, SP, Brazil. Abstract: Equine infectious anemia virus (EIAV) is a persistent lentivirus that causes equine infectious anemia (EIA). In Brazil, EIAV is endemic in the Pantanal region, and euthanasia is not mandatory in this area. All of the complete genomic sequences from field viruses are from North America, Asia, and Europe, and only proviral genomic sequences are available. Sequences from Brazilian EIAV are currently available only for gag and LTR regions. Thus, the present study aimed for the first time to sequence the entire EIAV genomic RNA in naturally infected horses from an endemic area in Brazil. RNA in plasma from naturally infected horses was used for next-generation sequencing (NGS), and gaps were filled using Sanger sequencing methodology. Complete viral genomes of EIAV from two horses were obtained and annotated (Access Number: MN560970 and MN560971). Putative genes were analyzed and compared with previously described genes, showing conservation in gag and pol genes and high variations in LTR and env sequences. Amino acid changes were identified in the p26 protein, one of the most common targets used for diagnosis, and p26 molecular modelling showed surface amino acid alterations in some epitopes. Brazilian genome sequences presented 88.6% nucleotide identity with one another and 75.8 to 77.3% with main field strains, such as EIAV Liaoning, Wyoming, Ireland, and Italy isolates. Furthermore, phylogenetic analysis suggested that this Brazilian strain comprises a separate monophyletic group. These results may help to better characterize EIAV and to overcome the challenges of diagnosing and controlling EIA in endemic regions