The aim of the present study is to present an actual information about the diversity and distribution of alien and native invasive plant species in the Sand Dunes and adjacent lakes of the Alepu Marsh and to assess the threat these species pose to the NATURA 2000 habitats in question. The study area is 178.7ha and includes the following habitat types according the Council Directive 92/43/EEC: 1150 Coastal lagoons, 2130 Fixed dunes with herbaceous vegetation (‘grey dunes’) and 2190 Humid dune slacks. The investigation was held in the period May-June, 2022. Sample plots were set up on each locality of the invasive species for the estimation of species abundance. The size of the sample plots was 10 m2 for grasslands and 100 m2 for woodlands and shrublands. Species abundance is measured by plant cover (%) in a sample plot. To assess the impact of each of the influences and threats from the invasive species, the three-level scale was used: H- High - currently acting and/or affecting a large area (>60%) of the habitat; M- medium- has been active in the past and has a high probability of recurrence and/or affects a small area (Acer negundo L., Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle, Amorpha fruticosa L., Broussonetia papyrifera (L.) L'Hér. ex Vent., Eleagnus angustifolia L. Erigeron canadensis L., Laburnum anagyroides Medik., Parthenocissus quinquefolia (L.) Planch., Robinia pseudoacacia L., Spartium junceum L., Xanthium italicum Moretti. Among the native plants the following species can be mentioned as invasive: Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud. (this species is not noted in Table 1 because it is widespread in the study area), Paliurus spina-christi Mill., Tamarix ramosissima Ledeb. and Rubus discolor Weihe & Nees. The most dangerous to the habitats invasive alien species is False indigo (Amorpha fruticosa) and at the current stage the risk of this species impact is assessed as medium. Among the native species, Common reed (Phragmites australis) is the most aggressive species with high level of impact. The main routes for the spread of invasive alien pant species in the area are determined by the proximity of the hotel complex, where all the established invasive alien species are cultivated; the canal, which is the active water connection between the lakes and the dunes; the coastal road ruderalised in placed and the increased flow of tourists whose vehicles carry seeds and plant parts., {"references":["1.\tPalazov, A., R. Young, M. Stancheva, H. Stanchev. 2012. EGU General Assembly 2012, held 22-27 April, 2012 in Vienna, Austria., p.3039","2.\tProtected Areas Act.1998, Last amended 26.07.2013, State Gazette. (in Bulgarian)","3.\tBiological Diversity Act. 2002, Last amended 26.07.2016, State Gazette. (in Bulgarian)","4.\tAct on the Black sea coast spatial development. 2008, Last amended,State Gazette. (in Bulgarian)","5.\tGreen corridors. 2022. Alepu Marsh and Sand Dunes Alepu.","6.\tCouncil Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora. OJ L 206, 22.7.1992, p. 7–50","7.\tPavlov, D., M. Dimitrov. 2012. Phytocoenology. Publishing house University of forestry, 283pp. (in Bulgarian)","8.\tGusev, Ch., S. Bancheva. 2011. Methodology for monitoring of vascular plants. National Biodiversity Monitoring System. Executive Agency Environment.","9.\tPetrova A., V. Vladimirov, V. Georgiev. 2013, Invasive alien species of vascular plants in Bulgaria, IBER – BAS, Sofia, 320 pp.","10.\tPeev, D., Petrova, A.S., Anchev, M., Temniskova, D., Denchev, C.M., Ganeva, A., Gussev, Ch., Vladimirov, V. (Eds). 2015. Red Data Book of the Republic of Bulgaria. Vol. 1. Plants and Fungi. Publisher: Ministry of Environment and Waters. ISBN: 978-954-9746-21-1","11.\tIvanova, I., N. Stankova, D. Borisova, T. Spasova, A. Dancheva. 2021. Dynamics and development of Alepu marsh for the period 2013-2020 based on satellite data. Proceedings Volume 11863, Earth Resources and Environmental Remote Sensing/GIS Applications XII; 1186315","12.\tTzonev, R. 2012. Black Sea fixed (gray) dunes. In: Bisserkov V. et al. (eds). Red Data Book of Bulgaria. Vol.3. Natural habitats."]}