- Author
Janačković, Maja and Taškar Beloglavec, Sabina
- Subjects
upravljanje tveganj ,tveganje v bankah ,credit risk ,kreditno tveganje ,tveganja ,udc:336.71 ,bank risks ,risks ,risk management ,risk analyses ,analiza tveganj - Abstract
V času svetovne krize in zaostrenih gospodarskih razmer se je povečalo tveganje tudi pri poslovanju finančnih institucij. Vsaka finančna ustanova mora obvladovati tveganja pri svojem poslovanju, tako kreditna, tržna kot operativna. Največji delež tveganja odpade na kreditno tveganje, ki mu je bilo v diplomskem seminarju posvečenega največ prostora. V diplomskem seminarju smo želeli izpostaviti pomen upravljanja s kreditnim tveganjem v banki. Banka mora predvsem oceniti, kakšna je možnost, da bo posojeni denar oziroma financirani predmet dobila poplačan. Pred financiranjem je torej nujno potrebno oceniti, kakšno tveganje obstaja, da stranka mogoče ne bo mogla ali ne bo hotela poplačati obveznosti. Za obvladovanje kreditnega tveganja se banke poslužujejo različnih tehnik odkrivanja možnosti plačila oziroma neplačila. S tem področjem se v bankah ponavadi ukvarja oddelek bonitete oziroma področje »Upravljanje s kreditnimi tveganji«. Zaposleni v bonitetni službi ocenjujejo posamezna podjetja, ki želijo financiranje, na podlagi klasičnih finančnih analiz, ugotavljanja bonitete strank in predvsem ugotavljanja, ali je stranka sposobna ustvariti dovolj denarnega toka, da bo potencialne obveznosti lahko plačevala. S poglobljeno analizo smo pridobili dodatna znanja s področja ugotavljanja bonitete in plačilne sposobnosti podjetij. In the times when the whole world is facing the crises and economic circumstances are bad, the management of the financial institutions is also under the big pressure of the risk taking. Big companies gone bankrupted, various insolvencies and bad paying discipline have forced banks and leasing companies to monitor more effectively the risk management connected to financing of their clients. Also by us in Slovenia. Every financial institution has to establish an efficient risk management weather these are loan contracts, commercial contacts or operative risks. The higher percentage of the risk goes to loan contracts. In this graduate seminar paper we would like to point out the importance of the management with loan ventures from the side of a bank. The most important thing from the side of a bank is to establish what is the possibility that the loaned money or financed object will be repaid. So, before making the decision whether to finance the client, the evaluation of the possibility whether the client will be able and willing to repay its obligations is necessary. There are various techniques being used for risk management in banks which usually have a separate department dealing with rating of the clients or so called »Risk management department«. Employees in this department value or rate each company which would like to be financed in any way. They do that on the basis of classical financial analyses, client’s rating etc. But most of all they need to establish whether the client is capable to make enough financial currency to be able to repay potential obligations. With deeper analyses we will get additional knowledge in the field of establishing the rating of the potential clients, their cash flow and liquidity.
- Published
- 2017