PHYSICS OF PLASMAS 21, 012302 (2014) Momentum transport in the vicinity of q min in reverse shear tokamaks due to ion temperature gradient turbulence Rameswar Singh, 1,2,a) R Singh, 1,3 Hogun Jhang, 3 and P. H. Diamond 3,4,5 Institute for Plasma Research, Bhat, Gandhinagar 382 428, India Laboratoire de Physique des Plasmas, Ecole Polytechnique route de Saclay, 91128 Palaiseau Cedex, France WCI Center for Fusion Theory, National Fusion Research Institute, Daejeon 305-333, South Korea Center for Momentum Transport and Flow Organization, University of California, San Diego, California 92093, USA Center for Astrophysics and Space Sciences, University of California San Diego, 9500 Gilman Dr., La Jolla, California 92093-0424, USA (Received 23 October 2013; accepted 20 December 2013; published online 13 January 2014; publisher error corrected 3 March 2014) We present an analytic study of momentum transport of tokamak plasmas in the vicinity of minimum safety factor (q) position in reversed magnetic shear configuration. Slab ion temperature gradient modes with an equilibrium flow profile are considered in this study. Quasi-linear calculations of momentum flux clearly show the novel effects of q-curvature on the generation of intrinsic rotation and mean poloidal flow without invoking reflectional symmetry breaking of parallel wavenumber (k k ). This q-curvature effect originates from the inherent asymmetry in k k populations with respect to a rational surface due to the quadratic proportionality of k k when q-curvature is taken into account. Discussions are made of possible implications of q-curvature C 2014 induced plasma flows on internal transport barrier formation in reversed shear tokamaks. V AIP Publishing LLC. [] I. INTRODUCTION Understanding of turbulent momentum transport in toka- mak plasmas has been a key research topic over the past dec- ades. This is because of the profound influence of plasma flows (both toroidal and poloidal) on confinement properties of tokamak plasmas. Radial transport of toroidal flow deter- mines the flow profile which has an influence on confinement enhancement by providing the E ! B shear driven by the ra- dial flow gradient. 1,2 Plasma rotation can also stabilize dan- gerous, magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) instabilities such as resistive wall modes (RWM), which is essential to realize high performance advanced tokamak operation. 3,4 Either external sources, such as neutral beam injection (NBI), or background turbulence (via turbulent Reynolds stress 5,6 ) can drive plasma flows in tokamaks. The latter, known as intrinsic rotation, 7 has been a focus in confinement physics research for many years because of its potential impact on reactor scale experiments where neutral beams cannot penetrate into the core region. One of the mechanisms of intrinsic rotation generation is by conversion of radial inhomogeneity into hk k i (¼spectrally averaged wavenumber in parallel direction) asymmetry driving residual stress. 8 Since background turbulence also gives rise to turbulent mo- mentum diffusivity (viscosity), momentum convection/ pinch, as well as playing as a source of intrinsic torque, the final flow profile will be determined by a “balance” between external and intrinsic torques and turbulent momentum con- duction and pinch. Momentum pinch itself cannot drive intrinsic rotation; however, it is important for flow profile a) 1070-664X/2014/21(1)/012302/12/$30.00 shaping. Symmetry breaking due to magnetic field curvature and gradient results in momentum pinch in tokamaks. 9–14 Conversion of radial inhomogeneity into hk k i asymme- try requires some symmetry breaking mechanisms. 7,8,15–19 Role of mean E ! B shearing in symmetry breaking, hence in off-diagonal momentum flux, was identified by many authors. 16,18 Recently, G€ urcan et al. showed how the mean E ! B shear can lead to the reflectional symmetry breaking of hk k i in ion temperature gradient (ITG) turbulence, result- ing in finite parallel residual stress. 18 Reflectional symmetry breaking of k jj here means generation of eigenmode averaged wave number hk jj i 6 ¼ 0 by symmetry breaking of eigenmode about a rational surface, i.e., by j/j 2 ðxÞ 6 ¼ j/jð%xÞ. Turbulence intensity gradient can also induce hk k i symmetry breaking, 19 which may be an important driver of the intrinsic torque near the top of a transport barrier where a strong fluc- tuation intensity gradient is present. The process of hk k i sym- metry breaking by E ! B shear and/or intensity gradient implies a coupling between intrinsic rotation and transport barrier dynamics, such as internal transport barrier (ITB) for- mation, which involves steep temperature and/or density gra- dients (i.e., strong radial inhomogeneity) and the strong E ! B shear and/or the fluctuation intensity gradient (i.e., hk k i symmetry breaking). Gyrokinetic simulations have shown the generation of intrinsic rotation from the hk k i sym- metry breaking by mean E ! B shear 20–23 and turbulence in- tensity gradient 20 and up-down asymmetry of equilibrium magnetic topology. 24,25 Gyrokinetic simulations have also shown residual stress from profile shearing effects. 26,27 Apart from the symmetry breaking driven by mean E ! B shear, turbulence can also generate mean poloidal and parallel flows via various other mechanisms. Weiland et al. 28 showed toroidal residual stress generation form by C 2014 AIP Publishing LLC V This article is copyrighted as indicated in the article. 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