2 results on '"poučevanje fizike"'
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2. The effectiveness of conceptual teaching of physics in secondary schools
- Author
Ülen, Simon and Gerlič, Ivan
- Subjects
strategije presoje ,education ,empirična raziskava ,didaktični model ,conceptual teaching of physics ,teaching physics ,udc:37.091.3:53:004(043.2) ,didactical model ,empirical research ,konceptualni pouk fizike ,konceptualni modeli – fizleti ,IKT ,interaktivna e-gradiva ,forms of teaching ,izobraževanje ,poučevanje fizike ,ICT ,conceptual models – Physlets ,interactive e-materials ,fizika ,reasoning strategies ,didaktika fizike ,učni pristopi ,didactics of physics ,physics - Abstract
Sodobna informacijska družba od mladega človeka pričakuje, da se bo po končanem izobraževanju znal prilagajati hitrim spremembam. Pričakuje posameznika, ki bo samoiniciativen, fleksibilen, motiviran, usposobljen za reševanje problemov in sposoben sprejemanja odločitev. Posledično postaja poučevanje vedno bolj kompleksno. Tradicionalni pristopi, ki učenca več ali manj postavljajo v položaj pasivnega poslušalca, ne sledijo spremembam v sodobno razvitem svetu. V zadnjih dveh desetletjih se zelo intenzivno iščejo novi učni pristopi v poučevanju, s ciljem izboljšati učni proces. Vpeljava konceptualnega pristopa poučevanja in učenja fizike (Conceptual Learning of Science – CoLoS) je postala ob izrednem napredku informacijsko komunikacijske tehnologije toliko bolj zanimiva tudi za tiste učitelje, ki so sicer bolj naklonjeni tradicionalnim učnim pristopom v poučevanju fizike. V obširni analizi novih učnih pristopov smo ugotovili, da je konceptualni pouk fizike že uveljavljen učni pristop, da pa še ne obstaja znanstveno preverjena raziskava o učinkovitosti konceptualnega učenja fizike v srednjih šolah. Namen raziskave je bil: • analizirati uspešnost konceptualnega pouka fizike, podprtega z izbranimi konceptualnimi modeli (fizleti), v primerjavi s tradicionalnim frontalnim poukom fizike v srednji šoli • s strategijo presoje kot dodatnim mehanizmom v pedagoškem eksperimentu analizirati uspešnost konceptualnega pouka fizike v doseganju višjih taksonomskih nivojev znanja • preučiti vplive opazovanih faktorjev na uspešnost izbranega učnega pristopa – spol testiranih dijakov in njihova predhodna ocena iz fizike. Doktorska disertacija je strukturirana iz dveh delov. V teoretičnem delu izpostavimo poglavitne razloge za uvedbo inovativnih didaktičnih (učnih) pristopov v sodobnem izobraževanju. Analiziramo stanje pouka fizike in naravoslovja nasploh. Posebej izpostavimo novejše rezultate mednarodnih raziskav TIMMS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) in Pisa (Programme for International Student Assessment). V nadaljevanju predstavimo pregled raziskav o vlogi in pomenu sodobnih učnih pristopov pouka fizike ter raziskave na področju primerjav sodobnih učnih pristopov (podprtih z računalniškimi simulacijami) s tradicionalnimi pristopi pri pouku fizike. Nato predstavimo različne oblike pouka in metode poučevanja ter izpostavimo sodobnejše, za katere menimo, da so v luči vse hitrejšega razvoja sodobne tehnologije ustreznejše za poučevanje fizike v srednji šoli. Tradicionalni frontalni pouk fizike žal še vedno ostaja najpogostejša oblika poučevanja fizike v srednji šoli, zato ga posebej predstavljamo obenem izpostavljamo prednosti in pa predvsem slabosti te oblike pouka fizike, na katere opozarjajo številni raziskovalci doma in po svetu, in predstavljajo osnovni motiv inovativnih projektov na področju poučevanja fizike za iskanje novih, ustreznejših učnih pristopov k poučevanju fizike. Nadalje predstavljamo tri ključne komponente, ki bi jih moral vsebovati sodobni pouk fizike: problemski pouk, IKT pri pouku fizike in eksperiment pri pouku fizike. Omenjene komponente so ključne pri konceptualnem učenju fizike, ki ga podrobno obravnavamo – podamo njegove temeljne značilnosti in predstavimo njegovo razširjenost po svetu in pri nas. V ključnem delu teoretičnega dela disertacije postavimo model konceptualnega pouka fizike v slovenski srednji šoli in predstavimo strategije presoje kot analitični mehanizem za določitev taksonomskih nivojev globin znanja. Teoretični del zaključujemo z analizo starega in prenovljenega učnega načrta fizike za srednje šole, pri čemer poudarimo bistvene razlike obeh učnih načrtov in analiziramo možnosti uvajanja konceptualnega pouka fizike z ozirom na obstoječi učni načrt. Na osnovi zgoraj predstavljenih teoretičnih izhodišč smo pripravili komplet gradiv za izvedbo pedagoškega eksperimenta, s ciljem preveriti učinkovitost konceptualnega pouka fizike v srednji šoli: učne priprave za trad The modern information society expects, after the education process, a young person who will be able to deal with rapid changes in the world. Students are more and more often required to possess qualities such as: flexibility, initiative, motivation, and readiness to solve problems and accept decisions. In such conditions teaching has become a more complex process. In the traditional courses, where students are more or less just passive listeners, they are not able to develop such qualities. In the last two decades there have been many researchers who have been searching and developing new appropriate methods for improving teaching processes. With the rapid progress of information and communication technology the conceptual approach in teaching (Conceptual Learning of Science – CoLoS) is becoming ever more interesting, also for teachers who favour more traditional approaches in teaching physics. We found that in this area there is no scientific study provided that would offer empirical results about the effectiveness of conceptual teaching of physics in secondary schools. The purpose of this study is to: • Analyze the effectiveness of conceptual teaching of physics, supported with conceptual models (Physlets) in comparison to traditional frontal teaching of physics in secondary schools. • Use assessment strategies as an additional mechanism in a pedagogical experiment analyzing the success of conceptual teaching of physics in attaining higher taxonomic levels of knowledge. • Examine the effects of observed factors on the success of selected teaching approach: sex of tested students, previous mark of students in the physics subject. The thesis is structured into two parts. In the theoretical part, the main reasons for the incorporation of innovative didactical approaches in contemporary education are presented. We analyze trends in science and particularly in the teaching of physics. We present the recent results of the two international projects, TIMMS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study) and Pisa (Programme for International Student Assessment). Furthermore, we present research on the role of contemporary teaching approaches in teaching physics as well as research in the field of comparison of contemporary teaching approaches (supported with computer simulations) to traditional approaches in teaching physics. Next, we present different types of teaching forms and teaching methods and put emphasis on the contemporary one, which we believe are more appropriate for teaching physics in secondary schools in the sense of the rapid progress of modern technology. The traditional frontal teaching of physics is, unfortunately, still one of the most popular teaching forms in secondary schools, therefore we present it separately. At the same time we emphasize the advantages and, especially, the disadvantages of this form of teaching, on which there are warnings from many researchers at home and all over the world these disadvantages are the crucial motive of the innovative projects in the field of physics teaching searching for new, more appropriate teaching approaches in teaching physics. Then we present three key components that should be incorporated in contemporary physics teaching – problem-based learning, ICT in physics teaching and the experiment in physics teaching. These components are crucial in the conceptual learning of physics, which we present in detail – we present the main objectives of such learning and its acceptance in the Slovenian school system and all over the world. In the main part of the theoretical part of the thesis, we present the model of conceptual teaching of physics in secondary schools and assessment strategies as an effective mechanism for determining the levels of knowledge in physics and therefore as a useful mechanism to determine the success of this particular teaching approach. Finally, we analyze the previous and the contemporary Curriculum for Physics in Slovenian secondary schools, where we focus on the main differences between both curriculums and a
- Published
- 2014
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