Z diplomskim delom prikazujemo pojem stresa v policiji skozi nekaj različnih področij. Predvsem so prikazani policijski stresorji, ki so razdeljeni v kategorije: stresorji v zvezi z naravo dela, medsebojni stresorji, organizacijski stresorji in družinski stresorji. Zatem so opisane posledice stresov, ki so jih doživeli policisti, ki so prav tako razdeljene v štiri kategorije: fizične, psihične, socialne in organizacijske. Pokazano je, da stres zelo negativno vpliva na psihično in fizično zdravje policistov, na njihovo socialno življenje, s čimer je zelo oškodovana tudi organizacija, v kateri je policist zaposlen. Na žalost se določeni policisti s stresom soočajo z napačnimi mehanizmi, kot so zloraba alkohola, emocionalno oddaljevanje od družine, disociacija ipd. V stanju umika čutenj ali njihove poplave se vklopi primitivni del možganov, kjer primanjkuje sposobnosti za reševanje težav in uvida v pomene ter razlage, ki so pripeljali do situacije. V takšnem stanju se človek ni zmožen braniti ali uveljaviti oz. izbrati sebi koristno dejanje. Čeprav so mehanizmi soočanja povezani s stabilnimi osebnostnimi karakteristikami, na njih seveda delujejo tudi okolijske variable, kot je vzgoja. Se pravi, da je mogoče uporabljati in se učiti pravilnih oz. adaptivnih mehanizmov soočanja in na tak način preprečiti mnoge slabe posledice stresa, kar je v policijski stroki zelo pomembno. Narava dela policiste uvršča v rizično skupino v smislu pogostejše izpostavljenosti stresorjem in negativnim zdravstvenim posledicam, zaradi česar je neobhodno policiste pripraviti na prihajajoče situacije, kar je možno z edukacijo oz. poučevanjem o pravilnih mehanizmih soočanja ipd. Zelo pomembno je tudi izvajanje psiholoških tretmajev pri policistih, ki so zboleli in imajo znatne psihične in fizične tegobe kot posledice poslovnih stresorjev. Diplomsko delo obravnava oblike in vzroke stresa v policiji s poudarkom na stres kriminalistov, ki se ukvarjajo s področjem zatiranja organizirane kriminalitete. Izvedena je bila anketa med kriminalisti oddelkov za organizirano kriminaliteto na več policijskih upravah v Sloveniji. Prav tako smo za ponazoritev stiske, s katero je lahko soočen policist med rednim delom, izvedli intervju s policistom, ki je bil prisiljen uporabiti strelno orožje zoper storilca kaznivega dejanja. Ugotovitve, do katerih smo prišli na podlagi predhodno izvedenih analiz pridobljenih podatkov in študij teoretičnih vidikov stresa v policiji, kjer smo podatke sicer črpali iz svetovne strokovne in znanstvene literature, pa so, da so slovenski policisti slabo pripravljeni za preprečevanje in obvladovanje stresa v službi. Ugotovili smo tudi, da je po oceni policistov stres zaradi dogodkov, povezanih s službo (organizacijski stresorji), dokaj pogost in ga policisti najpogosteje izpostavljajo kot vzrok svojih notranjih stisk in težav. With this diploma thesis, we present the concept of stress in the police through several different fields. Notably, presented police stressors are divided into categories: stressors related to the nature of work, interpersonal stressors, organizational stressors, and family stressors. Subsequently, described are the consequences of the stress, experienced by police officers, which are also divided into four categories: physical, psychological, social and organizational. It has been shown that stress has a very negative impact on the mental and physical health of police officers and on their social life, which also severely damages the organization in which the police officer is employed. Unfortunately, certain officers face stress with wrong mechanisms, such as alcohol abuse, emotional separation from the family, even dissociation, and so on. In the state of withdrawal or flood of the senses, the primitive part of the brain turns on, where it lacks the ability to solve problems and to understand the meanings and explanations that led to the situation. In such a condition, one is incapable of defending or asserting himself, or to choose a useful action for himself. Although coping mechanisms are associated with stable personality traits, environmental variables such as education are also affected by them. So it is possible to use and learn the correct or adaptive coping mechanisms to prevent many of the bad effects of stress, which is very important in the police profession. The nature of the work classifieds police officers in a risk group in terms of more frequent exposure to stressors and negative health consequences, which makes it necessary to prepare them for upcoming situations, which is possible through education or training of the correct coping mechanisms, etc. It is also very important to implement psychological treatments for police officers who are ill and have significant psychological and physical disabilities as a result of business stressors. The diploma thesis deals with the forms and causes of stress in the police with an emphasis on the stress of criminal investigators, who are mostly dealing on the field of suppression of organized crime. A survey was conducted among criminal investigators from organized crime departments from several police administrations in Slovenia. We also conducted an interview with a police officer who was forced to use a firearm against the perpetrator to illustrate the distress a police officer may face during regular work. The findings obtained from previously conducted analyzes of the obtained data and studies of theoretical aspects of stress in the police, where the data were drawn from the world of professional and scientific literature, are that Slovenian police officers are ill-prepared for preventing and managing stress at work. We also found that, according to police officers, stress due to work-related events (organizational stressors) is quite common and police officers most often expose it as the cause of their internal distress and problems.