Meta-analysis is important in the evaluation of therapies for integrating the results of individual studies in order to advance or inform clinical research. In this special issue, different aspects of metaanalysis are reviewed using case studies to illustrate the methodologies being described. There can be issues when evaluating evidence when the events being observed are rare. Lane compares available methods for binary data considering different summary measures such as riskdifference, relative-risk and odds-ratio scale as well as fixed and random-effect methods in the assessment. The paper also highlights the benefit of how graphical approaches can add value. A case study is presented by Julious to highlight issues in evaluating evidence for safety and efficacy, which updates previous analyses with additionally reported trials. These data also consider the problem of the event of interest being rare. Graphical approaches are highlighted to investigate the assumptions in a meta-analysis. Often, however, a direct comparison of two therapies is not possible and indirect comparisons need to be made through a network meta-analysis. A sparsely connected network of 10 treatments for the treatment of diabetes is used by Senn et al. to make points about approaches to analysis. Graphical approaches, both of the network and of the results, are again described to summarise the data. Indirect comparisons are also used in the assessment, and design, of non-inferiority studies. In non-inferiority clinical trials, a test treatment is compared to an active-control rather than to placebo – when randomising to placebo is unethical or not feasible. A critical question is whether the test treatment would have been superior to placebo, had placebo been used in the non-inferiority trial. This question, as highlighted by Schmidli et al., can only be addressed indirectly, based on information from relevant historical trials with data on active-control and placebo. As highlighted multivariate meta-analysis is becoming increasingly popular. The advantages and limitations of multivariate meta-analysis have been discussed. The main limitation being computational complexity and hence, in a timely paper, Mavridis and Salanti review the statistical methods and the related software for multivariate meta-analysis. Pooling evidence from individual trials is important in the evaluation of research. For the individual trials adaptive designs have been recommended. However, there can be issues in pooling evidence when trials have stopped early. Bassler et al. review controversies associated with randomised controlled trials stopped early for apparent benefit and discussed how pooled effects from meta-analyses including trials stopped early could potentially overestimate an effect.