ItisourgreatpleasuretopresenttostatisticalcommunitythememorialvolumeofProfessorJunjiroOgawa,ProfessorEmeritusofUniversityofCalgary,oftheJournalofStatisticalPlanningandInference.Hehadpassedawayatage84,onMarch8,2000.Hewasinternationally well known for his important works in mathematical statistics, particularly in the areas of design of experiments,multivariate analysis and order statistics. Many eminent authors submitted excellent papers and they were grouped two parts.The first includes all design of experiments and inference papers and the second includes papers in the area of multivariateanalysis, order statistics and related topics.The papers were gone through the refereeing process. We would like to thank the many referees who gave of their time andeffort to make this issue possible. Without the unselfish contributions of the following referees, we would never have been ableto bring this issue to being.: Amari, S., Adler, R., Bailer, R.A., Bentler, P.M., Burke, M.D., Chen, J., Copas, J., Fuji-Hara, R., Fujikoshi,Y., Ghosh, S., Glaz, J., Gupta, S., Gupta, V.G., Hayter, A., Hedayat, A.S., Helland, I.S., Horvath, L., Iwashita, T., Jammalamadaka,S.R.,Jimbo,M.,Jupp,E.P.,Kamakura,T.,Kano,Y.,Koutras,M.V.,Kuriki,S.,Letac,G.,Levina,E.,Lou,W.,Mejza,S.,Miao,Y.,Mishima,M., Morgan, J.P., Mukerjee, R., Naus, J.I., Preda, C., Provost, S.B., Rosenbaum, P.R., Savalei, V., Shechtman, E., Shinozaki, S., Sinha,B.K., Stufken, J., Tanaka, K., Taniguchi, M., Tarpey, T., Taylor, J.E., Vos, P., Watanabe, M., Wilson, S.R., Wu, Y., Yajima, Y., Yan, B. andYin, J.We are greatly indebted to Professor J.N.Srivastava, Editor-in-Chief, for his continuous encouragement and unfailing supportwhile this issue was being prepared.