10 results on '"Moros, María"'
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2. Long-term care facilities (LTCF) for the elderly: the surveillance of communicable diseases as part of health care and protection
- Author
Gallego Berciano, Pilar, García San Miguel Rodríguez-Alarcón, Lucía, Pérez de Vargas Bonilla, Esther, Hinojosa Cervera, Maria Llanos, Sastre García, María, Arias-Bohigas, Pedro, Cano-Portero, Rosa, Sierra Moros, María José, Simón Soria, Fernando, Barriga Martín, Luis Alberto, and Aparicio Azcárraga, Pilar
- Subjects
Aged, 80 and over ,Life Expectancy ,Spain ,Transmitted diseases ,Humans ,Seniors ,Residential centers ,Long-Term Care ,Communicable Diseases ,Delivery of Health Care ,Aged - Abstract
[ES] Durante las últimas décadas la asistencia sanitaria ha sufrido importantes cambios. La mayor esperanza de vida ha dado lugar a un envejecimiento de la población que, según las Naciones Unidas, está a punto de convertirse en una de las más importantes transformaciones sociales del siglo XXI. A nivel mundial, había 727 millones de personas de 65 años o más en 2020 (un 9,3% de la población total) y se estima que aumente al 16% en 2050 . En la Unión Europea (UE), el porcentaje de población de 65 años o más se ha incrementado de un 9,6% en 1960 a un 20,3% en 2019 y se proyecta que aumente a un 31,3% para 2100. Asistimos además a un proceso de envejecimiento de la población mayor, con una proporción de personas muy mayores (aquellas de 80 años y más) en la población total de la Unión Europea del 5,8% en 2019 . España es uno de los países con una mayor proporción de personas mayores, con un porcentaje de ciudadanos de 65 años o más en 2020 del 19,6% del total de la población, y con una proyección del 26,5% para 2035. Casi un tercio de esta población (6%) tienen 80 años o más. [EN] During the last decades, healthcare has undergone important changes. Increased life expectancy has given rise to an aging population that, according to the United Nations, is about to become one of the most important social transformations of the 21st century. Globally, there were 727 million people aged 65 or over in 2020 (9.3% of the total population) and this is estimated to increase to 16% by 2050 . In the European Union (EU), the percentage of the population aged 65 or over has increased from 9.6% in 1960 to 20.3% in 2019 and is projected to increase to 31.3% by 2100. We are also witnessing a process of aging of the elderly population, with a proportion of very old people (those aged 80 and over) in the total population of the European Union of 5.8% in 2019 . Spain is one of the countries with the highest proportion of older people, with a percentage of citizens aged 65 or over in 2020 of 19.6% of the total population, and with a projection of 26.5% for 2035. Almost a third of this population (6%) are 80 years or older. Sí
- Published
- 2022
3. The impact of COVID-19 on sick leave of the persons working in nursing homes in Spain. Usefulness of sick leave for the surveillance of the pandemic evolution
- Author
García-Gómez, Montserrat, Gherasim, Alín Manuel, Roldán Romero, Juan María, Zimmermann Verdejo, Marta, Monge Corella, Susana, Sierra Moros, María José, and Montoya Martínez, Luz María
- Subjects
Adult ,Health care workers ,Incapacidad temporal ,Cumulative incidence ,Adolescent ,SARS-CoV-2 ,COVID-19 ,Nursing homes ,Incidencia acumulada ,Middle Aged ,Salud Pública ,Personal sanitario ,Sistemas nacionales de vigilancia epidemiológica ,Epidemiological surveillance systems ,Young Adult ,Occupational groups ,Spain ,Sick leave ,Tipos de ocupación ,Humans ,Public Health ,Residencias ,Pandemics ,Aged - Abstract
[ES] Fundamentos: Los centros sociosanitarios representaron entornos de alto riesgo de contagio por SARS-CoV-2, tanto para los residentes como para las personas trabajadoras. Se evaluó el impacto en términos de incapacidad temporal (IT) por COVID-19 en las personas que trabajan en centros sociosanitarios y se comparó con la evolución de la pandemia en la población general de 16 a 65 años, para valorar la utilidad de la IT como indicador complementario de la epidemia por SARS-CoV-2. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de todos los procesos de incapacidad temporal por COVID-19 registrados entre el 15 de febrero de 2020 y el 1 de mayo de 2021 en establecimientos residenciales. Se obtuvieron las ratios de incapacidad temporal por contacto estrecho/incapacidad temporal por infección, las tasas de incapacidad temporal por 100.000 afiliados/ocupados y se compararon con la incidencia acumulada de casos COVID-19 notificados a la Red Nacional de Vigilancia Epidemiológica (RENAVE). Resultados: Se registraron 261.892 procesos de incapacidad temporal. La mediana de la ratio de incapacidad temporal por contacto estrecho/incapacidad temporal por infección en residencias fue de 1,8 (Rango intercuartílico, RIC: 1,1- 3,3), con valores menores a 1 en periodos. Las IT por infección fueron superiores en número, tasa y anteriores en el tiempo a los casos registrados en RENAVE. Por tipo de residencia, la tasa de incapacidad temporal osciló entre 81.679/100.000 ocupados en asistencia en establecimientos residenciales con cuidados sanitaros y 4.895/100.000 en otros establecimientos residenciales. Conclusiones: Los resultados confirmaron el enorme impacto que tuvo la COVID-19 en los centros sociosanitarios y la desigualdad que ha caracterizado este impacto. Apoyan también la posible utilización de la incapacidad temporal como fuente de información alternativa para la vigilancia epidemiológica y de salud pública, lo cual resulta de especial interés en este momento en el que se está planteando una transición en la vigilancia del COVID-19 hacia un sistema que ya no incluya una vigilancia individualizada universal. [EN] Background: The nursing homes represented high-risksettings for SARS-CoV-2 infection, both for residents and forthe employees. The COVID-19 impact on long-term care facilities (LTCFs) is evaluated, measured through the employees sick leave (SL). The pandemic evolution in the general population aged between 16 and 65 years was analyzed together with the sick leave to assess the latter as a complementary indicator of the SARS-CoV-2 surveillance. Methods: A descriptive study of all sick leave processes due to COVID-19 recorded between February 15th 2020and May 1st 2021 in nursing homes was carried out. The close contact sick leave/infection sick leave ratios, the 100,000 affiliated/occupied sick leave rates were computed and compared with the COVID-19 cases cumulative incidence notified to the National Network of epidemiological Surveillance (RENAVE). Results: 261.892 SL processes were recorded. The close contact sick leave/infection sick leave median ratio in nursing homes was 1.8 (Interquartile range, ICR: 1.1-3.3), with values lower than 1 at certain periods. The infection sick leaves were higher in number and ratio and prior to the cases recorded in RENAVE. The sick leave ratio ranged between 81.679/100.000 occupied in nursing homes with medical careand 4.895/100.000 in other residential facilities. Conclusions: The results confirmed the dramatic impact of COVID-19 in nursing homes and the inequalities characterizing this impact. They also confirmed the potential use of sick leave as an alternative source for epidemiological and public health surveillance, especially now, when the transitionof the COVID-19 surveillance to a system not including universal individual surveillance is being discussed. Sí
- Published
- 2022
4. Epidemia por virus Zika. Respuesta desde la salud púbica en España
- Author
Redondo Bravo, Lidia, Suarez-Rodriguez, Berta, Fernandez Martinez, Beatriz, Simón Soria, Fernando, Diaz Garcia, Maria Oliva, and Sierra Moros, María José
- Subjects
Adult ,Male ,Enfermedades transmitidas por vectores ,Síndrome de Guillain-Barré ,España ,Disease Vectors ,Guillain-Barre Syndrome ,World Health Organization ,Zika virus ,Disease Outbreaks ,Microcefalia ,Aedes ,Pregnancy ,Vector-borne diseases ,Animals ,Humans ,Complicaciones del embarazo ,Epidemics ,Geography ,Zika Virus Infection ,Infant, Newborn ,Aedes albopictus ,Europe ,Latin America ,Virus Zika ,Pregnancy complications ,Salud del viajero ,Spain ,Communicable Disease Control ,Infección por el virus Zika ,Microcephaly ,Female ,Public Health ,Traveler health - Abstract
RESUMEN A mediados del 2015 se detectó en el noroeste de Brasil un incremento en el número de casos de microcefalia en recién nacidos y de alteraciones neurológicas, que se asociaron con una posible infección por el virus Zika y que más adelante comenzaría a observarse en otros países de Latinoamérica. En febrero de 2016 la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) declaró esta situación como una Emergencia de Salud Pública de Importancia Internacional (ESPII) y desde ese momento se llevaron a cabo numerosas medidas para el control de la epidemia tanto a nivel internacional, como nacional en los diferentes países. La OMS lanzó un Plan de respuesta estratégico basado en la detección de casos, control de la infección y tratamiento, así como en la investigación y desarrollo de herramientas para el control de mosquitos, test diagnósticos y vacunas. En Europa se reforzaron los sistemas de vigilancia así como de control de los vectores, siendo los países que más casos notificaron: Francia, España y el Reino Unido. En España debido a la alta probabilidad de importación de casos por la estrecha relación con Latinoamérica, se llevaron a cabo numerosas medidas que permitieron una rápida respuesta y un óptimo control, que incluyeron: la puesta en marcha de una vigilancia activa en la que colaboraron diversos profesionales, organismos y sociedades científicas; el refuerzo de actividades de vigilancia entomológica; el desarrollo de actividades de comunicación y la elaboración de recomendaciones dirigidas a profesionales sanitarios y a la población general.
- Published
- 2018
5. Conclusions of the workshop 'Results and lessons learned during the pandemic flu (H1N1) 2009 from the research and the public health surveillance'
- Author
Godoy, Pere, Pumarola, Tomas, Sierra Moros, María José, Torner, Núria, Calafell, Francesc, Domínguez, Àngela, Castilla, Jesús, Nebot, Manel, Vargas, Hernán, Benavides, Fernando G, Alonso, Jordi, Larrauri, Amparo, Tello-Anchuela, Odorina, Camps, Neus, Cabezas, Carmen, Caylà, Joan, Rodés, Anna, and Delclos, Jordi
- Subjects
Influenza A Virus, H1N1 Subtype ,Spain ,Population Surveillance ,Influenza, Human ,Humans ,General Medicine ,Pandemics - Abstract
Eldia1deoctubrede2010,elCIBERdeEpidemiologiaySaludPublicarealizoenBarcelona,untallersobrelapandemiadegripegripe(H1N1)2009 pararevisarlosresultadospreliminaresdelosproyectosdeinvestigacionylosestudiosdevigilanciaepidemiologicayenelcualsealcanzaronlassiguientesconclusiones:Seconsideraquelaactividad pandemicahasidodeintensidadmoderadaytempranaeneltiempo,conmayorafectacionrelativaenninosyjovenesymenorenlosmayoresde64anos.Laondapandemicadeotono2009pre -sentouncaracterleveteniendoencuentatasasdeletalidad,sibienseobservoundes-plazamientodelasdefuncionesconfirma -dasporelviruspandemicoaedadesmasjovenes.Lavigilanciadecasosgravessugiereunniveldegravedadmoderadoysimilaralobservadoenelhemisferiosur.Serecomiendaintroducirlavigilanciadecasosgraveshospitalizados paravalorarelimpactoquetienelagripeestacional ytenerreferenteshistoricos.SehaobservadounpredominioabsolutodelvirusgripalA(H1N1)2009durantelaondapandemicadelatemporada2009-2010.Sedestacalaimportanciadeloslaborato -riosdereferenciaparaimplementarnuevastecnicasparacaracterizarlosviruscirculan -tes(mutaciones,resistenciasyfactoresdevirulencia).LaexistenciadeunPlandePreparacionyRespuesta,conestructurasdefinidasdefuncionamientoyprotocolosprevios,per-mitiounarespuestarapidaycoordinada.Laalertadelagripepandemicahapuestodemanifiestolafortalezadelsistemadevigilancia,peroseconsideraquesedeberiamejorarlacapacidaddemovilizarrecursosyreducirelvoluntarismo.Sedebeseguirconlapromociondemedidaspreventivasydehigienequesehallevadoacaboparaelcontroldelatransmi-siondelagripeyotrosvirusrespiratorios.Lainformacionalapoblacionyalospro -fesionalessanitariosnosiemprehallegadodeformaadecuada.Seconsiderafundamentallacolaboraciondelasinstitucionesdeinvesti
- Published
- 2011
6. Bases epidemiológicas para la toma de decisiones sobre medidas de salud pública (no farmacológicas) durante la respuesta a la pandemia de gripe (H1N1) 2009
- Author
Amela Heras, Carmen, Cortes García, Marta, and Sierra Moros, María José
- Subjects
Pandemia ,Gripe humana ,H1N1 subtype ,Pandemic ,Influenza A virus ,Spain ,España ,Subtipo H1N1 del Virus de la Influenza A ,Vigilancia poblacional ,Population surveillance ,human ,Influenza - Abstract
Las medidas de salud pública no farmacológicas se utilizan para reducir la exposición de las personas susceptibles a un agente infeccioso. Se recomiendan al comienzo de una pandemia cuando la transmisión comienza y no se conocen las características del nuevo virus. El Plan Nacional de Preparación y Respuesta ante una Pandemia de Gripe desarrolla la aplicación de estas medidas, recomendando la constitución de un Comité Asesor para su aplicación, multidisciplinar en su composición, con el fin de analizar el contexto epidemiológico y social en el que se desarrolla la pandemia y proponer medidas de salud pública según su evolución. En este artículo se describen las medidas de aislamiento, cuarentena y cierre de escuelas, que tienen el objetivo de reducir la difusión del virus en la población, y se revisan las bases teóricas que ayudan comprender el impacto de su aplicación. Las medidas de salud pública revisadas en este artículo reducen la transmisión del virus por lo que tienen que ser consideradas en la respuesta a una pandemia de gripe. El impacto sobre la salud dependerá de la rapidez con que se tomen y del grado de aceptación y seguimiento que consigan. Los planes de respuesta deberán recomendar su uso en función de la gravedad y las características del nuevo virus pandémico. El análisis de los datos debería ser considerado como parte de la respuesta, ya que la información recogida y su análisis será la clave para asesorar a las autoridades sanitarias sobre las medidas que deberían adoptar. Nonpharmacological public health measures are used to reduce exposure of susceptible persons to an infectious agent. Its use is recommended at the start of a pandemic, when the transmission begins, and the characteristics of the new virus are unknown. The National Plan for Preparedness and Response to Pandemic Influenza included the application of these measures, recommending the establishment of an Advisory Committee for implementation, with a multidisciplinary composition. The mandate at this Committee is to analyze the epidemiological and social context in confronting the pandemic and to propose public health measures according to their evolution. This article describes isolation, quarantine and closure of schools measures, aiming to reduce the spread of the virus in the population. It also reviews the epidemiological parameters that help to understand the impact of its implementation. The public health measures reviewed in this paper reduce transmission of the virus, and they have to be considered in response to an influenza pandemic. The impact on health will depend on how quickly they are taken and how people accept and follow them. Response plans should recommend its use, depending on the severity and characteristics of the new pandemic virus. The data analysis should be considered as part of the response, because the information collection and analysis will be key to advising health authorities on what measures should be adopted.
- Published
- 2010
7. Chronic diseases as a priority for the public health surveillance system in Spain
- Author
Mayoral, José María, Aragonés Sanz, Nuria, Godoy i García, Pere, Sierra Moros, María José, Cano Portero, Rosa, González Moran, Francisco, Pousa Ortega, Ánxela, Grupo de Vigilancia Epidemiológica de la Sociedad Española de Epidemiología, Sociedad Española de Epidemiología, Grupo de Vigilancia Epidemiológica de la Sociedad Española de Epidemiología, [Mayoral Cortes,JM] Consejería de Salud de Andalucía, Sevilla, España. [Aragonés Sanz,N, and Cano Portero,R] Centro Nacional de Epidemiología, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, España. [Godoy,P] Agencia de Salut Pública de Catalunya, Lleida, España. [Sierra Moros,MJ] Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad, Madrid, España. [González Moran,F] Conselleria de Sanitat, Valencia, España. [Pousa Ortega,A] Conselleria de Sanitat, Valencia, España
- Subjects
medicine.medical_specialty ,Health Care::Environment and Public Health::Public Health::Epidemiologic Methods::Epidemiological Monitoring [Medical Subject Headings] ,Legislation ,030204 cardiovascular system & hematology ,Communicable Diseases ,03 medical and health sciences ,0302 clinical medicine ,Vigilancia de la salud pública ,Environmental health ,Political science ,Epidemiology ,medicine ,Humans ,Public health surveillance ,Enfermedades crónicas ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Diseases::Bacterial Infections and Mycoses::Infection::Communicable Diseases [Medical Subject Headings] ,Geographical Locations::Geographic Locations::Europe::Spain [Medical Subject Headings] ,Diseases::Pathological Conditions, Signs and Symptoms::Pathologic Processes::Disease Attributes::Chronic Disease [Medical Subject Headings] ,lcsh:Public aspects of medicine ,Public health ,Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health ,Health Care::Environment and Public Health::Public Health::Public Health Practice::Population Surveillance::Public Health Surveillance [Medical Subject Headings] ,lcsh:RA1-1270 ,Spain ,Chronic diseases ,Chronic Disease ,Epidemiological surveillance ,Mandate ,Morbidity - Abstract
En la actualidad, la vigilancia epidemiológica sigue centrada, en España, en las enfermedades transmisibles incluidas en la lista de enfermedades de declaración obligatoria. Sin embargo, el patrón epidemiológico que dominó hasta las últimas décadas del siglo xx ha cambiado. Las enfermedades infecciosas, que eran las principales causas de morbimortalidad, han dado paso a un predominio de las enfermedades crónicas. En este sentido, se ha avanzado en la redacción y la aprobación de normativa específica sobre vigilancia de la salud pública. No obstante, tenemos pendiente el desarrollo de esta normativa que, entre otros puntos, recoge el mandato de organizar la vigilancia de las enfermedades no transmisibles en España. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir algunas características a tener en cuenta para desarrollar un sistema nacional de vigilancia de la salud pública vinculado a las estrategias ya existentes para la prevención y el control de las enfermedades crónicas. At present, epidemiological surveillance in Spain remains focused on the communicable diseases included in the list of notifiable diseases. However, there has been a change in epidemiological pattern that predominated until the last few decades of the twentieth century. Infectious diseases, which used to be the leading causes of morbidity and mortality, have given way to a predominance of chronic diseases. In this regard, progress has been made in the drafting and adoption of specific legal regulations on public health monitoring. However, Spain has yet to develop this legislation which, among other elements, includes the mandate to organize the surveillance of non-communicable diseases in Spain. This article aims to describe some points that should be considered in the development of a national surveillance system linked to existing strategies for the prevention and control of chronic diseases. Sociedad Española de Epidemiología. Sí
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8. Imported dengue in Spain: a nationwide analysis with predictive time series analyses.
- Author
Redondo-Bravo, Lidia, Ruiz-Huerta, Claudia, Gomez-Barroso, Diana, Sierra-Moros, María José, Benito, Agustín, and Herrador, Zaida
- Subjects
DENGUE hemorrhagic fever ,TIME series analysis ,DENGUE ,AEDES albopictus ,IMMIGRANTS ,NONCITIZENS - Abstract
Background: Of febrile illnesses in Europe, dengue is second only to malaria as a cause of travellers being hospitalized. Local transmission has been reported in several European countries, including Spain. This study assesses the evolution of dengue-related admissions in Spain in terms of time, geographical distribution and individuals' common characteristics; it also creates a predictive model to evaluate the risk of local transmission.Methods: This is a retrospective study using the Hospital Discharge Records Database from 1997 to 2016. We calculated hospitalization rates and described clinical characteristics. Spatial distribution and temporal behaviour were also assessed, and a predictive time series model was created to estimate expected cases in the near future. Figures for resident foreign population, Spanish residents' trips to endemic regions and the expansion of Aedes albopictus were also evaluated.Results: A total of 588 dengue-related admissions were recorded: 49.6% were women, and the mean age was 34.3 years. One person died (0.2%), 82% presented with mild-to-moderate dengue and 7-8% with severe dengue. We observed a trend of steady and consistent increase in incidence (P < 0.05), in parallel with the increase in trips to dengue-endemic regions. Most admissions occurred during the summer, showing significant seasonality with 3-year peaks. We also found important regional differences. According to the predictive time series analysis, a continuing increase in imported dengue incidence can be expected in the near future, which, in the worst case scenario (upper 95% confidence interval), would mean an increase of 65% by 2025.Conclusion: We present a nationwide study based on hospital, immigration, travel and entomological data. The constant increase in dengue-related hospitalizations, in combination with wider vector distribution, could imply a higher risk of autochthonous dengue transmission in the years to come. Strengthening the human and vector surveillance systems is a necessity, as are improvements in control measures, in the education of the general public and in fostering their collaboration in order to reduce the impact of imported dengue and to prevent the occurrence of autochthonous cases. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2019
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9. Risk mapping of West Nile virus circulation in Spain, 2015.
- Author
Sánchez-Gómez, Amaya, Amela, Carmen, Fernández-Carrión, Eduardo, Martínez-Avilés, Marta, Sánchez-Vizcaíno, José Manuel, and Sierra-Moros, María José
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WEST Nile fever , *PUBLIC health , *HEALTH risk assessment , *ANIMAL models in research , *WETLAND animals , *DISEASE risk factors - Abstract
West Nile fever is an emergent disease in Europe. The objective of this study was to conduct a predictive risk mapping of West Nile Virus (WNV) circulation in Spain based on historical data of WNV circulation. Areas of Spain with evidence of WNV circulation were mapped based on data from notifications to the surveillance systems and a literature review. A logistic regression-based spatial model was used to assess the probability of WNV circulation. Data were analyzed at municipality level. Mean temperatures of the period from June to October, presence of wetlands and presence of Special Protection Areas for birds were considered as potential predictors. Two predictors of WNV circulation were identified: higher temperature [adjusted odds ratio (AOR) 2.07, 95% CI 1.82–2.35, p < 0.01] and presence of wetlands (3.37, 95% CI 1.89–5.99, p < 0.01). Model validations indicated good predictions: area under the ROC curve was 0.895 (95% CI 0.870–0.919) for internal validation and 0.895 (95% CI 0.840–0.951) for external validation. This model could support improvements of WNV risk- based surveillance in Spain. The importance of a comprehensive surveillance for WNF, including human, animal and potential vectors is highlighted, which could additionally result in model refinements. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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10. Characterization of the first autochthonous dengue outbreak in Spain (August–September 2018).
- Author
Monge, Susana, García-Ortúzar, Visitación, López Hernández, Begoña, Lopaz Pérez, María Ángeles, Delacour-Estrella, Sarah, Sánchez-Seco, María Paz, Fernández Martinez, Beatriz, García San Miguel, Lucía, García-Fulgueiras, Ana, and Sierra Moros, María José
- Subjects
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DENGUE , *DENGUE viruses , *AEDES albopictus , *ARBOVIRUS diseases , *DISEASE outbreaks - Abstract
• An outbreak of 5 autochthonous dengue cases (2 generations) was confirmed in Spain. • Dengue transmission is effective in areas with presence of Ae. albopictus. • There was significant delay in the identification of the first generation of cases. • This prevented the implementation of effective and timely control measures. • Challenges to control dengue transmission in a non-endemic contexts are discussed. On October 3rd 2018, dengue virus (DENV) infection was confirmed in three family members (symptoms onset between August 18th and 27th) without travel history outside of Spain. They had been together in the Autonomous Communities (AC) of Murcia and Andalusia. By the end of October, a second cluster of two dengue cases (symptoms onset on September 27th and 30th) was confirmed in the AC of Murcia. DENV type 1 sequence was identical to the first cluster, and the epidemiological link was a visit from a case of the first cluster to a fruit-farm neighboring the small village of residence of the second cluster. The entomological investigation found Aedes albopictus activity in this area although all mosquitoes were PCR-negative for DENV. This is the first autochthonous dengue outbreak identified in Spain. This outbreak highlights challenges to timely detect and respond to DENV transmission and opens questions on dengue dynamics in a non-endemic context. Image, graphical abstract [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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