Dinemasporium Lév., Annls Sci. Nat., Bot., sér. 3, 5: 274 (1846) Notes:— Léveillé (1846) introduced Dinemasporium with D. graminum (Lib.) Lév. as the type species. Dinemasporium members have superficial, setose, cupulate conidiomata, discrete or integrated conidiogenous cells and fusiform, naviculate or allantoid, aseptate conidia, with one setula at each end, with or without lateral appendages (Crous et al. 2012, Maharachchikumbura et al. 2016, Hyde et al. 2020a). This genus is broadly distributed on various woody plants and some species have been recorded from soil and human sputum (Hussaini et al. 2000, Crous et al. 2012, Deshmukh & Verekar 2012, Hashimoto et al. 2015, Liu et al. 2015). There are 43 Dinemasporium species listed in Index Fungorum (2021)., Published as part of Goonasekara, Ishani D., Jayawardena, Ruvishika S. & Saichana, Natsaran, 2022, New records of two appendage bearing ceolomycetes on grasses in Thailand, pp. 113-128 in Phytotaxa 541 (2) on page 120, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.541.2.2, http://zenodo.org/record/6388680, {"references":["Leveille, J. H. (1846) Descriptions des champignons de l'herbier du Museum de Paris. Annales des Sciences Naturelles Botanique 5: 249 - 305.","Crous, P. W., Verkley, G. J. M., Christensen, M., Castaneda-Ruiz, R. F. & Groenewald, J. Z. (2012) How important are conidial appendages? Persoonia 28: 126 - 137. https: // doi. org / 10.3767 / 003158512 X 652624","Maharachchikumbura, S. S. N., Hyde, K. D., Jones, E. B. G., McKenzie, E. H. C., Bhat, J. D., Dayarathne, M. C., Huang, S-K., Norphanphoun, C., Senanayake, I. C., Perera, R. H., Shang, Q-J., Xiao, Y., D'souza, M. J., Hongsanan, S., Jayawardena, R. S., Daranagama, D. A., Konta, S., Goonasekara, I. D., Zhuang, W-Y., Jeewon, R., Phillips, A. J. L., Abdel-Wahab, M. A., Al-Sadi, A. M., Bahkali, A. H., Boonmee, S., Boonyuen, N., Cheewangkoon, R., Dissanayake, A. J., Kang, J., Li, Q-R., Liu, J. K., Liu, X. Z., Liu, Z-Y., J. Luangsaard, J., Pang, K. L., Phookamsak, R., Promputtha, I., Suetrong, S., Stadler, M., Wen, T. & Wijayawardene, N. N. (2016) Families of Sordariomycetes. Fungal Diversity 79: 1 - 317. https: // doi. org / 10.1007 / s 13225 - 016 - 0369 - 6","Hyde, K. D., Norphanphoun, C., Maharachchikumbura, S. S. N., Bhat, D. J., Jones, E. B. G., Bundhun, D., Chen, Y. J., Bao, D. F., Boonmee, S., Calabon, M. S., Chaiwan, N., Chethana, K. W. T., Dai, D. Q., Dayarathne, M. C., Devadatha, B., Dissanayake, A. J., Dissanayake, L. S., Doilom, M., Dong, W., Fan, X. L., Goonasekara, I. D., Hongsanan, S., Huang, S. K., Jayawardena, R. S., Jeewon, R., Karunarathna, A., Konta, S., Kumar, V., Lin, C. G., Liu, J. K., Liu, N. G., Luangsa-ard, J., Lumyong, S., Luo, Z. L., Marasinghe, D. S., McKenzie, E. H. C., Niego, A. G. T., Niranjan, M., Perera, R. H., Phukhamsakda, C., Rathnayaka, A. R., Samarakoon, M. C., Samarakoon, S. M. B. C., Sarma, V. V., Senanayake, I. C., Shang, Q. J., Stadler, M., Tibpromma, S., Wanasinghe, D. N., Wei, D. P., Wijayawardene, N. N., Xiao, Y. P., Yang, J., Zeng, X. Y., Zhang, S. N. & Xiang, M. M. (2020 a) Refined families of Sordariomycetes. Mycosphere 11: 305 - 1059.","Hussaini, I. P., Lawrie, A. C. & McLaren, D. A. (2000) Pathogens on and variation in Nassella trichotoma (Poales: Poaceae) in Australia. In: Proceedings of the X International Symposium on Biological Control of Weeds, ed. Spencer, N. R., pp. 269 - 280.","Deshmukh, S. K. & Verekar, S. A. (2012) Fungal endophytes: a potential source of antifungal compounds. Frontiers in Bioscience 4: 2045 - 2070.","Hashimoto, A., Sato, G., Matsuda, T., Hirayama, K., Hatakeyama, S., Harada, Y., Shirouzu, T. & Tanaka, K. (2015) Molecular taxonomy of Dinemasporium and its allied genera. Mycoscience 56: 86 - 101. https: // doi. org / 10.1016 / j. myc. 2014.04.001","Liu, J. K., Hyde, K. D., Jones, E. B. G., Ariyawansa, H. A., Bhat, D. J., Boonmee, S., Maharachchikumbura, S. S. N., McKenzie, E. H. C., Phookamsak, R., Phukhamsakda, C., Shenoy, B. D., Abdel-Wahab, M. A., Buyck, B., Chen, J., Chethana, K. W. T., Singtripop, C., Dai, D. Q., Dai, Y. C., Daranagama, D. A., Dissanayake, A. J., Doilom, M., D'souza, M. J., Fan, X. L., Goonasekara, I. D., Hirayama, K., Hongsanan, S., Jayasiri, S. C., Jayawardena, R. S., Karunarathna, S. C., Li, W. J., Mapook, A., Norphanphoun, C., Pang, K. L., Perera, R. H., Persoh, D., Pinruan, U., Senanayake, I. C., Somrithipol, S., Suetrong, S., Tanaka, K., Thambugala, K. M., Tian, Q., Tibpromma, S., Udayanga, D., Wijayawardene, N. N., Wanasinghe, D., Wisitrassameewong, K., Zeng, X. Y., Abdel-Aziz, F. A., Adamcik, S., Bahkali, A. H., Boonyuen, N., Bulgakov, T., Callac, P., Chomnunti, P., Greiner, K., Hashimoto, A., Hofstetter, V., Kang, J. C., Lewis, D., Li, X. H., Liu, X. Z., Liu, Z. Y., Matsumura, M., Mortimer, P. E., Rambold, G., Randrianjohany, E., Sato, G., Sri-Indrasutdhi, V., Tian, C. M., Verbeken, A., von Brackel, W., Wang, Y., Wen, T. C., Xu, J. C., Yan, J. Y., Zhao, R. L. & Camporesi, E. (2015) Fungal diversity notes 1 - 110: taxonomic and phylogenetic contributions to fungal species. Fungal Diversity 72: 1 - 197. https: // doi. org / 10.1007 / s 13225 - 015 - 0324 - y","Index Fungorum (2021) Available from: http: // www. indexfungorum. org / names / Names. asp (accessed 6 October 2021)"]}