The resonance lines of singly ionized magnesium, the MgII h&k lines at about 280 nm, are two of the small number of lines in the solar spectrum that are optically thick in the chromospheric part of the solar atmosphere. Potentially these lines contain information on the initial temperature rise that occurs at the top of the photosphere. Unfortunately, few good observations of the lines exist due to their wavelength near 280 nm the ultraviolet. However, a fair number of observations (on the order of 200) are available from the data base of the UltraViolet Polarimeter and Spectrometer (UVSP) instrument that flew on board of NASA's Solar Maximum Mission (SMM) satellite. In addition, this data base contains a number of spectra that include the Mg I resonance line at (lambda)285.2nm, just longward of the h&k lines. The neutral magnesium line is not as strong as its ionic counterparts and samples slightly lower parts of the atmosphere. Its width is a sensitive diagnostic of the ionization balance between neutral and singly ionized magnesium, which determines the opacity scale (and formation height) of other diagnostically important MgI lines like the 457.1 nm intercombination line, the magnesium b lines and the infrared MgI emission lines near 12 microns. Analysis of the observed line profiles shows that it is necessary to include the effects of partial frequency redistribution (PRD) in the formation of the line as in the case of the h&k lines. This implies that the core of the line is very sensitive to the way scattering is treated in the modeling of the line, and in turn this allows us to separate the uncertain effects in the atomic data (viz. the Van der Waals broadening) from the uncertainties in the underlying atmospheric model. The main objective of this research was to compare observed spectra of the magnesium resonance lines against theoretical line profiles calculated from recent models of the solar atmosphere by Fontenla et al., hereafter called FAL. These models extend earlier solar models by Avrett et al. and provide yet a better match between observed and calculated spectra, in particular of the hydrogen Lyman line, by including the effects of ambipolar diffusion of hydrogen and helium in the mass and energy transport equations for the chromosphere-corona transition region. Although the transition region models can be built self-consistently (without additional observational input) once the proper boundary conditions are given at the top of the chromosphere, there are uncertainties in the models precisely because these boundary conditions are not well known. With the analysis of UVSP magnesium observations we strive to constrain these uncertainties.