We present a general physicochemical sampling model for olfaction, based on established pharmacological laws, in which arbitrary combinations of odorant ligands and receptors can be generated and their individual and collective effects on odor representations and olfactory performance measured. Individual odor ligands exhibit receptor-specific affinities and efficacies; that is, they may bind strongly or weakly to a given receptor, and can act as strong agonists, weak agonists, partial agonists, or antagonists. Ligands interacting with common receptors compete with one another for dwell time; these competitive interactions appropriately simulate the degeneracy that fundamentally defines the capacities and limitations of odorant sampling. The outcome of these competing ligand-receptor interactions yields a pattern of receptor activation levels, thereafter mapped to glomerular presynaptic activation levels based on the convergence of sensory neuron axons. The metric of greatest interest is the mean discrimination sensitivity, a measure of how effectively the olfactory system at this level is able to recognize a small change in the physicochemical quality of a stimulus. This model presents several significant outcomes, both expected and surprising. First, adding additional receptors reliably improves the system's discrimination sensitivity. Second, in contrast, adding additional ligands to an odor scene initially can improve discrimination sensitivity, but eventually will reduce it as the number of ligands increases. Third, the presence of antagonistic ligand-receptor interactions produced clear benefits for sensory system performance, generating higher absolute discrimination sensitivities and increasing the numbers of competing ligands that could be present before discrimination sensitivity began to be impaired. Finally, the model correctly reflects and explains the modest reduction in odor discrimination sensitivity exhibited by transgenic mice in which the specificity of glomerular targeting by primary olfactory neurons is partially disrupted. Author summary: We understand most sensory systems by comparing the responses of the system against objective external physical measurements. For example, we know that our ability to distinguish small changes in color is greater for some colors than for others, and that we can distinguish sounds more acutely when they are within the range of pitches used for speech. Similar principles presumably apply to the sense of smell, but odorous chemicals are harder to physically quantify than light or sound because they cannot be organized in terms of a straightforward physical variable like wavelength or frequency. That said, the physical properties of interactions between chemicals and cellular receptors (such as those in the olfactory system) are well understood. What we lack is a systematic framework within which these pharmacological principles can be organized to study odor sampling in the way that we have long studied visual and auditory sampling. We here propose and describe such a framework for odor sampling, and show that it successfully replicates some established but unexplained experimental results. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]