This bachelor thesis deals with the inter-age perception of homosexuality in Vrchlabí and its nearest neighbourhood. The thesis focuses on three main age categories: young adults (18-30), middle age (31-64) and seniors (65+).The theoretical part is divided into five main chapters. In the opening chapter the concept of homosexuality and other related terms is defined. The next part deals with the coming out, clarifies its process and specifies its particular phases. The following chapter offers a short view of the history of homosexuality and its transformations during the time since the middle age, across the medieval prosecution, till the 1990?s ? time of decriminalisation of homosexuality and the beginnings of public enlightenment for the homosexual minority. The chapter Nr. 4 helps to understand homosexuality in a biblical context and deals with theological stance towards homosexual minority and last but not least with the stance of the Church. The last part concentrates on homosexuality within the purview of the legislation of the Czech Republic and offers a short look at the process of decriminalisation, question of discrimination, civil partnership and the possibility of adopting children by homosexual couples. In the empiric part are evaluated the results of the survey, that investigated the level of awareness of homosexuals and the level of tolerance towards the homosexual minority. The method of the quantitative research was the questioning. The anonymous questionnaire was distributed to 150 respondents, returned were 84,6 % (127). The respondents were selected and questioned in local restaurant, manufacture, grammar school and retirement home. The reason for this selection was trying to find the widest possible spectrum of respondents from many points of view (identification). The aim of this thesis was to find out, how the younger generation perceives homosexuality compared to the perception of the older generations and seniors in Vrchlabí. The partial aim was to investigate, how well is the society informed about this problem, where the people get their information about this topic and whether they are well or ill-disposed to the other emerging questions about homosexuality. The issue of knowledge showed a strong influence of the media. However the school environment can be defined as not stimulating in the question of dealing with homosexuality. In connection with the aim of this thesis was proved the veracity of the hypothesis H1 which assumed that the younger generation is more tolerant to homosexuality than the older generation and seniors. Younger respondents have shown higher level of tolerance than seniors. The hypothesis H2 which presumed that seniors perceive homosexuality as a disease or deviation was confirmed just partially. The study states that homosexuality is mostly considered as a mental disorder by seniors, yet it is only 16 % of the questioned seniors. Because of this fact the hypothesis H2 cannot be with certainty confirmed.