Prvi deo doktorske disertacije sadrži rezultate empirijske analize konvergencije dohotka koje smo sproveli na uzorku evropskih zemalja. Za razliku od ranijih istraživanja, ova analiza se zasniva na analizi vremenskih serija i pristupa posmatranja u parovima (engl. Pair-wise pristupu, Pesaran, 2007) i identifikuje četiri slučaja: dugoročnu konvergenciju, sustizanje, zaostajanje i divergenciju. Rezultati ukazuju na to da među 24 posmatrane evropske zemlje preovladava sustizanje, a nisu pronađeni nikakvi značajni dokazi o postojanju dugoročne konvergencije na nivou celog uzorka. Ipak, pojavljuju se tri kluba konvergencije, koja se sastoje od zemalja koje beleže dugoročnu konvergenciju, pri čemu su se dva kluba izdvojila među zemljama u tranziciji, a jedan među razvijenim državama, što ukazuje na sličan model rasta kod zemalja koje pripadaju svakom od ta tri kluba. Dobijeni rezultati nam, ipak, ne dopuštaju da sa sigurnošću tvrdimo da kretanja dohotka članica kluba neće pokazati sistematske tendencije ka divergenciji ili budućim promenama u “članstvu”. U drugom delu disertacije prikazani su rezultati ocenjenih izvoznih funkcija 10 Centralno-Istočno evropskih zemalja. Iako su posmatrane zemlje imale brz privredni rast pre krize, V5 grupa (Češka Republika, Mađarska, Poljska, Slovačka i Slovenija) je bila relativno uspešna jer je taj rast bazirala na rastu izvoza i uravnoteženom tekućem deficitu, dok je B5 grupa (Bugarska, Estonija, Letonija, Litvanija, Rumunija) rast ostvarivala na bazi priliva inostranog kapitala i povećanja domaće tražnje. Sa nastankom krize se pokazuje da je model rasta B5 grupe dugoročno neodrživ i u znatnoj meri iscrpljen. Korišćenjem modela nestacionarnih panela, ocenjujemo koeficijente uz izvozne determinante primenom nove metodologije koja dozvoljava heterogenost parametara među jedinicama posmatranja, kao i zajedničke efekte - ocena grupnih sredina (engl. Mean Group Estimator, skraćeno MG ocena, Pesaran i Smith, 1995) i ocena sredine grupe sa zajedničkim korelisanim efektima (engl. Common Correlated Effects Mean Group estimator, skraćeno: CCEMG, Pesaran, 2006). The first part of this doctoral thesis contains results from empirical analysis of income convergence, which we conducted on a sample of European countries. Unlike previous research, this analysis is based on time-series analysis and the pair-wise approach (Pesaran, 2007), identifying four cases: long-run convergence, catching-up, laggingbehind, and divergence. The results suggest that catching-up prevails between observed 24 European countries, while no significant evidence was found for the existence of longrun convergence at the whole sample level. Still, three convergence clubs appear, that consist of countries recording long-run convergence, two in transitional countries and one involving advanced countries, which indicate the similar growth model of the countries belonging to each club. Nevertheless, the results do not allow us to claim with certainty that income paths of club members will not exhibit systematic tendencies toward divergence or future changes in their „membership“ status. The second part of the thesis contains the results of estimated export functions of 10 Central European countries. Although all the observed countries recorded fast economic growth before the crisis, V5 group (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia) was relatively successful because their growth was based on export growth and balanced current account deficit, whereas B5 group (Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Romania) recorded growth based on foreign capital inflow and the increase in domestic demand. With the onset of crisis, it becomes evident that the growth model of B5 group is unsustainable in the long run and that it has been mostly exhausted. Using the nonstationary panel data model, we estimate the coefficients along with export determinants by applying new methodology which allows the heterogeneity of parameters between the observed units, as well as common effects – Mean Group (MG) estimator (Pesaran and Smith, 1995) and Common Correlated Effects Mean Group (CCEMG) estimator, (Pesaran, 2006). We observed that gross domestic product and real effective exchange rate are significant variables in export equations of both groups.